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#SpaceX has started making some progress on the transpirational steel plate system that will be installed under the #Starbase #Starship OLM. In this thread, I will be detailing the latest findings as well as touching on my process for reverse engineering a system like this. (1/n) Image
I completely redid all my models related to this system. The supply pipes and manifolds have been measured and accurately modeled. I was able to gather enough reference photos to get many of the dimensions for the plates and have sized those accordingly. (2/n) Image
A few weeks ago, @RGVaerialphotos captured this photo. At the time, I noticed some of the rectangular plates appeared to have a very slight slant to them. (3/n) Image
Read 30 tweets
For SpaceX and Musk fanboys:

I can engage in decent discours with genuinely interested people, which usually you folks aren't.

But if you come at me like a smartass, I'll serve you in kind.

Also, I don't work for you, and I don't have to prove anything.
Ok. No more discussions with Starship/Musk fanboys or smartasses.

I'll block without warning.

One genius thought we're not planning for rocket engines for the spaceplanes. How the fuck else would we go to "space" dumbass? Read my fucking analysis.

Our analysis (which includes an analysis of #Starship and SpaceX on-orbit refueling shortcomings):

Much Safer than #Rockets: Titans Spaceplanes…
Read 13 tweets
Let’s do a little NASA math.

Take (1) Hasselblad on the moon strapped to the chest of an astroNOT.
Spend under 3hrs walking on the moon.
Take 1409 pictures changing film 20 times.

That’s 1409/3≈470

That’s almost 8 pictures every minute.

Don’t believe me? Follow along. ImageImage
Meet the Hasselblad Data Camera (HDC) with Réseau plate, fitted with a Zeiss Biogon 60mm ƒ/5.6 lens. It was adapted for NASA to take 70 pictures per cartridge of film instead of the usual 12. Imagine how fun it was to change film cartridges in a “spacesuit”. ImageImage
They took 1409 pictures in roughly 3 hours. 1408 usable. Take a look through your photos on your phone.

How many out of 1409 are clear, historical images.

Keep in mind you are looking at the screen while taking those not having it strapped to your chest with no view finder. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Elon Musk’s #SpaceX Starship rocket #explodes after launch  | -6h
Elon Musk’s #SpaceX Starship rocket #explodes after launch  | -6h
#SpaceX launch of Starship a success, despite #explosion minutes after takeoff | -8h
- Shortly after liftoff, an issue with the separation mechanism between the rocket's two stages caused it to enter a spin, and it exploded just minutes later.…
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How to reach Mars with #Starship. 🚀🌌

Step-by-Step Process...🧵

#StarshipLaunch #elonmusk #SpaceX #BocaChica Image
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The Untold Secrets of Cannabis, Hemp, and Cannabinoids: A Mind-Blowing Thread 🤯🚀
1/ 💥 Did you know that cannabis and hemp are actually siblings? They both belong to the same plant species, Cannabis sativa. But while cannabis gets you high, hemp has a plethora of industrial & medical uses. Let's dive into some mind-blowing facts! 🌿🧵 #Cannabis #Hemp
2/ 🧪 Cannabinoids, the chemical compounds responsible for the effects of cannabis, aren't exclusive to the plant. Our bodies naturally produce compounds called endocannabinoids, which play a crucial role in our immune and nervous systems, and homeostasis. 😲 #Cannabinoids
Read 12 tweets
1/ I asked GPT-4 to write 10 tweets about Tesla for me to post on twitter.

So, here they are.

