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[storia vera: L'ingegnere rikko e l'ingegnere poveroH]
C'erano una volta due ingegneri, uno rikko col padre che aveva una fabbrichetta ed uno poveroH figlio di poveri stronzi appunto povery
Tutti e due si laurearono nella stessa sessione e partirono subito per il mondo
Il primo, grazie al fatto che era "figlio d'arte" (eufemismo per "raccomandato dimmerda") entra a far parte dei ruoli tecnici di una ONLUS che scava pozzi artesiani in Africa e piglia un pozzo (appunto) di quattrini, du sente buono e generoso e pacifista (in generale)

Il secondo, quello poveroH e dis-raccomandato, dopo alcuni lavori malpagati viene chiamato da un'industria della Difesa e alla domanda di rito: "ha riserve o pregiudizi nei confronti di attività nel campo della difesa?" (traduco: "lei è talmente disperato e in cerca di...

Read 14 tweets
New Update | CrisisWatch

⚡ Four conflict risks in June

↘️ Twelve conflict deteriorations in May

❗ Country in focus: #Pakistan 🇵🇰

⚡ Conflict Risk Alert | #Sudan

Hostilities escalated between the army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, notably in Darfur region, where the growing involvement of tribal militias and armed groups threatens all-out civil war.
⚡ Conflict Risk Alert | #Somaliland

Fighting between government forces and Dhulbahante clan militias spread in the Sool region.

As parties recruit new fighters, the conflict could ripple into other parts of Somaliland.…
Read 15 tweets
Following up on the new #Sudan sanctions authority President Biden issued on May 4 (E.0. 14098), the White House announces targeted sanctions and visa restrictions against actors perpetuating the violence in the country.…
The US Treasury Dept has designated 4 companies identified as generating revenue from, and contributing to, the conflict in #Sudan:
🔹️Al Junaid (RSF)
🔹️Tradive General Trading (RSF)
🔹️Defense Industries System (SAF)
🔹️Sudan Master Technology (SAF)…
Al Junayd is a holding company controlled by Hemeti & his brother, Abdel Rahim Dagolo. It operates in the gold mining sector and is identified by Treasury as a vital source of revenue for the Dagolo family & the RSF.
Read 10 tweets
Twitter is degrading. Still, no comparable alternative. Fwiw, making lists helps (and you don't have to follow accounts you put them in lists).

"For you" seems to increasingly tilt in a hardline direction, sadly, though it does make for an interesting social media study.
Interestingly, Twitter has decided that today my "For You" should highlight tweets from SAF fans that criticize this @valent_projects social media monitoring analysis on #Sudan. Many of the tweets highlighted have few likes or replies, so unclear why.
But still, amidst the the accounts cheering war from abroad, are posts like these:
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The security & humanitarian situation has dramatically deteriorated in several parts of #Sudan over the past 9 days, most notably in #Darfur.
Unclear where the 2M reportedly reached with aid during the "ceasefire" are, but the situation for many Sudanese has worsened, and INGOs still face serious obstacles moving aid into the worst affected areas.…
13 babies died in an orphanage in #Sudan's capital city on Friday. The death toll in Khartoum, Geneina, El Obeid, El Fashir, and other parts of the country has risen while the "ceasefire" was being "imperfectly observed" by the SAF & RSF.…
Read 7 tweets
We examined 12,545 tweets using a pro #Sudan army hashtag. We found large-scale manipulation promoting escalation, whilst authentic Sudanese voices called for an end to the violence. The findings show how one of the most common deceptive practices on Twitter works #thread 🧵 1/13
Since fighting broke out between #Sudan army and the Rapid Support Force (RSF) on April 15, the hashtag جيش_واحد_شعب_واحد# (One Army, One Nation) has been used 12,545 times by pro-army accounts. All sides are running digital influence operations with much #disinformation 2/13
Firstly, we applied @benimmo’s Coefficient of Traffic Manipulation (CTM) to the dataset. CTM assigns a rating based on the number of retweets per user, percentage of retweets and the percentage of total traffic made up by the 50 most active users (see graph below). 3/13 Image
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1. As I had guessed, the attack near the airport in Mariupol killed 150 Russian troops in these buildings. Ukraine has begun to strike Russian forces forming in large numbers to be sent to Bakhmut as the battle for control continues amid the failing Russian flanks. Image
2. Ukraine has begun to focus on destroying rail lines supplying Russian forces in southern Ukraine. Today Ukraine used a small drone swarm to strike near the Russian rail hub at ##Dzhankoi in northern #Crimea causing a derailment on the critical rail line. Image
3. This followed a claimed sabotage attack on a rail line further south in Crimea near #Simferopol at #Chystenke that also caused a derailment. Image
Read 9 tweets
Aha, wenn das stimmt, dann #Slava_Ukraini !!!

