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VIDEO THREAD: Supporters of @wikileaks publisher Julian Assange commemorated World Press Freedom Day this afternoon by holding a funeral procession march for press freedom in DC.

"What do we want? Free Assange!" chanted the activists, some of whom carried caskets. "When do we……
The funeral procession for press freedom protest began outside the Department of Justice with @JenChangeFL.

She says Julian Assange's prosecution is "death of part of our First Amendment."

She calls out Biden for saying "journalism is not a crime" at the White House……
Organizer @SmurphySuzanne with @AssangeActionDC spoke out in front of the DOJ and offered welcome to @RobertKennedyJr for his recent support for Julian Assange and other journalists and whistleblowers.

She read his tweets and said they are "hitting it out of the park for me."
Read 15 tweets
ICYMI: This morning CODEPINK's @medeabenjamin and Tighe Barry told @SecBlinken to #FreeAssange and seek #JusticeForShireen at a #WorldPressFreedomDay event where he mentioned neither of them.
Assange has been in prison for years in London while fighting extradition to the United States.

His "crime"? Publishing the truth about US operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, and all around the world.
"You can either be informed and your own rulers, or you can be ignorant and have someone else, who is not ignorant, rule over you." - Julian Assange Image
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The @ActonInstitute's @tiktok_us account was suspended yesterday, without notice or explanation.

The reason?

We're telling the truth about how China is stripping Hong Kongers of their human rights and persecuting pro-democracy activist #JimmyLai and others.

🧵1/ Image
On April 18 we premiered our documentary feature film THE HONG KONGER: JIMMY LAI'S EXTRAORDINARY STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM online for the world to see.

In the two weeks since that premiere, more than 1.2 million people have watch the film. 2/ Image
We shared promotional videos for the premiere of the film on all our social media accounts: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and – yes – TikTok.

In just over a week, we had amassed 4+ million views of our TikTok content, 64K likes, and more than 27K followers. 3/ Image
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The #PaulFootAward was set up in memory of revered investigative journalist, Paul Foot.

#Britain urgently & desperately needs much more high quality investigative #journalism than ever, at a time when cuts to journalism are being made. 🇬🇧

#WorldPressFreedomDay Image
Paul Foot worked variously for the Daily Record, the Daily Mirror, The Guardian, & @PrivateEyeNews.

He was involved in many high-profile campaigns throughout his illustrious career, including the Birmingham Six, the Bridgewater Four and the John Poulson scandal.
Paul's accolades include the Journalist of the Year, the Campaigning Journalist of the Year, the George Orwell Prize for Journalism, and in 2000 he was honoured as the Campaigning Journalist of the Decade.

Paul died in 2004 at the age of 66.
Read 20 tweets
Under proposed UK Government reforms to the Official Secrets Act, UK journalists could be jailed for up to 14 years for publishing stories that 'embarrass' the UK Government - that would be pretty much every honest news story about the UK Government then. 🇬🇧
#WorldPressFreedomDay Image
The Times, 1st March, 2023: Image
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An excellent read here on Shanker Singham's insidious influence on @PrifWeinidog by @FiveByFiveTimes
I cannot fathom why the Welsh FM has signed off on 2 Freeports in Wales with one of the most dangerous r/w libertarian Govt consultants in the world.…
@PrifWeinidog @FiveByFiveTimes Worried about 2nd homes in Wales? That's nothing compared to 2nd cities owned by corporations with their own laws with zero Govt oversight. That is Singham's speciality. Wake up Welsh people.
A plutocratic city, where ultra-wealthy property developers buy up public land worth 100s of millions for a fraction of its worth. The poor are expelled from these NIMBY enclaves, the prerogative of the Special Investment Zone is mini-tax havens for off-shoring wealth. #Brexit
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While the leaders’ concern for media freedom is admirable, several people have pointed that BJP governments across India have targeted and arrested a number of journalists, and no Union ministers have spoken up in those cases.
Here’s a list of journalists arrested just in the last few months, who haven’t got the same solidarity from the ruling party as Goswami has. The list of journalists who have FIRs against them r have been summoned by the police – but haven’t been arrested – would have been longer.
Siddique Kappan, of, was arrested by the Uttar Pradesh police while on his way to Hathras to cover the Dalit teenager’s gang-rape and murder. He has been charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for ‘conspiring’ against the state government Image
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"Wenn in den Nachrichten alles in Ordnung ist, dann stimmt im Journalismus etwas nicht. Mittwoch ist #WorldPressFreedomDay"
schreibt die @UN nur der Umkehrschluss wäre falsch, wenn nicht alles in Ordnung ist,dann heißt das noch lange nicht, dass der Journalismus in Ordnung ist.
Tatsächlich stört mich an dem Tweet der @UN,das er suggeriert, dass nur die Einheitspresse einer staatlichen Intervention falsch ist. In der westlichen Welt kann auch mit viel Geld gelogen werden wie @axelspringer und Co beweisen.Da wird die Pressefreiheit
@UN @axelspringer mit privatwirtschaftlicher Propaganda missbraucht ohne dass den Dauerlügen Einhalt geboten wird. Das ist ein durchaus schwieriges Problem und ich bin nicht prinzipiell gegen die Dauerlügen zu Gunsten einer Pressefreiheit. #WorldPressFreedomDay ist wichtig und richtig.
Read 46 tweets
BREAKING: Chinese police in Shanghai are building a surveillance system that alerts them every time a foreign journalist tries to visit Xinjiang… via @ipvideo
Here's the PRC police tender found by @ipvideo which details this system. It automatically notifies police every time "foreign journalists living in China" buy flight or train tickets to #Xinjiang.… Image
This is only one feature of a sweeping surveillance system. Another feature: notifying PRC police of every Uyghur coming to Shanghai Image
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Expansion of NATO is the biggest reason for threatening Russia and Putin to wage war against Ukraine before falling into the western hands.