2/ 🔌 Just charged my #Tesla for the first time at a V4 Supercharger! ⚡️ The future is here, and it's electrifying! 🚗💨 #ZeroEmissions #ElectricVehicles
3/ 💡 Fun fact: Did you know that #Tesla's regenerative braking system helps extend the life of your brakes and saves energy? Talk about smart driving! 🌍🍃 #EcoFriendly #DriveElectric
Read 12 tweets
Enquanto o Twitter surta, squads da @SpaceX de Elon Musk mandaram mais quatro caboclos para a ISS.
Subiram em 02/03/2023 o cosmonauta russo Andrey Fedyaev, o astronauta dos Emirados Árabes Unidos, Sultan Alneyadi e os astronautas da #NASA, Warren "Woody" Hoburg e Stephen Bowen.
O lançamento do foguete Falcon 9 foi belíssimo. O retorno do foguete à Terra, pousando na vertical, um show. Mas nem tudo foram flores: a nave #Endeavour (nome da Dragon na missão #Crew6) sofreu um problema ao desacoplar do estágio superior do foguete e acionou a reduncância.
Aparentemente, para os engenheiros da #SpaceX não haverá problemas no acoplamento à doca da ISS na sexta-feira, 03/03. Ainda assim, é bom ficar de olho. Só nos resta esperar e torcer para dar tudo certo.
Read 5 tweets
#EMF #Radiation for everyone.
#SpaceX launches 51 #Starlink satellites, lands rocket on ship at sea (video) | -22h
- SpaceX has permission to loft 12,000 Starlink craft and has applied for approval to deploy 30,000 more satellites on top of that.…
Thread: 82 tweets
From: #TheodoreRoosevelt marks 416 #coronavirus cases in wake of captain's firing | Apr 10, 2020
To: #MajesticPrincess with hundreds of #COVID-infected passengers docks in #Sydney | Nov 12, 2022
cc: @ drewpiers0n
@SpaceX's #Starlink satellites moving through the sky
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We are standing by for a 33-engine static fire of the #SpaceX #Starship. This will be the largest firing of rocket engines at a single time and this test has huge implications for not just SpaceX, but also the #Artemis program. Image
WOW! That looked good. Standing by for an update by SpaceX/@elonmusk on how it went.

This puts a potential March launch actually on the table. Image
@elonmusk That's a good sign. Test was the full, anticipated duration.
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1/2 ⚠️⚠️⚠️
#SpaceX has taken steps to prevent 🇺🇦#Ukraine's military from using the company's #Starlink satellite internet service for controlling drones in the region during the country's #war with 🇷🇺#Russia - Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX's president said...…
2/3 Ukraine has made effective use of unmanned aircraft for spotting enemy, targeting fires and dropping bombs.
"There are things that we can do to limit their ability to do that," she said, referring to Starlink's use with drones "There are things that we can do, and have done."
This is fucking ridiculous.
Seems like @elonmusk keeps looking for new ways assisting 🇷🇺#Russia in aggression.
Depriving the Internet for missiles and drones at the front deprives the Internet itself of meaning. Absolutely disgusting!
#RussiaIsATerroristState @SpaceX #Ukraine
Read 4 tweets


esplorerà uno degli obiettivi più intriganti nella fascia principale degli asteroidi: un gigantesco asteroide metallico, noto come 16 Psyche, circa tre volte più lontano dal sole rispetto alla Terra.

#NASA #SpaceX #ElonMuskNews…

Questo asteroide misura circa 130 miglia (210 chilometri) di diametro e, a differenza della maggior parte degli altri asteroidi che sono corpi rocciosi o ghiacciati, si pensa che sia composto principalmente da ferro metallico e nichel, simile al nucleo terrestre.

Gli scienziati si chiedono se Psiche possa essere un nucleo esposto di un primo pianeta che avrebbe potuto essere grande quanto Marte, ma che ha perso i suoi strati rocciosi esterni a causa di una serie di violente collisioni miliardi di anni fa.
Read 6 tweets

J'ai acheté #Airliquide au quasi top et j'assume complètement.

Voila pourquoi 👇 Image
Vous avez tous entendu parlé des méga-trends. Ces tendances de fond qui ont un impact significatif sur l'économie, la société et l'environnement.

Les #investisseurs qui sont en mesure de les détecter peuvent tirer parti de ces tendances pour maximiser leur performance. Image
En ce moment tout le monde ne jure que par l' #IA , les cryptomonnaies et le métavers. Mais il y a quelque chose de beaucoup plus concret que tout le monde oublie :

L'industrie spatiale...

J'en avais parlé dans ce thread passé inaperçu mais je vais insister.
Read 14 tweets
One of the big debates lately is over #nuclear energy.

