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Jun 6th 2023
EMA's last regular press briefing on #PublicHealth emergencies…
Watch live 🔴

We are now starting our final regular press briefing on EMA’s response to #COVID19 pandemic and other public health emergencies. Don’t miss our tweets during the press briefing.

Follow #EMAPresser.

During the pandemic media have helped us maintain trust in our work. Through their questions about #Covid19vaccines and #science, their follow-up of citizens' concerns, the public was kept informed about the approval process and the role of the medicines regulator. #EMAPresser
Read 18 tweets
May 24th 2023
@KristaKiuru #Tedros Adhanom: #WHO chief may face #genocide charges | Dec 14
- David #Steinman accused Tedros, 55, who took over at the WHO three years ago, of being one of three officials in control of the Ethiopian security services from 2013 to 2015.
@KristaKiuru 27 years, the #TPLF dominated and controlled every walk of life in every corner of #Ethiopia.
- #HumanRights abuses were rampant, independent media and journalists were non-existent and arrest and intimidation of opposition politicians was commonplace.
Read 11 tweets
May 4th 2023
@vonderleyen The #Qatargate #Scandal: Could It Signal The #End Of The ‘#BrusselsEU’? | Apr 21
- A vice #president of the #EuropeanParliament and other EU #lawmakers have been #bribed by the governments of #Qatar, #Morocco, #Mauritania, and possibly other countries…
@vonderleyen Inquiry Launched Into Secret Talks Between #Pfizer And #EUCommission Chief For Sale Of #Vaccines | Sep 18
- Pfizer has been holding sovereign governments to #ransom making bizarre demands asking for #bankreserves, #embassy buildings and #military bases.
@vonderleyen The #EuropeanCommission's #refusal of public access to text messages #SMS exchanged between
@vonderleyen and the CEO of a #pharmaceutical company on the purchase of a #Covid19Vaccines
- CASE 1316/2021/MIG - OPENED ON Thursday | 16 Sep 2021
Read 20 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
Autumn #vaccination campaigns focused on older age groups and other high-risk populations are key to decrease impact of #COVID19.

Read full report:
Press release:
To decrease the impact of #COVID19 hospitalisations and mortality, countries should plan for a continued roll-out of #COVID19vaccines.

Efforts should focus on protecting older adults & other vulnerable groups, such as those with underlying comorbidities & the immunocompromised.
According to #ECDC surveillance data, with every new wave of #COVID19 infection, individuals in older age groups are more likely to be hospitalised.

Data suggests persisting #SARSCoV2 transmission in EU/EEA & therefore, a continuous risk of severe disease for vulnerable groups.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
1. This thread will reveal the details of how the #HealthyUserBias demonstrates that the #COVID19vaccines (at least used in the U.S.) have zero efficacy.

This will take a few days to complete...follow me on this one...make Big Data proud. Image
2. Here is the punchline up front: Using the @CDCgov's data for all 3.141 U.S. counties, the only correlation between vaccine uptake and COVID-19 mortality is fully explained by the fact that wealthier (healthier on average) people are more vaccinated. Image
3. "Oh, but how can that be...the trials said 95%...THE TRIALS!"

