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Did you know over 30% of Ukraine is contaminated with landmines and unexploded ordinance (UXO)? It's time to tackle this problem head-on. Join us for a conversation on innovation in humanitarian demining efforts. #landmines #demining #humanitarianaid
We need to transform the demining process to bring it into the 21st century. Join us for a discussion on leveraging AI and robotics to reduce costs, speed up mine clearing, and make the world a safer place. #AI #demining #21stcentury
Today's demining solutions are expensive, slow, inefficient, and dangerous. That's why we need to bring entrepreneurs, donors, AI and robotic experts, research scientists, and other key stakeholders together to focus on the mission. #entrepreneurs #donors #demining
Read 5 tweets
šŸ„Lifesaver "heat"šŸ„
@pfwgl1 has reminded us of an item that can significantly make the difference between life and death. Self-warming rescue blankets make it possible. (Details below)
Please help us to equip our emergency backpacks accordingly.
Another shop:ā€¦

Shipping address
Read 5 tweets
As the people of Kashmir continue to bleed & slide deeper into abject poverty,their rulers in #AJK use those very miserable people as their justification to spend 100s of millions of taxpayersā€™ money to sustain their
own personal lifestyle @ the level of high luxury.
Within 16 months, AJK government purchased 164 luxury cars worth Rs. 870 million for its administrative and political elite in utter violation of rules.
Thanks to Pakistan's ruling classes for forcing thieves, freebooters and plunderers on the people of Kashmir
Read 22 tweets
Mal wieder ein paar Zahlen von mir.
Fangen wir mit @AR_UKR_JW an. Um eine sichere Kommunikation Ć¼ber Funk zu gewƤhrleisten, wurden bereits Ć¼ber 117.000 Euro gespendet. ZusƤtzlich dazu wurden identische GerƤte nach Kaiserslautern und auch zu mir gesendet,ā€¦
die bereits von uns verschlĆ¼sselt wurden. FunkgerƤte, die nicht den Funkverkehr der Nato stƶren *zur Bundeswehr schielt*šŸ¤­

Kommen wir zu den Amazon (nur DE) Zahlen. Aktueller wurden Waren im Wert von 58208,25 Euro Richtung UkraineAidOps GER gesendet. Der grĆ¶ĆŸte Posten dabei:
Die so wichtigen Trauma-Kits, Verbrauchsmaterial fĆ¼r die Medics, Notfall Essensrationen und Wasserfilter. Vielen lieben Dank dafĆ¼r. šŸ˜˜ Gerade die Traumakits haben bereits mehrfach Leben gerettet, da Blutungen schwerer Verletzungen gestoppt werden konnten. ā¤ļø
Read 12 tweets
ā¤ļøDanke an EUCH!ā¤ļø
Heute mƶchte ich euch allen einfach mal Danke sagen. Durch eure Sachspenden kƶnnen wir uns in KĆ¼rze auf den Weg Richtung #Kyiv machen, um @Harri_Est & @DwightsB von @UkraineAidOps eure Sachspenden zum Verteilen zu bringen. 1/4

Aus allen Ecken der Welt kamen mittlerweile Spenden bei mir an. Ob Kanada, USA, Neuseeland, Israel, SĆ¼dafrika, so ziemlich jedem europƤischen Land und ja, sogar aus der sagenumwobenen Stadt Bielefeld kamen HilfsgĆ¼ter an. šŸ„°2/4

Und da ich sowieso immer einen an der Waffel hab,
hab ich meine Freude und den Dank an euch mal musikalisch untermalt. Ohne euch wƤre das nicht mƶglich.

Aber, dass ist nur ein Zwischenschritt. Die Spendensammlung geht natĆ¼rlich weiter. Denn wir fahren wieder und wieder und wieder nach Kyiv. So lange, bis Putin nur noch 3/4
Read 4 tweets
152mm Giatsint-B Howitzers in #Lugansk
Chechen Special Ministry of the Interior Regiment soldiers in #Popasnaya, Donbas region, a city where a battle is currently ongoing ImageImageImageImage
#RussiaUkraine #Mi8
Reportedly remains of one (of the two) UKR Mi-8 helicopters that took part in the attack on a village in #Bryansk Region (Russia) on April 14, was shot down by a S-400 SAM system on it's way back
Read 577 tweets
The previously mentioned Mikhail Podolyak was quick to use the #Bucha "massacre" to ask for more weapons
It's worth noting that the Rus Army left the town on Mar 30,,,,4 days ago but footage appeared only today
#UAV footage of a strike on a Ukr target during the battle for #Izum at the end of March
#LPR Artillery....some awards given to distinguished crews
Read 450 tweets
#RussiaUkraine #Mariupol
Rus MOD:
1 x Mi-8 was shot down & crashed near the village of Rybatskoye.

