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[1/šŸ§µ] #THREAD ā€” A (very brief) summary of what will change on the #XRPLedger as a result of these amendments (if passed). šŸ‘‡

#XRPLCommunity #xrpthestandard #xrpholders #XRPArmy #XRPCommunity #XRPL #XRP #Ripple
[2/12] ā€” #DisallowIncoming ā€”

ā„¹ļø Adds 4 additional "settings" (flags) to the #XRPL to better granularly manage the permissions specified on your account.

More Details šŸ‘‡ Source:
[3/12] ā€” #fixNonFungibleTokensV1_2 ā€”

ā„¹ļø Several bug fixes across the board for #XRPL #NFTs (#NFToken Object).

More Details šŸ‘‡ Source:
Read 13 tweets
[1/šŸ§µ] @DigiEuro interviewed @moderndosh and @AntonyWelfare on the @Ripple #CBDC-Manager software.

The underlying private #CBDC-ledger based on #XRPL was also heavily discussed.

I summarized the most of the interview for you, along with my personal comments. šŸ§µšŸ‘‡ Welcome to the Ripple Digital Currency Manager
[2/19] To begin, if you are completely unfamiliar with #CBDCs and the #Ripple solution, here is a nice place to start:
[3/19] One important reason for using a private version of the public #XRPL is that a central #bank needs to be able to control the #money supply.

Why use a private ledger ā“
ā–¶ļø Central banks and #governments must be able to mint and destroy #currencies. CBDC Hierarchy of Needs
Read 21 tweets
So I thought id put a thread together for you all on @321yugelbaraeb Loadstar letters [1,2,& 3] and how the Bear, uses his images and the LS letters to paint a picture for you all. It will give you all some hope and expectancy of the great things to come...šŸ§µ [LFG]
2) Three Loadstar letters were released by the Bear to date. I dont think there will be any more. Loadstar 1 was released in Dec 2018, LS2 in June 2019 and LS3 in 2019. Each, left a load of clues for you all to explore and its where I got most of my intel from...
3) The trick was cross referencing his LS letters to his images .... LS 1 can be found here :ā€¦ After reading this move onto LS2 letter here :ā€¦
Read 12 tweets
1.) #Ripple $XRP thread: -Watched the movie ā€œJourney 2ā€ tonight with my family. The movie was made in 2012. There were multiple #Ripple $XRP conspiracy references. So many, that I had to make a post.ā€¦
2.) The movie took place primarily on an island called the Republic of Palau. That was the first thing that caught my attention. Please stay with me.ā€¦
3.) They end up in Palau after ā€œHankā€, (Dwayne ā€œThe Rock Johnson), unveils a ā€œCrypticā€ message utilizing his ā€œCryptographerā€ skills he obtained during his time in the Navy. Image
Read 11 tweets
95% of people are chasing meme coins

But few are looking at one of the biggest long-term opportunities in crypto...

A deep dive into how $XRP is building a frictionless decentralized liquidity pool for the world šŸŒ

(Not financial advice)

/THREAD/ Image
1/ The problem:

ā€œWith todayā€™s internet of information you canā€™t store, move, transact value without a powerful intermediary. And thatā€™s what blockchains solveā€

Quoted by @dontapscott a leader in the decentralized blockchain revolution Image
@dontapscott 2/ Before blockchain

The internet had a problem with transferring $ value peer to peer

The only 2 options for sending money were:

1. Send $ using a cross border payment via bank transfers
2. Use a 3rd party and trust a stranger with private information

Lets dive into thosešŸ‘‡ Image
Read 33 tweets
Food for thought

Why still cling onto old tech like PoW & PoS e.g. btc & eth? For years, dev are trying so hard but still fail to make it cheap, scalable, and sustainable.

There are many other superior blockchain tech which fundamentally solve the problems mentioned above!
It's the fact that PoW & PoS are energy draining.

Why still use/support these protocols which need an enormous amount of energy just to maintain the ecosystem of these consensus protocols?
Renewable energy or not doesn't matter.

Having renewable energy doesn't mean the need of using it. Why not provide these extra energy to the needy families instead, rather than wasting it to mine.
Read 5 tweets
This one I'm right about @bearableguy123

Iv4aa = IMF Articles of Agreement (aa) - Article IV -Section 4

"The determination shall be made in light of the evolution of the international monetary system, with particular reference to sources of liquidity..." Image
Another interesting section Article III - Section 4.Ā Ā Substitution of securities for currency

"The Fund shall accept from any member, in place of any part of the member's currency in the General Resources Account which in the judgment of the Fund is not.....
needed for its operations and transactions, notes or similar obligations issued by the member or the depository designated by the member under Article XIII, Section 2, which shall be non-negotiable, non-interest bearing and payable at their face value on demand by crediting the..
Read 4 tweets
1/12 Regardless of how the SEC's claim against @Ripple plays out, note that the worst case scenario right now is that #XRP trading will only stop in the US.

