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🧵Thread: che fine ha fatto il generale #Zaluzhny, Comandante in Capo delle Forze Armate ucraine? Il principale responsabile della (prossima? Possibile?) controffensiva ucraina è scomparso dai radar da oltre due settimane. 1/n Image
La notizia di una sua potenziale scomparsa (non si è neppure presentato a un importante vertice #NATO perché “aveva da fare”) non trova il giusto spazio sui media occidentali, che pure l’hanno intervistato e ne hanno (giustamente) tessuto le lodi a più riprese in passato. 2/n Image
Valerij Zalužnyj, 49 anni, è da un anno il più alto in grado nelle forze armate ucraine. Un ruolo tutt’altro che onorifico, visto che il paese è in guerra. Si dice sia l’architetto dell’efficace controffensiva ucraina nella regione di #Karkhov 3/n Image
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Vladlen #Tatarsky weilt nicht mehr unter den Lebenden. Der Militärblogger, der sich auch kritisch zur Taktik der Armee #Russland's äußerte, wurde in St. #Petersburg in einem Café in die Luft gesprengt. Das Attentat ereignete sich während einer Zeremonie & forderte weitere Opfer.
Innenansicht des Cafés. Es sollen mindestens 200 Gramm TNT zur Explosion gebracht worden sein.
Hier ein Foto von #Tatarsky zusammen mit Darja #Dugina.
Damals vereint, jetzt wieder vereint. Image
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Nessuno dica che l'America non vuole la pace. Nessuno dia a Joe #Biden del "guerrafondaio". Negli ultimi giorni da Washington sono partiti chiari segnali diretti al Cremlino: se Vladimir #Putin
vuole la pace, è il momento di prendersela.
Il dialogo tra potenze assomiglia spesso ad una danza scandita da precisi rituali. Per intenderci: non vedrete il presidente americano recarsi a Mosca tenendo fra le mani un ramoscello d'ulivo. Ma i canali diplomatici sono attivati,
i messaggi necessari inviati. Nelle ultime ore se ne contano almeno tre di straordinaria importanza. Uno è stato pubblicato in prima pagina sul New York Times. Le agenzie di intelligence USA hanno infatti scientemente fatto trapelare la propria presa di distanza rispetto
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Le dichiarazioni di Dario Fabbri di ieri a @PiazzapulitaLA7 su un "continuo negoziato" #USA-#Russia e un possibile disallineamento USA-#Ucraina mi hanno lasciato molto perplesso. Un thread di commento. 👇…
1) Partiamo col necessario caveat: può essere che Fabbri abbia disponibilità di informazioni di intelligence che io non conosco
Però nonostante monitori i principali giornali USA, siti specializzati, podcast di diversi think tank USA, account twitter di esperti, e abbia regolari scambi con altri esperti in Europa e USA, non ho mai sentito di un "continuo negoziato" tra USA e Russia
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Il @nytimesworld cita fonti statunitensi anonime della comunità d'intelligence ed afferma che l'assassinio della #Dugina è opera di una operazione di #Kiev non concordata in precedenza. Inoltre, afferma anche che #Washington non avrebbe approvato una simile operazione⬇️
Contestualmente, #Zelensky emana un decreto che blocca qualsiasi possibilità di negoziato con #Mosca a tempo indeterminato.
Infine, #Putin nel suo discorso in occasione dell'annessione dei territori occupati si dice disponibile al negoziato. Tuttavia, il negoziato è condizionato dal riconoscimento dei territori occupati. Condizione non semplice da accettare.
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Short 🧵
New info on the #Dugina assassination. I will say again that I am happy to stand where I do (and have stood) in the "#Dugin is irrelevant" debate. He never has been a proper Rasputin sitting in Putin's office. But...…
He and his daughter would not have been targeted, and there wouldn't have been an international scramble to interpret the killing, were he as "irrelevant" as some of my much esteemed colleagues claim.
Russian, Ukrainian, and now US governments are using the death for particular political purposes. That, in the midst of all the unknowns that remain here, is clear.

The NYT calls him a "prominent Russian nationalist," and I don't see any way to deny that designation now.
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Murder of a Russian ideologue's daughter: what does #Kazakhstan have to do with it?