2nd Mi-8 was damaged by a missile hit, flew towards the sea, but crashed 20 kilometers from the shore.
Interestingly, trophee Stinger Manpads were used
There were 15 KIA at the Mi-8 crash site and 2 x WIA.
Reports that the deputy commander of the #Mariupol defence with call sign "Kalina" was onboard are not confirmed atm
Video of interrogation of one of the wounded survivors
#RussiaUkraine #Volunteers
Volunteers from all over Russia who signed up to go to Ukraine undergoing training at a training centre in #Chechnya
Read 127 tweets
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
The deputy commander of the Ukr 503rd Independent Marine Infantry Btn has been captured in #Mariupol. He say the remnants of the unit have broken up in small groups to try to make it through the blockade
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
Georgian Dato Gobedzhishvili & Belorussian Dmitry Apanasovich from the "Georgian Legion" have reportedly been killed at #Irpen near #Kiev ImageImage
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
First footage of combat use of the new #ISDM Remote Mining System in the #Kharkov area
More info in linkā€¦
Read 215 tweets
I took an interview with "Talk with World Leaders" of Phoenix TV, and here is the link to the interview.ā€¦
WhetherĀ China-USĀ relationsĀ canĀ returnĀ toĀ theĀ trackĀ ofĀ healthyĀ andĀ stableĀ developmentĀ dependsĀ onĀ whetherĀ theĀ USĀ sideĀ canĀ honorĀ itsĀ commitments.
ChinaĀ andĀ theĀ USĀ haveĀ maintainedĀ closeĀ communicationĀ onĀ theĀ #UkraineCrisis,Ā andĀ weĀ haveĀ commonĀ understandingĀ onĀ realizingĀ #ceasefireĀ &Ā peaceĀ andĀ providingĀ #HumanitarianAid.Ā ButĀ weĀ haveĀ differentĀ viewsĀ onĀ howĀ toĀ promoteĀ #peacetalksĀ andĀ realizeĀ lastingĀ securityĀ inĀ Europe.
Read 16 tweets
#DPR Tank duelling with Ukr AT Missile crews
#RussiaUkraine #Chechens
Footage of Chechens during street fighting in #Mariupol
The launchers they're firing seem to be disposable RPO-A with thermobaric rounds
#RussiaUkraine #Chechens
Chechen unit in a large weapons depot they captured in #Zaporozhye Region
Read 325 tweets
#LPR troops during the night conducted successful battles against Ukrainian nationalists from several directions inside Severodonetsk and Rubezhnoye, - the Russian Defense Ministry
This is in the same general area as the attached post
#RussiaUkraine #Su25
#RuAF Su-25 in Ukr ...night footage
(Repost...better quality video)
The Russian Defense Ministry will soon provide new information about the work of American biological laboratories in Ukraine and developments in the field of biological weapons.
Read 133 tweets
šŸ§µThis thread is about the beneficiaries receiving food packages from our food drive for #Kunar province. ā›”ļøPeople in #Afghanistan R in worst situation than what we hear. If you canā€™t donate, RT/share in networks, spread it. @ASEELApp @NasratKhalid
My team went to Tango Camp, a village where more than 400 families live. 50 families (15 widows & 35 ultra-poor families) were identified. The team will continue identifying more families for the food drive and will be added to this #Thread
#AfghanistanCrisis #Famine #Afghan
The team went door to door & inside the houses. This little brave girl explained their financial situation. Her father goes out every morning in hopes to find work. He returns empty hands. They have little food to survive. Plz help such families with food. 3/X #SaveAfghanistan
Read 17 tweets
Local media reports that the UAF troops from the territory of Ukraine launched a rocket at #Belgorod, which is a Russian city near the border with Ukr. It was reportedly shot down
Captured UAF Manpad and #NLAW in the #Kiev area ImageImageImageImage
The Rus Army captured a large UAF field camp in the #Kherson region with large quantities of supplies and equipment
Read 573 tweets
This thread contains a set of #resources to #donate/support #Ukraine. Please add or retweet it šŸ§µ

