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Jun 20th 2023
Gm Frens ✨

The rainy season is here ☔️

And, events are raining in Bangalore 🌧️

Here are the all events happening this Week in India💧🧵 Image
📍 Bangalore

1️⃣ MOI Connect 2023

Wen? 22nd June | 4 PM TO 8 PM…
2️⃣ Web3 Soirée by @CapX , @ComdexOfficial & @vurse_official

Wen? 24th June | 6 PM to 11 PM…
Read 15 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
[#Rapport] 2022 > Sexe, genre et santé : et après ? via @HAS_sante #ScienceCQFD Image
[A découvrir] Les recherches de #MurielSalle​​ via @AFFDU_France #ScienceCQFD Image
[#Dossier] Genre et santé via @WHO #ScienceCQFD Image
Read 23 tweets
May 19th 2023
Gm Frens ✨

The weekend is here & so are we 🥳

And, we are seeing a sudden spike in the number of events happening in India & Globally as well 📈

This weekend we have 20+ events happening in India & here are all of them ⤵️🧵 Image
📍 Bangalore

1️⃣ Art & Chill by @DazeIndia & @MeebitsDAO

Wen? 20th May | 3 PM to 6 PM…
2️⃣ Blockmeet Bengaluru by @FoundershipHQ & @0xPolygon

Wen? 20th May | 4 PM to 6 PM…
Read 24 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate:
Buried #corona mutated zombie minks rising from the graves, may have contaminated groundwater in Denmark scientists warn - some resurfaced from the mass graves as gasses from the decomposition process pushed the mink out of the ground
@teppaniaki Tanskan pääministeri #Frederiksen Korkeimpaan Oikeuteen.
- Totalitaarinen epidemialaki perustuslain ja ihmisoikeussopimuksen vastainen.
- Valehteli luvasta #lockdown :iin ja 17M minkin teurastamiseen.
- Levitti paniikkia valheellisilla sähköposteilla.
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate #covid19dk #VaccinePassport
Danes take to the streets at night to protest traffic ban and #Corona dictatorship
- credit: 'No Restrictions No #Masks #KBF @ NoGreatReset'
Read 21 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
1/6📢 The list of speakers is getting bigger and bigger!

🫡 We proudly present you @Alexmarinca11 from @clapartofficial that will take the stage at our Conference!

Read more about him in this 🧵👇

#MultiversX #SeedCaptain #Clapart #MultiversXNFTs
2/6 💡Alex has 25 years of experience in entrepreneurship and management in various industries. He's also a speaker and trainer with over 10 years of experience in consulting and training for scaling businesses.

#personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #businessgrowth #business
3/6 ✅With his expertise in management, communications, marketing, leadership & organizational culture, Alex has conducted over 500 hours of training, workshops & coaching for company owners, managers, employees & people interested in personal and professional development.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
Domanda: la classifica che vedete qui sotto è da considerarsi reale? Forse no. Se i processi sulle “manovre stipendi” e sulla “partnership con società terze” produrranno sanzioni, in base al principio dell’afflittività i club sanzionati dovranno perdere qualcosa (1. segue) Image
In caso di nuova punizione, per la #Juventus la caduta in B è da considerarsi certa (oggi vorrebbe dire: #Verona salvo). Ma anche l’#Atalanta corre seriamente il pericolo di sanzioni: se arrivassero, perderebbe il diritto a disputare le coppe nella stagione prossima (2. segue) ImageImageImage
Ciò vorrebbe dire che club come #Torino e #Monza, per citare i meglio piazzati alle spalle del #Bologna oggi settimo, potrebbero aspirare a qualificarsi per la #Conference mentre il #Bologna allo stato attuale dei piazzamenti salirebbe addirittura in #EuropaLeague (3. segue) ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
#cejourla - le 20 janvier 1942 : La Conférence de Wannsee et la "Solution finale"

Dans la villa Wannsee, au 56-58 de la rue Amgrossen-Wannsee à Berlin, se déroule une conférence au sommet, qui réunit quinze hauts fonctionnaires de la SS et de différents ministères allemands... ImageImage
tous des nazis convaincus et parmi eux, des personnages de premier plan que sont Adolf Eichmann, Heinrich Muller et Reinhardt Heydrich.
Ce jour-là, cette assemblée discute de la mise en œuvre de « l’évacuation vers l’Est » et la #déportation des Juifs d’#Europe, soit la planification de l’extermination des Juifs d’Europe, que le protocole ratifié évalue à 11 millions, incluant l’Angleterre et les pays neutres.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
Those of you who know my work on #privacy, #identity, and #HumanRights in #data these past 18 years - mostly through @NO2ID & @medConfidential, and in other areas besides - won't be surprised at my involvement in @WEDF_foundation.

