Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Stablecoin

Most recents (24)

May 29th 2023
IOSCO recently published its long-awaited consultation report on regulating #CryptoAssets, consisting of 18 high-level recommendations for global regulators to take into consideration when crafting and enforcing rules in this area. Image
⏰ The deadline to provide feedback has been set for 31 July, with a view to finalising them by September/October this year
👇 Key points of IOSCO's recommendations EU's #MiCA framework:

Main focus: Market integrity & investor protection;
Require #CASPs to implement fair, orderly, and timely transactions;
Read 15 tweets
May 13th 2023
🐎🧵1. Why the name Stablecoin?

Stablecoins play an essential role in the Defi eco-system.

They serve several different purposes and enable an array of Defi applications across multiple chains.

Saddle up, let’s talk Stablecoin benefits 🐴🪙

($STABLE giveaway at the end 🥳) Image
2. Liquidity 💧

Stablecoins help provide liquidity to Defi markets, enabling users to easily trade across multiple platforms.

They can also serve as a bridge between traditional fiat currency and cryptocurrency, allowing users to enter and exit Defi markets with less friction.
3. Stability 🤝

Cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, and ADA are subject to significant price volatility. Stablecoins are designed to maintain a stable value, usually pegged to a fiat currency like $USD

Making them a good medium of exchange and a reliable store of value for Defi.
Read 7 tweets
May 2nd 2023
#Ethereum's #revenue sees fourth consecutive monthly increase, reaching $208m, but underperforms compared to #Bitcoin as global #crypto market faces #bearish trends. 🧵👇

Sub to our TG for the latest:… Image
1/10: #Ethereum's monthly #revenue has improved for the fourth consecutive month to $208m, but is still low. When monthly revenue began ramping up in 2021 and eclipsed >200m for the first time, #ETH was trading around $1,300. Image
2/10: #Bitcoin (#BTC) price is $28,048, above the 50d MA of $27,963, which is #bullish. #Ethereum (#ETH) price is $1,828, below the 50d MA $1,854, which is #bearish, with the price #WoW decreasing by -1.9%.
Read 12 tweets
May 2nd 2023
#Bitcoin Back Above $29k After #MtGox False Alert

📰Let’s dive into your weekly digest of specially curated reads by #Matrixport 📰

What’s #trending in #cryptocurrency? ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Image
1️⃣ #Bitcoin Slumped and Rebounded in Hours amid False Alarm on #US Government Dump
2️⃣ #Circle Launches Cross-Chain #USDC Transfer Protocol for #Ethereum, #Avalanche
3️⃣ Binance.US Calls off $1.3bn Deal for #Voyager’s #Assets, Citing a “Hostile Environment”
4️⃣ #Arbitrum #Blockchain #Airdrops $120m-worth #ARB #Tokens to Projects in its Ecosystem
5️⃣ #Visa Shares Plans for ‘Ambitious’ #Crypto Product Regarding #Stablecoin #Payments

Read 4 tweets
May 1st 2023
🌊 Introducing ORCA: The Guardian of the Kujira Ecosystem! 🌊

Get ready for a deep dive into the powerful features of ORCA that protect and maintain the stability of the Kujira ecosystem! 🐳💪 Image
🧵 Unroll the thread below to explore ORCA's capabilities! 👇

#Kujira #ORCA #DeFi #Crypto #USK #GHOST
1/ 🔐 Key Features of ORCA 🔐

ORCA offers a range of features designed to protect and maintain the stability of the Kujira ecosystem:

1. ORCA Mint Markets 🌐
2. GHOST ORCA Markets 👻
3. GHOST ORCA Queues 🚧
4. Margin Trading (Coming Soon) 📈

Let's explore each in detail!
Read 22 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
2. I argue that even if #stablecoins do not perfectly satisfy the four prongs of the by now familiar Howey Test for securities, established by the U.S. Supreme Court, substance should not be sacrificed for form.
3. Ultimately a court of competent jurisdiction may be more minded to classify stablecoins as securities given the ultimate goal is investor protection.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
From #bearish to #bullish: #crypto trends signal a potential buying opportunity at $27,500 for #Bitcoin and #Ethereum outperformance 🧵🧵

Sub to our TG for the latest:… Image
#Crypto #sentiment has cooled off, with our #Bitcoin Greed & Fear Index dropping to 44 (for #Ethereum, 46). Buying half a position at $27,500 could be a good re-entry level, with the possibility of the price dropping to $25,000 for the second half.
The decline in #stablecoin #marketcap suggests money is leaving the ecosystem, with #USDC and #BUSD dropping below $30bn and $6.5bn, respectively. Negative #funding rates for #Binance #BNB could indicate potential negative news.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 14th 2023

Jest wiele technik inwestowania i zarabiania na #krypto. Sporo osób stawia na maks. bezpieczeństwo, omijając #trading czy ryzykowne #GEM'y.

