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Oct 21st 2022
After US administration's chip export ban to China, 'chip war' between two countries has officially begun.
Any business with operations in the US is now banned from exporting any chipmaking equipment to Chinese customers that cannot be provided by foreign competitors.
The ban is already having an impact. Dutch company ASML, the world’s only producer of the lithography machines that are vital in the semiconductor production process, has reportedly instructed US-based staff to have no contact with Chinese customers
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Mar 27th 2022
Last Thursday (s. ; or for the full live stream, s. ), @SevimDagdelen from #DieLinke has discussed with @RaniaKhalek & @EugenePuryear esp. the recently decided & billion-dollar rearmament of the German #Bundeswehr... a result of the #RussianFederation's military invasion of #Ukraine, as officially justified by the #GermanFederalGovernment. A recommendable interview! Besides her opposition to such rearmament & the associated fundamental departure...
...from the so-called „#Entspannungspolitik“ established by #WillyBrand & #EgonBahr for #Germany's relationship with the #USSR (& also its territorially largest & politically strongest successor state in the form of the #RussianFederation),...
Read 59 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
1. #NixonMao #rapprochement 50th ANNIVERSARY: SOME FACTS & LESSONS.
In only 50 years, everything changes. Strategic interests of two great powers aligned then as much as they clash today.
I hate threads but my blog is not out yet: here some disorderly thoughts.
2. In 1972, China needed to avert a terrestrial invasion from #USSR. The #UnitedStates was keen to gain a heavy-weight partner to checkmate #Moscow; but the long-term objective was to bring the most populous country into a rising US-led global economic order for the US to profit
3. In the following decades, the relationship was not void of tensions. However, strategic interests were important enough to save it from #TaiwanRelationsAct, #Reagan anti #communism and support for #Taiwan; #TiananmenSquare; #StraitCrisis 1995-1996; #Belgrade bombing
Read 23 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
What Is a CoO?

A certificate of origin is a document declaring in which country a commodity or good was manufactured
The certificate of origin contains information regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export marked “Made in USA” or “Made in China”.
Required by many treaty agreements for cross-border trade, the CO is an important form because it can help determine whether certain goods are eligible for import, or whether goods are subject to duties.

Steps for obtaining a Paper Certificate of Origin:
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Mar 13th 2021
🧵Another ICYMI 🚨- Yesterday, DOJ (for USTR) filed its master response to the ~3600 complaints (consolidated) re the #Section301 tariffs imposed as part of what is now seen as a #tradewar w/ #China. The gov lists its anticipated defenses. But 1st, let's review the claims ... /1
Per DOJ, #HMTX and thousands of others make the following claims: 1) promulgation of List 3 and List 4A [the Lists] violated the 1974 Trade Act; 2) the Gov violated the APA in promulgating them; 3) the Lists violated the Constitution; and, 4) the Lists violated the GATT /2
Here are DOJ/USTR's anticipated defenses, abbreviated slightly: 1) USTR was acting @ the direction of POTUS and POTUS not subject to APA; 2) Review of POTUS discretionary decision + USTR’s implementation of it presents a non-justiciable, political question; 3) Even if /3
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Jan 19th 2021
#China #Australia #Bejing #TradeWar #India

After being detained on a ship off the Chinese coast for seven months, 23 Indian seafarers can now return home. The seafarers wanted to deliver Australian coal to China on the Indian ship "Jag Anand"
when they got caught between the front lines of a conflict between Australia and China, said the Indian Seafarers' Union's general secretary, Abdulgani Serang.
Canberra banned the Chinese telecom operator Huawei from setting up a 5G network in Australia and Beijing in return imposed a trade embargo on key Australian exports such as coal. So the seamen had to endure in Chinese waters.
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Dec 16th 2020
(The Video is at the end)
#China #India #Australia #TradeWar #Coronavirus

Due to the ongoing trade dispute between Australia and China and the Sars-CoV 19 pandemic, a group of Indian sailors who have been stranded in Chinese territorial waters
have called for a "intervention" from the Indian government. Indian sailors make up a sizeable proportion of the world's merchant navy crews, as documented by Maritime Union of India (MUI). "We have been stuck here for a year now. We can't get medical treatment, we can't go out.
Our supplies are already running out," Gaurav Singh, a second officer aboard MV Anastasia, says in a video put up by Change.Org on Wednesday.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 7th 2020
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This part deals with building a #StrongerFairerEconomy
The economy is not working for the American people.Only 1 party has a platform for the next 4 yrs/the other has a loyalty pledge to a malignant narcissist who threatens our democracy1/15
The economy is not working for the American people. In a matter of weeks, the abject failure of the Trump Admin to competently respond to the #COVID19 pandemic erased all the job gains made since the Obama/Biden Admin pulled the country out of the Great Recession 2/15
President Trump inherited the longest economic expansion in American history from the Obama-Biden Administration, and he squandered it. 3/15
#DemPartyPlatform #TrumpChaos #EconTwitter
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Jun 23rd 2020
Market getting absolutely pummeled.
Definitively not clear trade deal is over. I'd say not, and this is just algos reacting to improperly worded headlines. See from min 4:52 on.

