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Volledige erkenning #Novavax als primair vaccin (incl kinderen) in VS: Na FDA, nu CDC (RIVM)

Zóóóó noodzakelijk!!!!!

1. Denk alleen al aan alle kinderen die zullen invalideren door #LongCovid.
2. Tenminste 70% van de pandemie gaat via kinderen.

Ht @DonEford Image
Read 4 tweets
@UKHSA This Autumn everyone who wants one needs access to #Novavax. We need protection from a virus that causes #BloodClots #CardiovascularProblems #AutoimmuneDisease #AirborneAutoimmuneDisease #COVID is listed on the autoimmune registry. Our children need protection!
Read 10 tweets
I spoke with a couple about #Novavax in PetSmart this morning. We talked briefly about our COVID-19 infections and the impacts of the virus. They also told me they forgot about #COVID until they saw me in a mask. They asked when I would be “brave enough” to take off my mask.1/4
I told them that wearing a mask IS brave. They rephrased their question to when would I feel “safe enough” to take off my mask. I then listed the things that needed to happen to make it safe(er) again. 2/4
But, now that I think about it, I’m likely going to continue to mask in congested areas/confined spaces, like airports or planes. The pandemic has made several things very clear—especially that our government needs a makeover. 3/4
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1/ Dass gerade Deutschland mit seiner hervorragenden Datenlage der @DGPIeV zum Pandemie-Geschehen bei Kindern & Jugendlichen eine aktualisierte Nutzen-Risiko-Bewertung u. eine damit einhergehende Aussetzung der #Covid19-Impfempfehlungen für junge Menschen verweigert, ist …
2/ … nahezu skandalös und an Ignoranz kaum zu überbieten.

Ich fasse zusammen:

Risiko für schweren #Impfschaden nach #Covid-Impfung: 1/10000 (#Lauterbach via @heutejournal), Melderate laut #PEI für #Comirnaty sogar 2,3/10000, für #Novavax
7,6/10000. …
3/ Laut @DGPIeV @TenenbaumTobias @HuebnerJohannes bestehen für Kinder & Jugendliche unter #Omicron folgende Risiken nach einer #COVID-Infektion:

Schwerer Verlauf: 1/200000

#PIMS: 1/40000 bis 1/80000
Read 8 tweets
1/ Die aktualisierten #STIKO-Empfehlungen zur #Impfung von Kindern & Jugendlichen gg. #Covid19 lassen aus mehreren Gründen erschaudern.

Einer davon:

Ab 12 J. wird weiterhin auch das Vakzin „Novavax“ empfohlen.

Risiko für schwere NW pro Dosis (lt. Meldungen):

Ca. 1:1316 (!!)
2/ Dies geht hervor aus dem Sicherheitsbericht des #PEI vom 07.09.22, Seite 4.

Demnach kam es pro 1000 Impfungen zu 0,76 Meldungen schwerwiegender Nebenwirkungen oder Impfkomplikationen unter dem Wirkstoff Nuvaxovid in „Novavax“. ……
3/ Hier die aktuelle Empfehlung:…
Read 6 tweets
Playbook: How to crush your mRNA competition
1). Have the US govt partner all your competition at their facility, (EBS) then have FDA toss all of them out 1 by 1 while hiring your person (Mary Oates) to oversee this.
2). Hire a former FDA Commissioner and ensure FDA slows walks
all competition while rubber stamping yours.
3). Anytime another company has approvals anywhere else around the world, simultaneously have your media folks (esp. Reuters/James Smith) put out hit piece to somehow discredit (but retract it the next day) while getting your Wall St.
buddies to short the share price of said competition ( least any of the public think this company might be gaining momentum would see tanking stock price and think the better of it).
4). Lobby and make ridiculous campaign donations so that entire USG
Read 7 tweets
Here's some evidence contradicting the proposal that "hybrid immunity" (the immunity one develops from covid infection plus vaccination) can be "built up in the population" and is "good for future prospects." 🧵

1/~50 'Q: What is hybrid immunity...
"Hybrid immunity" may reduce future severe acute covid, but it doesn't greatly reduce transmission, so it produces viral evolution & immune dysfunction (which extend the pandemic) plus other acute & chronic illness, healthcare decline, economic decline, isolation, etc.