Obama NATO let coup in 2014 dethroned the pro Russian leader eventually leading to war.

A thread for awareness👇
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Join all four international freedom of expression mandate holders to discuss their 2023 Joint Declaration on the role of media freedom for attaining and sustaining democracies. #WPFD2023

When: 3 May, 9.30 @VanceCenter @NYCBarAssn

More info:… Image
How to build a healthier online information ecosystem and ensure access to public interest information?

Find out next week at #WorldPressFreedomDay event with @OSCE_RFoM & @UNESCO

When: 3 May, 11.30 @VanceCenter @NYCBarAssn

More info:… Image
Democracy can only thrive with genuine media pluralism & free speech for all.

Join us next week at a #WorldPressFreedomDay event on Gender Justice and Freedom of Expression with @UN_Women and @APC_News

1 May, 4.30pm EDT at @UNFPA Orange Café

More info:… Image
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Today we are attending this event by the @UN and @UNESCO where our founder @mediaghosts will be speaking with experts such as @MelissaFleming, @antonioguterres, @TawfikJelassi, @vrobecco, @SukirtiDwivedi, @nishantlalwani, @ilyseh and more. Read excerpts from the session below: Image
Opening remarks are presented by @MelissaFleming. "In the face of digitally imposed barriers, editorial independence should be preserved," she says. This has become more challenging due to issues such as Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, etc.
In a video message, @UN General Secretary @antonioguterres speaks about how corruption, human rights abuses and other problems are silencing journalists from many sides. Media workers in war zones face physical dangers but also digital threats such as misinformation.
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Hoy en la conmemoración del #DíaMundialDeLaLibertadDePrensa, te traemos un hilo explicador sobre qué busca inicialmente esta fecha. 🧵#PressFreedom #Pressefreiheit #WorldPressFreedomDay
Comencemos... el 3 de mayo de cada año se celebran los principios fundamentales de la libertad de prensa📰🗞
Estos buscan brindar la oportunidad de evaluar la libertad de prensa a nivel mundial, de defender los medios de comunicación de los ataques sobre su independencia, así como de rendir homenaje a los periodistas que han perdido sus vidas en el desempeño de su profesión.
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For the past several months, we have been working with threatened journalists around the world on a new way to defeat impunity for crimes against the press.

It has a name: the #SafeBoxNetwork. On #WorldPressFreedomDay, we are thrilled to introduce it to the world. #thread (1/12)
The #SafeBoxNetwork was founded on one simple premise: to ensure that a journalist's sensitive information does not disappear with them if they are kidnapped, imprisoned or murdered.

Since the beginning of the year, eight journalists have been killed in Mexico alone. (2/12)
How does the #SafeBoxNetwork work?

First, threatened journalists can keep their sensitive information safe by sharing it with our global network of journalists. We store it securely without working on it. (3/12) Image
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Today, ICIJ is releasing its final installment of #PandoraPapers data, adding information from seven offshore providers headquartered in Hong Kong, Belize, the British Virgin Islands, Panama, Switzerland and Dubai to the #OffshoreLeaks Database. #WPFD 🧵
In total, the #OffshoreLeaks Database now boasts information on more than three-quarters of a million people and companies behind secret offshore structures with links to more than 200 countries and territories, spanning five different major leaks.
ICIJ is publishing this information in the public interest and we’re thrilled to make this data freely available to all on #WorldPressFreedomDay, as the #OffshoreLeaks Database has become an essential tool in the global fight to dismantle offshore secrecy.
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On #WorldPressFreedomDay we want to commemorate the journalists who were killed while covering the war in Ukraine.