#HODL to bezpieczny zysk w długim terminie ale jak go połączyć z regularnymi wypłatami w czasie gdy kapitał czeka na hossę?

🧵👇 Image

Osobiście uważam, że kluczem do zyskownego inwestowania jest pełna dywersyfikacja ale to temat rzeka na zupełnie inny wątek. Skupmy się w tym momencie na portfelu #HODL (mój koszyk krypto zawiera jeszcze #GEM (long/short term), #TRADING oraz rotacyjny #BTC / #ETH.

Idąc dalej każdy z nich również jest odpowiednio dywersyfikowany. Tak samo jak zapewne Wasze portfele long term nie zawierają tylko #Bitcoin .

Jak nie redukując torby pod Hossę systematycznie czerpać zyski? Kluczem jest stałe utrzymywanie części portfela w Stabelcoin'ach!
Read 12 tweets
Apr 10th 2023
April 10, 2023: Mas Dinero 🦋💵
@redactedcartel Releases Stablecoin White Paper

(article link at end of thread)

🧵1/9👇 Image

Last week Redacted released details on their upcoming stablecoin, $DINERO.

The new token immediately stands out as providing one the more novel utilities among #stablecoin platforms.

The protocol plans to operate a premium decentralized RPC, with access powered by their new stablecoin.

This will take the form of a @redactedcartel Relayer in which users can pay $DINERO to broadcast meta-transactions.

Read 9 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
Hey @cronos_chain and @cosmos Farmers! @TectonicFi incentives are live on their new isolated pools with up to 20% APY on stables!

This means farming is now more
✅ Secure
✅ Flexible
✅ Capital Efficient

How can you earn these FREE INCENTIVES? 🤑
First you gotta know

what is @TectonicFi and @VenoFinance!

Tectonic is like @AaveAave, a cross-chain money market for earning passive yield and instant loans!

Veno is like @LidoFinance, a $CRO liquid staking protocol giving you extra APY with $LCRO, an auto-compounding yield-bearing token! Image
Tectonic's isolated pools allow for multiple lending markets, each supporting their own assets, like a sandbox for smaller cap coins!

Each pool has its own risks, making it safer to list smaller tokens without increasing risk for other pools.

Got it? Let's explore strategies! Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
💫1/ Happy to share our latest partnership with @fluiditymoney, a leading blockchain incentive-based layer that enables users to earn yield whenever they engaged in transfers.

⬇️Let's breakdown into details:…
2/👥By combining our expertise, we’ll deliver a secure and speedy swap solution and elevate the overall experience of Fluidity users.
Meson is set to offer a hassle-free stablecoin swap solution, allowing users to mint Fluid assets on Arbitrum using #stablecoin from any chains.
3/ Welcome to Fluidity your money on their website and start to earn some rewards today!

Read 4 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
Herkese günaydın 🤗 yine bir bankacılık krizi ile güne uyandık.Bu sefer ses,Almanyadan geldi.Piyasa değeri 19 Milyar dolara ulaşan "Deutsche Bank" hisselerinde büyük bir düşüş yaşandı.Peki "Deutsche Bank" kısaca bahsedelim. (…)
Almanya merkezli küresel bir finansal hizmetler holdingidir. Deutsche Bank, bankacılık, yatırım bankacılığı, varlık yönetimi ve sigorta gibi çeşitli finansal hizmetler sunmaktadır.
Banka, dünya çapında müşterilere hizmet vermektedir ve birçok uluslararası piyasada güçlü bir varlığa sahiptir.Deutsche Bank hissedarları çeşitli yatırımcılar ve kurumlardan oluşmaktadır.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
Herkese günaydın 🤗Dün açıklanan birkaç #makroekonomi verisinden bahsederek konuya giriş yapalım.Dün #ABD - Yeni konut satış verisi açıklandı ve bir önceki veriye göre artış gösterdi.
Yeni ev satışları, konut sektöründeki faaliyetlerin ve istihdamın bir göstergesi olarak ekonomiye katkı sağlar. Yeni evlerin inşası, inşaat sektörüne iş imkanı yaratır ve malzeme tedarikçileri, taşeronlar ve müteahhitler gibi diğer sektörler de bu faaliyetten faydalanır.
Yeni evlerin satışı, ayrıca tüketici harcamalarında artışa neden olabilir ve bu da ekonominin büyümesine katkıda bulunabilir.Ancak, yüksek talep, düşük arz ve sınırlı ev stoku gibi faktörler nedeniyle yeni ev fiyatları arttıkça,#enflasyon da etkileyebilirler.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
Herkese günaydın 🤗 Dün piyasanın fiyatladığı gibi 25 bps faiz arttırımı geldi.#Powell'ın açıklamalarından çıkan sonuca gelicek olursak.#Fed ve powell,bankacılık sektöründeki son olayların etkilerine rağmen ekonominin sağlam olduğunu vurgularken

