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May 30th 2023
This are some videos circling around in #Serb telegram groups,

“Its Serb #MiG29 Aircrafts
Allegedly, circling above Jarinj and Merdar.”

Keep in mind Serbs are known for sharing fake news & feeding fake propaganda to their serb population

Just look at their lies in last 24h ⤵️
As of last night they kept sharing that Police officers used live ammunition on protesters which is totally false and no one of the protestors was reported shot.

Instead 3 NATO troops were shot with Gunfight from the protestors side! ImageImageImage
This istrying to create panic with the Serb population in Kosova.. which is totally a lie!

& today, just 30 min ago they are saying the Police officers are harassing high school graduates in Gracanica which is totally fake!!

Gracanica is 10 min drive away from the Capital city! ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
🇺🇦 erhält 13 MiG-29 von 🇸🇰 und 20 von 🇵🇱. Stellt sich die Frage wie diese bewaffnet sein werden. #mig29 #HARM #JDAM #AMRAAM #UkraineWillWin 🇺🇦✌️🧵 1/10
Wie wir inzwischen wissen haben findige Ingenieure es geschafft die 🇺🇦 MiG-29 mit westlichen Raketenadaptern auszustatten. 🇺🇦 ist damit in der Lage HARM Anti-Radar Raketen zu verschieß war ein Gamechanger gegen die 🇷🇺 Fliegerabwehr! 2/10
Die selben Adapter sind auch in der Lage eine per GPS gelenkte JDAM oder JDAM-ER zu tragen. Auch aus dem Tiefflug kann man damit die Bodenkräfte an der Front unterstützen. Fliegende Artillerie mit 10x mehr Bums als eine 155mm Artilleriegranate. 3~5km Reichweite so etwa. 3/10
Read 12 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
Niedawno pojawiły się doniesienia o możliwym uzbrojeniu #MiG29 #Ukraina w pociski #AMRAAM. Byłoby to bardzo duże wzmocnienie tamtejszych sił powietrznych. AMRAAM to nowocześniejsza i dużo bardziej elastyczna broń niż #R27 używane (i zużywane) dziś, z półaktywnymi głowicami 1/
AMRAAM-y są też skutecznie używane na #Ukraina jako broń przeciwlotnicza na #NASAMS, a unowocześnione #MiG29 będą łatwiejsze w obsłudze dla ukraińskich techników i pilotów. Wyzwaniem jest jednak sama integracja, ale moim zdaniem można mu sprostać, pytanie w jakim czasie 2/
I w jaki sposób. AMRAAM jako rakieta z głowicą aktywną oczywiście nie musi mieć ciągle podświetlanego celu, tak jak R-27 czy Sparrow, ale potrzebne są interfejsy oraz przygotowanie i późniejsze przesyłanie uaktualnionej pozycji celu powietrznego. Zwykle do tego 3/
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Mar 10th 2023
Looks like my #IndianNavy missile test thread blew up so, a follow on thread on its sister force #IndianAirForce . The collective west, coming out of the Cold War expected the #IAF to be a more Soviet aligned force. #Su30MKI #F35B #TROPEX #εpsilon #MiG21 #MiG21Bison #Mirage2000 Image
The #IAF however has the unique perspective of operating the top western and the top #Russian of alternate &/or every generation egs Hawker Hunter (credits on pic), #MiG21, #MiG29, #Su30MKI, #Mirage2000 #Harrier ImageImage
Each fighter brings in with it, performance numbers but also tactics and maintenance regimen and India can tap into #Russian or #British ideas and pick and choose what works the best. Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
In capannoni come questi, nella contea di Greenville, South Carolina, si lavora già alla prossima svolta della guerra in #Ucraina.
#LockheedMartin, azienda fornitrice numero uno negli Stati Uniti per il settore difesa, sta aumentando la produzione di aerei da Image
combattimento #F16. E non per caso.
Contattato dal Financial Times, Frank St. John, chief operating officer di Lockheed Martin, ha infatti svelato l'esistenza di "molte discussioni" sul trasferimento di F-16 all'Ucraina da parte di Paesi terzi. In un meccanismo simile a
quello che ha visto Berlino bloccare per settimane la cessione dei #Leopard a #Kyiv, l'amministrazione USA ha infatti a sua volta potere di veto sulla cessione di caccia di fabbricazione americana. Ma nel caso in cui la Casa Bianca desse semaforo verde, l'azienda
Read 11 tweets
Aug 11th 2022
Multiple sources reported MIG-29 today, from #ukraine Air Force. One Video that matches the reports was posted at @ennolenze .
Summarizing reports, a lot can be drawn from these spottings. Lets get into it (short thread)