The news about the murder of Daria Dugina had been stirring up Russian society for several days.
Certain KZ media considered it necessary to pay mind to the incident, although It doesn't seem to concern us.
Later information surfaced that the alleged killer was traveling by car with KZ license plates, and then the media distributed a photo of a KZ identity card, which the suspect allegedly managed to pick up before the murder.
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The Washington Post, a CIA house organ, is all but bragging about the assassination of #Dugina, and, in the process, revealing one of the political-psychological aims of the US-approved Ukrainian operation. The Post writes: 1/ #UkraineWar Image
"The killing immediately heightened a sense of vulnerability among Russia’s most elite and visible promoters of the war in Ukraine, who now realize that they might be targets and that the government is potentially unable to protect them." 2/
The Post substantiates the WSWS's explanation that the selection of the daughter of fascist Alexander Dugin as the target was intended to increase rightwing pressure on Putin to escalate the war, thereby providing NATO with a pretext it needs for direct military intervention. 3/
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1/5 SECOND LOOK: "Azov batallion ID" presented by FSB, as basic online forensic tools see it. Forensically reveals the quality time the photoshop artist spent with clone tool, due to some darn fine pattern. #dugina #UkraineWar #FSB #fake Image
2/5 Nothing beats a killer shadow effect. No limits to what you can achieve with some gaussian blur. Image
3/5 How do you call those jpeg error levels not matching up when pasting an object to background? Provokaziya. Image
Read 9 tweets
Look like #Russia FSB has named employee of Washington DC PR firm The PBN Company behind the assassination of Darya Dugina and the attempt of her father Alexander Dugin. PBN represents @NaftogazUkraine. No comment yet from PBN #Dugina #Ukraine️ #Russia #Putinl
Former The PBN Company CEO and @NaftogazUkraine advisor Myron Wasylyk says "complete bullshit" on any involvement of Natalia Vovk. Vovk has a son, not daughter, and works for Ukraine's Victor Pinchuk #Dugina #Ukraine️ #Russia
PBN was acquired by @HKStrategies. Natalia Vovk is director of communications for @PinchukFund, according to Linkedin profile.
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Now that the FSB is claiming #Dugina was killed by a Ukrainian who fled to Estonia, it is interesting to note how often the Kremlin seems not to appreciate the dangers in trying to explain reverses away by, frankly, incompetence. A short thread 1/
Consider the supply depots blowing up because, allegedly, of an incautious cigarette. OK, I get the desire to deny that Ukraine can accurately and effectively target these hubs, but it means embracing a notion that incompetents set them up and other incompetents manned them 2/
Now, we have the claim that a Ukrainian with a 12-year-old in tow carried out the attack, trailing Dugina in a mini with multiple number plates, then insouciantly headed for the Estonian border and passed through without any hitch 3/
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Das v dem russ. Exparlamentarier Ilya Ponomarjow präsentierte Bekenntnis einer Nationalen Republikanischen Armee zur Ermordung v Darja #Dugina könnte durchaus eine Maskirowska, also eine Maskierung durch den russ. Inlandsgeheimdienst #FSB sein. Dann stellt sich die Frage, was 👇🏼
der FSB mit der Tat bezweckte u wem sie galt, Tochter o Vater. Doch was welches Interesse anderes hätte der FSB an seinem/ihren Tod als einen potentiellen Einflüsterer v #Putin auszuschalten, sprich die Kontrolle über Putins Umfeld zu bewahren? Zudem könnte FSB zum Ziel haben. 👇🏼
den in der Provinz aktiven militanten Widerstand in den Augen der russ. TV-Publikums als heimtückische Bande zu diskreditieren, die ganz im Stil einer Tschetschenenmafia selbst vor Mord an „Patrioten“ nicht zurückschreckt. Störbild allerdings ist die Professionalität der Tat.
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On the evening of August 20, Daria #Dugina, the daughter of the ideologist of "Russian #fascism" Alexander #Dugin, died. We have information with details about the death of Daria, the authenticity of which does not cause us any doubts.
Moreover, we are sure that for many of those who personally know Alexander #Dugin, our material will only confirm the assumptions.
About a month ago, Alexander Dugin had a face-to-face conversation with his good friend, an FSB general. The general recorded this conversation.
During the conversation, #Dugin lamented about the "wrong way" that the #Russian leadership chose in conducting a "special military operation", about insufficient measures, #Putin's lack of determination to "wage a real, big war until the enemy is completely defeated," etc.
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Few more thoughts on the killing of the daddy's girl. Many have speculated, if Russia might revenge the recent bombings in Crimea when Ukraine is celebrating its independency on the 24th of August, and if #Dugina's car bomb would spike up the revenge plans. #Dugin #Russia 🧵(1/x)
But Dugina is not important in that way. However the date of the Dugina-bombing has a symbolic meaning of its own. Russians remember what happened in August between the 19th and 21st. in 1991 - the old guard tried the coup in the USSR. (2/x)
It was the beginning of the decade of the chaos for Russians. I think this is the message that they do read in Kremlin. #Putin has a huge love for symbolic dates. (3/x)
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Thread un minino ragionato sull'esplosione che ha portato alla morte di Darya #Dugina
1/ #Dugin non ha mai frequentato #Putin direttamente. Definirlo il suo guru è errato
2/ Il 'pensiero' di #Putin è la summa di alcune teorie di diversi pensatori, opportunamente adattate alla visione che Putin e il suo cerchio magico hanno della #Russia. Ma dove #Dugin ha ispirato solo una parte della politica estera.
3/ Tecnicamente, #Dugin fa parte dei Neo Euroasiatisti. In estrema sintesi e semplificazione, credono in una riconquista dello spazio sovietico, e in un atteggiamento anti occidentale/di avvicinamento alla #Cina.
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💥#Dugin assassination: #dariadugin killed; an explosion in #Russia.