#xrpcommmunity #xrparmy #xrpthestandard #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Litecoin #BTC #ETH #LTC
2/12 Most trading of #XRP already happens outside the US. The rest of the planet sees XRP as a currency. Trading overseas will go on. Even if on the off chance the SEC is able to get a ruling that says XRP is still a security, a BD/ATS can offer XRP for trading to everyone.
3/12 Also at some point, ownership of #XRP will be decentralized enough that there will be no question that it is not a security. It appears node ownership is already decentralized enough around the globe.
Read 16 tweets
I'm working through a thought experiment concerning #BTC and #ETH. It is totally theoretical and speculative but definitely has a > 1% of becoming a reality. So if you have exposure to either or both, GET IN HERE!

Would love others' input....
2) #Bitcoin and #Ethereum undoubtedly have some ideological differences. If you disagree with that statement, then the thought experiment will be lost on you and you may return to your alternate reality!
3) #BTC is far more #cypherpunk, rebellious, anti-state, defensive-minded, underground, and "bring down the banks/government/state"

#ETH is more speculative, less hostile, less "religious", more enterprise-friendly, and probably less inclined to subvert nation-wide regulations
Read 14 tweets
I'll never betray your trust. Look, I stopped calling dates because I'm not God nor a insider and I do not want to mislead people or be wrong. But, look at what else i do. Everything i have been saying is accurate. Covid 19 was my biggest hint at the change of this year.
I changed my mindset to signs and seasons with events. I connect dots, provide proof or evidence to my points. Now you're seeing it come to pass. I want to stay honest and true. Here is something else that is true. December? History will be made. #xrpthestandard
I cant be this accurate if I focus on 1 thing. You gotta see the forest to make it happen. Not one tree. Thats how you mess up
Read 4 tweets
You're about to watch gold (79) transcend time and space (88)with Xrp (X). 79=88. Make 1 travel from 9 to 7 to make 88. Gold, time, space in the digital age. #Xrpthestandard #GoldStandard
Read 5 tweets
1/ I did some calculations of the potential price of the based on its utility and how it works with .

A thread:
#XRPCommunity #XRP #Flare #FlareNetworks #Ripple #XRPthestandard #crypto
2/ Spark needs to be used as collateral to make . According to the whitepaper, there needs to be 2.5 for every 1 FXRP. Given that FXRP is the same price as , the price of Spark needs to be at least 2.5x the amount of XRP used in smart contracts.
3/ Examples:
If 10% of the 45 Billion supply is used for smart contracts, that's 4.5B XRP locked up. If XRP is $1 (for easy calculations) then you'd need $11.25B worth of spark (in ) to collateralize that much .
Read 6 tweets
My take on the #XRP price explained.

@Kevin_Cage_ @WorkingMoney589 @thebearablebull @BakkupBradley @MoonLamboio @XrpMr @jungleincxrp @HamEggsnSam @digitalassetbuy @LoveForCrypto17 I would love to get your opinion and feedback on this:
So many people are fixated on the price of #XRP and don't understand why it is not rising. I am going to try and explain what I believe to be true in a way that can be understood by people who know absolutely nothing about finance.
Visualise the economy as a massive car engine, and #XRP as the oil that lubricates the whole system. Taking away all the friction and making sure everything runs smoothly.
Read 12 tweets
I predict that #Ripple will disappear into the background and of the radar within a few years.

And #XRP will be a silent super power, working its magic behind mobile interfaces and apps.

At least, thatā€™s what all the Banks would like to see happening.
Even though #ripple is working with them and being compliant - #XRP is a beast which will be hard to control, if the masses knows about it.

Cryptocurrencies by itself is still a valid threat. Thatā€™s why they need #xrp RIGHT NOW! Throwing the first punch, before #Libraā€™like
Coins are unrolled. And the masses start using it on a global scale.
Before that happens, digital Fiat aka CBDC should be up and running moving frictionless across borders, from P2P!

This puts pressure on all CBā€™s

Missing this window of opportunity is deadly for THEM!
Read 4 tweets
I think #bg123 and the #rippleriddler are two different entities. One is pro #xrp and anti #xlm, and the other is pro xrp and pro xlm....

Things that makes you go hmmm... šŸ¤”


Nevertheless, "The Storm IS Coming" @589Society Image

People can say and think what they want. I had a great journey during this mega bear market and happy that I got to know those two entities. I love them and I hope to hear from them again.

They kept us entertained during these hard times, but time is near #hodl #xrp Image
You probably don't even know it, but you're all around Gematria! People are referring to you.

Today I went through the rabbit hole (conspiracy, gematria, ripple, etc.) and saw a lot of weird things, crazy! But it's all for fun and only if you want to believe in it!
Read 6 tweets
/1 Just wanted to check the Ripple site to find some information about #SWELL and guess who I came across. My very best friend bear... #0doubt

#xrp #XRPcommunity

@AlexCobb_ @Kevin_Cage_ @WorkingMoney589 Image
/2 Strange thing is that those words led me to this song of Ripple:

#xrpthestandard #0doubt


My thought:

"Itā€™s like a parent or a good wise friend squaring with you and saying that they love you, butā€¦for the deep stuffā€¦you have to figure it out for yourself."

