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Most recents (24)

🇫🇷 "Il est remarquable d'avoir réussi à fabriquer un #Rafale entièrement en France, à un prix qui est inférieur à celui d'un #F35 aujourd'hui."

Retour sur l'audition - du 24 mai - d'Eric Trappier (PDG @Dassault_OnAir) devant la commission sénatoriale de la #défense.

THREAD ⬇️ Image
🇺🇸🇺🇦 "J'entends souvent dire que les industriels de l'armement français tirent profit de la guerre en Ukraine. En ce qui me concerne, #Dassault n'en tire aucun profit. Seuls les États-Unis d'Amérique le font." #EricTrappier
🇵🇱🇺🇸 "Je ne crois pas que la #Pologne ait appelé à acheter des avions européens ; même des avions coréens sont évoqués. Ces propos que l'on entend à la radio ou à la télé sont faux. En réalité, ils viennent surtout de certaines organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG)." #Dassault
Read 61 tweets
Conférence “Cloud souverain et de confiance, quels usages ?”, avec @AlainIssarni CEO #NumSpot,
c'est parti !

⚕️#Santexpo #Santexpo2023
@parisSANTEXPO Image
Intervention avec Jean-Michel Breul, Directeur Executif - Pole R&D & Technology @MaincareFR Solutions Image
“La santé et le secteur public sont encore en retrait dans l'adoption du #cloud. Une des raisons est qu'ils ne trouvent pas suffisamment d'offres de confiance sur le marché. ”
@AlainIssarni CEO #NumSpot
⚕️#Santexpo #Santexpo2023 @parisSANTEXPO Image
Read 6 tweets
I'm excited to share these 10 FREE cybersecurity
courses from ISC(2) with you!

I've learned a lot from them and I think you will too.

Follow the thread to get started 👇👇

#cybersecurity #security #informationsecurity #freecourses #learnmore #Cloud Image
1⃣ Incident Detection & Response…
2⃣ Securing Software, Data and End Points…
Read 12 tweets
#Nuked Themsleves: “They will blame #Russia as always”: a sociologist on the growth of the background #radiation in #Khmelnytsky (160 nS) | May 15
-the Russian army #destroyed the #ammunition depot -shells with #DepletedUranium were stored at the facility.…
#Finland's background #radiation normally varies between 0.05 and 0.30 #microsieverts per hour (µSv/h)
Tuomas Peltonen / Inspector general
tel. +358 975 988 508…
- #Loviisa NOW: 0.210 #microSieverts ImageImage
cc: @ ArthurM40330824
#Gamma radiation in #Khmelnytsky could actually indicate that a #DirtyBomb was stored in the warehouses.
Gamma radiation is characteristic of #enriched #uranium. Is it possible that were making "dirty bombs" at the Khmelnitsky #NPP
Read 35 tweets
🇫🇷 "En cas d’engagement majeur, tous les effectifs de l'@armeedeterre seraient déployés"

Retour sur l'audition à huis clos du @CEMAT_FR, devant la commission de la défense nationale, à propos du projet de #LPM 24-30.

THREAD ⬇️ Image
🇫🇷 "L'@armeedeterre a le devoir et les moyens de bâtir pour 2030, l’armée dont la France aura besoin pour la décennie 2030-2040." @CEMAT_FR #LPM
🇫🇷 L'@armeedeterre est adaptée à l’ambition et au caractère d’une 'France puissance d’équilibres'. Par héritage, c’est une armée de forces médianes [...]." @CEMAT_FR #LPM
Read 76 tweets
🇫🇷 "On peut s’attendre à voir, dans les années à venir, tous les soldats affectés à la protection de nos bases aériennes dotés d’un minidrone à la ceinture."

Retour sur l'audition à huis clos du @CEM_AAE sur le projet de #LPM 24-30 devant la commission de la défense.

THREAD ⬇️ Image
🇫🇷 "Ce que nous ferons ou ne ferons pas dans la présente #LPM aura donc des incidences à long terme sur l'@Armee_de_lair." @CEM_AAE
🇫🇷 "La compétition et l’instabilité stratégique s’imposant comme la norme dans les relations internationales, il convient d’adapter et de renforcer notre capacité à agir vite et loin, y compris dans l’espace, avec une permanence accrue et en maîtrisant la force." @CEM_AAE
Read 69 tweets
Prêts pour la soirée #opensource Edition spéciale #SouverainetéNumérique by @linagora
#OSPro8 Image
Au-delà de la souveraineté, le véritable problème est l'archi-dépendance de l'Europe aux acteurs américains qui dominent le marché à hauteur de 80%.
— Martine GOURIET, Directrice des usages numériques EDF, membre du board de Gaia-X.
#OSPro8 @linagora
Read 12 tweets
1/ Exciting news for VASPs (Read: #crypto businesses)! 🤩

We're launching #VeriscopeIaC, a powerful solution 💪 streamlining the Veriscope server deployment process. 🚀

More details here 👉 Image
2/ It integrates with popular platforms & tools like #AWS, #Terraform, and #Ansible, & is flexible enough to work with other cloud platforms too! ☁️🔧

 VASPs, get ready to experience smooth deployment, from setup to usage! 🌟
3/ Follow our comprehensive guide 📖 and your Veriscope Server will be up & running in no time! ⏱️ 

Dive into the "infra" folder 📂 in the Veriscope repo to find the IaC magic. ✨

Veriscope IaC makes managing multiple environments (test, dev, staging, prod) a breeze! 🍃💻
Read 6 tweets
Have you ever heard of a Reality Index?
Neither have I until about a week ago.

