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It’s National Invasive Species Awareness Week and today we're highlighting one invasive species in the Everglades that some people might not be too familiar with.

Photo by Kevin Sunderland A white bird standing in so...
The Asian swamp eel (Monopterus spp.) is a drought-resistant fish which was first found in Florida in 1997 and a population found in a canal in Homestead Florida in 1999.
By 2007, the species had spread from the canal system into the southern Taylor Slough area of the park.

Photo by USFWS/John Galvez  A researcher holds an inva...
Read 10 tweets
Here is a list of 45 #birds, 22 #mammals, and 30 non-avian #reptiles that are CRITICALLY ENDANGERED due to feral or pet #cats
#invasivespecies #conservation #ornithology #BiodiversityCrisis… Image
first off, I'd like to highlight that "feral #cats on islands are responsible for at least 14% global #bird, #mammal, and reptile extinctions and are the principal threat to almost 8% of critically endangered birds, mammals, and reptiles"…
AND within our own lifetimes, North America has lost more than one in four of its birds. These are not all critically endangered now, but these trends are pointing to #extinction
#BringBirdsBack #ornithology… ImageImageImageImage
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"If belonging to a social group yields an essential survival advantage, cooperative breeding may evolve. This is shown in our study using computer simulations." -- Irene Garcia Ruiz…
Monkeypox is a new global threat. African scientists know what the world is up against | Science…
#monkeypox, #AfricanOutbreak, #ScientificStudies
Is 'stare decisis' dead? How the Supreme Court view of precedent is evolving - ABC News…
#SCOTUS, #StareDecisis, #ConstitutionalRight, #OverturnPrecedent
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"I hope to investigate how data cooperatives can rebalance power dynamics in cities, allowing people to learn about themselves and their communities while...using data to advocate for policy and practical solutions in their own best interests." @katyaabaz…
On the Very Serious Podcast: Tyler Cowen on Identifying Talent…
#TalentDevelopment, #TrainingPrograms, #HigherEducation, #ApplePodcast
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/18/2022…
Euler’s 243-Year-Old ‘Impossible’ Puzzle Gets a Quantum Solution | Quanta Magazine…

#EncodedInformation, #QuantumMechanics, #EulerPuzzleSolution, #Mathematics
Transmission T-026: Eric Maskin on mechanism design for the market | Santa Fe Institute…

#MechanismDesign, #ExtraordinaryCircumstances, #ComplexityScience
Read 20 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/08/2022…
Airborne DNA From Plants Could Reveal Invasive Species, Impact Of Climate Change - WorldNewsEra…

#AirborneDNA, #PlantDNA, #InvasiveSpecies, #ClimateChange, #impact
The Mainstream Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life...All Thanks To Joe Rogan…

#MainStreamMedia, #JoeRogan, #ContentCreation, #FreePress, #IndependentJournalism
Read 17 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/08/2021…
As Bradford pears remain a nuisance in South Carolina, methods of attack range from bounties to bans…

#InvasiveSpecies #landscaping #BradfordPearTrees #EcosystemDamage #mitigation
Build Back Better’s Insulin Pricing Benefit Isn't Enough…

#pharmaceuticals #insulin #PriceCaps #legislation #consequences
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Indian cities are not typically imagined to be biodiversity hotspots. Aspects of urban ecology often get missed in public conversations about the city.
In a series of illustrations, we explore the different dimensions of Bengaluru's lakes.
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@citizenmatters @sustainBLR Image
Illustrations: Labonie Roy
Text: @ByAditiTandon @priyankash96
Anchor: @kcmouli25
Watch this space. We will update 1 illustration per day.
#environment #cities #biodiversity #art #illustrations

