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1/30. Today is the seventh day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw an intense second plenary on the adoption of the agenda, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork and the start of the New Collective Quantified Goal’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue on #ClimateFinance.🧵 Image
2/30. This morning kicked of with the event “Linking #LossAndDamage to Conflict Affected and Fragile Settings” held alongside the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) with @FriEnt_news, @IDOS_research and @BROT_furdiewelt. Key messages included:
3/30. Steffen Bauer of @IDOS_research: “#LossAndDamage has become a reality even only at 1.1°C degree of heating. It puts lives and livelihoods at risk today…Every increment of warming that we can avoid makes a difference.” Image
Read 30 tweets
1. Hey @FoxNews, your recent complaints about the LGBTQ+ flag and how the American flag is the 'only approved flag' in America overlooked the fact that American Indian tribes are sovereign nations within the United States. It's important
2. to recognize that American Indian tribes are distinct Nations with their own governments, laws, cultures, and histories. As a news outlet, it's crucial to accurately report. Image
3. You are so Patriotic 🙄 So proud of the Constitution. But what about Article VI, Clause 2? The part that says: Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land?
Read 10 tweets
Ahh, how is it that in 2023 there are still conservationists who think that #biodiversity loss is because of a misalignment between logics of inquiry and action, rather than the non-logic of #capitalism & #colonialism?

Link to paper:… Image
There's this great paper summarising how economic growth drives biodiversity loss…
And this paper that demonstrates how over 3 years after regional free trade agreements are enacted, deforestation increases esp in tropics…
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#Casteism has to end.

To end the #Casteism we need to know where it began.

Church sanctioned unimaginable violence against natives during the colonial expansion using Dum Diversas doctrine.
To prevent the newly proselytized natives from using same doctrine against the conquistadors church created elaborate system of Casta in the Americas.
Commissioned Casta paintings to keep them as as reference to divide population into various castes.
Mexican historian Gregorio T Quintero asserts that Casta paintings served as visual aid for the parishioners who needed a caste indentity of anyone who wanted to be baptized, married, or buried.

Such was the hold of castes in America during 16th, 17th, and 18th century.
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UPM hyötyy uuskolonialistisista verojärjestelyistä Uruguayssa. UPM benefits from neo-colonial tax arrangements in Uruguay. @radioelcastillo @UPMSuomi @UPMUruguay #colonialism #ecologicaldebt #FUERAUPM #UPMULOSURUGUAYSTA Image
UPM toimii Uruguayssa valtion perustamilla vapaakauppa-alueilla, joiden ansiosta UPM ei maksa voitoistaan veroa Uruguayssa. UPM:n Fray Bentosin tehtaalta lähtevän sellun arvo on arviolta noin 600 miljoonaa euroa vuosittain (1). Image
Lisäksi Uruguayn tulee ostaa UPM:ltä 20 vuodeksi sellutehtaan tuottaman ylimääräisen energian, vaikka valtion energiankäyttö on jo nyt katettu (2). Elokapina vaatii yhdessä urugualaisten aktivistien kanssa, että valtio poistaa monikansallisten yhtiöiden vapaakauppa-alueet. Image
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Elokapina osoittaa solidaarisuutta uruguaylaisille! "Vesi, joka meiltä puuttuu, lahjoitetaan UPM:lle": UPM:n uusi sellutehdas on osallinen Uruguayn akuutissa vesikriisissä. Lue koko teksti Elokapinan blogista.… @UPMUruguay @UPM_Metsa Mielenosoittaja pitelee käs...
Uruguay kärsii ennennäkemättömästä vesikriisistä. Vesivarantojen kuihtuessa 60 % uruguaylaisista saa vesijohtovettä, jonka natrium- ja klooripitoisuus on liian korkea. Ihmiset ovat kahden viikon ajan kerääntyneet päivittäin Montevideon kaduille korostaen oikeuttaan juomaveteen.
Mielenosoittajat vaativat, että valtio priorisoi paikallisia monikansallisten yritysten sijaan. Uruguayssa selluntuotanto käyttää makean veden varantoja ja kiihdyttää vesikriisiä. Tuotanto kuluttaa vesivarantoja 10 kertaa enemmän kuin mitä maassa käytetään juomaveteen yhteensä.
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🇫🇮 yhtiö @UPMSuomi @UPMGlobal kolonisoi Uruguayssa. Seuraa ketju.

