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@RonFilipkowski 1/ The Playbook is what your team used to help rig the 2020 election. The Transition Integrity Project led the charge and the very same people that use The Playbook to destabilize 3rd World Countries for regime change applied the exact same strategies here against our country.
@RonFilipkowski 2/ The Transition Integrity Project organized a Color Revolution to depose Donald Trump. It's interesting to note that the term "Mostly Peaceful Protest" is a term of art in the Color Revolution Business. The Playbook points out that protest must be peaceful in order to
@RonFilipkowski 3/ successfully overthrow a government. Hence the reason that every #FakeNewsMedia broadcast used the term "Mostly Peaceful Protest" over and over again, even with chaos, hysteria, violence and burning buildings in the background.…
Read 13 tweets
Please, don’t be like #FakeNewsMedia, don’t rush to judgment on assault on Capitol. Wait for investigation. All may not be (and likely is not) what appears. Evidence growing that fascist ANTIFA orchestrated Capitol attack with clever mob control tactics.

Evidence follows:
1. A Congressman warned me on MONDAY of a growing ANTIFA threat & advised that I sleep in my office rather than leaving Capitol complex & sleeping in my condo. I heeded that advice & have slept on office floor for 4 straight nights.
2. Congressman told me he was warned on TUESDAY by Capitol Police officer that intelligence suggested fascist ANTIFA was going to try to infiltrate the Trump rally by dressing like Trump supporters.

3. Capitol Police advised TUESDAY that it best not to leave Capitol complex.
Read 4 tweets
I am very happy to report that after carefully reviewing MSM broadcast and published news of the last few days there seems to be something here that is undeniable and obvious and worthy of mention. And I am not one to be overly excited and optimistic when it comes to politics.
Through the work of dedicated patriots including @TuckerCarlson and @RudyGiuliani, the #FakeNewsMedia blood-brain barrier has been traversed and breached and the #BidenCrimeFamiIy may finally have been exposed to main street American voters. This is critical and significant.
The election is in three days. And what you’re seeing could very well be dispositive. Everyone knows intuitively that the American public won’t countenance obvious voter fraud and criminality. The only thing keeping the voter in the dark was complicit media. Something’s changed.
Read 8 tweets
I feel the real issues are not being covered in our @GREATBritain @LawDog323 @TheLawMap @TheLawyermag .

What is the point of #RuleofLawisback when the same #CorruptAndComplicitGOP ignored by the very law makers ignored by @MHewittNPCC deputy #commissioner of @PoliceChiefs
who only last year is telling us how fantastic @cpsuk @IOPC_Help are.

Yet in the next breath he has treated this family worse than I have ever witnessed from a high ranking officer who knows of what #bernardhoganhowe and @UKParliament @wabbey are
still getting away with what we know is still continuing because @NSPCC @PeterWanless @MaggieOliverUK and the @InquiryCSA was set up to ignore every single real #victims helped by just about every single so called #FightingEvilByGroupWatch such as @voicing_csa @JU5TLAW
Read 24 tweets
Republicans have a stranglehold on America by using media (owned by the elite) to promote lies that convince the average person to vote against their own self interest.

In this thread, I'll help you reject #fakenews and your life will be improved. Please RT and read on...
2/ If @JoeBiden is elected it'll be one small step in saving America, but with extremist right wing media so powerful, the risk of people voting for whoever it is that the billionaire class supports on their #fakenews will remain.

3/ Unfortunately in the time when Obama was in office, he didn't use the FCC or any regulatory body to help ensure that our citizens would be protected from deceiving/brainwashing sources like @FoxNews @Breitbart @DailyWireNews @newsmax @OANN.

We need regulatory help.

thread.. Image
Read 31 tweets
Condivido una riflessione.
Ricordate la nonchalance con cui i "cazzari del clima" passarono da "#desertificazione dell'Europa" e "#acqua sarà l'oro del prossimo secolo" a "scioglimento dei #ghiacciai" e "le zone costiere saranno sommerse"?
Ovvio, chi controlla i MEDIA può fare qualsiasi cosa, anche creare una falsa pandemia su scala globale, prolungare l'emergenza e resettare le abitudini a scapito della libertà. È impossibile combattere chi possiede il 99% della ricchezza mondiale…
Però qualcosa nel nostro piccolo possiamo e dobbiamo cercare di farla. L'attivismo sui social network va benissimo ma purtoppo raggiunge solo il 15% della popolazione. Allora come possiamo pensare di creare un consenso su larga scala?
Read 10 tweets
India test-fires 10 missiles in 35 days. It is not a coincidence - india news - Hindustan Times

India is finally Speaking the Language China understands Most

Why Indian Americans must ensure #JoeBiden is defeated in #USElection2020

He was the Senator who sabotaged India's efforts to procure and develop Cryogenic Engines.