Let's start at the very beginning...
When you read you begin with A-be-see!
Every artwork has elements of household and construction waste that the artist found in her neighbourhood in Bengaluru. Look closely and see if you can spot them!
Leave your responses as comments :)
Read 23 tweets
For the return of the #UNMBioblog after our year hiatus, I chose to write about the negative consequences for cats, humans, and #wildlife when we allow #cats to roam freely. I couldn't help myself with the punny title.…
I was inspired to write this blog after I witnessed my neighbor's outdoor pet #cat killed a #bird under my feeder. A heated argument ensued. I know nothing has changed because I still scare him out of my backyard. I've counted 9 different cats in my backyard, here is one
I am a paradoxical #catlover, which stems from my #science & #ornithology career. I know how cute it is for my own #cat to frolic in flowers but I understand how dangerous it is for #cats, human #health, & #wildlife when cats roam #CatsOfTwitter #Caturday #catsofinstagram
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Estimating the monetary cost of #invasivespecies has never been easy, but it can have great scientific and practical value! In our special @Invacost issue we've collected research on #biologicalinvasions costs from all over the world 1/21 Image
Taken together, all publications in this issue estimate global realized and potential economic impacts of #biologicalinvasions around US$2.3 trillion, but a lot of the costs remain underreported. 2/21 @FranzEssl1 @garciaberthou

More in our editorial:…
In Africa🌍, reported costs of #biologicalinvasions ranged between US$ 18.2 billion and US$ 78.9 billion between 1970 and 2020 - a massive, yet highly underestimated economic burden for African countries. 3/21 @CABI_News @Akademie_ved_CR

🗒 Study:… Image
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I was weeding this morning and came across a plant that sent out very nasty vibes. It looked "wrong". I found out what it was. Black Henbane, part of the Nightshade family. Very toxic. 1/3
I have removed 5 of them now, wearing protective gear (long sleeves, long pants, rubber boots, gloves). But now I am itchy, especially my arms. Psychosomatic? Also, why do I have nightshade in my yard? I definitely didn't plant it... 2/3
I know it is invasive in parts of the western US. Has it become prevalent in southern Alberta as well? If you see these in your yard, you may want to carefully remove them. Very toxic to humans and animals!
3/3 #InvasiveSpecies #ToxicPlants #GardeningLife
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Project update - The ship’s loaded & we’re almost ready to go! Just people & helicopters still to go aboard. Unfortunately, for reasons beyond our control, we have to sit tight a few more days before the ship can sail. But we hope to be able to set sail by the end of the month.
The safety of all personnel & the Tristan Island community is paramount. Following vessel crew changes, the quarantine period has had to be extended so as to reassure us that risks relating to Covid-19 transmission have been appropriately mitigated.
The delay is frustrating, but we are confident there is ample time for us to complete the operation. In the meantime, check out our ‘mini’ newsletter and it’s also #InvasiveSpecies week, follow @InvasiveSp & see… #INNSweek
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Today, on #TheMisplacedMenagerie -

We report the exotic (for #India) apple #snail, #Pomacea diffusa, also known as the spike topped apple snail, from the #Mumbai region, as part of our ongoing studies on #urbanwildlife, and the #ecology of introduced species, in #India, Mumbai.
The study was officially published in the 'ELA Journal of Forestry and Wildlife' - a peer reviewed #science journal, which is also the official journal of the #Maharashtra State #Forest Department.

Link to paper:…

#sciencetwitter #TwitterNatureCommunity
Spiked Topped Apple Snails in #Mumbai (and other parts of #India) are the direct result of the #aquarium trade - either as accidental, or deliberate releases from home aquaria.