Some say it's necessary for #NetZero by 2050.

Others say it's not net-positive for the #environment.

So are smaller reactors☢️a good alternative?🤝
Small Modular Reactors (#SMR )promise to bring a 'modular', more adaptable solution.

Build for a very specific purpose?
👉+1 SMR
Need to scale up for the grid?
👉+10 SMRs (SMR Farm)
Need to ramp down because #fusion finally arrived?
👉 -1 SMR per year
Micro-reactors promise to bring portable nuclear using #SpaceX tech.

👉Fits in a container, hauled by truck/ship
👉Perfect for off-grid emergencies
👉Swallow the diesel generator market
👉Doesn't need refuelling for >10 years
👉Made in Assembly Line
👉Less fuel=safe
Read 6 tweets
@elonmusk is not from the USA. He was born in South Africa and later naturalized Canadian (and at around age 30 USA). So he doesn't seem to understand US government or how balanced (trending to Conservative) it already is. #Midterms2022 #RedWaveComing #BlueTsunami2022 1/ Image
@elonmusk 2/ Our government is currently a listing ship. A #RedTsunami might capsize us. I'd also caution anyone listening to Musk for advice outside of #SpaceX or #Tesla matters. He was so, so, so, so wrong.…: Image
@elonmusk 3/ Apparently the fact #SCOTUS is the most unbalanced it's ever been in my memory escapes Elon Musk. Did you know there are only 48 Democrat Senators while the Republicans have 50?… Image
Read 4 tweets
jin - the astronaut symbolism and deep analysis.

May all Glory be to the Lord for revealing the schemes of the wicked and never leaving us into darkness. may all Glory be to the Lord may all Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ! ImageImage
His name be Glorified! i pray that this will help open your eyes to the truth and you will leave this deep muddy hole of deception grab stretched hand of the Lord Jesus Christ which is always stretched towards you and waiting for your to grab it come out of that trap and ImageImage
follow the Way the Truth and the Life who came in flesh and died for all of the humanity.

Read 4 tweets
I wonder if this will be Elon Musk. 🤔

If so, the interview will be today! ⁦@elonmusk

$TSLA Image

Here is the link to watch the Elon interview today. 👇

Read 6 tweets
Me hearing Twitter Blue compared to pay-to-win games:

“That’s like a baby’s toy!”

Here’s what REAL gamification would look like, including a Twitter Battle Pass, Achievements, Happy Hour, Streaks, and more! 🧵

💰 1000 T-Bucks (~$10) per season (2x during US elections).

Includes exclusive emojis, profile labels, and hashtags, unlocked by levelling your XP across various themed challenges (e.g. 10 tweets on #SpaceX today).

Expires after 3 months.

Timed challenges (post a gif that gets 10 likes in the next week) that award achievements; achievements can be levelled, traded, and sold for XP and T-Bucks.

Achievements and challenges can be sponsored (e.g. retweet 20 Dem politicians today)
Read 9 tweets
🇺🇸 🇺🇦 #SpaceX ne peut plus payer la maintenance de #Starlink en #Ukraine et demande au Pentagone de prendre en charge les frais. Citant des documents obtenus par #CNN, elle affirme qu'en septembre, #ElonMusk a envoyé une lettre au Pentagone déclarant que SpaceX "ne peut plus 🔽
continuer à financer les opérations de Starlink comme il l'a fait", demandant à l'agence de défense américaine de prendre le relais du financement de Starlink. services pour le gouvernement et l'armée ukrainiens. La lettre de Musk note que cela coûtera au Pentagone plus de 🔽
12 millions de dollars d'ici la fin de l'année et 400 millions de dollars supplémentaires au cours des 12 prochains mois. Le Pentagone n'a pas encore répondu à la demande. À ce jour, l'Ukraine a reçu un total d'environ 20 000 satellites Starlink. Vendredi, Musk a tweeté que 🔽
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 233 - Comenzamos nuestro #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 La ministra de Defensa de #Portugal ha anunciado el envío de 6 helicópteros Ka-32A11BC a Ucrania, aprovechando que las sanciones a Rusia los han dejado en tierra.

