Tactics: #Disguise, #Deflect, #Defame, #Divide, & #Deny
* Overseas researchers, academics, etc. are actually #spies.
* Chinese news outlets are actually its #propaganda mouthpiece. 1/n
* #Bribery. Take a look at @NBA, @Blizzard_Ent, #Hollywood, #WallStreet, etc. which take $$$ from #CCP or are hungry for the Chinese market.
* #Threat. CCP’s banning #Australia from exporting beef to #China as Australia’s demanding it virus origin transparency. 4/n
* Chinese born after 1989 know nothing about #TiananmenMassacre because #CCP wiped out those records.
* Current CCP #propaganda and #denials are preparations for it to re-write #history. Most Chinese now believe #COVID19 is originated from #America. 5/5
Tactics: #Disguise, #Deflect, #Defame, #Divide, & #Deny
#Anonymous #China #Tradewar #CCPvirus #WuhanVirus #CCP_is_terrorist #ABC_challenge
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