This [Thread] is an invitation to join us...
...and help define what I believe is one of the most crucial discussions of our time; on the #personal, #civil, #political and #planetary consequences of the #world(s) we are building - and the #values we want to underpin them. Image
I spoke at last year's @WEDF_forum about '#Engineering for #Ethics', just a couple of months before the #GPDPR #GPdataGrab was announced in May.

My talk was an attempt to reflect on and draw lessons from my years of campaigning and work around #data...

Engineering for Ethics  Big...
Read 10 tweets
Oct 18th 2022
This is a special year for #flowcon 🎂
Trust us, there will be amazing content –thank you to all our speakers for being here! #flowcon
Big thanks to our sponsors as well, without whom we wouldn’t be here today #flowcon #tech #conference
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Oct 1st 2022
1) #womeninmedicine A Thread: Yesterday I wore this green suit to open up the #BE22 Women Physicians CME Conference. I felt powerful in it, I felt confident in it, & I paired it with some new @kikipriceshoes alternative energy heels. I LOVE a brightly colored suit😍 👇
2) A women not attending the #BE22 conf stopped me on my way back to my room She told me she ❤️the suit; but she could never pull it off. She asked me where I wore it, & I told her I wore it to open up the conference this morning. She said "oh my gosh, I could NEVER do that!"👇🏻
3) Here is my response: "I organize this conf. #BE22 is full of amazing 👩🏻‍⚕️, all here bc they are exhausted & work in systems that in general do not support women. They are here bc they do not hear messages that say they can be exactly who they are, & can show up as women."👇🏻
Read 5 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
1/ @ElrondNetwork is likely working on finalizing partnerships before announcing dates for their #cryptoconference this November 2022 in Paris, France.

#EGLD #Conference marketing materials should include a blog post ( & easy-to-share infographics...
2/ Anticipation is one of the most powerful psychological phenomenon. My expectations surrounding this announcement and leading up to the conference are high. This both from the media's attention and the market's reaction.
3/ We are on the #bleeding edge, remind you! I see many people expecting to see pace/progress/communication with #web3 (at the start) to move at the same speeds/comms that we're used to seeing with #web2 (33 years into *its* adoption)
Read 9 tweets
Aug 13th 2022
Hi everyone, as an annual meeting chair, I get asked a lot about how to get invited to speak at conferences. I learned a lot in the process, so here's a 🧵on tips for increasing your visibility at #academic conferences.

