The American Heart Assoc…
And Healthline…
They contradict - kind of.

Was only recently they tied the PUFA Omega 6s to serious incidence of disease.
So while the AHA is not wrong - Omegas (3) ARE good the high incidence of Omega 6 in the American Diet is highly inflammatory & not.
The American Diet? Usually as high as 13:1 Omega 6s to 3s
Omega 6s linked to heart disease
Then the BMJ with this…
Omega 6 Linked to heart disease
But Cochrane says it is actually good for you…
(they are in the minority)
Images: BMJ

BMJ = highly respected medical journal w/ NO EAT issues
-- & as a medical journal the post is highly cited
BUT AHA = highly respected site w/ NO EAT issues
And the AHA says O6s are good for you.
So do other highly respected sources
How would #Google EVER determine this on a mass scale?