Today I'm going to dive into an AI network that is combining paradigms of AI, autonomous robotics, and Blockchain, to prompt realities into existence.


👇 Image
Week #1 the core team behind Roko proposed via snapshot and acquired the following node infrastructure.

2 Million $POND tokens for running relays on @MarlinProtocol layer zero relay network.

1034 $TAO for delegating to @bittensor_ validators for decentralized computation
Read 21 tweets
Day 12 of #100DayswithMachineLearning

Topic - Installing Anaconda & Gather Basic Knowledge About these Tools - Jupyter Notebook || Google Colab

1⃣ Anaconda is a distribution of the #Python and R #programming languages for scientific computing (#datascience, #machinelearning applications, large-scale #data processing, predictive analytics, etc.), that aims to simplify package management and #deployment.
2⃣ The #JupyterNotebook is an open source #web application that you can use to create and share documents that contain live #code, equations, #visualizations, and text. Jupyter #Notebook is maintained by the people at Project Jupyter.

Blog Link -…
Read 7 tweets
Live from #GartnerDA | Smart #Analytics for Even Smarter #CostOptimization with Adam Ronthal, Gartner VP Analyst: Adam Ronthal on stage prese...
About this session: Within a #recession, orgs will be desperate to save every cent and penny they can. Adam will explore how #analytics can help make optimal saving decisions. #GartnerDA
To start off, Adam examines the hype cycle for emerging #tech focused on #CostOptimization ⚙️ #GartnerDA Image
Read 15 tweets
My recent #aws threads always startet with creds, but how to get these creds will be the topic over the next days.
#hacking #recon #cloud

Lets start here:
Definitions first:
#aws creds: classic name and passwords e.g for IAM, or aws access and secret keys
Outside: no creds, and no connections in any way to the org and its aws cloud to be tested
Interaction Point: Any potential point, application ressource, system, vulnerabilty etc, where there is a pawsibilty to gain #aws creds, can be a lot of things

lets do outside first: #hackers are cold, let them in.
Read 13 tweets
3 cloud-to-K8s best practices to mitigate the risk of a lateral movement attack 🛡

1️⃣ Avoid storing long-term #cloud keys in workloads
2️⃣ Remove kubeconfig files from publicly exposed workloads
3️⃣ Restrict access to container registries

Details in thread 🧵👇 #kubernetes
1️⃣ Avoid storing long-term #cloud keys in workloads

✅ Attach IAM roles/service accounts/managed identities to workloads and define minimum permissions.

✅ Generate and rotate temporary credentials using the IMDS for improved #cloudsecurity.

🧵 2/5
2️⃣ Remove kubeconfig files from publicly exposed workloads

✅ Remove kubeconfig files from exposed workloads, configure #K8s API server endpoint as private.

✅ Restrict access to specific IP addresses using a strictly configured #security group.

🧵 3/5
Read 5 tweets
AWS Graviton Weekly # 26 was out yesterday…

Let's see what happened in the last week related to AWS Graviton and @awscloud Silicon in general

#AWS #Serverless #cloud #awsgraviton #awsgravitonweekly
​🗞️ @AWS EC2 C7g instances are now available in additional regions…

#AWS #cloud #awsgraviton #awsgravitonweekly
🗞️ ​Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) adds support for MongoDB 5.0 wire protocol and client-side field-level encryption…

#AWS #cloud #awsgraviton #awsgravitonweekly
Read 19 tweets
1/ With a market cap of $1.18 trillion, #Alphabet (#Google) is world’s fourth most valuable public company.
It delivered a revenue of ~$283 billion in FY22 (Dec YE) and is a top 20 company globally in terms of revenue. (~number 17th)
Here is a thread exploring #Alphabet.
2/ Incorporated in 1998, the company went public in 2004. ImageImage
3/ Here is a market cap history chart. Alphabet’s market cap is ~$1.18 trillion (fourth largest in the world).
For context, largest is #Apple ($2.3 trillion), followed by #Microsoft ($1.8 trillion), #SaudiAramco ($1.8 trillion) Image
Read 15 tweets
I pet a cat today and now my allergies are killing me, so obviously this calls for a follow up of, hey you found some #aws creds, what to do meow:

#cloud #hacking #Recon
Step 1: First you gotta decide if this is more of a lazy space vibe kinda thing (A), or (B) calls for some illegal dirty acidcore and adjust your playlist accordingly:
next drop the keys in your .aws creds file. I typically name the first set initial and work with the --profile tag in the cli, so I can keep track on were I am. Then check who you are first, with:
aws sts get-caller-identity --profile initial
Read 11 tweets
So you found #aws creds to an S3, lets do some #cloud #hacking #recon:

First of all, S3 stands for serious summertime sadness
and allows the general operations of:


An S3 is a bucket and within a bucket there are objects. Basically an object can be anyfile. Objects have keys assoziated
and a bucket nayme must be globally unique and not contain spaces or uppercase letters.

the bucket mrlee in the west region with an object pizza.jpg and a key of /mafia/pizza.jpg
Read 10 tweets
Don't let anyone fool you!

