Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #HunterBidenLaptop

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Jun 7th 2023
7/6/23 - sommige lezers weten dat wij het nieuws rondom Igor Kolomoisky volgen. Kolomoisky bankiert vanaf de Zuidas Amsterdam en heeft issues. Deze man zou 2 presidenten tot val kunnen brengen. Het financiële hart van deze rot zit in Nederland & Rutte is rechtstreeks betrokken 🧵 ImageImageImage
7/6/23 - of dat president Biden middels een impeachment het toneel verlaat is afhankelijk van een paar zaken:
1. Politieke wil
2. Goed functionerend politie apparaat
3. Belastingdienst
4. Media aandacht
5. Hersens, wie zijn dit👇 Image
Burisma is was toch die club waar de zoon van Joe Biden voor werkte? Burisma is toch van Kolomoisky? En die Belgische lobbyist? Wat doet @guyverhofstadt bij Maiden couppleger Kolomoisky’s Burisma? Is dit een betaalde job Guy? Nb. had u op de vorige foto @MinPres Rutte herkent? ImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
May 27th 2023
Update al #tweetelling.
Abbiamo un nuovo DEMbunking tinazzista da riportare del mio amico Davidino.
Sa 'a cantano e sa 'a sonano.
Contrordine kompamerati.
Hanno stati i fascisti, ma anche i comunisti.
Hanno stati gli "estremi".
"Meno male che Davidino c'è".🎶
Capito? L'infame PropagandaRight lo ha fatto bloccare lui.

Uno di DX chiamerebbe un account PropagandaXXX, nome che richiama un programma odiato? ImageImage
Read 146 tweets
May 9th 2023
25/11/19 - #Kolomoisky waarschuwde zelf en voorspelde in de Oekraïense pers dat ‘er een groot schandaal zou kunnen uitbreken, en niet alleen in Oekraïne, maar ook in de VS. Dat wil zeggen, het kan een duidelijke samenzwering tegen Biden blijken te zijn’… ImageImageImage
21/12/15 - Ihor #Kolomoisky verkeerde in conflict met de president van het land, Petro #Poroshenko. Kolomoisky bankiert vanaf de Zuidas in Amsterdam. De Oekraïense beerput is een US & NL aangelegenheid… Image
6/6/19 - #Kolomoisky wordt ervan verdacht in het geheim de tegenstander van #Poroshenko, de huidige president Volodymyr #Zelenskiy, te steunen, maar beiden ontkennen dat ze politieke bondgenoten zijn… Image
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Apr 16th 2023
16/4/23 - hoeveel geld stak het @IMFNews @WorldBank in de private bank van #Kolomoisky tbv de proxy oorlog Oekraïne vs. Rusland? Wie waste het IMF geld wit via de Zuidas? De content van de #Hunterbidenlaptop is vergif voor Nederland
16/4/23 REWIND - IMF & VS gebruikte privat bank van Oekraïense oligarch Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky word internationaal gezocht en stelde zijn vermogen veilig via de Zuidas Amsterdam
16/4/23 REWIND - Kolomoisky is de financiële kracht achter het Azov (Nazi) battalion en zat via Burisma in zaken met Hunter Biden en Shell Nederland. De content van de #Hunterbidenlaptop is vergif voor Nederland… ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
🇨🇳 #RosemontSenecaBohai= #CCP CO-MINGLED
🚩 #FollowTheMoney expose how COMPROMISED
+FBI verified
#Bobulinski's claims of CEFC+China ties
#Burisma $83,333.33 pmts
in co-mingled
Bank Statement⬇️…

WHY Benefit #CCP 🇨🇳not 🇺🇸 ?
#HunterBiden sold US owned #COBALT Mine in Congo to #CCPChina

¬BIDEN puts 20 YEAR BAN on
Mining of US RenewableEnergy MINERALS

¬US passed #ChipsAct #Infrastructure rely ON MINED Materials…… ImageImageImageImage
🚩UnConstitional #ESJ #ESG
Uses SocialJustice

