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@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Children of #Donbass - THE #WAR IS ON! CHILDREN vs THE #NAZIS | 5 months ago…
#SaveOurChildren deNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt cc: @ DaniMayakovski
#Ukraine. Images from the #Azov Battalion children's camp, where children from the age of 8 are #brainwashed into #Nazism and prepared militarily by indoctrinating them into a #hatred of #killing Russians. (2015)
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Ukrainian children drugged and indoctrinated by the #Nazis into shouting the #Hitler salute of "#SiegHeil" while being laughed at. (2016)
This video was captured from the flash drive of a press reporter from the #AzovBattalion at the #Mariupol base.
Read 45 tweets
Go ahead. Argue that Biden is saving the world and
this isn’t really what’s going on #Ukraine
Why aren’t we allowed to see any of the war zone coverage? Whether from Russia or #Ukraine?

Why are we spoon fed the propaganda that Liberal-owned MSM is telling us? 🤔
Can we talk about Ukraine prior to our involvement of this proxy war?

Why has MSM decided to eliminate #Ukraine history of corruption? #UkraineRussianWar
Read 20 tweets
At the beginning of February 2022, #Biden warned that "if #Russia invades #Ukraine with tanks and troops, then there will be no more #NordStream2"
#ItsDone #NordStream: Fourth leak found as Russia and West trade blame over alleged sabotage of gas pipeline | Sep 29
- #EU and #US have stopped to directly accusing Russia, a #Kremlin official was rebuked after hinting that #Washington was #responsible.
Read 42 tweets
For the record…

#NeoNazis and the Far Right Are On the March in #Ukraine | The Nation (2019)

#AzovBattalion #WhiteSupremacy…
“The DC establishment’s standard defense of Kiev is to point out that Ukraine’s far right has a smaller percentage of seats in the parliament than their counterparts in places like France.”
“That’s a spurious argument: What Ukraine’s far right lacks in polls numbers, it makes up for with things Marine Le Pen could only dream of—paramilitary units and free rein on the streets.”
Read 6 tweets
"We're not arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine!" They said. "Putin's the bad guy!" They said.

So you wanna play dumb? OKAY...
#Ukraine #Russia #NATO #ZelenskyWarCriminal #AzovBattalion #neonazi #WakeUpAmerica #WakeUpEveryone #LetsGoBrandon
💥Far-right group at heart of Ukraine protests meet US senator (Channel 4 News, December 16, 2013)…
💥Is the U.S. backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine?
(Salon, February 25, 2014)…
Read 27 tweets
The BBC @BBCFOUR4 are literally celebrating Ukronazis.
The bbc format disallows screenshots so I took some shots with my phone camera of a screen so poor quality but enough to prove that nazism is being celebrated. It's terrifying but no surprise.…
2/ General shot of this granite monument displaying the various ukronazis batallions insignia and a red and black nazi flag on display with the usual blueyellow nazi flags.
@BBCFOUR4 #storyville
#naziukraine #nazi 🇬🇧 Image
On the left pic is Adaar Batallion ( top left)
On the bottom right pic there is #AzovBattalion and I think the Misanthropic Division right under that. Loads more.
@BBCFOUR4 you are celebrating literal nazis.
Shame on you.
#naziukraine #nazi 🇬🇧 ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Darya, daughter of Alexander #Dugin was killed in a car bomb attack near the village of Bolshiye Vyazyomy. Sources speculate it could have been either the Kremlin or Ukraine responsible.
Who is Darya Dugin?
She was very outspoken about her hatred for Ukrainians.
"Ukrainians are not humans. They all deserve to die."
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#DariaDugin, daughter of #AlexanderDugin, has been #Assassinated via #CarBomb near #Moscow.

#AleksandrDugin is a prominent #Russian strategist sometimes called #PutinsBrain. He’s thought to have inspired #Putin to pursue the annexation of #Crimea, the... [1/2]
...#SpecialMilitaryOperation in #Ukraine, as well as the concepts of #Novorossiya and the #FairWorldOrder.