Tw 1: #Charities to donate
Tw 2: #Crypto/NFT options
Tw 3: # for support/#solidarity
Tw 4: Key distinctions/terms
Tw 5: # for #refugees

#StandingWithUkraine #SupportUKraine āœŠ

1. @razomforukraine: comprehensive support
2. @savelifeua: military support
3. @UnitedHelpUA: food/medical supplies
4. @RedCrossUkraine: infrastructure repairs
5. Army SOS: military support
6. Revived Soldiers Ukraine: medical rehab
7. @caritasukraine: clothing help
#Crypto/NFT donation options (urge caution):

1. @Ukraine accepts Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT:

BTC - 357a3So9CbsNfBBgFYACGvxxS6tMaDoa1P
ETH and USDT (ERC-20) - 0x165CD37b4C644C2921454429E7F9358d18A45e14

2. Come Back Alive Foundation - Bitcoin

Read 8 tweets
WH issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's presidential foreign policy advisor, #YuriyUshakov, re: Russia and #Ukraine.

#Ushakov #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan conversation today with nat'l security advisors, foreign ministers & other officials from #BucharestNine of #NATO Allies re: #Russia & #Ukraine.

#B9 #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's foreign policy advisor to the president, #YuriyUshakov.

#Putin #Zelensky #Ukraine #Ushakov Image
Read 732 tweets
Nat'l Security Council Spokesperson Emily Horne issues readout of Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Ukrain's head of presidential office, #AndriyYermak.

#Russia Image
#BREAKING (via WH press pool)
#Biden talks with journalists re: #Ukraine.

#Russia Image
#BREAKING (via WH press pool)
#Biden says re: potential invasion of #Ukraine by #Russia:

"Weā€™ve been aware of Russiaā€™s actions for a long time and my expectation is weā€™re going to have a long discussion."

He adds that "won't accept" #Putin's red line in Ukraine. Image
Read 599 tweets
28. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria

#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria šŸ¤ØšŸ‘‡šŸ¼ā€¦
21. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in SyriašŸ¤ØšŸ‘‡šŸ¼ā€¦
Read 175 tweets
A guilty verdict in Dr. #ScottWarren's case will be a catastrophe, but even if Scott is acquitted, the crisis of death and disappearance along our southern border will continue. Take action today at
Our #solidarity asks include (1) Share the video made explaining the dangerous #precedent Dr. Warren's case could set:
(2) Write to Congress demanding an immediate end to the policy of Prevention Through Deterrence:ā€¦
Read 6 tweets
I was on #SimonBolivar international bridge connecting #Venezuela and #Colombia. #Thread

1. The '#humanitarianaid volunteers' were violent and masked up, unlike any humanitarians I have ever seen.

They also appeared to be aided (no pun intended) by the Colombian authorities.
2. What appeared to be a hand gun was seen with the 'volunteers' on the Colombian side. Y would #Colombian authorites allow a boy masked up to past them with a gun, was it really all about #humanitarianaid?

Or were they sending some kids to do their dirty work. #JustAsking?
3. The local community on the #Venezuela side were supporting their army- cheering on every push back. Clearing the stones after they were thrown at the soldiers and bringing water etc to soldiers on the front line

They didn't seem too welcoming the '#humanitarianaid volunteers'
Read 6 tweets
UK Parliament Publishes Full 2002 UN Report On Sex For Aid In West Africa

#Aidtoo #Metooā€¦
Note: it wasn't even the United Nations that fully published the entire report, but the UK Parliament. That should tell you how little has changed since 2002 when the summary of the report was published and caused a storm of controversy.
The entire 2002 report UNHCR report is available here.ā€¦
Read 15 tweets
Who Is #JoelDavis, Really?

Did he lie about his nomination for the Nobel Prize? Why was his organization at the head of a vast NGO coalition, despite his charity's 501c status being revoked?ā€¦
Records show Davis's charity - @Youth2ESV - had its 501c charity status revoked by the IRS IN 2017.

That didn't stop the 5,000 members of the @StopRapeCmpgn from "unanimously" voting to "restructure under the leadership" of Davis's NGO.
Where do #JoelDavis's lies end, and a failure in vetting begin?

When will #humanitarianaid finally be held accountable for its actions and inactions?ā€¦

Pictured: The Image displayed on the home page of Davis's (defunct) charity.
Read 12 tweets

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