#SocialScore DigitalID:
+LIMITS EV #GeoFence
+BANS Bank loan
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports #CarbonFootprint
Pay #PerMileTax
Read 22 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
🔴 #Trump luego de ganar una #encuesta por 60% para la nominación sobre #DeSantis:
“Esta es la batalla final: ellos lo saben, yo lo sé, tú lo sabes, todos lo saben. Eso es todo. O ganan ellos, o ganamos nosotros y si ganan, ya no tenemos país”
(Vía @alx)
“Soy tu guerrero, soy tu justicia, y para aquellos que han sido agraviados y traicionados, soy tu retribución. Destruiré totalmente el Estado Profundo”, dijo #Trump 🇺🇸 en clara alusión a quienes pretenden destruir los valores y la tradición occidental!
Donald #Trump sobre la computadora portátil del infierno: “Joe lo mira y dice: '¿Qué hay ahí, hijo?' Y Hunter mira hacia atrás y dice 'Cada crimen que has cometido, papá'".
Read 4 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
The overlooked but crucial role "Elite" Think Tanks play in our lives & on the Global Stage. I've gone deep into this on my Bitchute, but there isn't just the Bilderbergers'. There's: Wellcome Trust, Aspen Institute, Poynter, Sun Valley Conference, Tech Crunch, WestExec Advisors
(..cont) Milken Institute, WEF, Council on Foreign Relations, BMGF, Truman Project, Carneige Trust, Open Society, Alfalfa Club, Bohemian Grove, and more. For now, let's look at the SALT conference.
SALT is headed by Skybridge Capital and is aimed at Venture Capitalists/Investing.
#SALT has a remarkable list of speakers. The list changes a little from year to year. These are top Military, World Leaders, Major Investors, CEO's. AKA Elites. Take a look at recent years starting w/2017. #Joebiden was the featured speaker.. Image
Read 9 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
Dictatorships use brute force to shut down uncooperative media outlets and exile, imprison, or execute the journalists. Information coup through censorship is the first line of action against an imminent threat to governmental power, such as in a revolt or rebellion.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered" "the point is to discover them." But once discovered what would keep truths from being covered over again by those in control? -Galileo Galilei
Autocracy is a system of government in which absolute power over a state is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions are subject neither to external legal restraints nor to regularized mechanisms of popular control
Read 7 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
27/2/04 REWIND - Reagan keurt een plan van de CIA goed om een Siberische pijpleiding te saboteren welk in 1982 tot een enorme explosie leidde. In die tijd probeerden de Verenigde Staten West-Europa te beletten Sovjet-aardgas te importeren #HistoryRepeats…
8/2/23 - Heeft Biden het bevel gegeven om de #NordStream-pijpleiding te vernietigen? Een rapport beweert dat marineduikers een missie hebben uitgevoerd om de gaswurggreep van Rusland op de EU in een missie onder toezicht van Joe Biden ‘uit te schakelen.’…
8/2/23 - Seymour Myron Hersh is een Amerikaans onderzoeksjournalist en publicist. ‘How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline.’ @MinPres Rutte ‘u weet zelf toch wel dat dit onzin is’…
Read 5 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
#Politicians and their #politics is mostly theater to common men. When US is suffering from massive #Inflation problems, massive debt problems, energy issues, border security issues they send 100s of billions to Ukraine, securing their borders.

A thread 🧵 for awareness Image
2022 vs. 2023 - Joe Biden

Read 7 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
17/1/23 - ‘de enige die de vredespijp kan aansteken is #Zelensky’ Zelensky werd door Kolomoisky president van de Oekraïne gemaakt. Kolomoisky witte +5 miljard gestolen IMF gelden in Nederland en is tevens de financiële kracht achter de het #Azov Nazi bataljon. Moet kunnen toch 🤡 ImageImage
2016 - #Zelensky had domweg niet de macht & gezag om het Oekraïense leger uit de Donbas terug te trekken. U weet nu dat Kolomoisky het Azov Nazi battalion met gestoken IMF geld vanuit Nederland financierde. Waarom vanuit Nederland?
25/1/13 - op de vraag waarom financierde Kolomoisky zijn #Azov Nazis vanuit Nederland: in 2013 sloot @Shell_Nederland een overeenkomst om schaliegas te winnen in de #Donbas. #Zelenski werd door #Kolomoisky president gemaakt en was dus vleugellam 🤷‍♀️… Image
Read 8 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
INFOGRAPHIC: Key Revelations of the ‘Twitter Files’

Documents revealed by #Twitter’s new owner, tech billionaire @ElonMusk, show the social media company intertwined with a government-private censorship apparatus. (Thread👇)

Full resolution image here:…
#Twitter, under government pressure, suppressed or removed content on various subjects, though most of the time it was cooperating with the #Censorship requests willingly, the documents indicate.
Musk took over #Twitter in October, taking the company private.

