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#Biden Crown’s #CCP China connection: 1
1: MIKE LINDELL has two prestigious Texas and Minnesota Attorney firms conducting his complex new Federal Suit concerning PRC vote Machine interests which Senators #Warren & #Klobuchar vehemently complained of in 2019.
#Biden Crown’s #CCP China connection: 2
2: The brilliantly documented new FEDERAL writ based on detailed, corporate, forensic, & tech evidence - establishes that China companies owned, controlled & accessed the vote counting software used in #Election2020…
#Biden Crown’s #CCP China connection: 3
3: Companies controlling U.S. 2020 vote count were ultimately China govt owned.
4: “powerful Chinese financial interests had direct or indirect ownership of and near-total access to #Dominion’s and #Smartmatic’s voting machine technology."
Read 9 tweets
🚨BREAKING: Voting machine firm #Smartmatic files $2.7 million libel suit against Fox News, Fox hosts, Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani for their coordinated disinformation campaign to convince the public of rampant election “fraud.”

Bankruptcy time!😎…
Smartmatic’s suit follows Dominion’s similar lawsuits against Giuliani and Powell, accusing both of spreading false claims for self-promotion and a shot at flipping the election. Dominion alleges Giuliani promoted the conspiracy to hawk gold coins, cigars and supplements.🙄
🔥Smartmatic’s attorneys have counted “dozens” of references to the smear campaign on Fox News. They say that the false claims made repeatedly and echoed by the Fox hosts is evidence that Fox News was “actively plotting with Giuliani and Powell to disseminate the conspiracy.”
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“El director ejecutivo de Alphabet, Sundar Pichai, ha apostado fuerte por la inteligencia artificial como elemento central del futuro de la empresa. Ahora, es uno de sus desafíos administrativos más complicados”, dice @WSJ

Quién es @sundarpichai
@sundarpichai es desde 2015 director ejecutivo de @Google, pero también deberíamos preguntarnos también qué es @alphabet_media
Todos estos nombres “van de la mano”. Y nosotros vamos con ellos y utilizamos sus plataformas y servicios, como yo y usted, lo hacemos a diario.
Sundar Pichai dio el salto de CEO de @Google, a lo que sería la nave nodriza #Alphabet, es decir, la matriz del gigante tecnológico.
Esto se produjo después de que los cofundadores de #Google, #LarryPage y #SergeyBrin, se hicieran a un lado en la dirección de la empresa.
Read 38 tweets
Voter fraud was used in the 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, & 2020 elections. We saw “found” ballots for one candidate in non-approved locations. We saw unexplained data anomalies. Evidence was substantial, but no investigations?! Time to end this... #MerryChristmas #Thread
#Election2020 Massive Voter Fraud & Election Fraud Orchestrated by Democrats & Conspirators, with Cover-Up Co-Conspirators in Media & Social Media platforms. This means #RICO , #Coup , #Sedition , & #Treason.
When you have this many election officials crying foul, data scientists crying foul over voting system data, voter crying foul over votes cast fraudulently in their name, dead voters, senile nursing home residents targeted, & people hiding machines & evidence, it is malevolent.
Read 151 tweets
RUNNING SCARED - Pro-#Trump News Organisations are FRANTICALLY rowing back on 'Fraud' Claims after being threatened with multiple lawsuits by Voting Machine companies #Smartmatic and #Dominion.
One #NewsMax host, John Tabacco, embarrassingly had to read out a statement saying :

“There are several facts our viewers and readers should be aware,”

... before debunking a long list of conspiracy theories, mostly from himself.
#Fox Business host and full-time tinfoil hat wearer Lou Dobbs had to do the same thing, through gritted teeth ...
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🔷Results of the forensic audit by 'CIA & DHS' Reveals: #DominionVotingSystems is Designed w' inherent errors to create systemic fraud & influence election results. Final confirmation of all my allegations‼️
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @RudyGiuliani
1⃣⬇️ Image
🔷A Security Operations Group comprised of Professionals from DOD, Secret Service, DHS & @CIA conducted the inspection They have a wide variety of cyber & cyber forensic analysts & conduct work on dark & deep web & novel network security applications & have patents for such.2⃣ Image
🔷The DVS system INTENTIONALLY generates an ENORMOUSLY high number of ballot errors which are then transferred for adjudication. The INTENTIONAL errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots w' no oversight, no transparency, & no audit trail, leading to #VoterFraud.
3⃣ Image
Read 31 tweets
#journaal #nieuwsuur In deze deep dive aan de hand van Q-berichten zet Katie G zeer gedetailleerd uiteen welke rol militaire inlichtingen momenteel spelen:…
Misschien moeten NL Amerika-correspondenten instructies krijgen van #journaal en #nieuwsuur om toch eens wat dieper in het aspect van militaire inlichtingen te duiken bij de strijd om de verkiezingsuitslag.
#journaal #nieuwsuur Ik weet dat mijn hoop vergeefs is. Die correspondenten mochten de belangrijkste speech van Trump afdoen als 'geraaskal', zichzelf verschuilend achter de NYT als 'betrouwbare bron'. Zij gingen volstrekt voorbij aan de werkelijke betekenis van die speech.
Read 25 tweets
1/ #Smartmatic partnered with Haiti in 2012 (for a ~$53M project); this email (& thread) directly connects four key members of the Clinton Foundation to that decision and much much more.