A SaaS App can be quite simple.

Here are a few rules that help you make the right decisions 🚀🧵
💡 Mindset (1/2)

The SaaS space is a mature, highly commoditized one where you can cherry-pick a lot of what is needed from a pool of mature services and ready-to-use modules and use well-established, common best practices.
💡 Mindset (2/2)

Just don't lock yourself into short-lived technologies or dependencies.

And let your team only build stuff that sets you apart from the competition and/or builds up real value in your startup.

Buy everything else (the commodities)
Read 10 tweets
State of the #Cloud 2023: An in-depth report on the latest trends and risks ⛈

#cloudsecurity #CNAPP #CISO #Engineer

Report highlights in thread 🧵 or download the full report for free here 👇…
☁️ The responsibility of #security professionals to stay up-to-date on the state of the #cloud has never been greater.

🛡 With cloud adoption continuing to grow, it is crucial to proactively address potential threats and ensure secure deployment of solutions.

☁️ The number of API calls increased by 15% in #AWS, 20% in #Azure, and 45% in #GCP, leading to expanded attack surfaces.

👨‍🏫 57% of companies use more than one #cloud platform, requiring greater knowledge from #cloudsecurity teams.

Read 6 tweets
Retour sur la table ronde du Symposium : 100% cloud en 2030, mythe ou réalité ? avec présentation du Baromètre EY/CSA sur la maturité du marché en matière de cloud pour lequel + de 100 organisations de toutes tailles et secteurs ont été interrogées.

Un fil à dérouler. 🧵

Chiffres clefs :
- 64% des entreprises françaises ont déjà une stratégie cloud ou une dans leur vision court terme.
Parmi elles 36% ont un cloud public.
- 74% avec une solution cloud constatent l'amélioration de leur performance métier et 66% indiquent avoir gagné en agilité

Pourquoi les entreprises françaises passent-elles au cloud ?
- Faire des économies-
- Améliorer le cycle de développement IT
- Réduire l’obsolescence
- Réduire l’empreinte numérique

Read 6 tweets
I don't know what it is about Indians and their complete aloofness to #Privacy & #DataSecurity. 5 years back I used to get 1 spam call a day. Today I get 15-20. I have been asked to download @truecaller by 1 in 2 people that I know and could not stop laughing. Most folks (1/n)
(2/n) don't even know how #cookies & #consentmanagement works. Let's clarify a few things about Truecaller.
1) It's a firm registered in #Stockholm started by Nami Zarringhalam and Alan Mamedi. Mamedi is a Kurdish born in a refugee camp in northern Sweden, while Zarringhalam..
(3/n) is of Iranian descent. The apps biggest market in India because they how callous we are with our #PersonalIdentifiableData. Now let's understand how this app works. Even if you DO NOT consent to open up your address book, it can collect your entire personal data from a.....
Read 8 tweets
[Feb 2023] AWS Career & Learning Opportunities ☁️

Links down below!👇

#aws #cloud
1. Get 50% Off the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam:
(Attend event on Feb 10 | 9AM GMT for voucher)
2. AWS Launches Free Solutions Architect Learning Plan (+ Digital Badge):
Read 7 tweets
And @PGelsinger takes the stage and immediately confirms that this is the launch of the fourth-generation #Xeon processor known as #SapphireRapids. He’s also emphasizing the #XeonMax brand!
@PGelsinger immediately turns it over to a video featuring @MichaelDell of @DellTech, then the CEO of @InspurSystems, then @AntonioNeri_HPE of @HPE, then @Lenovo
@PGelsinger Next up is @Cisco, @Supermicro_SMCI, Jensen Huang of @NVIDIA #Xeon
Read 23 tweets

1/ Get rid of complex, traditional backend servers while building your #websites.

According to @HTTPArchive, now more than 1% of ALL websites are based on the Jamstack architectural approach


(image by C. Fayock)

#webapp #coding #developer #innovation
2/ Whether you are an experienced or a novice web developer, your main, urgent goal is to avoid:

🐢Slow loading times

🔒Security vulnerabilities

📈Scaling issues


3/ The Jamstack is a way of building web applications that utilizes modern tools and technologies based on #JavaScript, #APIs, and Markdown (J.A.M. stack), in order to decouple the #frontend from the #backend
Read 14 tweets

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