THREAD: the FBI agents who raided Michael Cohen’s office searched for records about *payments to TWO women* who claim they had affairs w/Trump, plus info on the role The National Enquirer’s publisher’s role in SILENCING one of the women‼️1/…
If Cohen lied, that’s BANK FRAUD‼️😎 5/
And Cohen is the attorney to a sitting POTUS‼️
Rosenstein’s personal involvement + a judge’s agreement shows that the evidence was SIGNIFICANT.😎 6/…
So much for Trump’s BOGUS claim of a “witch hunt”‼️🙄 8/
When asked whether he intends to do so, Trump said, “We’ll see what happens.”🤨 9/

Trump CANNOT fire his way out of trouble, b/c TOO MANY officials are involved now.😎
Team🇷🇺Traitor is TOAST‼️