The #Assassination of the #FWO strategist’s daughter #DariaDugina is comparable to elimination of #NWO strategist #HenryKissinger’s daughter. [2/2]
The elimination of #DariaDugin represents a potential #Escalation between #NewWorldOrder and #FairWorldOrder. If #Russia assesses that #NWO actors are involved, the #Russians are likely to pursue #TitForTat. If #Washington’s proxy in #Kiev is determined the perpetrator... [1/2]
Read 14 tweets
The New York Times' op-ed column by @TimothyDSnyder - "We Should Say It. Russia is Fascist" - is yet another example of the Yale professor's role as an unscrupulous purveyor of historical falsification aimed at legitimizing the US-NATO war against Russia. 1/ #UkraineRussiaWar
Snyder writes that Russia is "fighting a fascist war of destruction," and warns "Should Russia win, fascists around the world will be comforted." 2/
This claim ignores not only the involvement of right-wing governments and powerful right-wing extremist movements in the NATO coalition. Snyder again conceals the fact that the Ukrainian fascists of the #AzovBattalion are in the forefront of the war against Russia. 3/
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🇺🇦 “Ukraine is the only nation to have a Nazi formation in its Armed Forces.” (The Nation, 2019)

Before the pesky US-NATO proxy war narratives took hold of the air waves, and billions washed through the country, the West felt at duty to tell the truth about #Ukraine. Image
“Post-Maidan #Ukraine is the world’s only nation to have a neo-Nazi formation in its armed forces. The #Azov Battalion was initially formed out of the neo-Nazi gang Patriot of Ukraine.” Image
“In the fall of 2014, #Azov—which is accused of human-rights abuses, including torture, by Human Rights Watch and the United Nations—was incorporated into Ukraine’s National Guard.”

These human rights atrocities have not stopped. #Denazification #Ukraine Image
Read 13 tweets
Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- weitere Hunderte ukrainische Kämpfer ergeben sich in #Azovstal ;
- russisches Parlament will Gefangenentausch von Azow-Kämpfern verhindern;
- zahlreiche westliche schwere Waffen an der Frontlinie angekommen.
Details im Thread👇
Die Waffenniederlegung von ukrainischen Soldaten und Azow-Kämpfern in #Azowstal geht weiter.
Nach Angaben aus Donetsk sollen sich seit dem 16.Mai bereits über 960 ukr.Kämpfer ergeben haben.
Über 50 davon sind schwerverletzt und kommen nach #Novoazovsk zur medizinischen Behandlung
Der Rest wird in riesigen Buskolonnen zunächst nach #Olenivka gebracht.
Beide Ortschaften befinden sich auf dem Territorium der "Donezker Volksrepublik".
Es wird vermutet, dass zumindest die Azow-Kämpfer danach nach Russland transportiert werden.
#Azovstal #Azov
Read 25 tweets
In a NY Times article titled, "After the fall of Mariupol, the fates of hundreds of fighters hangs in the balance," the following amazing sentence appears: 1/
"The Azov regiment has been given outsized coverage by the country’s [Russia's] state-run news media, and its connection with far-right movements gave a veneer of credibility to the Kremlin’s false claims that its forces were fighting Nazis in Ukraine." 2/
The #AzovBattalion does not merely have a "connection with far-right movements"; it is a large and powerful fascist force that has become a dominant element in Ukraine's military. 3/
Read 4 tweets
Dutch state affiliated media @nos journalist claims: "Ukrainian Azov battalion not active at all around Kiev"
- True or False?-
Wisdom of the crowd (your help) is appreciated to create a #factcheck #Azov 🧵
1/ input by @Val85960950:
"rone videos throughout March are literally from "Botsman" Korotkikh." citation, more sources needed to validate or falsify this claim
2/ "Fighters of the Azov Troop seized documents of the occupiers during the sweep of Bucha", according to Національний Корпус ( Ukraine's National Corps) website. April 5, 2022…
Read 12 tweets
Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- Hunderte ukr.Kämpfer ergeben sich in #Azovstal und verlassen das Stahlwerk - Gefangentausch wird erwartet;
- Erdogan will NATO-Beitritte von Schweden und Finnland nicht zulassen;
- Süd-Ossetien nennt Datum für Beitrittsreferendum.
Hunderte ukr.Kämpfer, darunter anscheinend sowohl Azow-Kämpfer als auch Soldaten der regulären Armee, haben sich in #Azovstal ergeben und werden nun aus #Mariupol evakuiert.
Die Rede ist von über 260 Kämpfern, von denen 53 schwerverletzt seien.
Die Schwerverletzten werden zunächst ins zentrale Krankenhaus von #Novoazovsk gebracht, wo sie medizinisch behandelt werden.
Die anderen kommen nach #Olenivka .
Beide Ortschaften befinden sich auf dem Territorium der "Donezker Volksrepublik".
#Mariupol #Azovstal
Read 20 tweets
There are #Ukrainian and #Russian reports of agreement to surrender of either wounded or all members of far-right-linked #Azov regiment and other Ukrainian units in besieged #Azovstal in #Mariupol