The trials were rushed past the obvious need to check to see if the vaccines themselves confounded PCR positivity.…
Read 41 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Kyllä me #judaisti-#siionisti-#kasaari-#natsit sitten naurettiin.
- Sinisilmäiset #goyimit kaikkein mieluimmin alentuvat pelleiksimme, sotivat puolestamme, tuhoavat maansa ja kansansa omalla kustannuksellaan ja nuolevat saappaamme puhtaiksi, lastensa verestä. ImageImage
#EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following #COVIDVaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100% | Mar 22, 2022
- From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,814,420) are SERIOUS injuries.
https://tinyurl. com/24j2ssbj Image
#Darpa-#Roulette-#mRNA, #Idolatry in the Twenty First Century.
80 #Canadian MDs “#boosted” and dead | Oct 20, 2022
- Though many #doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign.
Read 36 tweets
Dec 16th 2022
1/3 Influenza continues to trend above expected levels, nationally. Influenza vaccines take ~2 weeks to provide optimal protection, so as we rapidly approach the holidays, now is the time to get vaccinated if you haven’t already done so.…
2/3 To date, influenza viruses characterised by Canada’s National Microbiology Lab (NML) indicate that this year’s influenza vaccine is a good match to circulating strains and thus is likely to help protect against serious influenza disease.…
3/3 #Influenza vaccines are available across Canada and can be given to adults, teenagers and children as young as 6 months of age, including at the same time as #COVID19Vaccines and other recommended vaccines. #FluShots #VaccinesWork…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
EMA's regular Press Briefings…
According to @ECDC_EU, a new wave is expected in the coming weeks, due to new #Omicron subvariants
❗️The pandemic is not yet over.
We urge citizens to get vaccinated now, especially if your health situation puts you at higher risk of severe #COVID19. #EMAPresser
We are carefully following the new virus sub-variants. The virus is faster than we can ever be in adapting vaccines!
We should only consider adapting vaccines when the difference between strains in circulation and vaccines composition becomes major. #EMAPresser #COVID19
Read 9 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
(1/5) Today, Canada’s Chief Medical Officers of Health are reinforcing the importance of staying up to date with vaccines to maintain protection against COVID-19 and other vaccine preventable diseases…
(2/5) We are also celebrating the collaboration and efforts of jurisdictions, Indigenous partners, healthcare workers, individuals and communities. Our continued collective efforts will be integral to our emergence from this pandemic.
(3/5) With #COVID19Vaccines now available to anyone 6 months or older, staying up to date means getting a primary series and then #BoosterDoses when you are eligible, recognizing jurisdictions’ programs may differ based on epidemiology and programmatic considerations.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
In yesterday's Covid-19 roundup: Pfizer submits EUA for Omicron-targeted booster; Novavax EUA expands to teens.…
A new generation of coronavirus vaccine, designed to be less sensitive to mutations and equipped for future strains, shows promising results in a preclinical study published in EMBO Mol. Medicine by KI researcher Matti Sällberg and colleagues.… Image
Almost 40% of people hospitalized in the US with the Covid subvariant that circulated this spring were vaccinated and boosted, the CDC found, highlighting how new strains have mutated to more readily escape immunity.
Read 40 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Proud to present BA.5-infection risk drops after BA.1/BA.2 infection – data from the national Portuguese registry, one of the countries first hit with BA.5. Important, as adapted vaccines in development are BA.1-based. Follow the twitorial! 1/9 @lgraca…
First, we used the SARS-CoV-2 genetic diversity surveillance data (great work from @irj_pt and J.P. Gomes) to define periods where each variant was dominant (>90% of national sample isolates). 2/9 #COVID19PT #DGS #INSA #InstitutoRicardoJorge Image
Next, we extracted from the Portuguese COVID-19 registry (SINAVE) all infections from periods of dominance by each variant. SINAVE is very comprehensive, and until recently, there was a large testing effort in the country. Kudos to @DGSaude for maintaining the registry. 3/9 Image
Read 9 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
1/5 Today, the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF) announced seroprevalence results from 21 studies funded by the Government of Canada, estimating the level of infection during the Omicron wave up to the end of May 2022.…
2/5 Antibodies to certain blood proteins known as “nucleocapsids” only develop in those who’ve been infected. So detecting their presence in blood (seroprevalence) is a way to estimate the proportion of people with past #SARSCoV2 infection.
3/5 CITF results confirm the massive scale of the #Omicron wave. Before Omicron arrived in Dec 2021, ~7% of Canadians had infection-acquired antibodies to #SARSCoV2. Then from Dec 2021 to May 2022, that proportion rose to 45%!
Read 6 tweets
May 5th 2022
EMA Press Briefing on COVID-19 related activities, 5 May 2022…
#COVID19 infections are still in the millions worldwide. This pandemic is far from over. COVID-19 will continue to impact our lives. #EMAPresser #pandemic
Vaccines are a central pillar of the response to the #pandemic. Nearly half a million lives among people 60 years of age and older have been saved in Europe thanks to #vaccination. #COVID19 #EMAPresser
Read 12 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns 🇨🇦 : after weeks of increasing transmission, hospitalisation rates are rising in many jurisdictions and across most age groups. Rates of hospital/ICU admission/death remain highest in older adults, aged ≥60 years.…
2/4 With #COVID19 still spreading widely in Canada, it’s not too late and very important to get the best possible protection against severe illness by keeping #COVID19Vaccines up-to-date, including #COVID19Booster dose(s) as recommended.…
3/4 Evidence shows that 2 doses of mRNA #COVID19Vaccines generally maintain good effectiveness against severe outcomes across variants, and a booster further increases vaccine effectiveness to over 90% against severe outcomes.…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns 🇨🇦 : not unexpectedly, ⬆️ in-person activities following easing of public health measures, together with spread of the more transmissible BA.2 variant and some waning of immunity, may be contributing to ⬆️ transmission.…
2/4 Average daily cases have increased by 28% vs. last week, indicating resurgence is underway nationally (Mar 25-31, 2022); also 7-day lab test positivity (Mar 23-29) ⬆️ to 16% and wastewater signals are ⬆️ in many localities.
3/4 Although overall high vaccination rates are expected to lessen the impact on hospitals, severe illness trends have begun to increase in many jurisdictions (range 3%-27% weekly ⬆️ in daily number of patients with #COVID19 in hospitals).
Read 4 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
.@WHCOVIDResponse briefing coming up at 10:30amET with someone different today: #HHS @SecBecerra, who's joining @CDCDirector Walensky, #NIH Fauci, Jeff Zients to discuss a roadmap to enable US to move forward safely & sustain/build on progress #COVID19😷
.@WHCOVIDResponse #COVID19 briefing seems to be running a bit late to get started.

#COVID19vaccines #MaskUp #HHS #NIH #CDC
#HHS @SecBecerra, @CDCDirector Walensky, #NIH Fauci & Jeff Zients together in same room today at #COVID19 briefing! That's a change, too!