#xrp is the one #0doubt

If you cannot convince anyone left, it's their decision not to follow you.
Read 4 tweets
Global Imbalances and Capital Flows in the Era of New Technologies Madrid, 10-11 September 2019

And there we have it.... BOOMMM!!! Look at the program and speakers; MASSIVE Ripple partners!!!ā€¦ Image
Speakers and Ripple partners:

MITā€™s Sloan School of Management
Swiss National Bank
Standard Chartered Bank
Federal Reserve of San Francisco
Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority
Peopleā€™s Bank of China
Bank for International Settlements
World Bank

I'm I the only one who sees 'Bretton Woods' more and more....?

#xrpthestandard #0doubt Image
Read 5 tweets

We investigated which cryptocurrencies are the most and least overhyped on crypto Twitter.

In other words, which coins are being manipulated the most, which have the most bot accounts tweeting about them, and which have the most inflated engagement.

We created a metric called Hype-to-Activity Ratio, which measures the # of tweets each crypto has per $1M in trading volume. Across the 450 cryptos we investigated, there were an average of 1.02 tweets per $1M in volume.

We used 30-day averages for tweet and trading volumes.

Let's start with the least overhyped cryptos (which coins have the lowest number of tweets per $1M in trading volume).

At the top are Tether, EOS, Ethereum Classic, Cosmos, and NEO.
Read 16 tweets
When #xrp starts being used as a bridge asset as a standard it will be the perfect investment for any savvy investor. Why?

Consider first an investment into stocks. Stocks have over the last hundred years proven to be a great investment, averaging something like
a 7% yearly return on average adjusted for inflation. But stocks are volatile and companies often fail. They are a high risk investment. Many unforseen events can bring down the business.

Now, consider XRP. Imagine an ecosystem for XRP is being developed.
This may take some time. At this moment payment providers are using xRapid but banks are not really live yet. Regulations are not clear.

It is thus still risky. Imagine in the future, all regulations are passed and XRP enjoys a good traffic from banks.
Read 15 tweets
xRapid builds liquidity, both from the sender market and receiver market. So if it goes from USD - XRP - MXN it builds liquidity both in USD and MXN. So the competing bridge asset (XLM) has to compete in both markets.
So, in other words, it would not be enough for XLM to just target some exotic fiat to try to win that market. The total cost will depend on the spread and order book depth of both markets.
The more liquidity xRapid builds, the harder it will be to compete. First mover advantage is hugely important. If XRP gains billions of volume in a market and XLM has a few million, the software will pick XRP every time, since itā€™s automatic.
Read 10 tweets
Ripple and XRP are in a great position now since they have other very influential players pushing their technology.

- The IMF with Christine Lagarde talking about Ripple, telling banks to adopt this new tech or die. I believe the IMF has set up meetings with
Ripple and central banks as well. At the big meeting with central banks in New York with Ripple, the first presentation was by the IMF.

It would make sense the IMF set this up. How are Ripple otherwise meeting all these central banks? Thatā€™s not normal for a startup.
But to go straight to the top is huge for Ripple. Just look at their deal with the Saudi central bank. This sends a signal to the whole middle East.

- You have the World Bank that recently published an article showing the benefit of Rippleā€™s system, telling others to join.
Read 9 tweets
Today I felt like I was red pilled...

I feel like weā€™re seeing a genius plan being unfolded in front of our eyes by Ripple...

I thought about Codius and how it could be used on top of XRP to compete with the platform coins.
I realized that the issue the platform coins will have relates to liquidity and scalability, to a large extent.

Now what did Ripple do?
They focused on XRP as a bridge asset, in the most liquid market, the FX market.

Now, this is my belief:
I believe there will only be one winner in the bridge asset race in the end. Iā€™ve touched upon this many times.

The reason being; liquidity will go to the asset that is already most liquid automatically on assets with same tech
Read 15 tweets
Today I gave a presentation at the @ethereum core devs meeting in Berlin about Sustainably Funding ETH 1.x/2.0 & why itā€™s a pandoras box. šŸŽ

Thread Below šŸ‘‡ Take cover, because its Knowledge Bombs all the way down!šŸ’£šŸ¢šŸ’£šŸ¢šŸ’£šŸ¢ /1
I peeked inside Pandoras Box šŸŽ when I submitted ERC 1789 (ā€¦ ). In this ERC, i made 3 arguments

1. Why ecosystem stewardship is important
2. Why ecosystem stewardship inflation funding is the right approach
3. How to design it.

Why is it a pandoras box? šŸŽ

In a system without sybil-resistant identity, there is a ā€œtradeoff between either failing to incentivize legitimate public goods or over-subsidizing plutocracyā€ @VitalikButerin
Read 42 tweets

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