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Most recents (24)

Parlons un peu de la #contention #physique #passive chez les personnes âgées

- Le sujet est délicat
- Est-ce intéressant ?
- Comment trouver des alternatives ?

Un thread
#MedTwitter #gériatrie #psychogériatrie
La #contention physique passive

Moyens, méthodes, matériels ou vêtements
Qui limitent les capacités de mouvements volontaires
De tout ou partie du corps
Censés garantir la sécurité
En réponse à 1 comportement dangereux/inadapté


Moyens utilisés

Parmi les dispositifs se trouvent
- les barrières de lit,
- les ceintures de maintien,
- les gants de contention,
- ou encore les fauteuils inclinables avec harnais.

Read 36 tweets
La méthode #DICE (Décrire, Investiguer, Cocréer, Évaluer)

- Une approche systématique et interdisciplinaire
- Des troubles psycho-comportementaux
- Se surajoutant à une maladie neurocognitive

Un thread
#MedTwitter #gériatrie #psychogériatrie
Sur note site internet

Retrouvez le support de notre #formation sur notre site internet
Avec toute la bibliographie indispensable

La méthode #DICE

Permet d’analyser en profondeur un trouble psycho-comportemental en équipe et de lui apporter une réponse mesurée, partagée et structurée
Elle est la base de tout travail en psychogériatrie

#gériatrie #psychogériatrie

Read 26 tweets
pinoy copy pasta; a thread —
It’s me😡🤔🙄and😘🥰🤤my jowa💍🥳😱wah😂😱👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩uuwi na sya🥺🥺😄uuwi na sha😘🥳💘wah😄💍💘maghahanap ng iba💕🤤😊maghahanap ng ib-💓💓 */ tinakpan bibig */ niyakap ( tumugtog ung coz you are the one the only thing 🥺💓💓 ) (740)

mag iingat po tayo sa pagbili ng mga low quality na christmas light this year, may mga tao po ksi na bigla nalang magbibigay ng liwanag sa buhay natin tapos bigla rin mawawala.
Read 33 tweets
Quand évoquer et consulter pour une maladie d’#Alzheimer

- Quels sont les troubles qui appellent à une consultation ?
- Comment se préparer à la consultation ?

Un thread
#MedTwitter #gériatrie #psychogériatrie
Intérêt du diagnostic précoce

Plus la maladie d’#Alzheimer est repérée tôt, plus les traitements et l’accompagnement sont bénéfiques

C’est tout simple. Cependant, cela fait peur

#Alzheimer #gériatrie

La peur de l’#Alzheimer

D’après des enquêtes Ipsos de 2017 et de 2021
La maladie d’#Alzheimer est la deuxième la plus crainte par la population française
Juste derrière le #cancer

#Alzheimer #gériatrie

Read 36 tweets
#Suicide et la personne âgée

Comment prévenir le risque ?
Comment parler d’idées suicidaires ?

⚠ Si vous souffrez d’idées suicidaires nous vous encourageons à consulter un professionnel

#MedTwitter #gériatrie #psychogériatrie
Idées fortes

L’âge ne protège pas du suicide
Parler de la mort ≠ Risque suicidaire
Échelle RUD + évaluation des facteurs de risque

#suicide #gériatrie

Idées fortes

Il est important de distinguer

- Idées suicidaires
- Idées noires
- Parler de la mort

Autrement dit, distinguer

- Crise suicidaire
- Envie de mourir

#suicide #gériatrie

Read 22 tweets
What should you know if you want to start a successful poultry (Layers) farm?
#Thread #FarmwithMfasha @Farming_mfs 👇👇👇 ImageImageImageImage
1. Successful layers' business demands knowledge and experience as well as commitment in the areas below. It is very critical to seek advice and guidance from experts and other farmers and be prepared to invest time and resources for your success!

We are here to guide you👇👇👇
1. Housing

Proper housing is critical to the health and well-being of your birds. The housing should provide adequate space, hygiene, ventilation, lighting, and temperature control. Consider factors like the number of birds, climate, availability of resources, and the market.
Read 13 tweets
Hello, Connections! Welcome back to my weekly column #ATHCOriginal #AskATHC. Today, I want to discuss a rather controversial topic—#Women.

