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1/14 These critical threads highlight key points on the latest FCA 'Research Note: Cryptoassets consumer research 2023'; revealing a significant increase in #cryptoasset ownership in the #UK, with 9% of adults (4.97m) owning cryptoassets in 2022; highlighting the growing adoption
2/14 The research highlights that 15% of #cryptoasset users have purchased #stablecoins. This indicates that stablecoins, which are designed to minimise price volatility, have gained traction as a popular choice among #crypto investors. #CryptoassetsOwnership
3/14 A noteworthy is that 28% of non-cryptoasset users stated they would be more likely to buy #cryptoassets if the market & activities were regulated. This underscores the potential impact of regulation on consumer behaviour & the importance of creating a regulated environment.
Read 23 tweets
Binance Exchange On-Chain Analysis in the Context of CFTC-SEC-Binance Lawsuit Cases

On a nominal basis, Binance has experienced large net outflows of Bitcoin and Ethereum after today's SEC lawsuit announcement.

Details on the thread🧵
These net outflows are more significant than when the CFTC sued the exchange in March 2023. However, net outflows so far are smaller than what the exchange has experienced in other periods of "stress" (or regulatory FUD).
$BTC, $ETH, $Stablecoins ImageImageImage
Moreover, these net outflows are small relative to the level of reserves in the exchange.
In the case of stablecoins(ERC20), reserves at Binance have been decreasing significantly, from $24.5B in Dec. 2022 to $8.2B. This has been mostly the result of a decrease in $BUSD. ImageImageImageImage
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IOSCO recently published its long-awaited consultation report on regulating #CryptoAssets, consisting of 18 high-level recommendations for global regulators to take into consideration when crafting and enforcing rules in this area. Image
⏰ The deadline to provide feedback has been set for 31 July, with a view to finalising them by September/October this year
👇 Key points of IOSCO's recommendations EU's #MiCA framework:

Main focus: Market integrity & investor protection;
Require #CASPs to implement fair, orderly, and timely transactions;
Read 15 tweets
[3 stratégies DeFi sur Aave]

👻 #Aave est aujourd'hui la plaque tournante de la #DeFi

Voici 3 stratégies possibles pour pouvoir générer des revenus via la plateforme

(Thread co écrit avec @cmfthomas )

🧶👇 Image
@cmfthomas #1 Ethereum Maxi

✅ Si vous êtes bullish sur l'ETH, cette stratégie très simple devrait vous plaire :

🪜 Celle-ci consiste à prendre une position à effet de levier modérée depuis @AaveAave Image
@cmfthomas @AaveAave Pour ce faire :

🔄 Il vous suffit de déposer de l'ETH sur Aave, emprunter de l'USDC, le swapper en $ETH & le redéposer sur Aave

📈 Si le cours de l'ETH grimpe, l'emprunt que vous aurez swappé en $ETH vaudra plus que votre dette en $USDC
Read 13 tweets

Navigating #Crypto #Regulation in the UK 🇬🇧💰🔍

A comprehensive summary of the UK House of Commons Treasury Committee report on government's approach to #cryptoassets & how they plan to balance the scales of innovation and risk. (1/16) #ShitcoinShutdown #DLT Thread on the UK Gov's plan...
2. Shoutout to @MatthewLINY for finding this document that was published May 10 2023. 🤝

In this thread, I am going to summarize some viewpoints of the UK Gov and I will post the document link at the end of the Thread! Lets dig in⏬ #Crypto #DLT #Blockchain Image
3. The Treasury Committee has called for the UK Gov to step up its efforts in regulating #cryptocurrency, amidst rising concerns about risks to consumers.

They advocate for a pragmatic and balanced approach to regulation, recognising the potential of #DLT in financial services. Image
Read 18 tweets
0/🧵 @Tether_to announced $1.48b profits for Q1 2023 - omfg, and a bit of colour on their reserves

“IS $USDT BACKED?” is the oldest question in crypto

IMO, the appropriate question should be -> “IS $USDT FAIRLY COLLATERALISED?”