2/ "Hybrid immunity"...Graph showing that excess m...Excess mortality in the EU ...Bar graph of UK (ONS) Long ...
For those who prefer an unrolled view of this thread, please look here:

Read 55 tweets
Last month the prestigious Weill Cornell Medical College published a study that compared the efficacy, durability, and breadth of coverage between an mRNA (Moderna) and an adjuvanted protein vaccine.
@DonEFord @MomNovavax #Novavax #CovidVaccines
The adjuvanted protein vaccine was not Novavax but the results were comparable to those seen by studies done with Novavax. In almost every aspect the protein vaccine was superior to the mRNA vaccine!
Study was done with groups of eight Rhesus Macaques. One group was vaccinated with Moderna mRNA vax, another with adjuvanted protein vax, and the third group was unvaccinated. The vaccinated groups were given two doses of vax. At week 52 all groups were exposed to the C-19.
Read 15 tweets
Exciting news!
Novavax is working on an Omicron XBB specific vaccine with data expected to be presented at this month's FDA VRBPAC meeting.

Unlike Pfizer and Moderna #Novavax hasn’t yet updated its vaccine to specifically target more recently circulating strains of the virus.
“Up through BA.5, our immune responses had held steady,” said Filip Dubovsky, Novavax’s chief medical officer.
“I can tell you right now that this #xbbvariant XBB, XBB.1, it looks different to us.”
#kraken #XBB #XBB15 $NVAX…
Dubovsky said that Novavax has begun making the so-called viral seed needed to begin the manufacturing process for an updated version of its vaccine that would target XBB.1.1.5
#Novavax will present data on the XBB family of viruses at an advisory committee hearing this month
Read 4 tweets
#CoronaImpfSchäden in der #RBB Abendschau!

Die "Einzel-Fälle" häufen sich mehr und mehr und die Stimmen werden immer lauter!

Manuela Bogdann arbeitete bei Daimler-Truck im Marketing. Seit der Inokulation mit #BioNTech ist sie arbeitsunfähig. Ihr Magen-Darm ist zerstört…
Peggy Dobelke ("Diese Zahlen werden nicht erhoben" - Abgeordnetenhaus) konnte nach der Inokulation mit #Novavax plötzlich nicht mehr laufen.

Für jeden normal denkenden & fühlenden Menschen ist klar, dass den Betroffenen unmittelbar zu helfen und diese
…irrenführend als "Impfung" bezeichnete #gentechnischeBehandlung sofort einzustellen, dieses Experiment vollständig aufzuarbeiten & alle daran Beteiligten zur Verantwortung zu ziehen sind!
Mittlerweile versucht die CDU, mitverantwortlich für dieses Desaster, einzuschleimen.
Read 8 tweets
Het is onvermijdelijk dat ik als criticus van het #coronabeleid en mijn grote scepsis tegen de #mRNAvaccins ook die-hard antivaxxers onder mijn volgers heb. Dat is niet erg.

Maar ik wil een aantal zaken nog eens verduidelijken.

Een draadje.

Wat ik ook in mijn laatste stuk heb geschreven: ik ben geen die-hard #antivaxxer en ook geen blinde vaccinatiefanaticus, door mij ook wel vaccinazi's genoemd.

Ik mag hopen dat dat het woord van het jaar wordt, maar ik heb zo'n donkerbruin vermoeden dat dat er niet in zit. 🥳…

Waar gaat het hier om? Een vrouw die kort voor een longtransplantatie staat.

Zij wordt gedwongen om een vaccinatie te nemen met Novavax, anders gaat de longtransplantatie niet door.