#MaskUp #COVID19vaccines 😷💉😷
Read 36 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
"Throughout our history we’ve learned this lesson – when dictators do not pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos. They keep moving. And, the costs & threats to America & the world keep rising.

Excerpt from @POTUS @JoeBiden #SOTU address.

#Ukraine #Russia #Putin
"American diplomacy matters."

Excerpt from @POTUS @JoeBiden #SOTU address.

#Ukraine #Russia #Putin
"#Putin’s war was premeditated & unprovoked. He rejected efforts at diplomacy. He thought the West & @NATO wouldn’t respond. And, he thought he could divide us here at home.
Putin was wrong. We were ready."

Excerpt from @POTUS @JoeBiden's #SOTU address.

#Ukraine #Russia
Read 78 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
70 presidents and prime ministers from Europe and Africa are arriving right now for day 2 of the #EUAUSummit in Brussels.

The big-picture geopolitical context: #Europe is trying to convince #Africa to choose them as a partner instead of #China.
European and African leaders have just held a press conference announcing a compromise on the issue of #Covid19Vaccines and IP rights.

The EU will set up technology transfer hubs in Africa to scale up production. But this falls short of the #TRIPSwaiver African countries wanted.
"We’re doing this in the right order," insists Macron.

"We first donated doses, now we’re launching these technology transfer hubs so we can develop the manufacturing sites for MRNA manufacture...Then we need the purchasing commitment."
Read 8 tweets
Feb 13th 2022
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns 🇨🇦: while we’ve passed peak #omicron, measures are still needed to relieve the pressure on our hospitals. In particular, closing vaccine coverage gaps and maintaining core personal protective practices.…
2/5 In particular, millions of eligible Canadians could reduce their risk of ending up in hospital with severe COVID-19 disease by getting up-to-date with #COVID19Vaccines/mRNA #Booster as eligible/ recommended.
3/5 Evidence shows two doses of #COVID19Vaccines offer reasonably good protection against severe disease, and getting an mRNA booster dose as eligible offers superior protection, keeping more people out of hospital and preventing more deaths.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns 🇨🇦: in good news, today is the first day all jurisdictions are reporting a decline in their latest 7-day average case counts. Infection rates are still elevated/activity still widespread, but trending in the right direction!…
2/4 Protecting this progress and ↓ severe illness trends across the country, is helped by more people getting up-to-date with #COVID19Vaccines and by all of us maintaining precautions like wearing masks & avoiding crowding. #VaccinesPlus
3/4 Two doses of mRNA #COVID19Vaccines provide reasonable protection against severe Omicron disease (~64%-86% vaccine effectiveness), which ↓ over time since 2nd dose. However, protection ↑ to ~90% or more after an mRNA #BoosterDose.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
‼️ EMA’s regular press briefing on #COVID19 vaccines and treatments will be broadcast live 🔴 today, 18 January, from 16:00 to 16:30 CET. #EMAPresser
Watch live 🔴

We are now starting our regular press briefing on #COVID19 vaccines and treatments.

Don’t miss our tweets during the press briefing. Follow #EMAPresser.
Omicron & other variants: Global regulators agreed that the administration of multiple booster doses at short intervals would not be sustainable in the long term. #COVID19 #EMAPresser #ICMRA
Read 10 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns 🇨🇦: this may feel like a double marathon we didn’t sign up for, but we can draw strength knowing the ground we’ve covered so far to stay on track and work together to get where we need to go.…
2/5 As public health continues vaccination efforts & closely monitors local epidemiology for signs of peaking activity in the weeks ahead, we can all help by staying the course to get through this difficult time sooner. #VaccinesPlus➡️…
3/5 Currently, we still need millions more Canadians to increase their protection with #COVID19Vaccines, including almost 7 million eligible people who need a 1st or 2nd dose of their primary series.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
1/7 #COVID19 key concerns 🇨🇦: Nationally, the average daily case count has increased by more than 50% compared to the previous 7-day average, with >42,000 cases being reported daily over the past 7 days (data up to Jan 6th).…
2/7 High infection rates that are challenging testing capacity in much of the country lead to an underestimation of the true case numbers, but we continue to test & sequence at very high levels to track the spread and monitor variant predominance.…
3/7 At the same time, we continue to use multiple other indicators, such as laboratory test positivity and hospitalisation/critical illness trends that are useful for monitoring overall disease activity and severity impacts.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 30th 2021
BREAKING: Johnson & Johnson has granted a license to South Africa's Aspen Pharmacare to manufacture an Aspen-branded version of the J&J #COVID19vaccine for distribution in Africa. #VaccineApartheid #COVID19
The agreement is the result of several months of negotiations & investment, says WTO's Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. She says WTO is holding periodic meetings with #COVID19 vaccine manufacturers & hopes agreement will be a step to decentralise #COVID19vaccine production globally.
Okonjo-Iweala says the #Omicron is another reason why #TRIPSwaiver discussions must be concluded speedily. This follows the WTO's decision to cancel its recent ministerial meeting following the variant's discovery.
Read 19 tweets

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