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Abenteuer Krankenhaus - ein Lob.
Ihr hattet gestern meinen Rant gelesen bzgl. der absurden Absage des Vorgesprächs? Okay, dann erzähle ich euch heute, von meiner persönlichen Heldin des Tages.
#MedizinBrennt #Pflegestreik #WorstPractice #BestPractice
Heute früh, eine Stunde nach dem eigentlich mein Termin gewesen wäre, erhielt ich einen Anruf aus dem #UKE
Einer 16-jährigen Auszubildenden war aufgefallen, dass ich für heute noch im Plan stand und sie fragte sich, was mit mir sei bzw. warum ich nicht da sei.
Ich fiel aus allen Wolken, erzählte ihr von dem Anruf gestern und fragte, wie das denn alles so passieren könne und ob ich losfahren könne und doch noch die Untersuchung haben könnte.
Sie sagte, dass sie das sofort klären würde und mich zurückrufen würde.
Read 6 tweets
We are excited to announce the launch of

Long Covid Doctors for Action
💥 @LCD4A 💥

a UK doctor advocacy and campaign group who are committed to..🧵
1a. To campaign and advocate for doctors with #LongCovid to remain in employment and to continue to have an income.

1b. To campaign for a contingency plan for UK doctors with #LongCovid who cannot remain in employment or lose their jobs, including:

👉🏽 routes to personal injury payments;

👉🏽 occupational injury compensation;

👉🏽 ill health retirement
Read 15 tweets
Bonjour monsieur le ministre de la @Sante_Gouv @FrcsBraun
Ce que j'aimerai c'est que vous, vos collègues, vos collaborateurs et tous les hauts fonctionnaires qui régulièrement sont sous l'oeil des caméras et photos montrent aussi l'exemple en portant un masque.
Il y a forcément
dans chaque lieu où vous passez au moins une personne #vulnérable.
Et elle ne peut à elle seule se protéger, malgré la #vaccination si elle lui est accessible, et le port d'un masque fut-il #FFP2 voire #FFP3.
Donner corps à vos #recommandations permettrait à la population de
comprendre que le #vivreavec que vs avez choisi comme #leitmotiv n'est pas un #vivrecommeavant mais 1 principe de base du #vivremalgré les #virus (r)émergents dont la propagation est facilité par le #changementclimatique.
Pour vs avoir entendu vendredi sur l'approche #onehealth
Read 6 tweets
Als #covid begann, bekam ich meine ersten Panikattacken. Ich wusste das damals noch nicht einzuordnen- das Herzrasen, das nicht atmen können, nicht essen können. Nach 3 Tagen war ich in der Lage, zum Hausarzt zu fahren, zitternd, weinend - der nur meinte, ich muss Sie sofort
aus dem Verkehr ziehen. Sind Sie suizidal? Nein, war ich nicht. Da hat mir nur mein Körper nicht mehr gehorcht oder gehört. Ich war dann lange krank geschrieben. Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich auch extrem überarbeitet war- ich hatte 3 Jobs, der Hauptjob an der Uni, von einer
Befristung zur nächsten, immer der subtile Druck des Vorgesetzten: „Ich kann nichts versprechen“ - ich habe aber den Job so sehr geliebt, ich habe mich mit Epstein-Barr-Virus, Fieber, Schwindel hingeschleppt - und klar, Angst, nicht verlängert zu werden war auch immer präsent.
Read 26 tweets
1/ We are seeing an increase in strokes, PEs, DVTs, MI, even amongst the previously healthy. The risk factor? Covid infection. We know infection with SARS CoV-2 causes a pro thrombotic vasculitis. 🧵
2/ You would be mistaken to believe being young and healthy protects you from the harms of #COVID19.

Mild infection has been shown to lead to brain damage and significantly increase risk of cardiovascular and neurological complications.…
3/ This large-scale study of 150k people showed even a mild case of COVID-19 can substantially increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular problems - some 20 types in all - for at least a year after diagnosis.…
Read 6 tweets
🚨NHS workers, you have a legal right to work in safe environments.

Section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 states employees are entitled to down tools & stay off work on FULL PAY if their employer refuses to make their work place safe. Demand #FFP3.🧵 @TheBMA
2/ It is wilful negligence to expose healthcare workers to a known deadly airborne pathogen. All public-facing NHS workers must be equipped with #RPE, including #FFP2 #FFP3, given #COVIDisAirborne. @H_S_E
3/ UK government and hospital trusts must now start to invest in #CleanAir. Masks are a short-term solution, the installation of air filtration systems are a long-term investment. @wesstreeting @SteveBarclay
Read 8 tweets
A short thread on:

🦠 Covid transmission
😷 How best to protect yourself
💉 Vaccine limitations
⚠️ Warning on infection harms

(A) Covid is airborne 🦠 This means, infectious particles are carried in the air we breathe.

Please take time to watch the short (1 min) video below 👇🏼
(B) Although hand washing helps spread infection and is a good thing to do, it does not clean the air.

