Day 539 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 326 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Texas man with "very dim view of women" charged with shooting two female drivers
Sen. John McCain is dead at age 81.
The Vietnam war hero turned warrior politician was diagnosed with brain cancer last summer.

Trump doesn't want to comment on McCain in his final days. There's no effort to publish a statement.
Trump has repeatedly told advisers McCain should step down. He has also said he doesn't regret saying McCain is not a war hero.…
Trump bashed by foreign policy experts after cancelling high-level talks with North Korea
Trump has been implicated in two federal crimes. His response:
“But her emails!”
Michael Cohen’s attorney also says you committed two felonies
Surveys try to measure what people think about news. But this Tuesday, after a hectic news days, 1,000 Americans were asked to explain *what* had happened.
The answers shed light into how differently we all consume and interpret news.…
Jerry George, a former senior editor at AMI, tells HuffPost that David Pecker killed 10 potential Trump-related stories in his time at AMI and hundreds of other Trump story leads were never approved.
They would come in and just weren't explored.…
The ex-Trump World Tower doorman who says he has knowledge of an alleged affair Trump had with an ex-housekeeper, which resulted in a child, is now able to talk about a contract he entered with AMI that had prohibited him from discussing the matter.…
Weisselberg once insisted Trump was worth $6 billion and handed @TimOBrien a tally—that added up to $5 billion. When O’Brien noted the discrepancy, Weisselberg stood. “I’m going to go to my office and find that other billion." He never returned.…
"The amount of knowledge that man [Weisselberg] has is incalculable," ex-federal prosecutor Gene Rossi said. "I cannot stress enough, he could potentially be a very serious risk and problem for the president of the United States and his family."…
“He is terrified,” says Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio. “This is 40 years of deceit coming home to torment him.”
Why does it take a special counsel to take down obvious tax frauds and bank cheats? Mueller is exposing the white-collar prosecution crisis.…
Trump arrived at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, VA, according to the pool report.
This is Trump's 193rd day at a Trump property and his 150th day at a Trump golf club since taking office at our expense. #EmolumentsClause

Sen. Lindsay Graham: “I cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump.” May 6, 2016
Sen. Lindsay Graham: "holy hell to pay" if Sessions fired. July 27, 2017
What happened to Lindsay Graham’s conscience?
Trump blasts Sessions: He "doesn't understand" what is happening at Justice Dept
Bob Corker says that he believes "moves are being made" to oust Jeff Sessions after the midterms.
"It just feels to me that after the midterms [Trump] will make the change."…
Excellent description of Trump by ex-Republican @jpitney 5/17: Trump's a mashup of all the sorriest parts of GOP history:
• Hoover’s trade policy
• Harding’s incompetence
• Lindbergh’s dictator worship
• McCarthy’s dishonesty
Be an originalist. Oppose the Kavanaugh confirmation.
Wise words from @tribelaw in @washingtonpost:…
Democrats have put together a wide-ranging contingency plan to respond immediately if Trump fires Mueller or attempts to shut down the Russia probe.…
Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating possible links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, has issued more than 100 criminal counts against 32 people and three companies
Paul Manafort faces another trial next month across the river in Washington — where the evidence is expected to be more voluminous, and the charges promise to be more substantial, the judge less sympathetic, the possible sentence longer.…
Vital Kremlin informants have gone silent, leaving spy agencies in the dark about Putin's midterm intentions.
Officials say the outing of an apparent FBI informant by House Intel Republicans —encouraged by Trump— may have had a chilling effect.
A federal district judge struck down most of the key provisions of three executive orders that Trump signed that would have made it easier to fire federal employees.
The ruling is a blow to Republican efforts to rein in public-sector labor unions.
A business that violates federal law — by failing to pay overtime, fouling the air or committing financial fraud — could have an easier time avoiding the harshest penalties under the Trump admin than it did under the Obama admin.…
A fifth-generation coal miner from Virginia says Trump is making "false promises that are only going to line the pockets of coal executives."

The oil industry wants the federal government to build a seawall to protect refineries from the effects of climate change.…
Update: "Ridiculous," said one California Republican Hill aide about Duncan Hunter blaming his wife. "If you read the indictment, clearly it was both of them ... Like, how do you stay married to a guy who does that?"…
"To date, no one in the Trump Administration has been held accountable for its family-separation policy, even after evidence has steadily mounted as to its immense human costs and administrative failures."…
@ACLU: Reminder: The consequences of family separation will far out-last this administration.
Watch one family's reunion after months of separation. #FamiliesBelongTogether
ICE detainees join the #PrisonStrike2018. "We are acting with solidarity with all those people who are being detained wrongfully and stand together to help support all those women who have been separated from their children."…
In a move that advocates say could threaten due process rights for immigrants and lead to more deportations, immigration judges in multiple cities have been instructed to cram more hearings into their daily schedules, sources tell BuzzFeed.…
Week 93
73 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
In 2016, Trump promised to West Virginia coal miners: "We're going to put the miners back to work."
But a report published by WVU's College of Business and Economics predicts a short-term dip, and long-term decline in coal production in the state.…
Secret police archives of Communist Yugoslavia suggest Melania Trump's recently naturalized father may have a record of tax evasion and smuggling.…