#Kremlin propagandists call for a strike on #Kyiv. Reichstag fire? Who is #dugin?

An updated profile of #AlexandrDugin coming. My @BylineTimes /own pieces: #Putin's brain. ⬇…
Who is #AlexandrDugin? His daughter #dariadugin assassinated today in a Godfather III manner.

#Dugina followed her father's steps. Here are #Dugin's ties with the American neo-Nazis, from 2017,…
Here is a thread on #Eurasianism, #Dugin's main doctrine picked up by #Putin, at the core of the #RussiaUkraineWar. Who is #Dugina (scroll up & down for answers)
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Die Rassistin Darja #Dugina ist bei einem mutmaßlichen Mordanschlag auf ihren Vater Alexander #Dugin gestorben. Hierbei handelte es sich offenbar um einen Autobombenanschlag in #Moskau. Dugin selbst saß leider nicht mit im Auto. /TN #Russland
Da es bereits jetzt schon Kritik an meiner Aussage gibt:
#Dugin ist ideologisch für den Massenmord in der #Ukraine mitverantwortlich & arbeitet gegen unseren Staat & unsere Werte.

Er hätte uns alle einen Gefallen getan, wenn er von dieser Erde verschwunden wäre. /TN
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Die Tochter des Neofaschisten und Nationalisten #Dugin, ist gestern Opfer eines Anschlags geworden. Der Anschlag galt wohl Dugin selbst. Dugina hatte u.a. zu Manuel Ochsenreiter und weiteren Personen der #AfD Kontakt. #NoAfD…
Die Geopolitik und die imperialistischen Ideen von #Dugin ist nachweislich dafür verantwortlich, dass die russische Regierung den Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine durchführt.… #AfD #NoAfD
Teile der #AfD halten Kontakt zu #Dugin und vertreten offensiv sogar die Ideen von #Dugin im Parlament. Ob dieser Anschlag von #Putin für eine weitere Eskalation des #Ukraine Krieges genutzt wird, muss man schauen.
#NoAfD Es ist nicht auszuschließen.
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🚨 #BREAKING #BreakingNews

It is reported that car 🚙 was blown up with Daria #dugina in suburbs of 📌 #Moscow #Russia #News

❗Reportedly she died on spot.

#Дугина #Россия #Новости
🚨 #новости #Дугина #News

#Россия #Russia #Дугин #Москва
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The daughter of #Dugin the main ideologist of #Russia

It was his car,he was the target, but his daughter took the car and was killed by a bomb.
#Dugina #Дугина #Россия #новини
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Darya, daughter of Alexander #Dugin was killed in a car bomb attack near the village of Bolshiye Vyazyomy. Sources speculate it could have been either the Kremlin or Ukraine responsible.
Who is Darya Dugin?
She was very outspoken about her hatred for Ukrainians.
"Ukrainians are not humans. They all deserve to die."
Read 24 tweets
L'auto che trasportava la figlia di Alexander #Dugin è esplosa. Dugin è uno dei principali autori della politica 🇷🇺, e non è salito sull'auto solo all'ultimo perché ha avuto un incontro con altri personaggi all'ultimo minuto. La figlia è stata confermata uccisa nell'attentato. Image
La #Dugina e #Dugin avrebbero avuto contatti diretti con la #Lega ed i suoi esponenti più importanti a inizio anno, come testimoniato da questo scambio di email fra #Savoini e #Dugina.
Si ricorda che Savoini è stato una figura centrale nello scandalo 1/2
Dei 60 milioni di euro alla Lega da parte degli esponenti del partito #Russia Unita del 2019 attraverso giri loschi di compravendita di carburante. 2/2
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