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May 10th 2023
1. ENTER #mRNAvaccines for #pancreaticcancer! Long-term #PDAC survivor story PART3.

"Do #PDACs REALLY have vaccine neoantigens (NAs)"? (aren’t they lowly mutated?)

If each patient = own NAs, how do you vaccinate?

Maybe mRNA? But how?


👇🏽 [1/32]
2. In 2017, we reported in @Nature here ->… -> that primary tumors of long-term survivors of #PDAC had ~12x more activated CD8 T cells vs. short-term survivors


despite #PDAC’s few mutations, mutation-derived NAs may still be T cell antigens in #PDAC.
3. Now, prevailing belief ->#PDAC = few mutations = fewer mutation-derived NAs = NAs unlikely #PDAC T cell antigens.

BUT...our #NeoantigenQualityModel(estimates the ~1-2% of immunogenic NAs)

found that long term #PDACsurvivors ∝ more “high quality” NAs ∝longer survival. Image
Read 33 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
The is the result of #Transhumanism.

If you are C19 vaccinated you are no longer fully human. You are now a patentable organism.

The ultimate #SatanicAgenda.

God help us.

#CovidVaccines #5G #mRNA #smartgrids #Agenda2030 #GreatReset #hackableanimals #freewill #SupremeCourt
Here is the Supreme Court opinion he is referring to. The link to the doc he is quoting from has been taken down.

Note the cDNA (complementary DNA) created by mRNA is patentable.

#CovidVaccines #5G #mRNA #smartgrids #Agenda2030 #GreatReset #hackableanimals #SupremeCourt…
Why did this link get taken down? Image
Read 60 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
Your #LastWarning

The #WHO has written the #REMOVAL of #HumanDignity, #HumanRights and fundamental freedoms in their Treaty Draft.
Who trust #WHO ?

2018 - 56 min.…
What is the #WHO ?

Questions for the

( and the conflict of interest of #AbOsterhaus #RIVM )
Read 13 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
Als bijna niemand dood gaat aan #covid19 kun je nooit bewijzen dat #coronamaatregelen werken of dat #coronavaccins werken. Wel dat die #oversterfte veroorzaken.
Simpel hè ?

⬇️… ImageImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Mar 28th 2022
What Operation Warp Speed Did, Didn't and Can't Do - Marginal REVOLUTION…
#OperationWarpSpeed, #mRNAVaccines, #PandemicResponse
Evolution 'Landscapes' Predict What's Next for COVID Virus | Quanta Magazine…
#EvolutionLandscapes, #ViralMutations, #AdaptiveValue, #COVID19
Read 13 tweets
Dec 19th 2021
#SwissPolicyResearch (#SPR), founded in 2016, an independent nonprofit research group.
#mRNAvaccines ⬇️
⬇️… Image

Successes and Controversies…

A. Documentaries about the success of vaccines

B. Documentaries about #vaccinesafety concerns
#Vaxxed1 #Vaxxed2
Read 18 tweets
Oct 9th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/09/2021…
Mortality, Length of Stay, and Healthcare Costs Associated With Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Infections Among Elderly Hospitalized Patients in the United States…

#elderly #MultidrugResistantBacteria #InfectionPrevention #consequences #StudyReport
Read 8 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
@lasleh @yleuutiset #Fimea @THLorg Covid-19 or #GrapheneOxide? Poisonous Nano-Material found in #CovidVaccines and #FaceMasks | JULY 10, 2021
- In Oct 2013 the #EuropeanUnion launched two flagship projects: the Human Brain Project (“HBP”); and, the Graphene Flagship (“GF”)…
@lasleh @yleuutiset @THLorg Official interim report of #Pfizer's vaccination vial analysis explained by La Quinta Columna | JUNE 30, 2021
- Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra #Madrid of the University of #Almeria, @ualmeria Spain… ImageImage
@lasleh @yleuutiset @THLorg @ualmeria #SoyUAL Pablo Campra
Universidad de Almería | UAL · Department of Agronomy
PhD in Chemical Sciences
- Pablo Campra currently works at the Food Technology Division of the Department of Agronomy, University de Almeria (Spain)…
Read 16 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
Color-coded map reveals where #Americans need to wear #masks again, and where you can go #maskless, outside of schools | 8 hours ago
- The #CDC is now recommending that #FullyVaccinated people put their masks back on when indoors in public,…
#CDC: Fully #vaccinated Americans should wear #masks indoors in areas with high transmission | Jul 27
- The new guidance is a direct response to the growing number of Delta variant cases across the country, specifically among #unvaccinated individuals.…
#CDC: #DivideAndRule - a strategy that breaks up existing power structures.
- Also, #mRNAvaccines do not prevent the spread of the #DeltaVariant, but why are the (damaging) #unvaccinated undeservedly released from #mask use.… Image
Read 10 tweets

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