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Dec 10th 2022
Jako bych to už někdy zažil? 🤔 Tohle přeci nečtu poprvé? 🙄 Ano, dnešní post je o deja vu.

👨‍💻 Jiří Lukavský odpovídá, jak si tento pocit vysvětlují vědci 👇
Read 8 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
Happy Sunday, y’all!
This morning, I feel like I am taking the first step toward recovering from the impact these past six years have had on me.
Mind, this is simply an initial step on the journey forward and one that I welcome with genuine relief. However true healing will come with time. That and my willingness to continue to believe in and fight for an America which sees and values all of us!
However, I’m not going to lie, the part of me that has faith in America’s seriousness about the precepts upon which it was founded, has been significantly damaged. Irreparably…? We’ll see.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
A June African Easterly Wave (#AEW) is getting ready to emerge off the African coast. While it is quite early in season, there are a couple of factors worth monitoring w/ this system over the next week I'll try to briefly describe --

Image source: @Weathernerds
As this wave propagates westward, a convectively coupled kelvin wave (#CCKW) is propagating eastward & could result in anomalous favorable environmental conditions across the MDR as it passes across over the next week.

Image source:…
In addition, we had a helpful "sacrificial" lead off system earlier that helped to moisten upstream environment. There has been good literature looking at the importance of the upstream wave environment moisture for ultimate development.

Image source: @TropicalTidbits
Read 6 tweets
Apr 26th 2022

CCSD’s latest teacher separation report is out.

It's bad and we are in uncharted territory.

Read the whole thread to find out who knew what when.


This is what the cumulative teacher/licensed staff separations look like in a typical year for CCSD.

They slowly accumulate August through March and then accelerate April through July when staff start to say they’re not coming back next year.

Last year CCSD saw the lowest teacher separations through February of any school year in the last decade.

After the vaccine came out separations accelerated, and separations ended the year above average.

What does it look like this year…

Read 31 tweets
Jun 24th 2021
Good idea @KasperKepp Let's bring international attention to this matter.

What do experts on #VaccineHesitancy and misinformation have to say about @StabellBenn claims about Covid19💉?

@DrPaulOffit @Rosewind2007 @doritmi @gorskon might recall earlier encounters.

Thread👇 ImageImageImageImage
October 2020. @StabellBenn shares these views about the vaccine trials...
"Not tested against severe disease" stated in several 🇩🇰 tweets, with link to Peter Doshi opinion in @bmj_latest
November 2020. Preventive measures against covid19 might make children more susceptible to severe covid19 later.😧 #JustAskingQuestions
Read 8 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
La #Identidad y la #Memoria siempre han sido temas recurrentes en el CINE.

¿Somos lo que DECIDIMOS ser conscientemente o lo que APARENTAMOS inconscientemente?

¿Cuánto de nuestros deseos configura la personalidad desconocida del otro?

Hoy toca #HILO de pelis sobre ello ⬇️⬇️ Image
Los temas de la #memoria, los #recuerdos, la #idealización o la #identidad pueden suponer SPOILERS de la trama en sí...

Avisados quedáis.
#Rebecca (Hitchcock, 1940) Image
Read 100 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
NEXT UP: 3rd seed Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) vs. 14th seed White Winged Vampire Bat (Diaemus youngi). #2021MMM [bat photo via @inaturalist]
Once again, this primate/bat match-up is brought to you by myself & @alyb_batgirl. #DejaVu #2021MMM
Chimpanzees live in rainforest, woodland, & savannah habitats across equatorial Africa & are one of the most intensively studied primate species. They are very closely related to humans, sharing ~99% of our DNA. #2021MMM [map via @NGKids; illustration via]
Read 22 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
Logik zum #Öffnungsplan der #Bundesregierung
Wo, wie und wie schnell infiziert man sich mit dem #Coronavirus? Solange die Regierung Entscheidungen - magels Datenlage - ohne Evidenz trifft, solange ist es Willkür, wann welche Bereiche geöffnet und andere geschlossen bleiben #Spahn
Die Mutante #B117 erreicht in diesen Tagen -in den ersten Bundesländern- ihre #Dominanz. #R steigt zeitgleich und die #Regierung erhöht per #Öffnungsplan die #Mobilität: B117, Öffnungsplan u. gesteigerte Mobilität sind drei Faktoren die logisch #R exponentiell beeinflussen können
Zeitgleich werden #Kitas u. #Schulen geöffnet, also die Versammlungsorte, vor deren Öffnung uns Experten und Ärzte aus #Israel u. Kanada warnen. Begründet wird die #Öffnung mit "Meinungen" von Wissenschaftlern, deren #Studien -manipulierte Daten- aus #Schweden zitieren #twlz #KMK
Read 243 tweets
Mar 1st 2021
1/ A year ago this month, I was hospitalized with #covid19 at @nyulangone for 17 days, including 6 on a ventilator.

