Every Democrat present voted in opposition, as did Susan Collins. But it wasn't enough. slate.com/news-and-polit…
Missouri is trying to shut down its lone remaining abortion clinic. Pitlyk could soon let that happen. slate.com/news-and-polit…
•Surrogacy leads to "diminished respect for motherhood and the unique mother-child bond."
•Frozen embryos should be recognized as human beings under the law—she called them “children” who are “killed” when embryos are destroyed.
•tried a case, civil or criminal
•examined a witness.
•taken a deposition
•argued any motion in a state or federal trial court
•picked a jury
•participated at any stage of a criminal matter.
She is now a federal trial judge. slate.com/news-and-polit…
Simple: She's a member of the Federalist Society who opposes reproductive rights, supported Brett Kavanaugh, and dismissed Christine Blasey Ford as a liar. slate.com/news-and-polit…