Day 629 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 419 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Former President Barack Obama said the hardest day of his presidency was the Sandy Hook shooting. "The angriest I was ever during my presidency was seeing Congress not doing anything about it. Completely unresponsive"
Police in Kentucky say they thwarted a possible mass shooting after they arrested a man outside a manufacturing company with 5 loaded guns, including an automatic AR-15 rifle.
Police: Man killed by officer at Alabama mall on Thanksgiving was not shooter, gunman still at-large.
Looks like the police killed the "good guy with a gun"
Family of black man killed by cop in Alabama mall shooting hires civil rights attorney
The Parkland students who created an international movement to raise awareness for gun violence after a deadly school shooting were awarded the International Children's Peace Prize.
Well deserved!
U.S. service member killed in Afghanistan Saturday, bringing U.S. combat death toll this year to eight.
No public condolences offered by Trump.
More than 2,400 U.S. forces have died in the 17-year-old war.
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now more than 14,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"…
CREW is suing.…
Undocumented man arrested after leaving church to meet with immigration authorities

Saudi royal: CIA assessment on Khashoggi's killing cannot be trusted
Saudi Arabia has been incredibly important the Trump Organization's profit margins.
So we shouldn't be surprised if the Trump administration lets them literally get away with murder.…
House Democrats will probe the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, says the presumptive next chairman of the House Intelligence Committee
Saudi Arabia considers cutting oil production: report
Sounds like a threat to me.
An American doctor was one of the scores of people swept up in Saudi Arabia at the order of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Most have been released, but he remains in prison.
Trump has spent about 1/3 of his days at Trump properties, and about 1/4 of his days at a Trump golf club.…
Reminder: Trump said if elected, he would never see his golf courses ... would be working all the time #TrumpLies
"Democrats must investigate Trump's administration aggressively...Trump has strained institutions of democracy in dangerous ways...History is filled with congressional investigations that were vital to the health of our democracy."…
Senate Intel Chair Richard Burr says the Committee's Russia probe could stretch well into the first half of 2019
Burr said the panel could take "six months" after completing all its interviews. The committee hasn't finished meeting witnesses.…
UK Parliament sends its sergeant at arms to a London hotel room to seize Facebook documents
Documents alleged to contain revelations on data and privacy controls that led to Cambridge Analytica scandal.…
How rich with irony: NY state judge cites SC ruling in Jones v Clinton (with briefs secretly written by @gtconway3d) as reason AG’s lawsuit against Trump and his foundation can proceed…
"The Trump administration has asked for recommendations to relax rules that prohibit kickbacks and other payments intended to influence care for people on Medicare or Medicaid" @ropear
The federal government released a new grim report on the wide ranging effects of climate change, but Trump administration officials are minimizing the stern warnings issued in the report.
Former VP Al Gore on timing of federal climate report:
"[Trump] may try to hide the truth, but his own scientists and experts have made it as stark and clear as possible."
If only the UK & the EU 27 had a powerful friend who could effectively intercede to rescue the parties from an impasse they cannot find their own way out of…
Why America's European allies are now publicly calling out Russia's misdeeds.
Russia’s national airline is revoking air miles from those who criticize its CEO
John Kelly frantically trying to intercept this news item before Trump sees it, gets ideas…
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called for Muslims worldwide to unite in opposition to the United States.
"We have a choice to either roll out red carpets for criminals, or to forcefully stand against injustice," he added.
In Mississippi—> Trump will join Cindy Hyde-Smith at two rallies in the state on Monday + Joni Ernst joins for campaigning on Sunday, and the RNC/campaign is up to 100 staffers on the ground here for the final week. #MSSEN
Cindy Hyde-Smith once proposed legislation that would have renamed a stretch of highway Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway. He had no known ties to her district.
It's one of many instances in which she embraced a pride in the Confederacy, per WaPo.
A yearbook reveals that Cindy Hyde-Smith attended and graduated from a segregation academy that was set up so that white parents could avoid having to send their children to schools with black students, the Jackson Free Press reports.…
The far-right cavalry comes in to try to rescue Cindy Hyde-Smith
In a filing today, four members of the DeVos family -- which has famously opposed civil rights legislation in Michigan and around the country -- donated the $2700 max to Hyde-Smith
This is becoming a widespread issue real fast, flamed by Trump and the far right dog whistles of “Soros,” the “globalists,” and Trump calling himself a “nationalist.”
Please all pay attention and speak out against hate!…
If the enthusiasm for Trump in rural & small-town America was the story after 2016, the revolt against him in the suburbs, led by women, is the story of 2018 elections.
The more you analyze the House results, the more the GOP's problem stands out.…
Anti-Trump protests gave way to local fervor that helped turn Wisconsin back to blue…
Nick Ayers is the favorite to be Trump's next chief of staff. Don't know who he is? Well, he's linked to some shady dark money groups.
An IRS complaint was filed by CREW against one of them.…
Ryan Zinke could set a record as the Cabinet member with the most federal investigations into him.
Here's a guide into the 17 federal investigations.…
“Judge” Jeanine Pirro, one of Trump's favorite Fox News hosts, briefly ran for Senate against Hillary Clinton 12 years ago, racking up a $600K debt in the process.
Her campaign is still open but she hasn't filed a financial report in seven years.…
Build the wall....around Mar-a-Lago!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Mississippi Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith pushed resolution praising Confederate soldier's effort to 'defend his homeland'…