🇫🇮 selluteollisuus ei kosketa vain suomalaisia ja Suomen hiilinieluja, vaan ihmisiä & ekosysteemejä ympäri maailmaa. UPM käy kauppaa ihmisten asuin- ja viljelyalueista muuttaakseen ne plantaaseiksi tuotantoonsa. ImageImage
Huhtikuussa 2023 UPM avasi maailman suurimman sellutehtaan Uruguayn Paso de los Torosiin. Tehdas nielee yli 7 miljoonaa kuutiota puuta vuodessa UPM:n Uruguayssa omistamilta plantaaseilta. Uuden tehtaan myötä 59% UPM:n sellusta tuotetaan nyt Uruguayssa. Image
Paikalliset kritisoivat tehtaan avaamista koska selluntuotanto on sosiaalisesti ja ekologisesti kestämätöntä.

UPM:n tuotanto perustuu monokulttuurisiin eukalyptusplantaaseihin, luonnonvarojen ylikulutukseen ja maan siirtämiseen ulkomaalaisomistukseen. Image
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1. The election of Narendra Modi as the choice for millions in the world’s largest democracy is a bit galling to those whose concept of ‘democratic’ resembles Lenin’s armed force against the elected government of Alexander Kerensky in revolutionary Russia.
2. Yet even before Modi’s election in what proved to be a pivotal moment in Indian democracy the anti-Hindu blood hounds were out in force. Of these Priyamvada Gopal is one the most prominent.
3. Gopal teaches English literature at the University of Cambridge but her true passion is formulating hate speech against Hindu sentiments from the pages of the notorious British anti-Hindu rag, the Guardian on 14 May 2014.
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Kyla and Fable from AB ACORN join me to talk about advocacy, barriers, rent caps, tenant protections, homelessness, etc. Be part of the movement at


Interested in being part of an Indigenous book club? It’s every second Image
Monday of the month at 6:30pm Mtn online, open to all. Sign up at nativecalgarian dot com and I try to go live on TikTok at 4pm Sunday’s.

Subscribe: Native Calgarian:

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Indigenous women are on the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder because of colonialism, racism, gendered violence and land theft. Donate: Patreon:
Or Etransfer accepted at pw: Calgary
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Somalis are appalled @ATMIS_Somalia allowed #Ethiopian army in #Baidoa to abuse the proud military #history of our @SNAForce by adoring and glorifying #SovietUnion alliance’s acts of aggression against #Somalia in #Karamardha as part of 1977-78 #WesternSomalia #Liberation War-1/4
These abhorrent antics are not only an affront to Somalia’s sovereignty, dignity and sensibility but are also against the Status of Mission Agreement #SOMA signed by @amisomsomalia. Article VI addresses conduct of #AMISOM and #ATMIS personnel who are required to always adhere to……
#Somalia must demand answers from @ATMIS_Somalia and @_AfricanUnion for #Ethiopia’s appalling violations of #SOMA. @MOFASomalia must also summon Ethiopia’s Ambassador and demand an apology from @mfaethiopia for the abuse of Somalia’s military #history and national sensibility-3/4
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1921 Malabar riots, Gandhi and a Malayalam Movie:
Malabar riots of 1921 often called the “Moplah rebellion” is a topic that was not discussed openly in Kerala until recently (“Moplah” is a term used to refer to Kerala Muslims)
Moplah riots have always been whitewashed by the Congress and the left historians as freedom struggle against the British. However, the reality is something else!
Any sensible society would know that reopening old wounds can only disturb the goodwill that exists in the society between various communities. Therefore, these riots were never a part of political discourse at least in the last 30-40 years.
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On Feb 27, we will take to the streets in 🇩🇪 and in front of German embassies worldwide!
This day marks the 70th anniversary of the debt cancellation 🇩🇪 received after #WW2 in the #LondonAgreement.
Here is a little history lesson that you may not have heard in school:
Post-war 🇩🇪 was a heavily indebted country:
there was pre-war debt, consisting of outstanding reparation payments from WW1 & private debts of German banks & companies (standstill debt), the amount of the debt made by the Nazi Government (Konversionskasse) and post-war debt👇[2/18
Bear in mind that the #DeNazification of 🇩🇪 was never properly done: major powerful figures from the Third Reich remained in influential political & economic positions after the war, and were able to build their businesses also due to the outcome of the #LondonAgreement.👇[3/18]
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A thread on the hegemony of science and its impact on humanistic philosophy:
Psychology and psychiatry have appropriated concepts that used to belong to the purview of philosophy. 1/13
Love, alienation, anxiety, despair - all these and more have been transformed into psychological constructs, susceptible to pathologization and depoliticization. Here is an example from bell hooks' 'All About Love':...2/13
"When I talked of love with my generation, I found it made everyone nervous or scared, especially when I spoke about not feeling loved enough. On several occasions as I talked about love with friends, I was told I should consider seeing a therapist... 3/13
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Thread: I seldom post about anything personal, but I am incandescent with rage. My 4.5-year-old at school is being bullied and called names for being dusky. #colourism is a serious problem in India- she doesn't want to go to school because she was told she is "dark & scary"
This is not the first time- 6 months ago we brought this to the teacher's attention. This is one of the most expensive, private, Montessori, alternative schools in Pune. We shared a copy of @Lupita_Nyongo's Sulwe and asked the teachers to address this issue.
@Lupita_Nyongo For those who haven't read #Sulwe, it's a beautiful story about colourism in an African nation. Very similar to #India where a darker skinned person is called names. School is no longer a psychological space envrionment for my toddler and from loving school she's refusing to go.
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#Israel has passed a bill allowing revoking of citizenship/residency targeting its Palestinian citizens & #OPT's Palestinians citing ‘anti-terror.’
L4P's @Hassan_Imran had prev. called it out in @MiddleEastEye’s @Ray_Uddin's article:
In 2008, #Israeli_law was amended to allow the interior minister to revoke citizenship based on loyalty. The first incident was in 2017 when an Israeli court approved revoking the citizenship of a Palestinian citizen of #Israel on the basis of loyalty.
The decision was rejected by the Israeli high court but for procedural reasons, not substantive.
Lately, French-Palestinian rights lawyer Salah Hamouri was deported from Jerusalem to France on that basis.Why would a Palestinian be obliged to be loyal to the Occupying Power!?
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7 years ago, on January 18, 2016, I wrote:
“Bitterly cold day as I cross No Man's Land. Off to pay my respects at the Martyrs' Well in Ajnala where the bodies of native sepoys (who rebelled at the Mianmir Cantt in Lahore in 1857 & who were summarily executed at Ajnala) were 1/n
disposed on a rainy day all those years ago.”
It was to be a memorable trip as some elderly Sikh gentlemen present at the site received very warmly a person who suddenly stepped out of the fog - and across the fog - spoke to them in Punjabi and respectfully asked to be guided 2/n
on the place & its history. Initially they were a bit taken aback. Yes I too revere them as you do I told them. Their valor & common cause unites us far above & beyond what divides us today.
The images of the place still haunt me. As was expected I barely managed to catch my 3/n
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Belgium's Hidden Holocaust in the Congo

This is the story of how Belgium’s Leopold II colonised, exploited, murdered, enslaved and maimed the people of the Congo - and how Brussels’ dark past is catching up with it today.

#DRCongo #Holocaust #Belgium
Between 1885-1908, Belgium’s King Leopold II was responsible - directly or indirectly - for the deaths of 10-15mn people, in what’s today known as the Democratic Republic of Congo.

#imperialism #colonialism #history #kingleopoldII
Belgium joined the Scramble for Africa in the late 1800’s. Leopold colonised the Congo while maintaining that it was a civilising mission to spread Christianity.

#Africa #colonialism #Belgium #Congo
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“We did not choose the past.”