🟥 ¡Comparte!🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 233 - Este es, para quien no lo haya leído todavía, nuestro informe sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, jueves 13 de octubre de 2022.

➡️ Advertencia de @JosepBorrellF
➡️ Bombardeos
➡️ #Svatove…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 233 - Después de unos días de descenso, las cifras publicadas por Ucrania sobre supuestas bajas rusas han vuelto a crecer (no entramos en su fiabilidad), especialmente en lo que concierne a fallecidos, lo que indica un incremento en los combates.
Read 33 tweets
Laut @Tagesspiegel / @FT kommt es bei den Offensiven der #Ukraine öfters zu zufälligen Ausfällen von #Starlink von @elonmusk, der in den letzten Tagen mit #Russland-freundlichen Tweets aufgefallen ist. /TN #SpaceX…
@Tagesspiegel @FT @elonmusk "Mehrere ukrainische Soldaten bestätigten den plötzlichen Satellitenausfall während laufender Kämpfe. Auch westliche Militärbeamten bestätigten Ausfälle, wollten ihre Angaben aber nicht ausführen." /TN #Musk
@Tagesspiegel @FT @elonmusk Es ist halt immer eine gute Idee, Privatunternehmen kritische Infrastruktur an die Hand zu geben. 😉 /TN
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Spitballing about DART & Dimorphos. Yes, actual scientists have done TONS of rocket science, impact calcs, modeling, scenarios, etc, & now are analyzing data for making this efficient & viable at redirecting killer asteroids. But this is just for funsies! A 🧵
This was basically a fast refrigerator hitting a stadium sized gravel pile. In my head, that's not what an asteroid was. They're MOUNTAINS. IN. SPACE. But as a lot of recent missions have shown, and asteroid researchers suspected for years, a lot are just loose piles of rubble.
They're loosely held together by static forces and gravity, but not that much gravity. If they're more potato than sphere, there's not enough compression to form them into solid bodies. So, less mountain, more ball pit. At least for these types of asteroids. Really surprised me.
Read 22 tweets
Prepárate, que hoy a las 19:00 horas 🗓️ podrás ver en tiempo real cómo la misión #DART de la @NASA impactará al asteroide Dimorphos. ☄️

Mira aquí la transmisión en directo 👉
¿Qué significa DART? 🤔 Como sacado de una película, Doble Prueba de Redirección de Asteroide de la NASA es una iniciativa que busca colisionar contra asteroides con trayectoria hacia la Tierra y alterar su viaje. 💥 Image
¿Cómo podremos verlo en tiempo real? Gracias a su cámara DRACO, la que enviará imágenes cada segundo en tiempo real hacia la Tierra.

Una vez impacte al asteroide, se observará una cegadora luz.También el pequeño espía LICIACube entregará una visión de la superficie de Dimorphos. Image
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¿Un lanzamiento antes de la histórica misión #Artemis I? ¡Posiblemente! SpaceX lanzará otra misión Starlink hoy.

Despegue — 02:23 UTC 🗺️
04:23 🇪🇸
03:23 🇮🇨
23:23 🇦🇷🇺🇾
22:23 🇧🇴🇨🇱🇩🇴🇵🇷🇵🇾🇻🇪🇺🇸ᴇᴛ
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19:23 🇺🇸ᴘᴛ
El tiempo en Florida ha obligado a cambiar el T-0. @ExplorandoE justo tomaba estas fotos hace unos minutos 👇
El nuevo T-0 es a las 03:41 UTC, poco más de una hora después.

05:41 🇪🇸
04:41 🇮🇨
00:41 🇦🇷🇺🇾
23:41 🇧🇴🇨🇱🇩🇴🇵🇷🇵🇾🇻🇪🇺🇸ᴇᴛ
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21:41 🇨🇷🇬🇹🇭🇳🇳🇮🇸🇻🇺🇸ᴍᴛ
20:41 🇺🇸ᴘᴛ
Read 5 tweets

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