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A thread 🧵

1) Introducing Proof of Intelligence - a groundbreaking consensus mechanism used in the #Bittensor network that rewards valuable nodes contributing high-quality #MachineLearning models. It's designed to incentivize efficiency and collaboration within the network. #AI Image
2) Unlike traditional consensus mechanisms like #PoW & #PoS, #ProofOfIntelligence relies on nodes performing #MachineLearning tasks instead of solving complex math problems. This ensures more valuable participants are rewarded for their intelligence with $TAO tokens.
3) @bittensor_ network measures contributions by calculating individual scores, which are then used to assess the value & achievements of each participant. The goal? Encourage cooperation and discourage malicious activities.
$TAO #AI #blockchain
Read 5 tweets
@luganodes is a newly arrived #Staking Provider on @MultiversX, as part of the @LuganoPlanB, an initiative driven by @luganomycity & @Tether_to

ATM, they are Rank 74, 4 nodes, Uncapped Limit & 31,4K $EGLD Locked:…

Let's welcome them w/ a spotlight!🧵👇 Image
@luganodes is a multi-chain #PoS #validator, providing additional services like managed nodes (NaaS), Luganodes Terminal - for tracking metrics & rewards and APIs to enable staking integration with other tools and products.

@luganodes also provides a wide variety of resources and guides for several #PoS #Blockchains , as well as research materials and insights of #crypto topics.

A resource for #MultiversX on How to Stake $EGLD Tokens with Luganodes is available at:…

Read 4 tweets
1/10 Blockchain tech is composed of different layers, and #Layer1 is a fundamental part of this ecosystem.

It refers to the underlying infrastructure that serves as the foundation 4 a blockchain network, providing the basic functionality and sets the rules 4 the entire system Image
2/10 Layer 1 blockchains, like @MultiversX, are often referred to as "base layer" or "on-chain" solutions. 📋

They handle key functions like:

✅ transaction #validation
#consensus mechanisms
✅maintaining the overall security and integrity of the blockchain.

3/10 Layer 1 blockchains are designed to be

✅and immutable.

They have their own native #cryptocurrency 🪙 (in @MultiversX is $eGLD) and can support a wide range of applications and #smartcontracts.
Read 10 tweets

#上海升级 以来,#LSD 在以太坊爆炸式增长,且可能在其他 L1 网络中继续爆发,引领启动 #DeFi 的强劲反弹,带来LSD Summer🚀


本篇深度研究 LSD赛道中最有潜力的项目,无论投资还是质押,都一定能帮你找到 #财富密码 👇
之前的的文章全面分析了 #板块轮动,强烈建议大家读读。



0⃣在开始之前,让我们了解一下什么是LSD(Liquid Staking Derivatives)。

#LSD 代表 #POS 区块链中的抵押资产,与直接质押之间的主要区别在于流动性。持有者仍在获得奖励,但可以自由进行基本上所有的 #DeFi 活动。

Read 16 tweets
Bitcoin and Ethereum differ fundamentally

The way the networks are secured differs

Its POW vs POS

Let's analyze this through a corporate analogy

#pow #btc #pos #eth Image
PoW Issuance

Issuance can be thought of as similar to a company paying their employees in stock-based compensation (SBC).

This does two things:
1. Dilutes all shareholders
Means each shareholder's percentage of ownership in the company is reduced, resulting in a decrease in the value of their equity stake

2.Lowers profitability
It represents a transfer of value from existing shareholders to employees.
Read 14 tweets
Es clave analizar proyectos punteros en tecnología de cara al próximo bullmarket

Una de mis apuestas personales es $AZERO

Hoy os traigo un análisis fundamental de este gran proyecto al completo

Dentro hilo🧵 Image
$AZERO es un proyecto que llevo siguiendo desde que salió a mercado.

Han tenido una gran robustez en bear marker y no han parado de crecer.