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May 16th 2020
#CCP’s #World #Domination Strategy: #Weaponise Everything

Tactics: #Disguise, #Deflect, #Defame, #Divide, & #Deny

* Overseas researchers, academics, etc. are actually #spies.
* Chinese news outlets are actually its #propaganda mouthpiece. 1/n
* Belt & Road Initiative (#BRI) is actually Bait & Rob Initiative (debt trap diplomacy).

* America’s human right violations are worse than China’s.
* China can’t contribute much financially to international bodies because it’s an underdeveloped country. 2/n
* CCP ordered @WHO to call it #Covid19, but not #WuhanVirus, so as to disassociate it.

* Blamed #America, then #Italy, then #France as the origin of the virus.
* Play #victim: China lost many lives so as to let the world have time to save their people. 3/n
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Mar 1st 2020
The #CoronaVirus or #Covid19 is a classic #BlackSwan event.

No one could see it coming. (Ok @BillGates did highlight risk of a pandemic - but realistically not many planned for this)

Such a chaotic event is catastrophic for those who are #Fragile,
A downturn for #Robust
Good for #Antifragile

(Channelling my inner NNT)
What is fragility?

As per @nntaleb checklist

- too much concentration of power (can’t talk back to authority with honest feedback)
- one trick pony (export one commodity)
- too much leverage (financial or over optimised supply chain)
- experience of previous crisis
Read 24 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
Mr. Hogan is the new @Trade_EU Commissioner and is making his first trip outside the EU as part of the @vonderleyen Commission. He is speaking with @CSISEurope's Heather Conley and Scholl Chair Bill Reinsch.
Mr Hogan was previously Irish Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government. At The Europe Desk, we recently interview @HcMEntee, Irish Minister for European Affairs, on Ireland's role in transatlantic relations after #Brexit:… @GUGlobalIrish
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Dec 3rd 2019
@niubi 🇨🇳 🇺🇸 #China Hints U.S. Blacklist Imminent in Threat to #Trade Talks - Bloomberg

@niubi 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 Here’s What Happens to Markets If U.S. Tariffs on #China Kick in Dec. 15 - Bloomberg…
@niubi 🇨🇳 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 #Huawei plans to shift research center to #Canada from U.S.: Globe and Mail - Reuters…
Read 219 tweets
Nov 25th 2019
In the context of economic globalization, effects of bilateral-based tariff and trade agreement often tends to be limited. An article by Gao Shanwen on the impact of China-US #tradewar on #Chinese real economy:…
Despite trade tension, share of #Chinese exports in global trade has remained stable since beginning of this year. While re-export trade and substitution effect are reasons behind this, the influence of exchange rate should not be ignored either.
The depreciation of RMB exchange rate caused by trade war has largely spread the impact of trade war on Chinese exports to other economies around the world, making China's share of global trade stable.
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Nov 24th 2019
@niubi 🇨🇳 🌎 🇺🇸 #China to Raise Penalties on #IP Rights Violations - Bloomberg
*Guidelines (Chinese):…
@niubi 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 Another reason for #Trump administration to reach a partial trade deal with #China soon.

@niubi 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 US moves closer to resuming chicken exports to #China as #Beijing approves processing plants - SCMP…
Read 218 tweets
Nov 9th 2019
China data: Inflation Rate +3.8% YoY (3% last month), a material part a DOUBLING of pork 🐽 prices in October.

Yet Chinese PPI (i.e. prices from producers, e.g. factories etc) was -1.6% (-1.2% last month).

So inflation for consumers, deflation for producers

So China really needs to get pork prices down, it's by far the most popular meat there (China eats HALF the world's pork!).

And half their pig population has been decimated by swine flu (450 million pigs when at capacity, so half of these lost).

And pigs eat SOY BEANS...

China has been sorting soy bean deals with Russia, Argentina (some folk tracking shipments from S. America which are up a lot), although the MSM just talk about the #beandeal and nothing else...