Ik ben mordicus tegen dwang, ook hier. Dat mag en kan echt niet.
Read 16 tweets
⚠️SCOOP—Just learned bad #COVID news from my source. The less bad news first:📌the most evasive #XBB recombination escape variant to date, albeit <1%, but no longer 0%. 📌Worse: very evasive #BQ variants now spiked to 27%—w/ 42% in NY/NJ where 🏥 surging. Doubling time—10 days!🧵
2) the data will be released by the CDC mid day tomorrow (Friday). The #BQ11 & #BQ1 variants were just 11% two weeks ago, and 16.6% last week. This week—27% nationwide!! That’s a huge surge. The 27% will be reported tomorrow. But this is a meteoric rise!
3) It has been conveyed to me that my scoop 2 weeks ago upset the @CDCgov leadership, who were caught trying to defend how they neglected to inform the public that #BQ variants went from UNLISTED to suddenly 11%. It was epically embarrassing of @CDCDirector.
Read 15 tweets
SEQ ID NO: 1 “VACCINE” Patent #20130216569

Owned by Pirbright Institute, Bill & Melinda Gates & contains the following deadly protozoan parasite pathogens:

Toxoplasma Gondii

#Myocarditis #News

~See patent:…
SEQ ID NO: 2 Patent #7612043 prevents embryo implantation which is reached between 5 & 6 days after fertilization.

Prevention of human births / birth control without Informed Consent.


~See patent:

~See link:…
Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Patent # WO2021213945A1 contains both SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2.

The Pfizer vaxx contains deadly protozoan parasites and birth control without Informed Consent.

#PfizerGate #News

~See patent:…
Read 8 tweets
#Novavax is the safest Covid19 vaccine you can get. My prediction is that it will become a household name for this reason in addition to the broad efficacy against current and future variants.
Novavax is already a pan-coronavirus vaccine for Covid19. Graphic explains how Novavax protects from ALL current & future variants with durability that is so sadly missing from existing mRNA vaccines. Great print on what's needed for a pan-coronavirus:… Image
When experts say we need a pan-coronavirus vaccine, it is actually more ambitious than Covid-19. They want it to protect against future corona viruses like SARS & MERS. Novavax is IT for Covid-19.
Read 27 tweets
@MakeItRayn_ Bro 👀👁️👀 doesnt care - y'all are trying to individualize subject matter when it all overlaps - The CIA, like all IGAs (Intel Gathering Agencies) has only 1 mission: eugenics.
Concentrate on unionization through local & state govs, not the feds - they aren't exactly looking too
@MakeItRayn_ Hot right now, given that the last president tried to overthrow the govt and the current president is actually his body double 🤐🤡

Of course, theres always suits - you can sue sua sponte for anything under 42 USC 1983 - Consp. Against Civil Rights.
@MakeItRayn_ Take what you will but the courts have the authority to overrule corps. - the problem is McConnell stacked the judiciary across the boards. Your only recourse, outside of voting in progressives, is to organize strikes and shut down supply chains - but who are we kidding?
Read 34 tweets
1. #ACIP, @CDCgov's vaccine advisory panel, meets today to study the data on Novavax's Covid vaccine and will vote on whether to recommend its use.
I'll be live tweeting the meeting.
If you want to watch the meeting yourself, it's viewable here:…
2. Several members of #ACIP appear not to be attending today's meeting. Perhaps they'll join later but I think there are at least 4 of the 15 voting members not present.
3. Make that 3 missing members. I think.
Read 37 tweets
News orgs are finally seeing the differentiators and benefits of Novavax.
Head to head study of Novavax vs mRNA and viral vector vaccines.
Additional video snippets from the July 19, 2022 CDC approval meeting for Novavax.
Read 30 tweets
#Novavax #UniversalCovidVaccine: More durable than mRNA vaccines with 90% efficacy after booster at 8 months without need to update for every new strain and far safer. They use conserved epitopes common in ALL variants.… Image
It can provide mucosal immunity which means sterilizing immunity. It's the only way to get out of our current predicament. We all need to send the message to our governments to reject the mRNA experiment that can't keep up with the high degree of mutations
The mRNA answer is to use an "updated" vaccine for Ba.1 that is already gone. Their proposal is to just use manufacturing data and skip trials. This means they want us to be guinea pigs for "updates". We are not guinea pigs. "Move fast and break fast" is not for public health.
Read 98 tweets
La FDA s'apprête à décider si elle valide #Novavax. 💉

Ce vaccin ressort efficace à 90 % contre les cas symptomatiques (79% chez les plus de 65 ans), mais avant #Omicron.

6 cas de myocardites ont été recensés, avec possible lien de cause à effet.