He then fired around half of the staff and much of the upper management. The “#TwitterFiles” releases have been part of @elonmusk's promised focus on transparency for the company. Image
Read 37 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
6 MINUTESafterMIDNIGHT May31,2017 #Trump tweeted "Despite the constant negative press #covfefe" He deleted the tweet 6HOURS later but implied that its wording was intentional
At 06:09 AM He deleted the original&Tweeted:"Who can figure out the true meaning of 'covfefe' ??? Enjoy!"…
Inferno Premiered on October 28, 2016, ten years after release of The Da Vinci Code

“Q” post 1 appeared on October 28, 2017…

Fond of saying sometimes great “Plans” Start as “Prayers”

WTF 🤷‍♂️ but honestly WTF… Image
Read 55 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
12/1/23 - Special counsel appointed to investigate Biden’s retention of classified documents… Image
13/1/23 - Biden executive assistant who helped pack up his VP office - and other aides have been interviewed… Image
12/1/23 - Former Biden assistant questioned by law enforcement over classified docs repeatedly appeared in Hunter emails…
Read 4 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
Violations (as exposed by #TwitterFiles ) of US Code §230

"(2) These services offer users a great degree of control over the information that they receive..."

Via the #PartnerSupportPortal #TwittersBackDoor, gov't agencies REDUCED the degree of control over the information that
we received.

"(3)...interactive computer services offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse...and myriad avenues for intellectual activity."

There WAS no diversity of political discourse nor intellectual activities pre @elonmusk era.

In fact we know that the
#HunterBidenLaptop suppression limited political discourse and swung the election.

Intellectual activities surrounding early treatments and the origins of the virus, for examples, were WRONGLY treated as "offensive".

"(4)...interactive computer services have flourished...with a
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
🧵PART 1🧵
SELLING-OUT #AmericanTaxpayer's
¬RUSH COAL phase-out
¬PUSH invest in EVs/renewables
¬US commit $100B
¬Honor OLD #ClimateChange Agreements
@WEF @WHO want #Democrat POWER GRAB of #AMERICA
#KlausSchwab of #WEF
Violates #InalienableRights
ForcedGunControl #Biden's
#ExecutiveOrder 14067
Using Race/Bias/Belief/Credit
a Subjective
Read 21 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
Now 🇨🇳#CCP owns your SAVINGS/401k
because #DoddFrank #BailIn


🫣US owes China approx $980.8 billion as of 5/2022………
@JiaQiBao's insight to buy #LNG reserves
in US to sell to China
+access to Biden family’s financial info
+liaised w/#CCP on Bidens’ behalf
+urged Hunter's encouraging his father's run 4 president w/campaign advice on #China….
🆘Hunter Brokered COBALT Mine for #CCP
+US pd $200m to CCP
+DOJ ends NAT'L SECURITY #ChinaInitiative
Watches #China's
❌Economic espionage
❌Steal #intellectualpropertyrights
❌Purchase US FARMS near MilitaryBases…
Read 5 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
1. Who actually believes this article from @CNN that @donie wrote painting @yoyoel as a victim?


Let’s do a quick thread to reflect exactly who Mr. Roth is:…
2. By him own account:

He cares DEEPLY about building technology that’s resistant to threats and helps people and communities connect SAFELY and AUTHENTICALLY.

3. As illustrated by @ShellenbergerMD, @yoyoel’s version of authenticity is limited in scope to those with the same political leaning.

Well, this guy did get a PHD in communicating, so maybe I’m not that decent at being receptive of what he’s attempting to communicate.

Read 14 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
@vtdigger @tomkearneyvt @MarcoPolo501c3 @TruNorthReports @TrueNorthMikeB @guympageIII @paulheintz In comments section, TNR reader Jay Eshelman publishes correspondence from #TomKearney
exposing #VTDigger #JournalisticMalpractice in burying #HunterBidenLaptop story and lying to readers "nothing on the laptop implicates President Biden."