Here’s how I personally look at $USDT reserving……
1/🧵By Q1’23 @Tether_to had issued $79.4b of digital tokens, and held $81.8b of assets -> in other words had net assets for $2.4b

Is this over-collateralisation enough? It depends through which lens you look at Tether:
1) Money transmitter (i.e. just a servicer)
2) Bank/ fund Image

Money transmitters should be mere service providers, they:
- Take your cash, and keep it in quasi-cash assets
- Give you back receipt token/ representation of your cash
- Commit to give you back cash 1-for-1

@circle is issuing $USDC like this
Read 11 tweets
2. I argue that even if #stablecoins do not perfectly satisfy the four prongs of the by now familiar Howey Test for securities, established by the U.S. Supreme Court, substance should not be sacrificed for form.
3. Ultimately a court of competent jurisdiction may be more minded to classify stablecoins as securities given the ultimate goal is investor protection.
Read 4 tweets
The final #MiCA text is here!

After a false alarm on Thursday, when pre-trilogue amendments were mistaken for a new version, we can now take a look at the text that will be voted on by the @Europarl_EN on 20/4

TL;DR - No changes for DeFi, NFTs & stablecoins' caps

A quick 🧵 Image
MiCA will NOT apply to "crypto-asset services provided in a fully decentralised manner without any intermediary"

The @EU_Commission will produce a report in 18 months assessing the "necessity and feasibility of regulating #DeFi" ImageImage
It will also NOT apply to unique and non-fungible tokens, but it WILL apply to fractional #NFTs

Authorities to adopt a "substance over form approach" when classifying NFTs, as their "de facto features" or their "issuance in a large series" could mean they are fungible = captured ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
5M views for @RobertKennedyJr’s anti-#CBDC tweet👇. #FedNow isn’t a CBDC but all the criticism from different corners is interesting.

A big issue w/ FedNow=banks don’t have enuf cash to handle the higher liquidity demands of 24/7/365 pymts. Banks need to hold *a lot* more cash!
2/ Yest, while on a podcast w/ @CathieDWood, I said out loud for the first time: #FedNow may not actually launch in July. Banks will need *a lot* more liquidity to handle 24/7/365 pymts, & to raise that cash they’d need to sell assets at loss—which wld reveal the solvency problem
3/ And there’s another reason I said that as well: the sudden but inaccurate groundswell of “#FedNow is a #CBDC” criticism. It’s starting to come from multiple “strange political bedfellow” directions. The #FedNow critics are not wrong abt it in two ways tho:
Read 6 tweets
Binance Exchange's Health After the CFTC Lawsuit

CQ's research team assessed the behavior of Binance net-outflows and reserves of $BTC, $ETH, and Stablecoins in three recent stress-test periods.
- Regulatory FUD after FTX Collapse
- Paxos' announcement
- CFTC lawsuit

1/ #Bitcoin

Regulatory FUD
A netflow of -40,353 BTC in a day and total netflows of -78,744 BTC in a week.

Paxos' announcement
The largest daily netflow was on Feb 12th for -5,027 BTC.

CFTC lawsuit
A daily netflow of -4,505 BTC.

They have remained inside historical ranges.
2/ #Ethereum

Regulatory FUD
The highest daily netflow was -278k ETH.

Paxos' announcement
The daily netflow was -79,706 ETH

CFTC lawsuit
A daily netflow of -76,146 ETH

They have remained inside historical ranges.
Read 7 tweets
😊💫Who will be the next member in #Mesonverse - welcome @rise_wallet, a non-custodial wallet native to Aptos.

By joining forces, we can offer seamless cross-chain services for all web3 explorers! Image
2/ Meson now enables you to swap #stablecoins assets from any chain to Rise wallet on Aptos. Together, we are expanding seamless cross-chain experience between multiple blockchains.

⬇️Discover more detailed collabs on Medium:…
3/ 👥By combining innovative solutions with Rise wallet’s built-in swap feature & NFT display function, and swapping from chain to chain with Meson, we’ll accelerate the utilization of your digital asset!