Berichten zufolge ziehen die #WagnerGroup -Söldner ihre erfahrensten Mitglieder aus der #Ukraine ab und schickt sie in den #Sudan, während die verbleibenden "unnötigen Kämpfer" in #Bakhmut sterben sollen. Möglicherweise wird sie……
Read 4 tweets
@RunRun94025061 @yleuutiset Ns. #Presidentinvaalit2018: #Yle'n pomo #RiikkaKämppi (R.I.P.) otti virkavapaata ja toimi homopekan kampanjapäällikkönä. Käyttivät rikollisesti #Nenäpäivä -lahjoittajarekisteriä ja saivat mm. tekstiviestein kerättyä yli 700k€. Mutta eivät voittaneet #Scytl -laskentaa ImageImageImage
@RunRun94025061 @yleuutiset #YLE: n Härskiäkin härskimpää | 10. marraskuu 2017
- Ylen johtaja, #RiikkaKämppi otti #virkavapaata ja käytti #Nenäpäivä -organisaation lahjoittaja -rekisteriä kerätäkseen #vaalirahaa HomoPekka Haavistolle.
- Rahaa tulikin ikkunoista ja ovista.
@RunRun94025061 @yleuutiset cc: @ MiiaNuikka
Hei, nyt tuuletetaan! Ihmiset, yritykset, te ootte nyt hienosti tosi liikkeellä. Minä ja @Haavisto
(tässä selkäpuolelta) otetaan lisää #lahjoituksia vastaan. #nenäpäivä
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Repubblica Centrafricana #CAR, #Wagner controlla tutte le basi militari del paese
1/n Segnalati voli cargo russi da #Libia e #Sudan verso la Repubblica Centrafricana.
Cerchiamo di capire cosa accade...⬇️
@FocusOnAfricaEn @AntonellaNapoli…
La notizia non passa inosservata. Un aereo cargo Antonov An124 hanno preso il decollo dalla Libia e dal Sudan in direzione di Bangui. Sono stati segnalati in arrivo nel paese dalle 08.50 del mattino del 13 Maggio.
Le conferme visuali non tardano ad arrivare. Ciò che si ipotizzava stesse accadendo è divenuto ben presto un riscontro oggettivo. I cargo trasportavano, per conto della Wagner PMC, materiale bellico e sorprendentemente anche aerei da caccia militari di proprietà del gruppo: ImageImageImage
Read 34 tweets
The Spring update of @CrisisGroup's European Union Watch List is here.

Read on for recommendations from our analysts around the globe on how the EU can enhance prospects for peace in the #Sahel, #Kosovo and #Serbia, #Pakistan and #LatinAmerica:…

🧵: 1/11 Image
The report starts with an introduction by @CrisisGroup CEO & President @EroComfort, where she highlights the role the EU can play in #Sudan, particularly by deterring outside actors from getting sucked into the fighting.…
.@EroComfort also writes about the EU's current top security priority: backing Ukraine to defend itself.

And even as the EU and member states continue supporting Ukraine, they should signal to Moscow that a path toward a negotiated settlement or ceasefire remains possible.
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Some thoughts on #Sudan's Jeddah accord: (Thread)

*RSF, SAF have no incentive for ceasefire at this point. Each side confident of victory.

*RSF has taken heavy hits but holding ground in key parts of Khartoum.

*Fight existential. One man must be left standing.
*RSF's biggest tactical advantage is fighting in urban setting. Civilians are its shield. It cannot allow corridors for civilian exit.

*If dislodged, it can retreat to Darfur, make perihery ungovernable.

*RSF will resist calls to let civilians leave areas under its control.
*Jeddah asks belligerents to behave gentlemanly, ethically in a conflict scenario where playing dirty a tactical advantage, might tip scale.

