Hogan represents @EU_Commission at the @wto.
He calls out narrative that US has some sort of trade #deficit with the EU. Hogan emphasizes balance in tariffs between EU and US. We need to start with the right metrics.
#Transatlantic trade in goods and services is worth $3 billion per day.
Transatlantic supply chains guarantee 16 million jobs on both sides of the Atlantic.
How can we reduce tariffs but also non-tariff barriers?
So EU and US can both be rule makers and not rule-takers.
Must also deal with present day dispute. "Imposing tariffs on each other is in no-one's long-term interest."
@japan, EU and US agreed new subsidy rules this week: nytimes.com/reuters/2020/0… @JapanEmbDC
"Shows what can be done if we work together."
"Let's talk, let's cooperate, let's lead"
We will address WTO reform with an open mind, but need clarity "about what the US actually wants."
@PhilHoganEU ends with a warning about how critical it is that the US starts engaging with the EU.
In any case the EU and the US continue to be
"siblings", and the best hope for peace and prosperity.
Meetings with Amb. Lighthizer -- @PhilHoganEU didn't have his "full attention" given what has been going on with #ChinaTradeDeal.
Will also meet with @SecretaryRoss, @stevenmnuchin1 in coming days.
@PhilHoganEU wanted to leave something to talk about at the next meeting!
@PhilHoganEU suggests a lot of this has to do with US domestic politics.
Boris Johnson's tight timeline for the negotiations is "unwise". It is not easy to extend deadline like it was with #Article50.
" Security and #defence may need to wait until 2021."
50% of all trade from the UK to Northern Ireland comes through Dublin. Need to deal with the other 50%. In a good position to "slice and dice".
"At least there is no hard border."
There will be no "three-way talks" between UK, EU and US on trade deal, says Hogan. @EUintheUS @EUinUK @USAmbEU.
Hogan: Need to exploit dialogue going on now in the @WTO on digital trade.
@PhilHoganEU says that a threat of tariffs will not solve the problem.