Get ready to manage your Aptos asset at:
Read 4 tweets
1/ A 🧵ON THE @federalreserve's precedent-setting 86-page @custodiabank order, released on Friday. Custodia just published a blog post highlighting the newly-articulated Fed policies + the procedural abnormalities it reveals.…
2/ First, the policy items. Here are the first two:
3/ The third is new & raises lots of questions, esp since the Fed appears to have made a significant break from the President's Working Group's recommendation that #stablecoins only be issued by banks. There may be a new "catch 22" here:
Read 13 tweets
#CARDANO #ADA historical price action, a thread 🧵 🪡

I keep looking at this CHART. This is #CARDANO’S price action since inception, spanning from 2018 till date. Approximately 5 years of trading. I look at it and I’m still seeing a Cup & Handle pattern with a $14.38 target.

in the #Cardano community have never witnessed #CARDANO in a bull market with a thriving ECOSYSTEM complete with #DEFI, #stablecoins & #METERVERSE as we have now in this bear market. Anyone here now is early and we are about to witness history in the making. Despite the
impressive gains #CARDANO has always enjoyed in the last two bull markets, #CARDANO has never experienced having a HUGE percentage of #ADA locked up in NUMEROUS #DEFI protocols which takes a ton of its liquidity out of circulation frozen in smart contracts as #TVL, we are about
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We want to tweet regarding @MBitcoiner, @c_hashreview, @harris_irfan, @brucefenton, @MuatafaGMI, and other ‘Bitcoin maxis’.

You love #Bitcoin almost blindly, probably even more than it deserves. But we are here not to convert your opinion.
#IslamicCoin’s team shares mostly the same perspectives about Bitcoin as ‘bitcoin maxis’ and is devoted to the goal of inclusion of unbanked people into the modern economy. We do like decentralization, resistance to manipulation, deflationary nature, etc. But let’s draw the line.
#Bitcoin is the first mover. In the 12 years of its existence, we've witnessed many other coins and blockchains with different value propositions and utility, like privacy coins, #DeFi protocols, #stablecoins, and #NFTs, to name a few.
Read 13 tweets

It will not be..
❌the Digital USD
❌the Chinese Digital Yuan
❌any PoS protocol

It will be..
✅100% neutral
#XRP and #XLM as global #stablecoins

The US Dollar has been the backbone of global monetary flow for decades.

In 1971, the US officially dropped the gold standard. This step "removes the underpinnings from the worlds money"

This change meant that the global payment currency no longer possessed any intrinsic value. Its value was solely derived from the confidence of the world's economies that the USD was secure and stable enough to be held and transacted with.

Read 26 tweets
1/ 🧵#Stablecoin regulation by Congress can bring clarity and consumer protection, unlocking benefits for consumers & SMEs. Faster, affordable payments await! (see…).
2/ Designing stablecoins isn't rocket science, 🚀 but avoid pitfalls! ⚡️⚡️⚡️ (…). State (e.g., @NYDFS) and federal regulators and agencies (@federalreserve, @USOCC, @FDICgov) can play a key role in this.
3/ #1: You need a robust reserve design that can weather market storms 🌪️ and a major run (…). The plan by the now-defunct @DiemAssociation was short-term US Treasuries (90 days or less) & repos for liquidity.
Read 15 tweets
Now you can use $MaticX as collateral to borrow stablecoin $MAI @qidao

And earn 3% SD Boost💰💰

Well, you already know that !

Let's go step-by-step on how to make the most of this opportunity 🧵

1/6 Image
Our partnership with @QiDaoProtocol allows borrowing a loan upto 74% of the collateral value…

With 0% Borrow APY🤯

It's a money minting opportunity for all the #DeFi #Degens

Step #1:

Stake MATIC with Stader on

And mint MaticX while earning MATIC at a ~5.76% APY


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Today #stablecoins are the most important elements in the world of #DEFI and #Cryptocurency (before #Bitcoin of course).

Let's see how @LiquityProtocol offers a decentralized stablecoin, independent of bank reserves.

THREAD 🧵🧵🧵 Image
I'm not saying that $LUSD is the best stablecoin, you have to understand that each #stablecoin has its advantages and disadvantages.

These advantages and disadvantages must therefore be dealt with according to the needs and the context.
Given the current economic context, with banks dropping like flies, I think we should seriously consider decentralized #stablecoins that are not collateralized by money in the bank.