#UkraineRussianWar #UkraineRussia #Ukraine️ #Russia #NeoNazi #RussiaUkraineWar
Some 20 heavily wounded have been already reportedly transported from besieged #Azovstal to hospital in separatist-controlled part of #Donbas. There are reports of agreement between #Russian & #Ukrainian government to exchange them for Russian POWs in #Ukraine. #UkraineWar #Azov
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Update #Ukraine .
Die Waffenlieferungen an #Kiew werden weiter angekurbelt. Militärexperten und Medien bezeichnen sie mittlerweile als "beispiellos".
Dennoch warnen USA: "die Zeit ist nicht auf ukrainischer Seite".
#Biden beantragt weitere Rekordsummen.
Thread 👇
Die Waffenlieferungen an die #Ukraine nehmen rasant zu.
Ein Dutzend Länder schickt mittlerweile auch schwere Waffen an die ukr.Truppen.
In Deutschland wurde der entsprechende Beschluss gestern offiziell vom Bundestag verabschiedet.
Die Entscheidung fiel aber schon vorher.
Zur Erinnerung.
Schon Tage zuvor wurde bekannt, dass Deutschland Flugabwehrpanzer #Gepard in die #Ukraine schicken wird.
Die Industrie fordert zudem die Lieferung von insgesamt über 100 Kampfpanzern vom Typ Leopard 1 und 2.
Mehr dazu hier👇
Read 24 tweets
So, meine Lieben.
Ich bin zurück, nun kann´s mit News wieder losgehen.
Zuallererst natürlich ein Blick auf die aktuellen Entwicklungen in der #Ukraine , darunter zwei Hauptthemen:
- #Azovstal wird nicht gestürmt;
- Russ.Militär nennt die Ziele der "zweiten Phase".
Die Stadt #Mariupol ist de facto eingenommen, nur noch das Industriegebiet #Azovstal bleibt verschanzt.
Lange Zeit gab es Spekulationen, ob und wie das Werk gestürmt wird.
Die Verluste einer frontalen Erstürmung des riesigen Stahlwerkes wären sicherlich immens.
#Azovstal ist ein klassisches Riesenwerk der Sowjetzeit, gegründet 1930.
Im Prinzip eine Stadt in der Stadt.
Es ist weit untertunnelt, mit eigenen Bunkeranlagen, Lagerräumen, Schutztunneln etc.
Einige unterirdische Bereiche sollen sogar atombombensicher sein.
Read 25 tweets
Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- schwere Raketenangriffe auf ukr. Treibstofflager;
- Tschechien schickt Panzer an ukr. Truppen;
- russ. Verbände verlassen weite nördl.Gebiete;
- neue Sanktionen geplant;
- Polen zeigt sich offen für Stationierung von US-Atomwaffen
In den letzten Tagen führten russ. Truppen wieder eine Reihe von schweren Raketenangriffen aus.
Zum Ziel wurde insbesondere die Treibstoffinfrastruktur quer durchs Land, also Raffinerien, Öldepots, etc.
Die schwersten Einschläge ereigneten sich bei #Odessa und Kremenchuk.
Russischer Generalstab versucht offensichtlich, die ukrainische Armee komplett von der Treibstoffversorgung abzuschneiden und die ukrainischen mechanisierten Verbände durch Spritmangen lahmzulegen.
An Panzern selbst wird die ukr.Armee demnächst wohl keinen Mangel haben...
Read 24 tweets
Ukrainians murdering a cyclist in #Bucha. Satellite imagery (Maxar) from March 10th shows the building on the corner was destroyed, meaning the drone footage was filmed before that date which is consistent with the #AzovBattalion drone video caption stating the 3rd.