@ennolenze Lets start of by looking at the jet in higher resoltion.
A #mig29, very clearly. Also six missles visible.
The four outer pylons have two identical missles, the two inner pylons have identical missles.
What can we learn from the plane, and mission, from that?
@ennolenze The inner pylon missles have very distinctive wings forward, and are very "pointy".
This strongly indicates that we are looking at R-27R, a medium range, radar guided missle, NATO Code AA-10 Alamo.
The bottom missle on this picture:…
Read 10 tweets
Apr 16th 2022
152mm Giatsint-B Howitzers in #Lugansk
Chechen Special Ministry of the Interior Regiment soldiers in #Popasnaya, Donbas region, a city where a battle is currently ongoing ImageImageImageImage
#RussiaUkraine #Mi8
Reportedly remains of one (of the two) UKR Mi-8 helicopters that took part in the attack on a village in #Bryansk Region (Russia) on April 14, was shot down by a S-400 SAM system on it's way back
Read 577 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
Będzie nitka o tym, jak to Niemcy nie chcą oddać #Ukraina swoich bwp #Marder, mimo, że Kijów prosi (i potrzebuje) o jakiekolwiek bwp. O postawie Berlina będzie też ciutkę szerzej, bo warto parę słów o niej powiedzieć. Startujemy! 1/X
Otóż parę dni temu pojawiła się informacja o tym, że rząd 🇩🇪 negatywnie odniósł się do prośby 🇺🇦 o dostarczenie 100 bojowych wozów piechoty #Marder, które miałyby zastąpić zniszczone/uszkodzone BMP-1/2. Okazuje się bowiem (choć nie każdego to dziwi), że SZU również ponoszą 2/X
ciężkie straty w #WarInUkraine. Potwierdzona jest utrata co najmniej kilkudziesięciu BMP, realnie zaś straty mogą być znacznie wyższe, szczególnie z intensywnych walk na Wschodzie (#Donbas #Charków). Straty te wymagają uzupełnień, tymczasem okazało się, że rzekomo przepastne 3/X
Read 14 tweets
Apr 3rd 2022
The previously mentioned Mikhail Podolyak was quick to use the #Bucha "massacre" to ask for more weapons
It's worth noting that the Rus Army left the town on Mar 30,,,,4 days ago but footage appeared only today
#UAV footage of a strike on a Ukr target during the battle for #Izum at the end of March
#LPR Artillery....some awards given to distinguished crews
Read 450 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
The deputy commander of the Ukr 503rd Independent Marine Infantry Btn has been captured in #Mariupol. He say the remnants of the unit have broken up in small groups to try to make it through the blockade
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
Georgian Dato Gobedzhishvili & Belorussian Dmitry Apanasovich from the "Georgian Legion" have reportedly been killed at #Irpen near #Kiev ImageImage
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
First footage of combat use of the new #ISDM Remote Mining System in the #Kharkov area
More info in link…
Read 215 tweets
Mar 20th 2022
Tytułem strat na #Ukraina w #WarInUkraine, SZU tracą spore ilości broni ciężkiej. Na ogół tego nie widzimy (poza może @oryxspioenkop który śledzi materiały foto i wideo), ale te straty są. Nie tak ciężkie zapewne, jak chce 🇷🇺 agresor, ale mimo wszystko SZU nie mają bezdennych 1/X
zapasów. Czym je uzupełnić? W innych warunkach mogliby pewnie kontynuować remonty własnych czołgów, pewne zapasy mieli. Ile tych zapasów ewakuowano na Zachód i ilu nie zniszczyli 🇷🇺? Nie wiadomo. Nie ma natomiast za bardzo gdzie ich remontować: Charków zrównany z ziemią, 2/X
Żytomierz ostrzelany, jak Lwów-nie wiem, ale ryzyko zniszczenia jest duże. Poza #Ukraina nie ma komu obsługiwać lokalnie podstawowych T-64, więc za granicą najwyżej T-72. Trochę pomaga zapewne zdobycz wojenna, bo Ukraińcy zdobywają sporo (lecz nie setki) T-72B3, T-80BWM 3/X
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Mar 19th 2022
#DPR Tank duelling with Ukr AT Missile crews
#RussiaUkraine #Chechens
Footage of Chechens during street fighting in #Mariupol
The launchers they're firing seem to be disposable RPO-A with thermobaric rounds
#RussiaUkraine #Chechens
Chechen unit in a large weapons depot they captured in #Zaporozhye Region
Read 325 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
#LPR troops during the night conducted successful battles against Ukrainian nationalists from several directions inside Severodonetsk and Rubezhnoye, - the Russian Defense Ministry
This is in the same general area as the attached post
#RussiaUkraine #Su25
#RuAF Su-25 in Ukr ...night footage
(Repost...better quality video)
The Russian Defense Ministry will soon provide new information about the work of American biological laboratories in Ukraine and developments in the field of biological weapons.
Read 133 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
🔴 ALERTE INFO - #Pologne : La Pologne accepte de donner tous ses avions de chasse MiG-29 aux États-Unis, qui devraient les transférer en Ukraine. #worldwar3 #UkraineUnderAttack #UkraineRussia #UkraineWar
🔴 SUIVI - #Pologne : La Pologne pourrait mettre à disposition des #EtatsUnis ses #MIG29 réclamés par l'#Ukraine (car connus de ses pilotes). Elle demande en échange des appareils équivalents en capacité opérationnelle et une réciprocité de tous les pays #OTAN ayant ces MIGs.
⚡URGENT - #Pologne : La Pologne se dit « prête à déployer, immédiatement et gratuitement, tous ses avions #MIG29 à la base aérienne de #Ramstein et à les mettre à la disposition du gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique ». #worldwar3 #UkraineInvasion #RussieUkraine #Ukraine
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Mar 8th 2022
It’s a good idea to provide Ukraine 🇺🇦 with #MiG-29 fighters - they will limit Russia 🇷🇺 bombing innocent civilians.