Read this thread
Back in 1992, Joe Biden made sure that India does not get access to cryogenic tech for its space programme
#JoeBidenKamalaHarris2020… #America #JoeBiden via @tfipost
Read 9 tweets
.@johnrobertsFox: You, #FoxNews + the rest of the #FakeNewsMedia are all up in arms over #ProudBoys and #PresidentTrump non-denunciation denunciation of the supposed #WhiteSupremacist group.

Why don't you act like a journalist learn something about them, and do some reporting?
Read 5 tweets
Here's the latest from a favorite of mine...

"No ham sandwiches were indicted Wednesday."

Yet again.

Here's the full text:

"Yet again.

We have a nationwide Fake News syndicate who blow stories out of proportion and shamelessly distort facts to incite civil unrest and racial disharmony.
A Black person dies at the hands of a police officer, whether White or Black, and the media narrative promptly becomes a lamentation over “systemic racism.”
Read 51 tweets
The latest fabrication of the wicked, dishonest, and corrupt @DNC is that the @realDonaldTrump campaign is out of money & that the money went to family members.

Don't buy it. Go to the FEC web site and check for yourself:…

I see more cash on hand now (7/31) than 1/1/19:

(more) Image
Here's July's report:

(more) Image
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I know many of you simply do not have the time I have to research "behind" the #FakeNewsMedia and get to the real truth.

I consume 8-14 hrs. per day of video, podcast, audiobooks, web material, and printed material because it has become my new passion & day job.

And, since I'm running for office, it's a requirement to be prepared & armed for that battle ahead in 2022.

I've realized that one service I can provide to our community is to take these information sources & "Cliffs Notes" them up for you. Do threads here that ...

... give you the "Reader's Digest" version of long-form video interviews, podcasts, and books.

I've been doing this for a while. Here's a sample:


Biden Corruption:
Read 4 tweets
Abro Hilo
Sra. @DeniseDresserG

Su columna "Yo acuso" en la que denuncia "negligencia" de #AMLO y de #LopezGatell en el combate al #Coronavirus solo demuestra su ENORME ignorancia y la burbuja social en la que vive... 👇 Image
Acusa falta de voluntad del gobierno pese a que TODOS LOS DIAS da una conferencia de prensa exclusiva sobre #COVID19...

Se visitan los Estados...

Se da atención prioritaria donde más se necesita, lo que se refleja en la NULA saturación hospitalaria...👇

Declara que se empuja a miles al contagio #COVID19

Lo que deja claro que NUNCA se ha dado una vuelta por colonias populares o subido al transporte público

Dónde comprobaría LA ENORME FALTA DE CONCIENCIA de ciudadanos que no usan la mínima norma de higiene: el cubrebocas👇
Read 10 tweets
No longer the monster of the gulags and purges that killed millions, Stalin now looms in the national consciousness as the giant who defeated the Nazis in World War II.

Thread:…; w/ other resources. #Stalin #Putin #Ukraine #Russia #Holodomor
Meanwhile, not only has Russia annexed Crimea and destabilized Ukraine’s eastern regions, its military adventurism has also extended to Syria.
Putin, who once described the collapse of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the twentieth century, looks determined to avenge the humiliations of Russia’s post-Soviet implosion.
Read 11 tweets
Only the media have the power to turn a criminal who should be in prison into a candidate for president.
What a disgrace, corrupt media is our greatest enemy.
#FakeNewsMedia @CNN @CBS @ABC @NBCNews @nytimes @MSNBC @folha @maddow @Estadao @washingtonpost @jornalnacional, etc. ImageImageImageImage
Part 3. ImageImageImageImage
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When the Judicial branch didn’t rule the DACA EO unconstitutional they opened the door for today.
When the #FakeNewsMedia didn’t hold Obama accountable for DACA they held the door open for @realDonaldTrump to walk through with his EOs today, unconstitutional or not
I am not a fan of EOs but at least Trump’s are focused on helping working Americans instead of Obama’s DACA only helping illegals.
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Never forget Barack Obama and @JoeBiden sued a group of Nuns to force them to provide abortion funding.