Read 23 tweets


Aujourd'hui, je vais vous montrer comment créer un contrat de NFT qui autorise le paiement en #stablecoin à la place de l'ether pour éviter la volatilité (👀).

Suivez ce thread pour apprendre comment mettre en place cette solution technique simplement.

Mise en situation :

Vous lancez une collection de NFT sur la blockchain #Ethereum... mais vous avez besoin d'un montant très précis, 100$ par NFT, pas plus, pas moins.

Et la se pose un problème, un mint en ether induit forcément la variation du cours...
Heureusement, il existe une solution à votre problème...

Les #stablecoins !

Des tokens indexés au cours de l'USD qui (en théorie) ne varient pas.

Mais est-ce possible de mint des NFTs en échange de stablecoins ?
Read 16 tweets
MC of 4.5M & sitting at roughly .12 @DFXFinance has an insane amount upside. $DFX has big plans, great team, great partners, & is bringing foreign #stablescoins to the 🌍. DB is sold on the potential. See this YouTube vid on how the bonding curve works.

@pZpWjd4dkw9ZGIG appreciate your $DFX RT💯 my friend @DFXFinance is bringing #stablecoins to the 🌍
@Gordospin1 appreciate your $DFX RT💯 @DFXFinance is bringing #Stablecoins to the 🌍
Read 5 tweets
With all the negativity in #crypto at the moment I’m glad I’m in $TEL & $DFX 🤝🏻 they are doing it the right way💯

$TEL $DFX $MATIC #Web3 #Staking #altcoin #polygon #GSMA #Fintech #Defi #Crypto #Stablecoins @telcoin @JTQuigley @P4Cap @DFXFinance @CotyKuhn @kevinzhangTO @0xNegi…
Appreciate your $TEL $DFX RT💯 @Lelaye_XRP. Hope your having a great Sunday 🤜🤛 My $TEL sis is on fire 🔥 today!!!!
@pZpWjd4dkw9ZGIG 🤝🏻 is on fire 🔥 appreciate your $DFX $TEL RT💯
Read 6 tweets
It’s Saturday night #crypto is supposedly done for & going to zero 😂 DB is unfazed why? I know what I #HODL 💪

$TEL $DFX $MATIC #Web3 #Staking #altcoins #AI #100xgem #polygon #GSMA #Fintech #Defi #Crypto #Stablecoins @telcoin @P4Cap @DFXFinance @CotyKuhn @kevinzhangTO @0xNegi
I know @magnifintech knows what they #HODL appreciate your $TEL $DFX RT💯 my friend 🤝
I know @EddieSuarez70 knows we #HODL’s appreciate your $TEL $DFX RT💯 my friend 🤝 those bad a$$ $DFX socks 🧦 will be on the way soon my friend 🔥
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¿Qué está pasando con las #stablecoins? 🤔

Primero fue la #Stablecoin de #Binance #BUSD que hasta hoy ha perdido $8 mil millones de sus capital de mercado, y ahora es #USDC de #Coinbase que ha perdido la paridad con el dólar y $7 mil millones de su capital. 😱

[Hilo] 🧶

En el caso de #Binance y #BUSD hicimos un hilo en su momento que dejaré al final, pero hoy nos enfocamos en el caso de la moneda estable #USDC del exchange cripto más grande de EE.UU @coinbase.

Lo primero a destacar es que Coinbase y Circle que son los emisores de #USDC...

no están en quiebra. El problema lo tuvo fue el banco @SVB_Financial que es donde @circle y @coinbase tienen parte del colateral de su moneda estable #USDC. Éste Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) fue intervenido hace 1 día por el @CaliforniaDFPI ya que estaba insolvente.👇

Read 17 tweets
@DFXFinance is creating an ecosystem for non-USD #stablecoins to thrive & provide value to users around the globe.
Are YOU 🫵 Interested in a great #partnership with $DFX contact @CotyKuhn @0xNegi @kevinzhangTO

$TEL $ETH $MATIC #Web3 #Staking #altcoins #100xgem #polygon #DeFi
@CryptoBlacksmit @phenomcrypto4 appreciate your $DFX RT💯 🐉🔥
Appreciate your $DFX RT💯 @eltarod and thanks for the support 🔥🤝🏻
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