*But biggest flaw in Jeddah lack of enforcement mechanism. Declaration based on assumption parties will behave well, abide by it
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#Sudan #Guerra
A tre settimane dallo scoppio dei combattimenti tra le forze rivali in Sudan, rappresentanti dell’esercito e delle Forze di supporto rapido si incontrano con i mediatori per tentare rafforzare il fragile cessate il fuoco.
Il dialogo coinvolge tre
ufficiali che rappresentano le parti in conflitto.
Uno degli obiettivi più importanti del dialogo è l’apertura di passaggi sicuri per l’arrivo di aiuti e assistenza umanitaria, in accordo con le parti, e avviare seri negoziati con tutti i partiti politici per raggiungere un
governo civile...
...Intanto la situazione umanitaria su aggrava sempre di più.

gli ospedali sono sopraffatti dall’enorme afflusso di feriti, migliaia di persone sono in fuga alla ricerca di un luogo sicuro e i bisogni medici e umanitari sono enormi. È quanto riportano i team
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NEW | @brian_cartr: The Turkish raid on an alleged ISIS safe house in NW Syria on Apr 28 likely killed an ISIS leader, but not the caliph. Targeting ISIS leadership is helpful, but it fails to address the group’s ability to embed itself within local populations. Read the update…… ImageImageImage
@brian_cartr The #alQaeda and #IslamicState networks in Africa will likely seek to use the #Sudan conflict to improve their position on the continent. Numerous inmates escaped from a prison in #Khartoum city beginning on April 22 amid clashes between Sudan’s two warring factions. Image
@kathryn__tyson: Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (#TTP) militants based in #Afghanistan continue to direct TTP activities in #Pakistan-i cities far outside of TTP’s recent attack zones. Image
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Here is a summary🧵 of my experience in Khartoum #Sudan and beyond when the conflict erupted on 15 April!

- I Arrived Khartoum on 10th April, to take up a new role. I went to office on Tues, Wed and Thurs. Fri & Sat is weekend. Sunday is first day of the week and work. Image
- Friday 14, I scouted for an apartment and got one.

- Saturday April 15, I was headed to Dahabshil to pick money and pay landlord. Shooting erupted in front of my tuktuk (‘Raksha’). Driver Made the fastest U-turn have ever seen- back to hotel.
- From Sunday April 16, to one week later there was no hope but intense firing continued, cooks deserted the hotel and we had to go to the kitchen to cook, we ran out of supply but I had some water and a few sugary edibles.…
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Da nemici a fratelli:
l'addio dell'Arabia Saudita agli sfollati iraniani segna una nuova era della diplomazia

#Iran #Sudan #new_direction
4 maggio 2023

@liliaragnar @mariogiordano5
@RadioRadioWeb @ladyonorato @a_meluzzi
@LaVeritaWeb Image
In una svolta sorprendente degli eventi, il più alto funzionario militare dell'Arabia Saudita, il maggiore generale Ahmed Al-Dabais, sabato ha salutato personalmente gli sfollati iraniani mentre venivano espulsi dal regno. Image
Quando il comandante della regione occidentale è salito a bordo del loro aereo, ha sottolineato il legame fraterno tra #Iran e #ArabiaSaudita, dichiarando:
"Se hai bisogno di qualcosa in Arabia Saudita, sei il benvenuto... Iran e Arabia Saudita, sono fratelli". Image
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No loyalty to Sudan’s generals except for self-ruling: Hemedti, the UAE, Russia and Ethiopia.…
Why would the UN and the international community refuse the victory of the legitimate army chief over a militia commander? What kind of protection from the “international community” Hemedti enjoys?
#Sudan… via @ejmalrai
Hemedti is accused of being a puppet of regional powers such as the UAE & an ally of Khalifa Haftar, allegedly driving the war in Sudan. Al-Burhan is accused of being weak & unwilling to confront regional powers or take a firm stand against his old friend & deputy he is fighting.
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Nine years ago, #RussiaIsANaziState attacked Jews of #Odesa.

Simon Wiesenthal became our map. On 24 February, full scale #RussiaIsANaziState invasion began that included targeting Jews, killing Holocaust survivors, destroying #Holocaust memorials and using Russian
Protocols of Zion propaganda again for another #Holocaust. Except Odesa Jews were ready. It will take lifetime #RussiaIsANaziState does not have to understand what we did to stop them. #RussiaIsANaziState is collapsing. We ensured it.