faiz oranlarında önemli bir değişiklik olmayacağını öngördü. Ancak, Powell, faizleri yükseltmeye hazır olduklarını belirtti ve enflasyonun hedef seviyesine ulaşması için ek faiz artırımlarının gerekebileceğini ifade etti.
Powell, 21 Mart 2023 tarihinde yapmış olduğu açıklamada, ABD'deki ekonomik durumu belirleyen en iyi gösterge olarak, faiz oranı eğrisinin ilk 18 ayına bakmanın önemli olduğunu belirtmiştir.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 19th 2023

It will not be..
❌the Digital USD
❌the Chinese Digital Yuan
❌any PoS protocol

It will be..
✅100% neutral
#XRP and #XLM as global #stablecoins

The US Dollar has been the backbone of global monetary flow for decades.

In 1971, the US officially dropped the gold standard. This step "removes the underpinnings from the worlds money"

This change meant that the global payment currency no longer possessed any intrinsic value. Its value was solely derived from the confidence of the world's economies that the USD was secure and stable enough to be held and transacted with.

Read 26 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
1/ 🧵#Stablecoin regulation by Congress can bring clarity and consumer protection, unlocking benefits for consumers & SMEs. Faster, affordable payments await! (see…).
2/ Designing stablecoins isn't rocket science, 🚀 but avoid pitfalls! ⚡️⚡️⚡️ (…). State (e.g., @NYDFS) and federal regulators and agencies (@federalreserve, @USOCC, @FDICgov) can play a key role in this.
3/ #1: You need a robust reserve design that can weather market storms 🌪️ and a major run (…). The plan by the now-defunct @DiemAssociation was short-term US Treasuries (90 days or less) & repos for liquidity.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
2023 brings its fair share of challenges, but we at #TRON are more committed than ever to achieving our goals! Our focus remains on the growth of the #stablecoin, #USDT #TUSD #USDD #USDC #USDJ on #TRON. We aim to grow our stablecoin market cap from $40 billion to $60 billion.
As we navigate these testing times, we'll continue to innovate and improve upon our infrastructure, ensuring that our users have a secure, reliable, and efficient platform to conduct their transactions. 🛡️ Your trust in us fuels our drive to deliver the best services possible.
Despite the challenges ahead, we are excited to play our part in nurturing the global stablecoin market, contributing to the development of #DeFi, and shaping the future of finance.🚀With your support, we'll keep striving to make #TRON the go-to platform for stablecoin growth! 🏆
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Mar 17th 2023
Today #stablecoins are the most important elements in the world of #DEFI and #Cryptocurency (before #Bitcoin of course).

Let's see how @LiquityProtocol offers a decentralized stablecoin, independent of bank reserves.

THREAD 🧵🧵🧵 Image
I'm not saying that $LUSD is the best stablecoin, you have to understand that each #stablecoin has its advantages and disadvantages.

These advantages and disadvantages must therefore be dealt with according to the needs and the context.
Given the current economic context, with banks dropping like flies, I think we should seriously consider decentralized #stablecoins that are not collateralized by money in the bank.