Today I returned to give blood for a research study I’m participating in, run out of the #Vaccine Center.

#COVID19Vaccine #Covid
2/ I was enrolled in the study back when I was hospitalized at @nyulangone. This view from the waiting room today is pretty much the same view I had from my hospital bed.

#coronavirus #covid be #Covid_19 #COVIDー19 #COVID19Vaccine #COVID19Vaccination
3/ This was my fifth blood draw for the research study. They didn’t ask for much blood today, maybe half the normal amount.

#covid #covid19 #COVID19Vaccine #COVID19Vaccination #vaccine
Read 16 tweets
Dec 8th 2020
🧵Draadje🧵 over de maatregelen, de 'hamer' 🔨 van Rutte, én een vooruitblik op de #corona #persconferentie van vanavond.
De beleidsdoelen zijn heel helder geformuleerd op de Persconferentie van 17 november:

- Aantal besmettingen minder dan 1.250.
- Aantal IC opnames minder dan 3.

"Daar willen we naar toe". -@hugodejonge

Met als vervolgzin:
"We zijn er dus nog lang niet."
Verder: maatregelen waarschijnlijk tot half januari.

Over eventuele versoepelingen vóór die tijd zei @hugodejonge:

Alleen mogelijk als:
- minder dan 3.600 besmettingen per dag
- minder dan 10 IC opnames per dag --> "Ook heel erg belangrijk"
Read 12 tweets
Nov 30th 2020
¿Qué tienen en común el CINE de #Hitchcock y #DéjàVu de Tony Scott?

Abro #HILO ⬇️⬇️ ImageImageImage
Aunque quizá la pregunta adecuada sería:

¿Qué tienen en común el díptico #LaVentanaIndiscreta-#Vértigo y la película de acción y ciencia ficción protagonizada por #DenzelWashington? 🤔
O, lo que es lo mismo:

¿En serio vamos (o voy) a comparar las dos obras maestras de #Hitchcock con la estimable (y quizá ya está) #DéjàVu?
Read 19 tweets
Oct 20th 2020
Stories starting about GOP putting plywood between Donald and them. I am still holding out for the Nixon Option and monitoring background chatter on at what point he starts telling people to beat on voters. The Layfette Bible run was proof of concept and Portland was a test run.
I am not a fan of conspiracy I am gaming this out based on the rapidly shrinking options the TrumpCrime family has. Who gave me this idea? His former consigliere, Michael Cohen. Have a read.…
Remember Trump exists because he relies on ratfuckers to game the system. He won't pardon himself so he needs Pence to take one for the team. It's about preserving this rancid legacy and keeping the base boiling. Stolen election! Antifa! Deep State! etc.…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Have you ever felt that you have lived the present situation before? Its called #Déjàvu. Right now I'm experiencing this moment in the markets. #PSUBanks are going through tough times. But this isnt new. They were in a similar situation back in 2016. (1/n)
#PSUBanks were dealing with NPA's and losses in Mar 2016. Their troubles are amplified after the #COVIDー19 outbreak. But it seems worst is over. Here's a weekly chart of #NiftyPSUBank index. (2/n) ImageImage
#PSUBanks are forming bullish divergence in #RelativeStrengthIndex(RSI) on weekly charts. #RSI is a momentum indicator. Bullish divergence in it indicates that ongoing downtrend is losing steam. It doesnt guarantee a reversal but increases the chances. (3/n) Image
Read 12 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
Some say Trump is the Transactional President but I submit that Trump is the Slumlord President. Lots of false promises, brutal cost cutting, plenty of unrepaired things, vindictive litigation, tenant abuse and an obsession with the bottom him.…
Donald survived by sucking Daddies titties....hard. So with Daddy gone...he is sucking America's tit. We caught him once and impeached him but ,wait, oh wait until we discover what he has been doing with his Middle East dictator buddies.…
Donald learned to grift from Dad. Even his racism should not be viewed in terms of American history but based on his early years as a slumlord gopher for daddy. Nothing profound, just his way of doing business.…
Read 12 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
Después de mucho tiempo sin escribir ningún hilo, hoy toca hablar de uno de los subgéneros cinematográficos que más me apasionan: los #ViajesEnElTiempo.

Y como no necesita de presentación, sin más dilación empezamos con este nuevo #HILO ⬇️⬇️ Image
Antes de empezar, os adelanto que clasificaré la lista de películas en 3 grupos:


🎬 Que permiten CAMBIOS en la línea temporal.

🎬 Que utilizan el viaje en el tiempo para hablar de OTRA COSA.

AVISO: Pertenecer a algún grupo puede suponer, per se, un SPOILER.

