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Jan 4th 2023
VorssanExpress -hevoisuutimia: @oikeusasiamies
'Poliisiylijohtaja valehteli #alHol -suunnitelmista | 14.12.2019 
- Presidentti #Haavisto on pitkin syksyä valehdellut ja tahallaan johtanut ihmisiä harhaan #alHawl'sta.…
@oikeusasiamies #Soros järjestää #hillotolppa'a #PoliticalTrash pyrkyreille.
- Syyttömien koulutyttöjen veri virtaa #vihreät #demarit #kokoomus #UsefulIdiots syystä.
#Soros-#CIA plan to #destablish #Europe.
- #ISIS Has Directed and Inspired Attacks Around the World.
@oikeusasiamies #Utaremaisteri'sta #Soros-#Alivaliosihteeri @PaiviNerg
Read 19 tweets
May 9th 2022
"Systems Thinking is a must have skill in today’s complex, changing, non-linear world where everything is interconnected as well as interdependent." -- Sahana Chattopadhyay @sahana2802…
Choice Quotes from Bill Gates's New Book ⋆ Brownstone Institute…
#BiologicalVirus, #ComputerVirus, #AbnormalPsychology, #IntellectualError, #BookReview
Read 13 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/31/2022…
Immune activation in irritable bowel syndrome: what is the evidence? | Nature Reviews Immunology…
#ImmuneActivation, #IrritableBowelSyndrome, #ResearchResults
Read 13 tweets
Jul 14th 2021
1/ Sadly I can believe our government is pursuing a #HerdImmunityByInfection “strategy” ….but I am really struggling to accept that their senior medical & scientific advisors & those in @PHE_uk etc are condoning such a brutal & inhumane policy.
2/Assuming govt want #coronavirus to spread rapidly, despite the natural #Firebreak provided by the school holidays, they must be feeling rather satisfied that the numbers of cases are ⬆️ so rapidly.
Presumably they block out the ⬆️in hospitalisations & deaths so they can sleep?
3/ They avoid the issue of #LongCovid wherever possible so are unlikely to notice the iceberg of morbidity as it gets larger.
Even if they do, difficulties in accessing a PCR test because the symptom list is inadequate will ⬇️ the number of ppl who can prove they had #COVID.
Read 11 tweets
May 16th 2021
For any parent or teacher who believes that the Gvmt is being “guided by the science”, following “data not dates” & has the best interests of your children & family at heart, today is a good day to read these articles from @NafeezAhmed @BylineTimes.
There’s NOTHING “we are a grass roots parents group” about the people pulling the strings of government, resulting in decisions that have directly affected the lives of pupils, staff & families of both.

#UsForThem, aka #ForMeNotYou, do not care about YOUR CHILD or ANY STAFF!
Their #NoMasksInClass campaign, the results of which begin tomorrow, has nothing to do w/ education or keeping children safe.
The vast majority of children understand that being asked to #WearAMask at school is a very small price to pay for keeping others safe & them at school.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
"Now it has emerged that ministers approved a settlement whose specific terms were that the £57.75m pay-out was *not intended for convicted claimants* – although they are among the worst-hit victims of the #Horizon [@PostOffice IT system] scandal."…
Thought the institution itself does have previous form... 👇

Some impressive digging by Eleanor Shaikh; more here:… for those who want the more recent blow-by-blow.

Also here, from Barrister Paul Marshall:…

HT @tonyrcollins Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be immersed in a perfect storm?
Nothing would be predictable from one moment to the next.
Chaos all around you… Noise and confusion buffeting you from every side.
Solid ground?
Even its memory would begin to recede.

As a species, that’s where we are now. Our beautiful planet is under attack from weapons of mass destruction. Chemical weapons are being deployed against our people. The foundations are being laid for ecological and civilizational collapse.

“Weapons of mass destruction?” you ask. “They didn’t exist the last time someone claimed they did. Are you sure they exist now?”

The evidence is pretty overwhelming:
- Burnt hydrocarbons flooding our atmosphere with CO2
- Intensive agriculture stripping away our soil

Read 20 tweets
May 24th 2018
How Dominionism Was Spread. Part 1.
A Covert Religious Political Theocracy, Under Many Names, is Hidden in Plain Sight.
Read 142 tweets
Feb 22nd 2018
I'm back on the #soapbox. And I'm going to be on it a long time talking up #CitizensUnited until it sinks into the brain of everyone here. If we want a HOPE of restoring the #integrity of our #elections it MUST be overturned. #DarkMoney is overriding our voices in the ballot box.
#CitizensUnited was and is the nail in the coffin to any pretense of #democracy. How do you think this #IllegitimateRegime was installed? #DarkMoney is the major culprit. Then there was the #Russian interference, #Hacking, #VoterSuppression and #Gerrymandering.
A #PerfectStorm
We lost our voices this last #election that was a #coup. #WI alone suppressed 300K votes & that's just the tip of that iceberg. Throw in the #CitizensUnited #DarkMoney of #Adelson #Kochanistan #Mercerville et al #Russians #hacking #Gerrymandering & there you go. #Democracy dies.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 18th 2017
Anàlisi 1/7
El factor clau en aquest moment és el TEMPS. Els propers mesos (o setmanes) debilitaran l’Estat d’una forma inimaginada. Les causes son les 4 crisis q estan arribant al punt màxim i entraran en ressonància.
Entretant, hem de guanyar el #21D i preparar la Republica
Les 4 crisis
-Corrupció (veieu piulades meves amb #PerfectStorm) està inundant mitjans internacionals
-Democràtica (veieu #xupxup) el #1O deixa en evidencia Estat
-crisi d pensions (s’acaba el fons pensions 2018)
-crisi deute (BCE redueix compres a la meitat a primers 2018)
Preparació d la República:
Tot i q haguéssim defensat la Republica després #27O, hauríem hagut d’obrir procés constituent i negociar el repartiment d’actius i passius. Aquests dos passos s’han de fer després del #21D i requereixen TEMPS (Escòcia va fixar 18 mesos si guanyava)
Read 7 tweets

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