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As the #Taliban continue to claim moving #TTP fighters to western #Afghanistan, TTP fighters have been confirmed in northern AFG, today the head of district intelligence of the Taliban’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GID) can under attack in #Badakhshah province.
For those unfamiliar with #Badakhshah provincial borders… Image
Another important factor to keep in mind is the #geological value of #Badakhshah province.

This is of key importance to #China’s investment into minerals in #Afghanistan. Image
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The UN Special Rapporteur Richard Bennett, in his 2nd report on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan, states that the human rights crisis in AFG has worsened. Regarding #Panjshir, the report highlights some very serious & concerning issues listed below:

■ Civilians considered by the Taliban to be associated with the National Resistance Front are routinely subjected to house-to-house searches, arbitrary arrest and detention, extrajudicial killings, torture, and displacement.

■ Youth are systematically subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, and looting of precious items during house searches by the Taliban. There are also reports of child and forced marriages by Taliban fighters in some areas of Panjshir.

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A più di un anno dal ritiro delle truppe occidentali, l'Afghanistan è un luogo in cui domina il terrore. Il regime talebano ha riportato indietro le lancette della Storia.
A farne le spese le minoranze etniche, i giovani, ma soprattutto le donne. Di pochi giorni fa la notizia che alle ragazze afghane è stato vietato di studiare all'università. In alcune zone del Paese, le donne sono state costrette a chiudere i loro negozi con la motivazione di
aver indossato in maniera inadeguata il velo (vi ricorda qualcosa?). Le donne non possono essere curate da medici maschi, non possono camminare per strada senza essere "scortate" dagli uomini, gli è fatto divieto persino di recarsi in un parco pubblico. A lottare contro gli
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Ecco perché - anzi, per chi - è un dovere non dimenticare l'#Afghanistan.
Guardate questa bambina, ascoltate le sue parole, capirete che i #Talebani non sono interpreti di un "atteggiamento abbastanza distensivo", ma custodi del Male.
Inizia con una domanda: "È un peccato
essere una ragazza? I Talebani non ci lasciano andare a scuola. Ma le loro figlie studiano in altri paesi. Ci mancano le nostre maestre, la nostra penna, i nostri quaderni. Non vogliamo restare a casa e analfabeti. Vogliamo andare a scuola, studiare ed essere intelligenti".
Sono i bambini le principali vittime dell'oscurantismo talebano. Ieri il giornalista afghano @natiqmalikzada ha raccontato una storia straziante, quella di #MohammadWasim, un bambino di 8 anni residente nel villaggio di Khaniz, nel #Panjshir, la terra di
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.@UNAMAnews now that you're in #Panjshir, I am tweeting this one for your team to see what you could do about it.

Nusrat Mir Saeedi was arrested by #Taliban a few months ago in Paryan district along with some other young men on suspicion of having link with #NRF & he was ...⬇️
... missing all the time & no one knew where he was. Two days ago, his death body was found in Frobel village in the center of Pjr province.

Another young man named Mortaza was also arrested with him and he is still missing.

Investigate prisons situation in the province ...

... as well as in districts. Also don't forget container prisons.

You may also check the number of Panjshiri residents imprisoned during past year in the Pul Charkhi prison and also prisons belonged to the NDS in previous govt.