The decision should not be made in #Warsaw alone - the responsibility lies with #NATO as a whole.

What would it take to get Ukraine those #MIGs? Short 🧵
Supplying Ukraine with #Mig29 will likely be seen by Russia as a significant step up in military help for Ukraine. Russia threatened unspecified retaliation. No one NATO country should be put under pressure to do it alone.
It shouldn't be matter for only bilateral 🇵🇱🇺🇸 conv.
In order to do it well, we need to do it together - as #NATO. All Allies should be heard, and all Allies should stand behind this decision.
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Mar 5th 2022
Local media reports that the UAF troops from the territory of Ukraine launched a rocket at #Belgorod, which is a Russian city near the border with Ukr. It was reportedly shot down
Captured UAF Manpad and #NLAW in the #Kiev area ImageImageImageImage
The Rus Army captured a large UAF field camp in the #Kherson region with large quantities of supplies and equipment
Read 573 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
WH issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's presidential foreign policy advisor, #YuriyUshakov, re: Russia and #Ukraine.

#Ushakov #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan conversation today with nat'l security advisors, foreign ministers & other officials from #BucharestNine of #NATO Allies re: #Russia & #Ukraine.

#B9 #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's foreign policy advisor to the president, #YuriyUshakov.

#Putin #Zelensky #Ukraine #Ushakov Image
Read 732 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
Nat'l Security Council Spokesperson Emily Horne issues readout of Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Ukrain's head of presidential office, #AndriyYermak.

#Russia Image
#BREAKING (via WH press pool)
#Biden talks with journalists re: #Ukraine.

#Russia Image
#BREAKING (via WH press pool)
#Biden says re: potential invasion of #Ukraine by #Russia:

"We’ve been aware of Russia’s actions for a long time and my expectation is we’re going to have a long discussion."

He adds that "won't accept" #Putin's red line in Ukraine. Image
Read 599 tweets
Jul 15th 2020
#Syrie (1) développement important, la ville d’#AlBab -sous administration directe de la #Turquie depuis l’éviction de l’#EI par l’armée turque- frappée par l’aviation « russe #Russie » selon témoins locaux
#Syrie (2) développement important, la ville d’#AlBab -sous administration directe de la #Turquie depuis l’éviction de l’#EI par l’armée turque- frappée par l’aviation « russe #Russie » selon témoins locaux. À noter, il pourrait aussi s’agir de #Mig29 syriens
(3) une autre frappe sur #AlBab #Alep
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May 18th 2020
#Libya #AlWatiya #GNA #LNA #Turkey
1/The GNA has managed to break through defences and capture the Al-Watiya airbase...a major victory for them & probably means the LNA will no longer be able to seriously threaten Tripoli
#Libya #AlWatiya #GNA #LNA #Turkey
2/ few more pics from Al-Watiya airbase
#Libya #AlWatiya #Pantsir #GNA #LNA #Turkey
The GNA has reportedly captured a Pantsir AD system as well...although the below pic is pretty blurry...will update as more info becomes available
Read 28 tweets
Apr 4th 2020
#Syria #Al_Tanf #RevolutionaryCommandoArmy
* Escape from Al Tanf * 🚴‍♂️
A group of militants from the US backed & trained "Revolutionary Commando Army" (Moghavir al-Thawra) have fled the Al Tanf camp and surrendered to the #SAA together with their vehicles & weapons
#Syria #Idlib #KUB_BLA #KamikazeDrone
Kalashnikov Kamikaze Drone ‘KUB-BLA’ Battle-Tested In Syria via @southfronteng
Read 112 tweets

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