At least 7 journalists have been killed covering the war in Ukraine

These are their names...

Journalists are #NotATarget!
Journalism is not a crime!

Yevhenii Sakun, a camera operator for Ukrainian TV station LIVE, was killed when Russian forces shelled a television tower in Kyiv on March 1.

Journalists are #NotATarget!

U.S. documentary filmmaker Brent Renaud was shot and killed in Irpin, outside of #Kyiv, on March 13.

Journalists are #NotATarget!

#WorldPressFreedomDay #WPFD2022
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1. redfish is boycotting the IADAS and handing back all our @TheWebbyAwards and @LovieAwards awards and Honours because of the academy’s racist solidarity with victims of war.
2. @TheWebbyAwards shortlisted, honoured and then disqualified our work in a blatant act of media censorship using the IADAS “solidarity” with Ukraine as the justification. #WorldPressFreedomDay
3. While we support the IADAS’ support for Ukraine’s victims of war, we condemn its refusal to publicly support all victims of war, e.g. those in Yemen, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan. See our full statement here:…
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At Sentient Media, we report on an industry that touches all our lives yet operates in secrecy: factory farming.

On #WorldPressFreedomDay, we call on governments to lift #AgGag laws and share 13 findings we could only report thanks to the help of undercover investigators.👇1/17 Image
“Ag-gag” laws punish whistleblowers and investigators for recording footage inside #FactoryFarms.

In 2021, @ALDF released a film on how #AgGag laws conflict with the First Amendment while concealing pollution, food safety threats, and animal cruelty. 2/17…
“These companies keep their practices under wraps because they know that the public would be horrified.”

Former @AnimalOutlook investigator Scott David reports how #AgGag laws enable farmers to conceal the realities of #meat, dairy & egg production. 3/17…
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🤳 Smear campaigns
💻 'Doxxing'
⭕️ Threats

Women reporters are facing an onslaught of abuse online.

Here's how it's impacting their work – and what we can do to help stop it. 🧵
📲 Online harm aims to silence and stigmatise women journalists.

✒️ Mounting abuse can force some to leave the field altogether.

🤳 That's why we're launching TRFilter with @Jigsaw, a new tool for reporters to manage and block harassment as it happens.
⭕️ How does TRFilter work?

▶️ It recognises and flags harmful Twitter posts
▶️ Choose to hide, mute or save comments
▶️ Block abusive users
▶️ Create reports to share with others Image
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As today is #WorldPressFreedomDay I want to take a moment to reflect on the state of journalism in Ireland 🧵

We're lucky enough that in Ireland, journalists can work in relative safety, free from the fear of imprisonment for doing their jobs but we still have a way to go
A strong independent media means greater public accountability and a more resilient democracy, but our defamation laws are stifling and archaic. Huge court costs and uncapped damages can bankrupt an independent organisation and creates a chilling silence
We seriously need to reform our defamation laws so Ireland is no longer a desirable location for libel tourism, and to enshrine in the constitution greater freedom of expression for the media.
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I wanted to do a thread that on the letter C

Which to be honest

Is a bit dangerous given where UK politics is at the moment
So sorry to disappoint you

It's not a 4 letter C word

I try to avoid that in my writing

Although I do occasionally litter my threads with some profanity


I have three C's I want to talk about
My first C is a chemist

My second C is a comedian

I am not sure which to do first

So I will do them in chronological order

The topic is fittingly #WorldPressFreedomDay #WorldPressFreedomDay2022
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Team TrollBusters is at the #WorldPressFreedomDay conference attending this session where experts such as @quinnmck, @silviachocarro, @intlawninja and more will be discussing the protection of journalists from a feminist lens. Read below for excerpts from the @article19org event: Image
Moderator @quinnmck introduces the panelists and @silviachocarro presents some recommendations for the safety of women journalists.
Brazilian Journalist Jéssica Moreira shares the challenges of black women reporters. Many of their voices were not heard, stereotypes held them back - so they created their own platforms to share content. But they still face problems in securing funding and other supports.
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🧵(1/10) Today is #WorldPressFreedomDay and we are joining the celebration by showing you some of our analysis in the last years. Interested? Take a look at our new thread and RT 🙌
(2/10) 🔴Media freedom remains a problem in many Balkan states, with journalists working in highly polarised political environments and encountering threats from criminal groups, says @RSF_inter ' 2022 World Press Freedom Index…
(3/10)🗨️From physical attacks to death threats and home break-ins, journalists from around the Balkans shared their personal stories of the threats that have stayed with them, sometimes years afterward. The video is originally published on this day, 2018.

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