Personal masks level up #socialdistancing.
When we absolutely can't #StayHome, my mask protects you a bit, and your mask protects me a bit.
As @Surgeon_General says, it's not a substitution. It's a boost.

True, a bandana or cloth mask won't filter out airborne particles. Unless you are a healthcare professional taking care of someone with #COVID19, you probably don't need that.
It's to protect your wounds and surgical incisions from the nurses and doctors caring for you. It helps them keep their droplets to themselves.
If you're sick, same idea.
If someone sneezes or coughs directly into your face, it might block a droplet or two. But that's gross, so stay at least #6feetapart.
And our citizens would all have medical or cloth masks - they do about the same thing while you're out in public.
And we don't fully understand the behavior of #COVID19 droplets/aerosolized particles
And many sick people will recover at home
And healthy people want to stay healthy and help #FlattenTheCurve
Focus on the basics.
Keep #socialdistancing and #WearAMask in public, but don't panic or horde respirators. And don't forget to #WashYourHands
(end of thread)