You Rashists are never killing Jews again.
Not another pogrom Image
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#Sudan Update - 2nd May 2023
With no signs of conflict resolution, Sudan might head into another civil war which is not at all required right now.
#Sudan #USA #Russia #Egypt #Chad #Ethopia…
1. on 22nd April Kober prison, where former Sudanese president al-Bashir is detained, was attacked by RSF. As per the reports former Sudanese President Al-Bashir has escaped from the prison. Now that is big news and it might be a big problem in the forthcoming months for SAF……
2. AS a public secret, western governments and media have accused Wagner PMCs of plundering the gold reserves of Sudan triggering the armed conflict between Sudanese factions.
As usual, a typical media subversion to deflect attention from the US Biolab crisis.

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Operation Kaveri

The Indian Government has launched an evacuation drive from the crisis-hit nation of #Sudan under the codename '#Kaveri' after the law and order situation had become highly volatile following the power struggle between #RSF and the army, causing destruction. Image
The name '#OperationKaveri' was coined by Prime Minister @narendramodi himself post review of the emerging crisis situation in Sudan.
Under the leadership of @MOS_MEA Shri V. Muraleedharan, the @MEAIndia has made sure that the evacuation became a non-threatening process for #Indians by conducting numerous meetings with Sudanese Foreign Ministry officials.
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This is the start of daily thread number 430 of the illegal war in #Ukraine, with all the news in one place.

A very good Saturday morning to you; it's been a lively start to the day for #Russia's occupiers.

If you want to support independent journalism, see my bio to buy me a☕️
First though the usual link to the start of yesterday's thread. Take a scroll if you missed anything or need a catch-up:

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

#Crimea has been illegally occupied by #Russia since 2014. It was the very start of this war, far predating the full invasion 14 months ago.

But the Occupiers are getting worried. Overnight an oil depot was set on fire when a drone hit Kozachi Bay. No injuries reported: ImageImageImage
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#OperationKaveri #Sudan #IndianArmedForces
Violence in Sudan and emergency evacuation
1. Brigadier General Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir seized power in Sudan after a military coup on 30 Jun 1989. He declared himself as the President of Sudan on 16 Oct 1993 and ruled ..cont..2.. Image
2. till 2019. 90.7% of Sudanese population is Muslim. In March 2009, al-Bashir was indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), for allegedly directing a campaign of mass killing, rape, and pillage against civilians in the 16 year war in Darfur. Approx 2 lakhs ..cont..3..
3. to 4 lakhs had died in Darfur. In 1993, US had designated Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism(just like Pak). Sudan’s military ruler and head of the army Gen Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo ( Hemedti), the country’s deputy and head of the ...cont..4
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I am a consultant cardiologist and have had my clinics and operations cancelled while being stranded in Sudan. I managed to get my elderly mother out via Egypt having waited 48 hours at the border. #sudan
My mother and I are alone in Cairo. I can’t leave her here. I’ve called the UK embassy and they have offered me nothing.
Every day I am away from my work, my patients lives are at risk.
I need to bring my mother with me to England. Why is this inhumane policy adopted.
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سودان کے قائدین اسرائیل کی ثالثی کی پیشکش قبول کریں، #امریکی_یہودی_کانگرس کی سودان کے جنرلز سے اپیل.
اس تھریڈ میں ہمارے صدر #جیک_روزن @JackRosenNYC کے بیان کا مکمل متن ملاحظہ فرمائیں۔ /1

#Sudan #SudanCrisis Image
"افریقہ کے تیسرے بڑے ملک سودان کی صورتحال امریکہ کیلئے، اور مصر، سعودی عرب، متحدہ عرب امارات جیسے علاقائی بڑے ممالک کے لئے تشویشناک ہے جو جنگ بندی کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں۔ اسرائیل نے سودانی جنرلز کی اپنی سرزمین پر مذاکرات کیلئے میزبانی کی پیشکش کی ہے۔ /2
دیرپا امن کے لئے اسرائیل میں امن مذاکرات کے پیشکش کیلئے اسرائیلی حکام کئی دنوں سے سودان آرمی کے کمانڈر لیفٹیننٹ جنرل عبدالفتاح البرہان اور ریپڈ سپورٹ فورسز کے کمانڈر میجر جنرل محمد حمدان دگلو [جو حمیدتی کے نام سے جانے جاتے ہیں] کے ساتھ بات چیت کر رہے ہیں۔ /3
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