#academictwitter #medtwitter #meded #FOAMed @ASRA_Society
1/ Most important first step: be a member of that society and regularly attend and/or volunteer at the conferences. Make sure you vibe with them in addition to them vibing with you! It's the best way for folks to get to know what you're all about.
2/ Meet people, whether at conferences, on Twitter, or via collaborations. Let them see your expertise. Find a sponsor who has a connection to the society and share that you're interested in taking on more. If that sponsor is unsupportive or ghosts you, move on to the next one.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 24th 2022
Now that the #MRoots2022 #genealogy #familyhistory #history #storytelling #conference is behind us, I wanted to share some lessons and thoughts I had as chair for this new type of learning experience. 🧵
The future of #genealogy #familyhistory #education is happening NOW for things you want to see and have mainstream in 3-5+ years. There’s no room for waiting. There’s no room for wishful thinking of before 2020. It’s embrace change. Be the change maker. Or fold.
Stop stereotyping people into boxes of how you expect they’ll respond. Age. Experience. Heritage. Race. Dive in and discover together. Invest in new learning styles. Invest in rising/emerging professionals. Push #genealogy learning spaces to be learner inclusive.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
A story of why #covid is/was so bad in #slovenia, and a lesson for #conference organizers. 🧵 1/10
I'm young, healthy, and triple-vaccinated, so I'm not terribly afraid of Covid. I still did my best to avoid closed/crowded spaces, and have as such avoided infection for 2.5 years. 2/10
However, I still have a job to do @teamniteo, and that involves going to conferences. I went to 6 international ones in the past year. It's the last one, held in Slovenia, where I was pretty sure I'll get Covid, and sure enough I did. 3/10
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Jun 7th 2022
I’ve just finished up at the Society for Scholarly Publishing’s @ScholarlyPub annual meeting in #Chicago, and there’s only one thing on my mind right now: #Science is on the verge of an outright #transformation. 🧵1/12
I say this because @ResearchGate and publishers are at last working together, and because we’re working on the same mission: to make progress in #science and for #humanity. 2/12
@ResearchGate Papers have always been the medium for effectively communicating research and sparking collaboration, but what’s special about this moment is that we’re now starting to combine all of this important content with the power of the ResearchGate network. 3/12
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
Que la force soit avec toi… « Lumière sur le côté obscur de l’univers », avec Peter von Ballmoos, astrophysicien, enseignant-chercheur à l’Université de Toulouse, @IRAP_France, une conférence organisée par @Acad_Air_Espace et @CiteEspace à la médiathèque José Cabanis à #Toulouse Image
Peter von Ballmoos commence avec des rappels « simples »sur la gravité et le mouvement des planètes. L’idée d’équilibre entre force centrifuge et gravité est déjà le résultat d’un long chemin… #MatiereNoire #Conference #AAEevent ImageImage
Lumière sur le côté obscur de l’univers : ça se complique un poil avec la matière noire. 25% de l’énergie de l’univers. Connaissez-vous les #WIMPS, les weakly interacting massive particles ? Pas facile à attraper. Le comble pour un astronome: observer le ciel au fond d’une grotte ImageImageImageImage
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Apr 25th 2022
2016 > Acouphènes : Un fonctionnement aberrant du cortex auditif via @inserm #LaMethSci
[#Infographie] > Schéma de l'oreille humaine #LaMethSci
[#Infographie] > Conduit auditif, osselets et tympan via @CerveauEtPsycho #LaMethSci
Read 25 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
#Food scholars: It's #conference #proposal time for @AmericanAnthro's 2022 meeting! While it's 11/9-13, Seattle WA, submissions are due April 6th! (must be started by March 30th) 1/
When you submit, please select SAFN as your review session. Co-sponsored sessions have great success, so we're especially excited for proposals that seek co-sponsorships (hint hint!). Please feel free to suggest secondary review sections. 2/
We find that organized panels are most likely to get accepted. Curious about how to organize one? 3/
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Oct 25th 2021
@BIICL & @UCPH conference on Human Rights Due Diligence & Systemic Inequalities is happening now. #bizhumanrights @siddhartesse @cepri_law @jura_ku… (thread)
@KMhumanrights: Must look at causes & effects. E.g. reasons for forced labour in a factory or mine. Can be climate crisis, result of land acquisition. #SystIneq21
@KMhumanrights The reality is that many of the violations are very much apparent & it doesn't or shouldn't take much HRDD to actually discover them. #bizhumanrights #SystIneq21
Read 18 tweets
Sep 23rd 2021

Fellow #anthropologists preparing for the upcoming @AmericanAnthro meeting are feeling exasperated because the #access copies of our pwrpts are due several weeks before the #conference #2021AAABaltimore.

What, then, of the time-honored tradition of writing your paper en route to the conference, or over stale coffee on your hotel room desk mere minutes before the presentation? If that isn't our disciplinary culture, I don't know what is.

Read 26 tweets
Aug 24th 2021
The #ICLS_2021 org. by @clcdu in collaboration with @EthiccraftClub will be graced by 22 guests of unmatched repute.
Participation certificates will be provided to all the registered attendees.
Catch Us Live on:…
Register On:…
(1/24) Image
The #ICLS_2021 aims to bring out the unexplored threads of spirituality in the fabric of the law.

Find detailed brochure regarding the conference:…

#LawandSpirituality #ICLS2021 #law #spirituality #conference #ICLS_2021 #campusLawCentre #ethiccraft
Shri Arif Mohammed Khan (@KeralaGovernor), The Honourable Governor Of Kerala will be addressing the inaugural session of #ICLS_2021.

Date and Time of Address: 27th August 2021, 10:00 AM
Register on:…

@clcdu @EthiccraftClub #Law #Spirituality #Conference Image
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Aug 14th 2021
Attend IMUN Online Conference & Get your professional International MUN certificate 🤩 These certificates are online friendly so you can easily display them on your LinkedIn profiles or attach them to your resume or higher studies applications✅
IMUN Online Conference looks to
create a better world. A better world for women, children and everyone else who feels disempowered. Its Committees go to the deep end to root out darkness so we can see the light within🥰
Over 70,000 participants from over 140 countries have already made a difference through
IMUN. Be part of this growing family and stand for a better world. A world with equality, liberty and fraternity. A world where every man, woman and child can be their best self. Remember, it starts with you📌
International MUN is previously sponsored by the Australian Embassy
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Jun 24th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 06/24/2021…
Changes in farming practices could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2036…

#FarmingPractices #greenhouse #GasEmissions #reduction
Mindat: The Wikipedia for Minerologists, Miners, and “Rock Hounds” (Except Not)…

#minerals #database
Read 10 tweets

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