President Macron wants to distance himself from France's colonial past. However, the crimes committed in Algeria over a period of 132 years have not been forgotten and Paris still does not want to apologise.
During Algeria’s war of independence (1954 - 1962), 1.5-million Algerians lost their lives seeking freedom.

#Africa #Colonialism #imperialism #IndependenceDay
In 1945 in Setif, French troops massacred 45,000 unarmed Algerians under the command of General Raymond Duval.

#Macron #massacre #raymondduval #setif
Read 10 tweets BRITAIN IS ENTERING A NEW AGE OF CORRUPTION - BRITAIN HAS RETURNED TO THE ‘OLD CORRUPTION’ THE VICTORIANS TRIED TO END - TAKING US FURTHER DOWN A ROAD TO A KLEPTOCRACY THAN MOST PEOPLE IN BRITAIN IMAGINE. Britain has entered an era of legalised larceny by the politically well-connected some 150 years after the Victorians ended what they execrated as the “Old Corruption”. By this they meant the toxic system whereby the ruling elite enjoyed a parasitic relationship with the state enabling them to obtain jobs and money through patronage, partisanship and purchase.
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Did Vasco Da Gama bring Cilantro to India?

Another fake story by the catholic church being bust tonight.

Please read on.

#Colonialism #Cilantro #Coriander #Dhania
Cilantro is called Dhānyaka (धान्यक) in Sanskritam. That is how we have the name Dhaniya!

Reference to Dhānyaka (धान्यक) is made under Jvaracikitsā (or “the treatment of fever”) which is part of the 7th-century Mādhavacikitsā, a Sanskrit classical work on Āyurveda.
Vasco came to the party much later and he came to the party empty handed!
But when did the party actually begin!
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I am rewriting my earlier tweet threads about British complicity in creation of Bengal famine.
This has references to the literature and primary sources.
Britain was carried by India through the world wars. #BengalFamine #Colonialism
Indian armed forces grew from 189,000 in 1939 to 2,500,000 in 1945!

India massively carried Britain on her shoulders.

War economics of primary producing countries
by A. R. Prest (1948) Image
Britain promised to share the costs.
The deal was that India would incur the costs first and then UK would provide sterling credits later.

Britain was penniless at that time and India bore the costs.
(Refer: Churchill's secret war, Madhusree Mukerjee) Image
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You might have seen the word #Holodomor going around. It is what the world calls the last #GenocideOfUkrainians by #Russia. A quick break down. Stalin needed cash to pay for a rapid industrialization of the Soviet economy. Grain sales were a major source of foreign currency.
Outwardly facing and using useful idiots like the @nytimes' Walter Duranty played up the idea of a workers and peasants paradise all the while knowing that starvation was occurring. Inwardly, the #Russian public was shown agit prop films and propaganda portraying the Ukrainian's
as evil counter-revolutionaries who were hoarding food and deserved to be punished. There were further problems stemming from collectivization leading to poorer yields and the whole was something between 3-7 million dead. If the upper number is true it represents a greater number
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#Digitization, #Surveillance, #Colonialism via @CarissaVeliz in @readliberties

"Iron Law of Digitization: to digitize is to surveil."…
"There is no such thing as digitization without surveillance. The very act of turning what was not data into data is a form of surveillance."
"Privacy is important because it protects us from possible abuses of power. As long as human beings are human beings and organizations are organizations, abuses of power will be a constant temptation and threat. That is why it is supremely reckless to build a surveillance
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Colonialism & its Legacies I. History is not destiny, but the past shapes the present. & many scholars argue that colonialism has a long-term impact on politics, the economy & society.

These books explore the impact of #colonialism in #Africa, #Asia & globally.

References in🧵
Mamdani, Mahmood @mm1124, Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism (1996)

Cheeseman, Nic @Fromagehomme and Jonathan Fisher @fisheridd, Authoritarian Africa: Repression, Resistance, and the Power of Ideas (2020)
Lange, Matthew, Lineages of Despotism and Development. British Colonialism and State Power (2009)

Acemoglu, Daron @DrDaronAcemoglu, and James A. Robinson, Why Nations Fail: Origins of Power, Poverty and Prosperity (2012)
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