#UnitedShowbiz #Gender #eqyality #Education #womenempowerment #TedTalk #Inspiration #Movies
Last week, I discussed #ContentWriting, but today's topic is different. Before going further, I want to declare outright that I am not a feminist or atheist. I am just a pragmatic, who sees a glass & water as two distinct things rather than seeing it half-empty or half full.
World has moved forward. Girls have gone to space! But culture, religion, ethics, & social evils continue to haunt girls worldwide. I don't want to talk about India, you've plenty of cases where women face atrocities almost every single day here. #RuralIndia #WomenLifeFreedom
Read 13 tweets
घूंघट की आड से बुर्क़ा के बुर्ज तक।
ये मेरी स्टोरी है। मेरा नाम संस्कृति है और मैं भारत वर्ष में रहती हूं। जिसे आप देवभूमि, तपोभूमि के नाम से जानते थे। संस्कार जिसके धमनियों में बहता था और सभ्यता का आंचल खुले आकाश में उड़े खड़ी रहती वो मां भारती मैं ही थी। #TheKerelaStory १/९ Image
मेरी अस्मिता जागृत थी और मैं एक स्वामिनी, समानाधिकारीनी थी। मैं संस्कृती, नाम तो सुना होगा? ये मेरी स्टोरी है।
में आज घूंघट ओढ़े क्यों खड़ी हूं ये जानने के लिए मैंने घूंघट क्यों पहना और कैसे पहना ये जानना आवश्यक है। दरअसल हिन्दू परंपरा में घूंघट था ही नहीं। २/९
किसी भी पुराने मंदिर के अवशेष देख लीजिए या किसी भी पुराण को पढ़ लीजिए। माथे पर कुमकुम टीका लगाए भारत मां की धरती पर उज्वल भविष्य का बीज बोते हुए मैं चलती थी, गजगामिनी की भांति। पश्चिमी आक्रांताओं ने आक्रमण किया हमारी धरती पर। हमारी सभ्यता को लूट लिया। ३/९
Read 9 tweets
Parlons de la #sexualité des personnes âgées

- Un sujet important et tabou
- Qq conseils et informations utiles

On en parle ?

Un thread
#MedTwitter #gériatrie #psychogériatrie #sexualité
La sexualité est un aspect essentiel de la vie, même pour les personnes âgées.

Elle contribue au bien-être émotionnel, physique et relationnel
-> Il est important d’en tenir compte pour une approche plus globale

#bienetre #santé

Dans notre société, la sexualité des personnes âgées est un tabou

- Elle est cachée, niée, jugée choquante
- Souvent détournée
- Tournée en dérision

Le film Yes Man avec Jim Carrey montre une scène déroutante
#santé #sexualité

Read 19 tweets
Hi Friends,

Sharing some useful #trading threads here with Naren Joshi @VALUELEVELS & Stock Twit📈

#Like & #Retweet for Max Reach for learners benefit

it's 100% FREE 🖐️

1- Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern -- part 1
Some Complex candlestick patterns ---- thread Part 2

How to create a watch list before market opening- A thread

Read 7 tweets
~ #SolidNote 1
A civic innovation idea:
Entrepreneurship-In-Residence (EIR) Program

which brings selected startup companies together with a city's government for 16-20 weeks to explore ways to make government more efficient and responsive.

A Thread 🧵
In the attempt to solve some of the city's public sector tech and functionality woes, and give entrepreneurs a chance to tap the public sector market, our governors need to launch an EIR program. 1/13
The government will (meritoriously) select 3-5 Startup teams of entrepreneur who will spend 16-20 weeks with the government officials on their chosen projects.
Read 15 tweets
Candlestick #charts patterns is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement

A thread by Naren Joshi @valuelevels

#like & #Retweet for MAX Reach
Bullish Patterns


#stocks #TradingView
#nifty #niftybank #banknifty


#niftyoptions #niftyfuture
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Stock Chart Patterns ↗️↔️↘️

If you #LIKE then also #Retweet please

Stock chart patterns often signal transitions between rising and falling trends.

These patterns can be as simple as trendlines and as complex as double head-and-shoulders formations. Image
Since price patterns are identified using a series of lines or curves, it is helpful to understand trendlines and know how to draw them. Trendlines help technical analysts spot support and resistance areas on a price chart. Image
A chart pattern is a shape within a price chart that helps to suggest what prices might do next, based on what they have done in the past. Image
Read 7 tweets
Summary of #Java 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 features.
All features in a single tweet. #retweet #share #like #follow #bookmark Good know.
Thread 👇
#Java 19 Features:
- Record Patterns
- Linux/RISC-V Port
- Foreign Function & Memory API
- Virtual Threads
- Vector API (Fourth Incubator)
- Pattern Matching for the switch
- Structured Concurrency (Incubator)
#Java 18 Features:
- UTF-8 by Default
- Simple Web Server
- Code Snippets in Java API Doc
- Reimplement Core Reflection with Method Handles
- Vector API
- Internet-Address Resolution SPI
- Foreign Function & Memory API
- Pattern Matching for switch
Read 13 tweets
1/14 This piece from @latimes @hiltzikm about the #southwest meltdown is a must-read ⬇

Southwest’s meltdown was born in America’s cheapskate corporate culture
2/14 "The short answer is their underinvestment in preparation and planning. For decades, Big Business has been squandering its resources…instead of spending on workers and infrastructure. There’s not enough give in the system, so when crisis comes, it doesn’t bend, but breaks."
3/14 $LUV gross profit for the twelve months ending September 30, 2022 was $5.928B, a 53.81% increase year-over-year.
Read 14 tweets
💎Next HAL in Making 💯
⚡PE : 10
⚡Target : 100%-200%
⚡ROCE & ROE > 20%
⚡Massive Profit Growth
⚡Sector Leader Stock
⚡Monster Rally Coming

♻️Retweet #Like & #Comment if you are interested in Analysis
Don't Want to Miss Above Stock ?