Remember the date this was sent: May 17th 2010
2/ Why was a Clinton Foundation employee relaying this recommendation of #Smartmatic to Hillary Clinton's State Department (with the subject "Red Category")?

Was a deal struck with local Haitian officials? #FollowTheMoney
3/ Other notable people mentioned in the email include
Bill Clinton (aka BC)
James Lee Witt (head of FEMA under Bill Clinton)
Bob Nash (BC presidential assistant)

Why was BC briefed about Smartmatic, but "cannot engage on this issue"?
Read 9 tweets
#Breaking #BreakingNews
BillBarr has been appointed TO THE BOARD of #Dominion Energy. He's reportedly received MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from them over 2009-2020 period. O.O It's 911 all over again folks, & you got *******.
Gates, Buffet, CIA, #Deepstate Image
-This is a literal snapshot from their website.
-The CEO just stepped down, w' key board members dumping shares, & they sold their Pipeline to Warren Buffet, HUGE funder of Clintons & Who is giving ALL HIS MONEY to BillGates' "Black Extermination Project" & Vax you Foundation.
TROLLS & Mindless Fools are already saying "This is unrelated"
-Firstly that is completely ignorant & braindead to jump to such a conclusion without all the information & ANY of the facts.
-Dominion Energy/Resources has over 240 Subsidiaries & Dominion Voting COMES FROM THEM
Read 33 tweets
#Smartmatic #Dominion
Because of the censorship, I have to post all the pictures instead of the link(#Gnews) to tell the truth about the #VoteFraud of #Election2020 and more stories behind it.(5 tweets below)
01/05 ImageImageImageImage
02/05 ImageImageImageImage
03/05 ImageImageImageImage
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1. How the electi0n was st0len in '17' easy pages from #SidneyPowell filing in Michigan.
#Exhibit105 pages 1-4
Direct connection to #Serbia #Iran #BMACapitalManagement #DominionVotingSystems #EdisonResearch #DecisionHQ #Spiderfoot #Robtex @POTUS ImageImageImageImage
2. And now here comes #China
Records of #IPAddresses accessing server #ChinaUnicom even the Dominion domain was registered thru Godaddy to #Hunan China #BMACapitalManagement provides #Iran access to money averting US #sanctions and here is #Scorecard #ACORN #obama #Robtex @POTUS ImageImageImageImage
3. In pages 9-12 of #Exhibit105 enter #Canada with alternate domain #DVScorp redirected to #Beanfield
For those with fatfingers domains like #DVScopr were also used thru #China Dominion "loaned" their intellectual property patents to #HSBCbank in #China selling out USA. @POTUS ImageImageImageImage
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1- #Dominion
重磅!资深律师、前联邦检察官鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)在佐治亚和密西根州同时提请的 #选举舞弊 独立诉讼中,把中国和伊朗列为通过多米尼(Dominion)点票软件监视、操控包括2020年的多次美国大选幕后黑手…
起诉书中提到作弊的主要涉及公司 #Smartmatic 和 多米尼,前者被委内瑞拉和塞尔维亚人拥有,后者是加拿大公司,办公室在德国

全美50个州中,有28个州使用 #多米尼 选举投票系统

搞评:既然多米尼投票系统是中国和伊朗操控的,只要鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)在佐治亚和密西根州任何一个诉讼取胜,那么28个州的2020年选举结果都可视为舞弊及被外国操控
Read 10 tweets
How Dominion, Smartmatic, SCYLTL, and others are linked and essentially the same company (thread)
#Dominion #Smartmatic #DominionVotingSystems
I have included all links and applicable information so it can be verified and expanded upon.

Here we go:

#FightBack #OANN #Scorecard #voterfraud #Newsmax #GeorgeSoros #SidneyPowell
This is SCYTL’s 2017 Business entry records from the state of Alabama:…