Rather odd for Ukrainian forces to be raising the flag in #Bucha if Russian forces were in control eh?

It appears #Bellingcat is wrong,

Bucha, March 3, 2022, raising the Ukrainian flag (video)…
Numerous reports put the encounter with Russian forces some 6-7km away near Vorzel from the column of equipment located near Vodoprovidna and Yablunska St. So there needs to be better evidence to refute that the equipment there was Ukrainian.
Read 13 tweets
A month of de-Nazification, years of articles on the prevalence of #Nazism and fascism in #Ukraine & still there is so much confusion about the symbols and slogans at the heart of the issue. I compiled this 🧵 to serve as an educational tool and clarify some of the misconceptions
1. The Blood and Soil battle flag. A Nazi-era concept, which was adopted by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera’s more extremist version of the OUN – the OUN-B. Image
A more thorough explanation of the "Blood and Soil" origins from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. Image
Read 11 tweets
Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- russ.-ukr. Verhandlungen in #Istanbul gelaufen;
- ukr. Truppen melden Gebietsgewinne;
- #Marioupol wehrt sich weiterhin erbittert;
- schwere Raketenangriffe in mehreren ukr. Städten;
- Moskau verlagert Truppen in den #Donbass .
Heute fand die nächste Runde der russ.-ukr. Friedensverhandlungen statt.
Türkei positionierte sich wieder als Vermittlungsmacht, da es gute Beziehungen sowohl nach Moskau als auch nach #Kiew unterhält.
Delegationen kommen in #Istanbul an.
#Ukraine #Russia
Die Verhandlungen fanden im geschlossenen Format statt.
Einige Fotos waren vor dem Beginn der Verhandlungen dennoch entstanden.
Details über den Verhandlungserfolg oder -misserfolg wurden nicht genannt.
#Istanbul #UkraineRussia
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The Truth about the #UkraineVSRussia War in 9 Tweets:

The cartel of west - #NATO, who is otherwise prompt in condemning anti-Semitism around the globe,look the other way, and encourage fascist groups with neo-#Nazi leanings, if that helps them in thwarting their opponents.(1/9) ImageImage
Over the years neo-#Nazism ideology has not only taken root in the #Ukrainian conscience but has also gained the #Ukrainian government’s support.

To those who do not know about Ukraine's demography - Azov - one of the 30-odd privately-funded “volunteer battalions” (2/9) Image
supports the #Ukrainian Army in their frontline battles in the country’s restive eastern region. The #AZOVNAZIS is a source of inspiration for white supremacists around the world - including the #NATO.

The biogtry of the Azov was recently revealed when ...(3/9) ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- schwere Luftangriffe in #Kramatorsk ;
- Tschetschenen schicken Verstärkung;
- heftige Kämpfe um #Mariupol ;
- USA befürchten Eintritt von #Belarus in die Kampfhandlungen;
- Polen will NATO-Mission für die Ukraine vorschlagen.
Russische Truppen fliegen wieder schwere Luftangriffe in #Kramatorsk .
Es wird erwartet, dass in der nächsten Zeit eine großangelegte russische Offensive in Richtung dieser Stadt losgehen könnte.
Hier ein Screenshot. Das Video findet ihr wie gehabt bei mir auf Telegram.
Zur Erinnerung.
#Kramatorsk ist strategisch wichtig.
Dort befinden sich ukr. Befehlsstäbe sowie liegt es im Rücken der Armeegruppierungen.
Russ. Truppen versuchen seit Wochen auf diese Stadt vorzustoßen, um einen Kessel zu bilden.
Bisher waren alle Versuche gescheitert.
Read 19 tweets
GRAPHIC: a long list of vidoes taken from multiple sources on social media to understand what is going on in #Ukraine thousands of civilians punished for not taking part in this war by paramilitary groups and National guard and most of all #AzovBattalion.
2nd video in which #AzovBattalion #UkraineRussiaWar ukranian forces are torturing kids, women, children, abuses them. Even women abuse and torture women. This is strange. Sources are independent. These people are called mauraders by the ukrainian #AzovBattalion.
3rd video #UkraineRussiaWar
My twitter has been locked and blocked multiple times and it seems it will be blocked and reported again and again. Such is freedom of expressions.
Read 22 tweets

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