#InvasiveSpecies #sciencetwitter #ecology #naturalhistory #urbanwildlife
Read 22 tweets
Eek! We've been so busy studying the two biggest estuaries in the US, we almost forgot about #EstuariesWeek
As part of the #FoulingProject we are collecting samples from marinas around both #ChesBay and #SFBay scientist sitting on a dock...scientist sitting on a dock...
We then take them back to the labs at @SmithsonianEnv and #SERCWest @EOS_Center and process the panels with a coarse identification of the invertebrates that settle on them and take vouchers and samples for DNA analysis.
#FoulingProject #ChesBay #SFBay scientists in the lab sitti...buckets containing bay wate...scientist at microscope loo...
Depending on location in the bay, the panels can look very different and contain different assemblages of organisms. #InvertebratesRule #FoulingProject #EstuariesWeek #ChesBay fouling panel with barnacle...fouling panel with encrusti...
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#InvasionsLabPub Alert! @SmithsonianEnv scientists Brenda Soler-Figueroa led a paper on the characteristics of global port phytoplankton and their implications for current #BallastWater regulations @sciencedirect #Thread
1/4-Thirty-one major ports in the Northern Hemisphere over a wide range of latitudes and salinities were selected to evaluate: a) how natural communities compare to challenge requirements and b) the abundance of unregulated size fractions. #BallastWater #PlanktonSampling #Thread Map of port sampling locati...
2/4-Phytoplankton <10 μm comprised over 80% of total abundance and yet are unregulated. Some of the organisms in this size class pose serious threats to ecosystem, fisheries and human health. #BallastWater #PlanktonSampling #Thread Average and percent composi...
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We're going to #livetweet this event! Watch along with us here and send us your follow up questions.
Here we go! @BillWeirCNN is hosting Thad Allen of @USCG , @LibbySchaaf the Mayor of Oakland, Emily Pidgeon of @ConservationOrg, our own Greg Ruiz, Phil Ryan of Swiss Re Americas, and Tuck Hines of @SmithsonianEnv !
Mayor @LibbySchaaf of Oakland, CA talking about climate change effects in San Francisco Bay Area, one of our major areas of invasions research.
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Last week I visited Collserola NP, Barcelona, with my friend Joan Estrada. He showed me a remarkable #invasivespecies, the Red-billed Leiothrix. But then I started looking into the papers about its possible harmfulness... ⏬ #ornithology

Right pic by ucumari photography CC. ImageImage
Member of Leiotrichidae (which includes Babblers and Laughingthrushes), RB Leiothrix is indigenous in Asia, introduced in Japan (despite its popular name in some languages "Rossignol du Japon"), in Hawaii and recently in several distinct areas in Europe… Image
Unlike most invasive bird species, which thrive in highly anthropized landscape, RB Leiothrix selects natural habitat in its non native range - like here in Collserola broadleaf forest with dense undergrowth. Beside its nice colors, this is also why watching this bird is special Image
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This week's #GlobalAssessment on biodiversity warns that 1 million species face extinction due to human activity. Invasive species are cited as a main threat, as they move to new habitats, effectively tipping the scales & threatening native species. (1/4) Image
#InvasiveSpecies are considered one of the most dangerous threats to marine ecosystems worldwide, second only to habitat loss. Since the 1900s, scientists have documented a 20% decline in native species due to their impacts! #FridayFact (2/4) Image
Scientists say #InvasiveSpecies impacts will worsen as climate change allows shipping routes to open in places like the Arctic. They predict international shipping could increase between 240% & 1,209% by 2050 – creating new travel routes for many #HullFouling organisms. (3/4) Image
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Y'all, I just need to brag about the students in my Barrier Islands class. While studying for their exam (which they're taking right now), they created a bunch of barrier-island-themed memes that combine #geology concepts, #coastal issues, & #humor. 1/
Almost all semester I've explained how most barrier islands worldwide are geologically "new," having only been made <10,000 years ago, but that the Georgia barrier islands are composite, made by two different shorelines during the Pleistocene & Holocene. #geology 2/
We also recently learned about how humans have interacted with barrier islands during those past <10,000 years, and how it changed from seasonal use to unsustainable over-development. #geology #coastal 3/
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The way people feel about a species is all about location, location, location! #BlueCrabs (Callinectes sapidus) are a delicacy in the Chesapeake. They're the most valuable fishery in the Bay, and every restaurant around claims to have the best crab cakes. #FunFactFriday SERC researcher holds a blu...
But in Spain, blue crabs are a problematic #invasivespecies. First observed in 2012, the crabs have spread throughout wetlands, estuaries and rivers. They're causing severe negative impacts to fishermen because the crabs cut through nets. A bushel of blue crabs.
Researchers from the University of Alicante Marine Research Center in Spain are working with fishermen to develop ways to control the expansion and minimize impacts on local fisheries.…
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