China could do with more soy beans sure, but it doesn't HAVE to buy from US

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Oct 21st 2019
Presentation by Zhan Zhang on Huawei's path in Europe

#infrastructuralista #5G #tradewar ImageImageImage
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Oct 8th 2019
China’s exports to the US has declined sharply since this year, due to ongoing #tradewar, while those to Japan, the EU, Vietnam and the Philippines have witnessed gradual increase, said CF40 member Gao Shanwen,… 1/6
Generally, the share of Chinese exports in global trade has remained stable. The reasons include re-export trade. Products like boiler and motor that China usually exported to the US, have witnessed significant increase in export this year to the EU and Vietnam. 2/6
Another factor is exchange rate. In June and July last year when trade tension underwent rapid escalation, RMB depreciated against a basket of currencies by as much as 5%. RMB exchange rate on average depreciated by 3% compared with six months prior to the trade war. 3/6
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Oct 5th 2019
Since this year, the share of Chinese exports in global trade
has remained stable. While re-export trade and substitution effect are reasons behind
this, the influence of exchange rate should not be ignored either, said CF40 member Gao Shanwen,… 1/6
The depreciation of RMB exchange rate caused by trade war has largely spread the impact of trade war on
Chinese exports toother economies around the world, making China's share of global trade stable.2/6
It also shows to a certain extent that in the context of economic globalization, the
effectiveness of bilateral-based tariff and trade agreements often tends to be limited.3/6
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Oct 2nd 2019
“The Chinese miracle is over.”

In a wide-ranging conversation, top radio talk show hosts and senior @EpochTimes staff provided context to an audience of media professionals about some of the most important headlines regarding #China.…
John @batchelorshow, a talk show host on WABC in New York, said the #TradeWar has highlighted how “China’s business model is broken.”

US #Tariffs have taught companies they can move their supply chains out of #China, without being subject to unfair trade practices.
@batchelorshow Tom @sullivanradio of #TalkMedia Network said he’s spoken with #Farmers and residents in the heartland states most affected by #China’s retaliatory #Tariffs on US #Agricultural products; they support President Trump tackling the #Chinese regime’s trade policies.
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Oct 1st 2019
Standard Chartered 1/5: #USD – The peak is nearing
We remain neutral on the USD albeit with a slight negative bias as the uptrend appears to be coming to an end. However, we believe conditions for a reversal are not yet in place.
Standard Chartered 2/5: The USD has remained relatively resilient on the back of the US’s strong cyclical story relative to the rest of the world. Additionally, tight USD liquidity and capital flows have remained USD-supportive and could persist.
Standard Chartered 3/5: The higher US yield structure means that any US flows to the rest of the world will likely be hedged while flows into the US will likely be unhedged – which could prop the USD up in the near term. Further upside risks include an intensifying #tradewar,
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Sep 30th 2019
l'impulso dalla creazione di quasi 3Trilioni di $ di riserve non spinge in maniera coerente e costante l'elargizione di nuovo credito da parte delle banche US👉NON C'E' DOMANDA
la moneta creata non "gira" come potrebbe/dovrebbe e lo vedi su
-Linea Nera:Inflazione attesa 5y FWD
...perché accade tutto questo?
perché da oltre 10 anno l'unico intento delle CBs è quello di salvaguardare il sistema finanziario come l'abbiamo sempre "conosciuto" che è morto esattamente 11 anni fa...NON SIAMO MAI USCITI DALLA GFC 2008/09 e non usciremo mai in questo modo
...ed oggi vedremo quanto @potus è ricattabile...ha in mano il jolly per affondare EZ e lo DEVE giocare adesso...👽…
Read 210 tweets
Sep 17th 2019
US labeling China as a currency manipulator signifies #tradewar escalation and directly affects the
ratio between the countries’ currencies, which will further highlight Chinese yuan’s weaknesses and US dollar’s advantages, said CF40 member Chen Yuan. 1/5
When compared to the US dollar, Chinese yuan is obviously at a weak position. #RMB mainly serves its domestic economy, while its internalization journey has just started. 2/5…
Though having joined the SDR basket, #Chineseyuan still accounts for only a small part in investment and settlements on a global scale. Hence it is unwise to let Chinese yuan move against the US dollar. 3/5
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Sep 16th 2019
Last year when we discussed the situation of China-US trade war, we believed that it would take time for a "#tradewar" to turn into a "financial war", said CF40 member Chen Yuan. 1/5…
Exchange rate lies at the core of financial markets. It even occupies a more fundamental place in money markets as #exchangerate policy can impact a country’s money supply, inflation and economic growth. 2/5
For China, #exchangerate represents a price ratio that bears very close relations with countries involved, their enterprises and individuals. It is a key measurable index. 3/5
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