1/5 ⤵️…
5 de ces 6 participants à l'essai clinique ont été hospitalisés, puis se sont rétablis.

"Nous pensons qu'il n'y a pas suffisamment de preuves pour établir une relation de cause à effet. Nous continuerons à surveiller tous les événements indésirables", a répondu #Novavax.

En France, #Novavax est utilisé en primo-vaccination depuis le 1er mars.

On peut dire que c'est un flop : à peine 13 000 primo-injections réalisées en trois mois, soit 9% du total sur cette période.

Read 5 tweets
EMA Press Briefing on COVID-19 related activities, 5 May 2022…
#COVID19 infections are still in the millions worldwide. This pandemic is far from over. COVID-19 will continue to impact our lives. #EMAPresser #pandemic
Vaccines are a central pillar of the response to the #pandemic. Nearly half a million lives among people 60 years of age and older have been saved in Europe thanks to #vaccination. #COVID19 #EMAPresser
Read 12 tweets
Le nombre n'évolue pas depuis près d'un mois : seuls 300 enfants âgés de 5 à 11 ans reçoivent une première fois dose de vaccin chaque jour (en moyenne). #Covid19

Résultat : seuls 5% des enfants âgés de 5 à 11 ans ont reçu au moins une dose de vaccin.

Alors que le gouvernement affichait l'ambition d'atteindre une couverture vaccinale élevée, celle-ci est beaucoup plus faible que chez nos principaux voisins.

Tous âges confondus, seuls 1 600 personnes reçoivent une première dose de vaccin chaque jour.

Read 4 tweets
La vaccination avec #Novavax patine toujours. Seules 4 300 doses ont été administrées en trois semaines, soit 10% du nombre total de primo-injections sur cette période.

La courbe des primo-injections plafonne à un niveau très bas : 1 600 par jour en moyenne.

Un peu plus de 3 millions d'habitants âgés d'au moins 18 ans n'ont encore reçu aucune dose de vaccin.

Ce vaccin #Novavax était destiné aux non-vaccinés qui ne peuvent pas recevoir ou ne veulent pas de l'ARN messager.

Il était porteur d'espoir, notamment dans les territoires ultra-marins (deux fois moins vaccinés que la métropole).

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Bilan complet sur le rythme de la vaccination (accompagné d'articles @le_Parisien). #Covid19

Seules 18 000 doses de vaccin sont administrées chaque jour, un nombre au plus bas depuis les premiers jours de la campagne en janvier 2020.

1/7 Image
Plus des deux tiers de ces 18 000 vaccinations quotidiennes sont pour des doses de rappel.

Le rythme de la vaccination de rappel est en chute continue depuis mi-janvier.

2/7 Image
Pour le moment, les deuxièmes doses de rappels n'apparaissent pas à part dans les données.

Rappelons que 2,5 millions d'habitants âgés d'au moins 80 ans ou résidents d'Ehpad y sont éligibles depuis lundi.

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#FreeDummDay und #Impfpflicht (sehr frei „Kabale und Liebe“ nachempfunden)
– ein „unwürdiges bürgerliches Trauerspiel“ in 5 Akten.

Akt 1 – „2020/21“
Eine Pandemie sucht die Welt heim. Die Angst ist groß. Ein „Wundermittel“ kommt überraschend schnell.
Doch ein Lustspiel? Schiller – Kabale und Liebe – ein bürgerliches Trauersp
Akt 2 – Sommer '21

Die Unvernunft wird in Deutschland gleichberechtigt zur Vernunft. Schlimmste Schauer–Geschichten werden vorgetragen.

Das Wundermittel spaltet die Gesellschaft.
IMHO weil die Gegner sich abspalten wollten.
Ansonsten wäre ja in Akt 4 #Novavax ein Erfolg.
(Akt 2) Die 4. Welle läuft los – viele wollen sie nicht sehen. Im September regionale Höchststände (Bsp: #KreisAhrweiler/Nord-#RLP) – aber kein Thema im Wahlkampf.

Mantra - Impfung ermöglicht Öffnungen.

Hochwasser nähert sich dem Theater. Symbolbild: Casino Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler – offenbar weit
Read 13 tweets

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