#EnemyOfThePeople #FakeNews #VTpoli ImageImage
@vtdigger @tomkearneyvt @MarcoPolo501c3 @TruNorthReports @TrueNorthMikeB @guympageIII @paulheintz #VTDigger senior editor #TomKearney covers for Biden incest, pedophilia, child abuse & human trafficking by lying to readers "nothing on the laptop implicates President Biden."

EVERYTHING on #HunterBidenLaptop implicates the #BigGuy #PedoPete


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Dec 5th 2022
🧐 @JackPosobiec--a
Former Navy Intelligence Officer,
"We now know that @Twitter themselves, was WORKING WITH the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, to CENSOR the [#HunterBidenLaptop] story, to SWING the #2020Election!

We NOW have the documents...the SMOKING GUN!"…
🧐 #JoeBiden looked the American people in the eye...& HE LIED TO THEM...NOT just ONCE! 🤥

@JackPosobiec says,
"This wasn't an Intelligence FAILURE;
It was an Intelligence OPERATION!
They KNEW that all they had to do was GET PAST November 3rd" 👍

#TheyKnew #HunterBidenLaptop
what was on the laptop! 💯

they had been CAUGHT! 💯

we had the RECEIPTS! 💯

They knew they HAD to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...


#TheyKnew #HunterBidenLaptop
Read 4 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
Les #twitterfiles - un thread sur le contenu des échanges internes chez Twitter autour de sa politique de modération, telle qu'elle se pratiquait jusqu'ici sur la plateforme... #s01e00 #contexte
#contexte #twitterfiles Depuis son arrivée il y a quelques semaines, Musk a viré la moitié du personnel, une autre moitié a suivi après qu'il ait explicité que les vacances et les week end, il fallait désormais faire une croix dessus.
#contexte #twitterfiles Musk a décroché au passage la médaille d'or de la politique RH la plus violente de la Silicon Valley, piétinant au passage moultes législations locales, oubliant sans doute que l'extraterritorialité du Droit américain avait quand même ses limites. Image
Read 253 tweets
Aug 9th 2022
My thoughts on the current situation regarding the FBI and President Donald J. Trump:

We as a society in this country have reached a point where each and every one us will have to look in the mirror and contemplate
#FBIRaidsMarALago #Republicans #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica /1
Where do we draw the line? The line that we will defend. When is enough, enough? Where we won’t continue taking this abuse we have taken by the political establishment.

#FBIHasBeenPoliticized /2
Whether you align with Democrat. Whether you align with Republican.
Whether you align Independently.
Whether you align with whatever.
None of it matters. What we all have witnessed is the politicization and weaponization of the FBI.
#DemocratsAreADisaster /3
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Jul 23rd 2022

They pander to these "woke" corporations all because they change their logo to God's rainbow even though they hate the CEO's of said corporations because "capitalism"

It's alright that Walmart abuses their employees, so long as they have a gay logo.

They constantly harp about #ClimateCrisis and how bad humans are for the planet, while conveniently ignoring the awfulness of China. They are like the world's biggest polluters. does @GretaThunberg even mention them.

They're all about #StandWithUkraine, right on schedule. What about all the countries full of brown people that Obama bombed all those years?

Their empathy is fake

Also, why are there bioweapon labs in Ukraine?.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 25th 2022
If you believe that the West is about to embark on (another) clash of ‘good v evil’, on which the fate of the world depends, it’s likely because you assume what you read in papers like the NYT and WaPo is unbiased.

Problem is, it isn’t.

via @YouTube
There was once a great paper called the New York Times. It was the first to cover the huge story that the Vietnam War was ‘a lie’, and the US Govt knew it was a lie.

It’s editors and staff risked jail to bring people the truth.

Unfortunately it died.
Working for the New York Times was a journalist called Neil Sheehan. He spent ten years writing a book that won a Pulitzer.

It was called ‘A Bright Shining Lie’.

Can you guess what it was about?

Neil Sheehan would not be welcome at the Times today.

He’d be in jail.
Read 6 tweets

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