Read 23 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
🧵on $BAX

During the #bankingcrisis people are losing faith in #traditionalbanking system. Users cannot access their funds, stock prices are plummeting, and impending #CBDC. THE WORLD NEEDS ANOTHER VIABLE SOLUTION!
$XRP $BTC $ETH #remittance #CryptoTwitter #cryptocurrency
Bank Accounts Based on Blockchain (#BABB) was created by @Rushdaverroes in 2018. The goal was to leverages #blockchain, biometrics and machine learning to offer revolutionary decentralized banking services for people across the globe building a new global banking network!
@getbabb intrinsic design has proven to be next generation as they offer a bank account on the #BABB platform, compliant with UK regulations, available to any eligible person or business in the world, instantly, without the need for a UK address or credit history.
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Mar 16th 2023
1/ A new era of stablecoins has arrived!

The #SovrynDollar (DLLR) is a game changer. A decentralized, #Bitcoin-backed dollar you can truly own. 🚀

Live… NOW!

Say goodbye to centralized #StableCoin drama & hello to unmatched security & reliability.

Curious? Read on!

2/💪🌐 Tired of the risks of centralized stablecoin like #Tether or #USDC?

The #SovrynDollar offers a decentralized alternative that empowers users, giving you control of your assets.

Welcome to the future of finance. #DecentralizedFinance
3/🔒🔑 What sets $DLLR apart? It's ultra-reliable, secure & aggregated from other bitcoin-backed stablecoins with over-collateralized BTC reserves.

No middlemen, just seamless transactions & redeemability for any holder. #SovrynDLLR
Read 9 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
Herkese günaydın 🤗 öncelikle dün açıklanan makro verilerden bahsedelim.Perakende satışları,ABD'deki perakende satışlarının Şubat 2023'te, piyasa beklentilerine göre %0.3 azalması beklenirken %0.4 düştüğü açıklandı.
Ocak ayında da %3.2 artış yaşanmıştı.En büyük düşüş mobilya mağazalarında (%2.5), yiyecek-içecek hizmetleri sektöründe (%2.2), çeşitli perakende satış noktalarında (%1.8), otomobil ve parça satıcılarında (%1.8)
giyim mağazalarında (%0.8) ve benzin istasyonlarında (%0.6) yaşandı.Bununla birlikte, online perakendecilerde (%1.6), sağlıkta (%0.9), yiyecek-içecek mağazalarında (%0.5%), genel mal mağazalarında (%0.5) ve elektronik ve ev aletlerinde (%0.3) artış görüldü.
Read 35 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
1/8 Witness the intriguing parallel between USDC insolvency concerns & Marriner Eccles's strategy during the Great Depression. Both emphasize trust in financial systems. #stablecoin #financialhistory
USDC issuers, led by Circle, hit pause on withdrawals to gather capital in response to insolvency concerns. They took a page from history to handle the crisis. #cryptocurrency #crisismanagement
Historical context: Marriner Eccles, a prominent banker during the Great Depression, used a clever strategy to control teller cash payouts, restoring confidence in the banking system. #GreatDepression #banking
Read 9 tweets
Mar 15th 2023


Aujourd'hui, je vais vous montrer comment créer un contrat de NFT qui autorise le paiement en #stablecoin à la place de l'ether pour éviter la volatilité (👀).

Suivez ce thread pour apprendre comment mettre en place cette solution technique simplement.

Mise en situation :

Vous lancez une collection de NFT sur la blockchain #Ethereum... mais vous avez besoin d'un montant très précis, 100$ par NFT, pas plus, pas moins.

Et la se pose un problème, un mint en ether induit forcément la variation du cours...
Heureusement, il existe une solution à votre problème...

Les #stablecoins !

Des tokens indexés au cours de l'USD qui (en théorie) ne varient pas.

Mais est-ce possible de mint des NFTs en échange de stablecoins ?
Read 16 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
Herkese Günaydın 🤗, dün #ABD'de açıklanan #enflasyon verisi, #Bitcoin'in yukarı yönlü fiyatlanmasına neden oldu. Rapora göre, tüketici fiyatları endeksi (#CPI) ocak ayında %6,4 arttıktan sonra şubatta %6 artarak piyasa beklentileriyle uyumlu gerçekleşti.
Gıda ve enerji hariç tüm kalemleri kapsayan çekirdek #CPI endeksi, ocak ayına göre %0.5 artış gösterdi ve bu artış piyasa beklentilerinin üzerinde oldu. (daha ayrıntılı bilgi için 👉…)
#enflasyon verisinin beklenti halinde gelmesi #bitcoin tarafında olumlu karşılandı ama unutulmaması gereken birşey var "#enflasyon halen daha %2 hedeften uzak" ve önümüzdeki süreçte #FED atacağı adımlar önemli.
Read 21 tweets

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