Given #COVIDisAirborne, the best way to protect yourself from (re)infection is to wear a good-fitting, high-grade #FFP2, or preferably #FFP3, mask 😷
Read 20 tweets
For them to admit Covid is now airborne would be to admit past mistakes and liability. Instead they would rather perpetuate the lie, condemning healthcare workers and patients to avoidable death and ill-health. @WHO @TheBMA @H_S_E @DHSCgovuk @ProfEmer @SafeDavid3 @davidnabarro
Government must start to invest in clean air. To allow the mitigated spread of Covid is unsustainable.
Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is an important route of infection. Respiratory protective equipment needed. FRSM is NOT RPE.…
Read 4 tweets
1/ Dangerous spread of misinformation by @BBC.

Do not be vaxed relaxed. Triple vaccination and prior infection with omicron #BA1 does not offer protection omicron variants #BA4 and #BA5 - which are currently driving the new wave of infection in the UK. 🧵
2/ #BA5 resists and escapes neutralising antibodies induced by triple-dose vaccination & antibodies induced by prior omicron (#BA1) infection.
3/ Please do all you can to prevent (re)infection. #COVIDisAirborne which means infectious particles are carried in the air we breathe. To protect yourself wear a good-fitting #FFP2 or #FFP3 mask 😷 especially when in indoor public spaces.
Read 5 tweets
1/ Bad advice. Do not be vaxed relaxed. Omicron variants #BA4 and #BA5 - which are currently driving the new wave of infection, - resist & escape neutralizing antibodies induced by triple-dose vaccination & antibodies induced by prior omicron (#BA1) infection. 🧵
2/ Triple vaccination & prior omicron infection with #BA1 confer no protection against the new variant.
3/ Please ignore notorious Covid-minimiser, Prasad.

‘93-98%’ of people will not get #COVID19 if they wear a good-fitting #FFP2 or #FFP3 mask.

(Re)infection is not ‘inevitable’ and should be avoided. Continue to protect yourself.
Read 6 tweets
1/ Please @sfchronicle retract this misleading article by @MonicaGandhi9 with immediate effect.…
2/ Quoting the results of a small-scale study, @MonicaGandhi9 misleadingly claims “… We should reassure the public that Long COVID can be prevented through vaccination. Studies with good controls suggest that vaccination reduces the risk of Long COVID significantly.”
3/ This is simply not true.
Read 12 tweets
Great work Ireland. Refreshing to see a public health message which promotes exercising caution and protecting others through social responsibility. @HSELive

This message could not be more timely as the UK starts its third wave of the year.
Last week, cases numbers in the UK increased by nearly half-a-million. This week, rates of hospitalisation increased 25% #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #WearAMask😷…
As we start a new wave, a
⚠️ public health warning ⚠️
Read 4 tweets
I see @TorbaySDevonNHS have abandoned their legal & professional responsibility to keep patients safe.#CovidIsNotOver Case & hospital numbers are steeply rising. As we enter the 3rd wave of the yr, I urge you to put your #FFP3 mask back on & demand your trusts invest in #CleanAir
Exposure to #COVID19 can cause neurodevelopmental delay
Read 4 tweets
1/ I tweeted earlier that wearing a mask is a sign of intelligence. This gentleman is not so sure. I thought others may feel the same, so let me tell you why I think this. This is esp pertinent to those who’ve had a mild-short lived illness & think #SARSCoV2 is nothing to fear.🧵
2/ Reason 1: Public health messaging fails to warn on the dangers of #LongCovid which can follow on from an asymptomatic or mild infection. Long covid steals your health, life and independence, and is currently absent of treatment or cure. This is what Long covid can look like:
3/ Just because you’ve had a mild-short lived infection the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time - do not count your chickens.

Do not assume the next time will be the same. Every time you get infected you roll the dice.
Read 12 tweets
🧵 If the use of airborne #PPE & improving air quality in healthcare settings are to be ‘optional’ & ‘a matter of personal choice’, then we should give strong consideration to applying the same rule to the following #MedTwitter #MedEd #TeamGP 1/n
1. Handwashing before, between & after patients (& audits of it)
2. Plastic gloves & aprons
3. ‘Bare below the elbows’
4. Jewellery
5. Hair above the collar
6. Mandatory training
If you are recoiling in horror because
1. ‘Airborne transmission of COVID is controversial’
2. ‘The above are established evidence-based practices’
3. ‘COVID is mild, we can’t avoid it, we have to learn to live with it, we’re all vaccinated now anyway’,
Read 7 tweets
Odotan jo nyt millainen farssi syntyy kun @vapaavuori@helsinki⁩ & valitut #Covid19🦠-taktiikat tulevat selvittelyyn : 🍿

”Jan Vapaavuori pakoili tökerösti vastuuta – yksi ristiriita meriselityksessä paljastaa totuuden armottomasta kulissipelistä”…
Aikooko @kokoomus yhä ajatella #Vapaavuori nostoa presidenttikisaan, kun maine on kahden valtavan virheen pilaama:
1. #Olympiakomitea ja lähentelyjen salliminen osaksi sen toimintaa
2. vielä täysin käsittelemätön, käsittämätön Helsingin kaupungin #GBD-#SARSCoV2-linjaukset 2/
Vapaavuoren luotsikaudella. On ollut jo kauan 100% selvää, että Vapaavuoren anderstegnell-tyylinen käsitys siitä, miten virusta levittämällä luotiin mm. maskittomuudella #LaumaSuojaa, se ei toimi #SARSCoV2-viruksen kohdalla.