Joe Biden the "moderate". Joe Biden the "Catholic".

Joe Biden the fraud.
Not one member of the #FakeNewsMedia - NOT ONE- will ask @JoeBiden if he agrees with #SCOTUS that Nuns have the right to not pay abortion.

Even worse, many @USCCB will gloss over this and secretly push for Biden because "tolerance" or some other post-Christian lie.
Very excited to see the statement from @WashArchdiocese & His Excellency Wilton Gregory that #SCOTUS agrees with President Trump's position that Catholic Nuns do not have to provide abortions. I'm sure the Archbishop will applaud President Trump for standing up for life #ProLife
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CNN!!!!!!!!! Image
Mainstream media !!!!!! One white was racist, another was elegant. Don't let these lot brainwash you. Break free Image
CNN ayeeee !!!!! @CNN I love that station Bruhh
These are the guys you get your info from????? Sad life #FakeNewsMedia Image
Read 3 tweets
There will be a second wave of COVID19 because they are telling you there will be a second wave of COVID19. You can bet on it and you can plan on it. And when they say it occurs do not expect any proof of such. You will just have to believe them. That simple.
@realDonaldTrump will be blamed for the #COVID19 second wave rollout and the #MSM #fakenews #ferrets will repeat the scripted information without so much as a question. The trope will be repeated without surcease that will blame President Trump for this manufactured resurgence.
Remember the #hydroxychloroquine debate. #FakeNewsMedia ferrets were told precisely what to say and they followed the rules perfectly. They never questioned anything about why all of a sudden they were so interested in the medication. But they proved their worth as [DS] slaves.
Read 5 tweets
As predicted: This was either a hit or a School Play.

Chauvin was an enforcer at a nightclub know for drug trafficking. Floyd was either involved and expendable, or a liability to the operation.

Now the club and the precinct are burnt down. Evidence and all. #WeAreTheNewsNow
You know, the one w/ a history of drug trafficking as well as a suspected money laundering and intel hub? @GeorgWebb…
George Floyd was murdered. He was arrested on suspicion of passing funny money. 1/29/20 CBP intercepted fake bills from China, and again days after his death. He was placed in the vehicle, then removed before his murder. Was this a hit to cover for an OP?
Read 13 tweets
#AntifaTerrorists will be dealt with. #TimesUp You get what you deserve
The #QAnon Drops in order #2645
#QAnon drop #839
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Where are the people ! 👀 #GeorgeFloyd #FalseFlag
Look a which side of the car #GeorgeFloyd falls on 👀 is it the same side as we seen in the media released video....... nope 🤯 #FALSEFLAG
SEVERAL MINUTES go by WITHOUT video listen to the reporters words 🤯🤯 then he end up on the floor 🤔🤔🤔 #georgesfloyd #FALSEFLAG #actor #FakeNewsMedia 👀👇👇👇👇LISTEN to her words 👂
Read 9 tweets
There is nothing more that President @realDonaldTrump can do to satisfy the media or Democrats.

Since 2016, the fake media and Democrats have been trying to overthrow him from power. ImageImage
#FakeNewsMedia Exposed! ImageImageImageImage
Part 3. ImageImageImageImage
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3 Videos थ्रेड के माध्यम से समझिये भारत में #Corona ,विदेशी मीडिया और #Islamophobiainindia का भूत 👉क्या है #FakeNarrative षड्यंत्र!

रावण हृदयँ विचारा
भा निसिचर संघार
मैं अकेल कपि भालु बहु
माया करौं अपार

शत्रु सत्य को छिपाने हेतु मायाजाल बनाता है
यह सही है कि #TablighiJamaat के कारण भारत में #coronavirus फैला किंतु इस को मजहबी रंग देने का कार्य संभाला भारत विरोधियों ने👇

Fact Check 2
यह भी सच है कि भारत ने बहुत ही सजगता से #coronavirus संक्रमण पर अभी तक अच्छे से काबू पाया है। इसका श्रेय समाज ,जागरूक जनता व सरकार को जाता है
यही बात विरोधी तत्वों को पच नहीं रही है👇

FactCheck 3
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