@UNAMAnews @unafghanistan @PotzelMarkus
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The #extrajudicial_killings by the #Taliban continue:
Bahram Nuristani, a former ANSF officer (ex-police chief for Mandol District), was abducted, #tortured and killed by the Taliban.
Sources confirmed that the Taliban #accused him of providing logistics to the #NRF in #Panjshir. ImageImage
Angry residents of Mandol District in #Nuristan Province, pushed out #Taliban from their district in reaction to the brutal murder of #Bahramuddin, a former district police chief under Republic Government&native of Nuristan, by the group (TB).
"Du Ab of #Nuristan also fell to #local_uprising forces:
Over 1,500 armed supporters of late Commander Bahram have taken control of Du Ab&Mandol districts.
"My father's blood will not be wasted&we will clear Western Nuristan from Gujars& #TB," Bahram's son said." Image
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#Taliban's new #appointments include an acting Minister for Education, several provincial governors&deputy governors, provincial police chiefs& few other positions.
Among them, Makhdom Alem& Mawlawi Najibullah, are 2 suspected names which I think belong to the 2 controversial TB. Image
Here is the list of the TB's #appointments in English:
1. Mawlawi Habibullah Agha, the ex-Chairman of Kandahar Ulama Council, appointed as acting Minister of Education.
2. Ex-acting Minister of Education, Sheikh Mawlawi Noorullah Munir, as General Director of Central Dar-ul-Ifta.
3. Sheikh Mawlawi Maluk Shah, former Director of the Central Dar-ul-Ifta, as new head of the Ulama Council of Kandahar.
4. Mawlawi Faizullah Jamal, Ex-Deputy Minister of Policy and Strategy for the Ministry of Interior, as Deputy Minister of Procurement for the same Ministry...
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L'#Afghanistan di oggi è un Paese in cui una donna può essere percossa dai #Talebani attraversando la strada. La giovane accelera il passo, poi riprende a camminare con dignità.
Dignità, questa sconosciuta, per chi parlava di "atteggiamento abbastanza distensivo" del "nuovo
corso" al potere. L'ultima speranza per l'#Afghanistan risponde al nome di Ahmad #Massoud, figlio di "quel Massoud", il Leone del #Panjshir.
Quando i Talebani hanno preso il potere approfittando della ritirata occidentale, il giovane figlio dell'eroe della resistenza
ai sovietici, ha riorganizzato le milizie fedeli a suo padre, ha dato battaglia nelle valli, nelle pochissime province sfuggite al controllo degli "studenti coranici", e cercato (invano) di attirare l'attenzione della comunità internazionale per metterla in guardia: se non
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Reading & hearing reports from #Panjshir, the #Taliban apparently launched decissive & ruthless operations against the NRF in the province, to suppress & abolish the #resistance before arrival of the winter season.
As a ruthless& lawness militia, the TB are committing war crimes.
#Taliban's codename of "sending to #Khakriz" for extrajudicial killings, reminds me of the AFG communist revolution time's codename of "sending to Pakistan", used by the intelligence agency under Hafizullah Ameen's govt., for killing of anti-govt elements.
Taliban claimed killing 40 NRF members, incl. 3 commanders (Fahim-e Commando, Jawad&Mohammad Yar), during the clearing operations in 3 districts of Panjshir Province, adding that 101 more, including commander Malik Khan, were captured alive.
Then the TB...
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Thanks to #US Government, especially President Joe Biden, #Taliban terrorists have now at-least 21 operational helicopters & six airworthy aircraft! Some of them including these six Mi-17V-5 helicopters participated in Taliban's parade at #Bagram Air Base, #Afghanistan today!
Large number of #US made M1117 Armored Security Vehicles & International MaxxPro MRAPs during #Taliban's military parade in #Bagram Air Base, North of #Kabul, capital city of #Afghanistan today.
Remember those two Cessna 208 Grand Caravns #Taliban captured in #Shindand air base. Here they are flying over #Bagram air base duiring Taliban's parade today.
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Today morning, Taliban forces have started an operation on the #NRF bases in Paryan district, #Panjshir, & the clashes are still going on.

Acc to locals, the Taliban were inflicted heavy casualties in their first attack early morning, & retaliation, Taliban set fire to ... 1/2
... the houses of the local people.

... *in* retaliation
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#Taliban's economic commission under chairmanship of Mullah Berader, made the following decisions to (allegedly) support #private_banks in Afghanistan:
- The courts of #AFG, should resume issuing Sharia deeds of properties (legally recognized ownership documents for properties). Image
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the IEA should work for the opening of bank accounts by Afghan banks in the neighboring countries& other countries of the region.
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the IEA should reach an understanding with donor countries& institutions ...
... that the (international) aid money should not only go to one specific bank anymore. Rather, in the light of a systematic mechanism, it should also go to other private banks of Afghanistan, so that justice can be established in dealing with the private banks of Afghanistan ...
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More new #appointments of the #Taliban (based on the decree of the supreme leader of the group) are as follow:
- Ex-Deputy Minister of Technology and Logistics for the Ministry of Defense, Mawlawi Attaullah Omari, appointed as acting #Minister of Agriculture and Livestock.
... Image
- Former Acting Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Mawlawi Abdul Rahman Rashid, as deputy minister of Refugee Affairs of the Ministry of Refugees.
- Mullah Abdul #Qayyum_Zakir (deputy minister of defense) as the general military commander of Panjsher and Andrab (Baghlan).
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Taliban’s Rule: Evaluating One Year of Terror —— THREAD 🧵