Note the Principle address: Image
Read 16 tweets
#Breaking #BreakingNews "Domínio" encontrado de origem maligna de longa data rastreada até o 'Conselho Privado da Rainha' de Escravistas Internacionais, Conquista de Nações, The Dark Evil Ages of Imperialism, Insurrectionists, Mi6, Slavery, Plantations, Denial & Dominium
2 / #Dominion NÃO É apenas uma "empresa de máquinas de votação de #Canadá." Um Domínio foi o nome dado às Colônias Escravas do Imperialismo da Supremacia Branca Britânica da Rainha, Conquistados, Assassinados, Estuprados, Pilhados, Roubados e Derrubados e agora Controlados. #BLM?
3 / #Dominions "refere-se a todos os territórios pertencentes à Coroa. Como esses territórios foram conquistados para se tornarem tais? Guerra, subversão, assassinato, guerra econômica, manipulação política, insurreição, infiltração e imposição de bancos centrais, assassinatos..
Read 46 tweets
Eine gute Übersicht zu #Dominion #SGO #Smartmatics #Scytl etc und wie Wahlbetrug im Großen möglich sein kann, findet sich hier von Russ Ramsland:

Hier die eidestattliche Erklärung von Russ Ramsland über seine Recherchen über #Dominion Premier Wahlmaschinen bei der US-Wahl 2020.

Hier versucht #Smartmatic #Dominion CEO Antonio Mugica zu erklären, wie 1 Million Stimmen 2017 in Venezuela verloren gehen konnten.

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🚨El 8/7/19 en una #InvestigacionExclusiva de @ElDisenso expusimos q el 100% del capital de #Smartmatic pertenece a #SGO Corp Ltd, dirigida x Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, VP de los fondos de inversión de #GeorgeSoros, y de la #OpenSocietyFoundations👇 #Trump…
En Argentina, el 18/2/15, se anunció la constitución de #Smartmatic International Holding BV Sucursal Argentina" según resolución de la Junta Directiva, de fecha lunes 19 de enero de 2015, dde se deja en claro que el 100% del capital de la empresa está en manos de #SGO Corp Ltd
#SGO Corporation Limited es una compañía inglesa dirigida x Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, vicepresidente de los fondos de inversión de George Soros, y del ex Instituto Sociedad Abierta hoy conocido como Open Society Foundations.

En la foto, el CEO de #Smartmatic junto a George Soros
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1/ Trump is turning up the heat on #Smartmatic, suggesting software they used during the election of Hugo Chavez is now linked to #DominionVotingSystems.

I've already highlighted some of these ties.

But now I want to present information that is more favorable to Smartmatic.
2/ In 2004, Smartmatic won a $128 million contract to manage a referendum on the recall of Chavez. Polls showed Chavez facing defeat and the opposition was confident of victory.

Smartmatic provided the ballot machines and ensured the votes were ready on the night of Aug 15.
3/ Two weeks after the referendum, on Aug 27, the US embassy sent a report back to Washington, describing what happened that night.

The following tweets are taken almost verbatim from that report, and they shed some new light on Smartmatica and their current CEO Antonio Mugica.
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1/ Maybe you heard @SidneyPowell1 has a whistleblower from Smartmatic.

They say the software used by Dominion in the US is descended from the same software that #Smartmatic used to handle elections for Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.
2/ #DominionVotingSystems denies links to Smartmatic and insists their software is secure.

So who's right?

Well, on Smartmatic's website they refer to two of their patented inventions: Edge2Plus and HAAT.
3/ Now let's look back to when Dominion bought Sequoia from Smartmatic in 2010.

One year later, they hired a company called SLI to test their products so they could get US government approval to handle elections.

And what did Dominion ask SLI to test for them?
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In diesem Interviewausschnitt von gestern Abend spricht die Anwältin von @Potus , @SidneyPowell1 die weltweiten Implikationen des Skandals rund um die Wahlsoftwarefirma #Smartmatic an und nennt wieder explizit #Frankfurt . "WORLDWIDE"! #Election2020
Sie geht davon aus, dass die "Glitches" der Software deshalb entstanden sind, weil Trump mehr Stimmen bekam als die Software unsichtbar per Algorithmus adjustieren konnte.

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Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, is stepping down as partner from DLA Piper.

Former co-chair of DLA Piper, Nigel Knowles, is on the board of a new #Smartmatic spin-off company w/ the original Venezuelan Smartmatic founders… #KamalaHarris
In 2016, DLA Piper's Nigel Knowles, stepped down as global co-chair but remained a consultant for the firm.

Knowles, who had been at DLA Piper for decades, is now an active board member on Smartmatic's spin-off company, SGO. Image
DLA Piper has represented at least one CCP-owned organizations, and has more than one individual on staff who has worked on staff in CCP-owned organizations.

Let's go through the investigation:
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1/n "The circumstances & events are eerily reminiscent of what happened with #Smartmatic software electronically changing votes in the 2013 presidential election in Venezuela."

—Whistleblower documented in sworn affidavit obtained by @SidneyPowell1, on why he came forward.
2/n "I am alarmed because of what is occurring in plain sight during this #2020election for President of the United States… What happened in the United States was that the vote counting was abruptly stopped in five states using Dominion software."
3/n "I want to point out that the software and fundamental design of the electronic electoral system and software of #Dominion and other election tabulating companies relies upon software that is a descendant of the #Smartmatic Electoral Management System."
Read 16 tweets

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