A este grupo pertenecen todas aquellas películas en las que el viaje en el tiempo sólo sirve para que SE CUMPLA lo que ya ha OCURRIDO u ocurrirá; incluso cuando el objetivo de los personajes es justo el contrario: IMPEDIRLO.
Read 31 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
As #COVID19 cases are found to spread, #Melbourne (city of ~5 million) tries to contain them by going into #Lockdown.
(The interview features the idea of a dedicated #Quarantine building - that would actually help, I guess)...
"People acting as if the pandemic was over was 'not the answer, it is part of the problem' ".

"The virus had leaked from postcodes already under the stay-at-home orders to other parts of #Melbourne."
(and beyond, it is feared).
Due to #Melbourne's outbreak, neighbouring South Australia is about to completely close it's borders to #Victoria.

(Nearly) no exceptions. And those essential few who are allowed in, will have to wear facemasks the entire time...
Read 2915 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
Vorpommern-Greifswald district (where rejections of #Gütersloh residents took place, yesterday)
has specific rules:
"Those who return from international risk areas (out of Germany) or whose Corona-Warning App has alerted them, need to report to authorites" Image
In fact, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Corona-ordinance really prohibits entry of people from international risk areas AND german risk areas as well.
It's just not prominently featured on their websites.

(Overlooked that myself, hence deleted earlier tweet)… Image
People from #Gütersloh district may have to scrap all their holiday plans anyway...

An official #Lockdown is just being announced for the entire district.
(for one week, as of now)
Read 2556 tweets
May 5th 2020
@KikiTBird @bigredwavenow @GenFlynn @realDonaldTrump @SCOTUSFlix 🎯🎯 10k Govt Cyber job openings back in 2016??? Pre-election...WTF? Was he banking on creating this bloat?
@KikiTBird @bigredwavenow @GenFlynn @realDonaldTrump @SCOTUSFlix 🎯🤦‍♀️ "The INSIDER THREAT is the #1 threat to cybersecurity in the government ." - @GenFlynn Openly admitted to it!
Read 22 tweets
Feb 4th 2020
.@parscale says it looks like it’s going to be rigged against @BernieSanders. #DejaVu
.@parscale says The Bloomberg news organization didn’t want to cover the Democrats fairly. So the Trump campaign blocked all Bloomberg Press passes.
.@parscale He thinks the Democrats made the wrong move and @realDonaldTrump is on the winning side. Numbers are up all across the board.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 7th 2020
On y est, ce que tout le monde redoutait - et tout particulièrement le pouvoir : la bavure policière claire et nette.
La bavure où la victime est un adulte qui bosse et pas un petit gars de banlieue sur le dos duquel on peut coller n'importe quoi. #CédricChouviat
La bavure en plein jour, filmée par plusieurs passants, observée par encore plus de passants.
La bavure qui tue un père de famille de 5 enfants, juste parce qu'il a eu le culot de vouloir filmer les FDO - comme la loi lui en donnait le droit.
La bavure où on ne va pas pouvoir prétendre "ne pas pouvoir identifier les responsables".
La bavure où la Préfecture a commencé par ne rien dire à la famille pendant de longues heures, pour finir par lui mentir en lui racontant que la victime avait eu "un comportement agressif".
Read 9 tweets
Dec 28th 2019
@ContactIbuka En cadeau de Noël, un magazine français ouvre ses pages à 2 négationnistes du génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda. Avant-dernier thread pour démonter les ressorts de l’article de Judi Rever.

Partie5⃣: #Kagamé maître du monde
Si après tous les efforts de Judi Rever, vous croyez encore que le #génocide des Tutsi a été mis en œuvre par le gouvernement intérimaire hutu power, c’est pour une seule et unique raison : Paul Kagamé vous contrôle, à votre insu… ou pas.

Comment ?
➡️#Kagamé Superstar

C’est entendu: le monde vénère M.Kagamé tel ces idoles intouchables (MLK-Gandhi-Jésus) consacrées (postmortem) par les élites occidentales.
Rever le dit: "Kagamé est bien vu du monde entier parce qu’il a fait croire qu’une majorité de Hutus a tué les Tutsis."
Read 25 tweets
Nov 6th 2019
Today the Dutch parliament is holding hearings on #CETA. NL is in the process of ratifying the Canada-EU trade agreement, but like in Austria and Italy, this is tricky.

As it stands, there is no majority in the Upper House, and in the Lower House it is questionable.

And if I look at my Twitterfeed, the Anti's have the momentum: Not a positive word about #CETA on Dutch Twitter.
Has the Dutch government not learnt anything from the experience of TTIP?

If you want to get support for FTAs, you need to campaign in favour of them. Day in, day out. You make the case and respond to the critics, including on social media.
Not cede the public ground like this.


Read 3 tweets
Oct 26th 2019
49. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 391 tweets

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