In this long thread I analyze one years of Taliban rule based on various Int'l orgs, ground realities, & news reports which suggest that Taliban are more cruel than they were & are still a threat for global security. 1️⃣
The unfortunate events of August 2021 led to the takeover of AFG by one of the most dreaded terror groups of the world – the Taliban. After the takeover, Taliban claimed that they are now more moderate than their previous version and this time, they will not only build ... 2️⃣
... the nation by including all stakeholders but will also guarantee all basic human rights including women's education and their participation in public life. But in contrary, their one year-rule proved to be more brutal and stricter. 3️⃣
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The meeting of the Supreme Council of National Resistance for the Salvation of #Afghanistan was held in Turkey last night, by the AFG political leaders, including Dostum, Sayyaf, Mohaqeq, Ata Noor, Yunus Qanuni & a number of others.
The meeting went on for 8 hours.
The participants at the end of the meetimg have shared a joint statment on which they have called on the int'l community not to recognize the #Taliban regime, and called on the Taliban to end suppressing and oppression of different ethnic groups and to engage in dialogue.
Members of the meeting has also declared the ongoing resistance in #Panjshir, Andarab, Takhar, Badakhshan and other parts of the country as a legitimate war against the #Taliban and announced their support for it.
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NEW: @DoD_IG report on US-#Afghanistan raises questions about Washington's "over-the-horizon" #counterterrorism strategy

Need for US planes/drones to fly long distances, loss of human intelligence "has significantly reduced the DoD’s
capacity to track terrorist targets"
"As of the end of the quarter [March 31], the DoD had not conducted any strikes on terrorist targets in #Afghanistan since its withdrawal last year" per @DoD_IG acting IG Sean O'Donnell

re: #ISIS #alQaida
#ISIS-#Khorasan estimated to have 2,000 members operating in #Afghanistan, per @DoD_IG citing @DefenseIntel

That's about half of estimates shared by the @UN in February
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Thread 🧵:
A resident of Dara, #Panjshir:
The #Taliban went door to door in Dara and said to all male residents that a meeting is to be held in the mosque with Taliban security officials to discuss how to protect civilians life in ongoing war with #NRF, therefore, everyone...
... should come to the mosque. Although my sister begged me to not to go with them, but there wasn't any option so I had to. When we reached at the mosque, dozens of other people were already there.
We sat there for a while, after some moments, a Talib came & said the meeting (jalsa) is going to be held in a garden & we are taking you all there. At that time, we all believed that they would either kill us or imprison us, cos they had done so many times in past 9 months.
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Non pubblico le foto, perché sono veramente troppo cruente. Ma un giorno la nostra coscienza dovrà rispondere di quanto sta accadendo ormai da mesi in #Afghanistan.
Oggi i #Talebani hanno torturato e ucciso dei bambini. Ripeto: torturato e ucciso dei bambini.
La loro colpa?
Appartenere al #Panjshir, la provincia da cui origina l'ultima sacca di resistenza ai Taliban, quella facente capo ad #AhmadMassoud, di cui avevo parlato pochi giorni fa.
Qui qualcuno parlava di regime "distensivo". Altri (o gli stessi) suggerivano di riconoscere l'autorità dei Talebani sull'#Afghanistan perché lo impone la "realpolitik".
Io i volti di quei bambini ve li risparmio. Ma in cambio, la prossima volta che con leggerezza vi verrà
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Thread 🧵 on #Taliban war crimes in #Panjshir.

I request @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @SR_Afghanistan to kindly read this tread and I leave its investigation on you.

Last night, the Taliban killed at least seven civilians in Abdullah Khil Valley of #Panjshir.
After a heavy defeat & many casualities, the #Taliban entered to Abdullah Khil Valley last night in coordination with the #NRF to transfer the dead bodies & wounded of their group members.

