Day 580 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 370 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

The Pentagon announced the death of Army Spc. James Slape, the seventh U.S. soldier to be killed in combat in Afghanistan this year.
Trump has not publicly offered his condolences.
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now a staggering 12,800.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
This White House is trying to undo twenty years of civil and human rights precedent in order to detain children indefinitely. Absolutely horrendous.…
An independent monitor will be overseeing conditions for children being held in immigration custody. This comes after it was found the federal government was not complying with a federal decree that sets standards for the care of migrant children.…
DHS inspectors who visited a private, for-profit immigration jail in CA in May found major violations, including cells with nooses, detainees losing teeth from lack of dental care and one disabled inmate left alone in a wheelchair for nine days.…
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vow a unified approach ahead of North Korea visit

Pompeo says U.S. will seek help from allies to persuade North Korea to give up nuclear weapons.
Eric Swalwell: Devin Nunes buried evidence on Russian meddling to protect Trump.
I know because I’m on the committee.…
A Republican operative who sued Trump says the FBI referred the hacking of her email to Mueller.
Cheri Jacobus says she was subjected to a campaign of online harassment and sabotage after a public fight with Trump and one of his top advisers.…
Rudy Giuliani retweets demand government freeze assets of ‘anti-Christ’ George Soros…
Chief Justice John Roberts has received more than a dozen judicial misconduct complaints against Brett Kavanaugh in recent weeks but has chosen for the time being not to refer them to a judicial panel for investigation, WaPo reports.…
"Never before has a Supreme Court nominee been poised to join the court while a fellow judge recommends that a series of misconduct claims against that nominee warrant review."…
"When I served as a Justice Department official and worked with the White House on the FBI background reports for over 300 judicial nominees, we never placed restrictions on who the FBI could contact in conducting an FBI background investigation."…
Democrats on Senate Judiciary Committee have a theory about the FBI not interviewing Dr. Ford: Trump White House officials blocked an interview with Ford because they were worried about the FBI questioning Kavanaugh.…
Dr. Ford: "I believed and still believe that it was my civic duty to come forward, but this is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, much harder even than I thought it would be."…
Collins in Nov. '17: Franken allegations 'credible, disgusting and appalling'.
Collins' talk of 'presumption of innocence' with Kavanaugh is in contrast to her calling for Franken to resign without an Ethics Committee probe.…
“I believe she believed what she testified to,” Susan Collins told @DanaBashCNN of Christine Blasey Ford. “I do not believe Brett Kavanaugh was her assailant.”
So in plain language, Collins doesn’t believe Ford.
WATCH: Protesters rush Capitol steps ahead of final Kavanaugh vote
"Where is my representation?"
Protests break out in the Senate just before the final Kavanaugh vote. (via ABC)
WASHINGTON (AP) — As expected, the Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice, ending contentious nomination fight
Confirmed SCOTUS justices:
Scalia 98-0
Kennedy 97-0
Souter 90-9
Thomas 52-48
Ginsburg 96-3
Breyer 87-9
Roberts 78-22
Alito 58-42
Sotomayor 68-31
Kagan 63-37
Gorsuch 54-45
Kavanaugh 50-48
A petition to impeach Kavanaugh has gathered over 125,000 signatures, progressive groups have raised money to expel him from the federal bench and a key Dem lawmaker has promised to investigate the judge if the party retakes the House in November
House Democrats will open an investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct and perjury against Brett Kavanaugh if they win control of the House in November, Jerry Nadler, the Democrat in line to be the Chair of the Judiciary Committee, said.…
WATCH: Protests erupt on stairs of Supreme Court…
New data reveals that very few companies are putting their windfall from the Trump tax cuts toward increasing workers' wages.…
Per HuffPost: Newly released documents show Vice President Mike Pence's trip to a 2017 Colts game – which he left in a planned protest after players kneeled during the National Anthem – cost at least $325,000.…
Trump on AF1 was asked about women angry about Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
“I don’t think they are,” he said. Women are “extremely happy," he said, “because they’re thinking of their sons, they’re thinking of their husbands and their brothers, their uncles, and others.”
No, it’s real. The people are furious!
Trump quick to slam Democratic opposition to Kavanaugh for running a "shameless campaign" to defeat his confirmation. Says they turned into "an angry mob." Says what Kavanaugh and his family endured at the hands of Democrats "is unthinkable."
"You don't hand matches to to an arsonist, and you don't hand power to an angry left-wing mob, and that's what they've become," Trump says of Democrats, delivering one of his harshest attacks to date.
Replace "left" with "right" and the description fits to in Trump
31 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Climbing out from Haneda, Tokyo
@SecPompeo heading to Pyongyang, North Korea
🇺🇸 US Air Force
C-40B 01-0040 SAM291