#COVIDisAirborne-totuus, johon perustuen tartunnat 3/
Read 6 tweets

As if you needed reminding.…

'A well-sealed FFP2/3 [N95/N99] mask is the single greatest tool humankind has come up with to prevent initial infection, further spread and mutations - as well as an endless pandemic.'

#MaskUp ImageImage
I hadn't realised that the 'Vax-Only and Nothing Else' crew were a thing; or that they are so incredibly toxic & wrong-headed; and as dangerous as any of the other extremist Covid bands.

A thread on putting them right: and why vax-and-mask matters. ImageImageImageImage
Read 59 tweets

'Endemic Delusion' in Denmark - coming to a continent / country / city / town / village / house near you, if it isn't already in your living-room.

#ElastomericBulletproof ImageImageImageImage

Q & A.

Not sure why anyone would focus on one particular continent when this happens to be a global pandemic.

When Pi?

#ButtonUp #N95 #FFP3 #GoElastomeric #P100 ImageImageImageImage
Read 272 tweets
My personal experience of Long Covid and thoughts on the governments plan to ‘live with COVID’

Key messages: 🧵…
The governments strategy to ‘live with COVID’ is a strategy of denial. Scrapping of protections (free lateral flow, masks, all but ending tracing, mandatory isolation) will allow for the unmitigated spread of COVID which is both dangerous and irresponsible.
Not only do government plans fail to follow the science, they also fail to follow the money.
Read 10 tweets
RPE MUST be worn by NHS workers. Employers who fail to provide RPE are leaving NHS workers exposed to a known deadly airborne pathogen and in my eyes, are liable. @UKHSA @BOHSworld @uhcw_inf_con
I am a doctor who contracted covid whilst caring for covid positive patients. I was only provide with droplet PPE, leaving me exposed to infection. Staff who raised their concerns about PPE were admonished.
14 months later I am still unwell with Long Covid. My diagnoses include neurological sleep aponea, encephalitis, pericarditis, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, dysautomnia and POTs
Read 7 tweets
#FFP3-Maskentest. @EvaGlattau und ich sind ja von FFP2 auf FFP3 umgestiegen. Hier ein subektiver Bericht über zwei Modelle. Beide sind etwas teurer als übliche FFP2, vermitteln aber mehr Sicherheit, bessere Dichtheit an den Rändern, trotz wenig Atemwiderstands.
#FFP3stattFFP2 1/4
a) 3M Aura 9330+ (li): Für unsere Köpfe perfekter dichter Sitz rundum, wenn Nasenbügel & Kinnteil gut angepasst werden. Simple Haltebänder.
b) Laianzhi KP 39210 (re): Sehr gute Haltebänder. Runder Gummiwulst läßt über der Nase Luft rein & raus, trotz angepassten Nasenbügels. 2/4 Die beiden beschriebenen Masken liegen am Tisch, sie sind je
Wir bleiben bei der 3M Aura, wegen Dichtheit und Handlichkeit.
Die 3M Aura haben wir von Amazon, gestehe, andere Quellen sind willkommen:…, 20 Stk. 74,50
Laianzhi:…, 10 Stk. 32,- zzgl. Versand 12,50 in Ö. 3/4
Read 5 tweets
etc mitgeben, und das bitte in #deutsch #englisch #französisch, #spanisch, #türkisch, #russisch, und den wichtigsten Sprachen aus Osteuropa (von #polnische nach #bulgarisch) sowie Sprachen aus #islamischen #Ländern, #indisch #vietnamesisch etc
So könnte man in simpler #ComicForm in allen möglichen Sprachen von verfügbar einerseits (#Aufklärung, #Anleitung zum richtigen #Verhalten, #Hilfw zur #Selbsthilfe uvm) , und sehr viele #wichtige #simple #Sachverhalte den Menschen #näherbringen. Man könnte sogar auf lokaler

Ebene regelmäßige #Kommunikation der lokalen #Behörden und #Verantwortlichen in Form von #wöchentlichen #Briefen mit aktuellen Regeln, Empfehlungen und aktuelle #Corona #Strategie, FAQ, alle wichtigen Kontaktdressen zuständiger Behörden,#Impfstellen, Infekt-Sprechstunden

Read 12 tweets
I am an Intensive Care Consultant and Clinical Director of one of the largest Critical Care Directorates in the UK

I, my family, and almost every consultant in my Trust are all fully vaccinated and if eligible, boosted…

#MandateVaccines 👍🏻
The science clearly shows that vaccination is very safe and reduces infection, transmission, hospitalisation, severe illnesses, and saves lives.

#MandateVaccines 👍🏻
You hear a lot of crap about “Natural infection”… this isn’t superior to vaccination, partly because the virus is good at suppressing elements of the immune response and partly because immunity wanes…
Read 16 tweets

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