✅Join Telegram :…
💎 Multi-year Breakout Microcap Stock
⚡ PE : 15
⚡ Price : ₹140
⚡ Target : ₹300
⚡ Profit Growth : 44%
⚡ Debt Free Stock


♻️ Retweet to Share
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My swing cash strategy ☢️
(In simple language)

1⃣ #stock selection process - always choose that stock which are consolidating near all time high

(Because whenever stock will give all time high breakout then it will easily give 20/30% return in 1/2 months
2⃣Volume analysis - In that consolidating period volume should be high of up move days then down move days. And last 3/4 month volume of accumulation is must higher then previous days.

Volume analysis indepth -
3️⃣ fund diversification - always deploy your capital in 3/4 stocks, not more then that or not less then 3.

And, your 3/4 stocks must be from different strong sectors.
Read 10 tweets

▫️Identifier les Red flags d'une collection NFT

Merci à ceux qui #retweet ou #like ce thread ❤️ Image
▫️Le secteur des NFT s'accélère et de nouvelles collections y voient le jour.
▫️Heureusement, certaines d'entre elles se démarquent en proposant une réelle utilité, des designs travaillés mais, une partie ont pour seul objectif d’amasser le plus d’argent possible.
Le red flag

▫️Le terme Red Flag est utilisé dans le domaine de la finance. Il s’agit d’un indicateur suggérant l’existence d’un problème concernant un document financier.
Dans le Web3, se terme est utilisé principalement pour les NFT et indique la suspicion d’un potentiel scam
Read 13 tweets
Getting Multibaggers Returns in a few years time frame is a dream of many investors but very few are lucky to enjoy multibagger returns💯💯

In the following #thread🧵 we'll look at 15 points that will not give you guarantee about getting multibaggers returns but it will
Surely Give you confidence on your investments and it will also teach you how actually to invest in a company for the long run and who knows if your investment is in the correct company you may get multibagger returns too🔥💯

🥇15 Points To Look For While Investing In A Company
✅Point 1:- Does the company have products or services with sufficient market potential to make possible a sizable increase in sales for at least several years?

✅Point 2:- Does the management have a determination to continue to develop products or processes that will still
Read 10 tweets
10+ Excellent GitHub Repositories for Every Java developer - Amazing GitHub repositories. #retweet #share #like #follow…
Thread 👇
100+ Java Design Patterns…
Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8…
Read 11 tweets
[#THREAD 🇫🇷] sur @VitalNetworkDAO

🔸Le projet de collecte de fonds bâtit sur #Elrond

❤️#RT, #Like si tu as aimé ce #thread❤️
Acheter le token $Vital

🔸Actuellement, le token est en presale pendant 6 jours.
🔸Les achats se font directement en $Egld sur le site ici (lien ICO) :
Vital Network c’est quoi ?

🔸Une DApp qui permet de créer un projet de collecte de fond pour TOUS types de besoins (Anniversaire, collecte associatifs…)
🔸Bâtit sur Elrond, Vital est régi par des smarts contrats qui assurent une transparence et une sécurité aux utilisateurs.
Read 15 tweets
🖐 Toi aussi tu regardes bcp #YouTube ou #Twitch ?

Libre à chacun de vivre sa vie de spectateurs à sa guise, mais s’il y a des créateurs de contenu que tu aimes, et tu te demandes comment tu pourrais les aider ...

Bonne nouvelle ! Voici la réponse

#guide #viewer
⚠ Préambule pour les nuls
Tu n’aimes pas, passe ton chemin ! Chacun aime ce qui lui convient et si ce contenu ne te conviens pas, les plateformes sont bien assez grandes pour trouver ton plaisir ailleurs.

Inutile de lâcher ton 🧂 en commentaire ou troller

#warning #dontbeadick
▶ Sur YouTube :

Prioritairement : #Aimer, #partager, #commenter … puisqu’on vous le dit !!!
Read 22 tweets
100+ Spring Core, Spring Boot, Spring REST, Spring Security, Spring Cloud, and Spring Testing Annotations in a single tweet.
Thread 👇
#retweet #follow #like #springframework #springmvc #springcloud #springboot #springdata
Core Spring Framework Annotations:
- @Required
- @Autowired
- @Qualifier
- @Configuration
- @ComponentScan
- @Bean
- @Lazy
- @Value
Spring Framework Stereotype Annotations:
- @Component
- @Controller
- @Service
- @Repository
Read 11 tweets
My swing cash strategy ☢️
(In simple language)

1⃣ #stock selection process - always choose that stock which are consolidating near all time high

(Because whenever stock will give all time high breakout then it will easily give 20/30% return in 1/2 months
2⃣Volume analysis - In that consolidating period volume should be high of up move days then down move days. And last 3/4 month volume of accumulation is must higher then previous days.
3️⃣ fund diversification - always deploy your capital in 3/4 stocks, not more then that or not less then 3.

And, your 3/4 stocks must be from different strong sectors.
Read 10 tweets

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