But after doing so, the Taliban opened fire on civilian homes as they were leaving... 2/4
... the Abdullah Khil Valley, killing and wounding several people including women and children.

the talks for allowing Taliban to get inside the valley were done with the mediation of #Taliban security chief for #Panjshir.
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Il mullah Omar era solito ripetere all'indirizzo degli occidentali: "Voi avete gli orologi, noi abbiamo il tempo".
Il decreto firmato dal leader dei #Talebani, che obbliga le donne dell'#Afghanistan ad indossare il #Burqa in pubblico, lo smentisce. I #talebani non hanno solo
il tempo, ma pure gli orologi: con le loro lancette hanno riportato l'#Afghanistan indietro di 20 anni.
E dire che qualcuno, in Italia (#Conte), parlava di un regime "distensivo". Sbagliava: i Talebani non sono cambiati.
Curioso poi risentire come Conte parlasse della Russia
e di arroganza dell'Occidente. Non è cambiato niente.
La scorsa estate parlai col prof. @Margelletti. Mi disse: "Le conquiste che le donne hanno avuto verranno completamente azzerate e devastate".…
Aveva ragione.
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By all accounts, the NRF have launched a major offensive against the #Taliban across #Panjshir today -- taking multiple districts.

No doubt the #Taliban can respond in force, but it's yet another sign (beyond #ISKP) that #Afghanistan's new rulers are far from unchallenged.
NEW - x7 rockets fired into #Tajikistan from #Afghanistan.

In one month, #Pakistan, #Uzbekistan & #Tajikistan have all been hit by cross-border attacks, and #Iran affected by border clashes.

Tajik incident comes amid NRF (long associated with #Dushanbe) offensive in #Panjshir.
#ISKP have claimed today’s cross-border rocket attack on #Tajikistan.

This comes weeks after a similar volley was fired into #Uzbekistan & amid #TTP cross-border attacks into #Pakistan & clashes along the #Iran border.

#Taliban coming under mounting pressure.
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There are different views about a recent incident in #Attan near #Massoud's grave.
Few facts:
1. Those performed Attan, were not #Taliban. They were youths, mainly from south of #AFG, on a sightseeing tour in Panjshir. For sure, few Taliban also joined the Attan... ImageImageImageImage
2. #Taliban (as a religious and hardliner movement) are against any type of dance including Attan.
3. The Attan location was hundreds meter away from the grave of #Massoud& as said by some commenters, that Attan was not the 1st dance there.

To be clear, Attan in that specific..., with or without purpose, was not a good move and it should be criticized.
But making that Attan an issue for provoking ethnic tensions, is even worse. ImageImageImageImage
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What happened in #Panjshir in the last five days?

Five days ago, the #Taliban attacked the National Resistance Front (#NRF) positions in Hesarak #Panjshir, which was repulsed by the forces of the Hesarak base and the #Taliban were trapped. 1/4
During this time, on Thursday, 11 TBN were killed, 40 TBN were killed & wounded on Friday & 13 TBN killed on Saturday in Hesarak area of Rukha #Panjshir.
In last 2 days, #Taliban are trying to gather & transfer some bodies & woundeds left on area through Abdullah khil Pass. 2/4
Due to the cutting of the Hesarak Bridge by the resistance forces, the #Taliban are forced to move their bodies & woundeds through the Abdullah Khil Pass, which has become a very problematic route for the #Taliban. 3/4
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Over the last 48 hours, the Taliban regime has terrorized more than a million Tajik residents of Kabul. The victims are mainly from #Panjshir, #Parwan, #Kapisa, and other northern provinces. The Taliban militias have surrounded multiple districts, breaking into houses, beating
ordinary people, confiscating people's belongings, and investigating families at gunpoint. No one in the surrendered localities is allowed to leave. Multiple sources in Kabul, which I talked to, confirm the indiscriminate brutality of the regime's militias that
, in most cases, are ethnically charged and motivated. The regime's militias, primarily rural Pashtuns in their early 20s who "cannot speak a word of Farsi," use ethnic slurs, derogatory language, and excessive violence against victims.
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