⬇️⬇️⬇️ Image
Aleph Zero es una blockchain pública que tiene como objetivo resolver el trilema (lo vimos en el hilo de ayer)

1️⃣Emplea un consenso #PoS rotativo para aumentar la #Descentralización.

2️⃣Utiliza 2 tipos de #DLT que la hacen más escalable: #DAG + #Blockchain

3⃣Privacidad…… Image
Read 25 tweets
The biggest gains you'll ever make will come from Micro-caps.

Every large project once started off small.

The trick is to find the ones with real value.

Here are my top 5 micro-cap plays with solid fundamentals & #utility, all under $500k.

Plus one under $100k 👀 Image

Even though the biggest gains come from Micro caps, so do the easiest losses.

I have provided this info as so many people DM and ask me, but please DYOR before investing.

I lose money on micro caps often.

Be a responsible ape, sers.

Good luck!
1. @IncVeda $MVEDA

- Blockchain-based medical platform
- Secure ecosystem for sharing data
- Profit sharing with patients on their data
- #Utility token

$190k Mcap.… Image
Read 9 tweets
#Pulsechain, la #blockchain L1 destinada al éxito + El Air-Drop mas grande del mundo.

Pulsechain es una nueva cadena de bloques que planea traer consigo TODO #Ethereum (transacciones, contratos, tokens y todo Ethereum, duplicado en Pulsechain)
Tecnología subyacente
#PulseChain implementa un algoritmo de consenso de Proof Of Stake (#PoS) mejor al de #Ethereum.
Ya que en Ethereum hay pocos nodos debido a lo costoso que es tener uno y la mayoria de estos, estan regulados por la #OFAC.
#Pulsechain tendra como moneda nativa #Pulse ($PLS).
Pulse es #deflacionaria, tiene 0% de inflación.
Los validadores solo ganan de las comisiones por transaccion y el 25% de los fees se queman para reducir el suministro circulante.
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𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗳𝗶𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴
We may all have been familiar with the recent Kraken story, the exchange is actually banned from offering stacking as a service at the moment. Another confirmation that one of the most common measures of regulation of the crypto industry by the government is a restriction.
1/5 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁?
We are likely to see investor churn as a result of these negative headlines.
Staking is not an incredibly complex or difficult process to understand. Simple in concept, it has spawned many tax, regulatory, accounting, and now legal issues.
Read 16 tweets
Hey #CryptoWorld 👋🏻
What if we tell you- you can build powerful #DApps with an interoperable #blockchain? Yes, we're talking about the interoperability of $INJ (Injective Protocol)!🧵
$INJ is an open-source layer-1 blockchain technology best suited for building powerful DApps. How is it helpful for users?
Read 7 tweets
The @Cardano ecosystem is one of the most exciting ecosystems out there,
We take pride in being a leading validator & contributing towards the network's security🔐

Here's a short 🧵 to understand the networks consensus & #staking mechanism👇
#Ouroboros is the Proof-of-Stake (#PoS) consensus mechanism used by the #Cardano #blockchain.

It allows users to delegate their $ADA to a stake pool operator and earn rewards while still maintaining ownership of their tokens💰
It uses a variant of PoS called Delegated-Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) and divides time into epochs and slots, with each node using a verifiable random function (VRF) to generate a random number to select the slot leader🎰
Read 9 tweets
Going into 2023 I'm set to find promising altcoin for the next #BullRun 🚀

One interesting point is the fusion between #DAG and blockchain

That's why I decided to write a deep-dive thread on $AZERO 👇

1/20 🧵 Image

What is this thread about? 🧵

$AZERO cutting-edge technology is a hybrid of blockchain and directed acyclic graph, #DAG ⛓️

It has a unique set of privacy smart contracts

Users can choose what data to share with the public while still maintaining their privacy 👁️ Image

Here is what the thread covers:

1️⃣ What is @Aleph__Zero
2️⃣ #DAG
3️⃣ Privacy and Liminal
4️⃣ Use-cases
5️⃣ The Team
Read 21 tweets

Why is @GMX_IO called a gambling machine? What is the difference between the order book represented by @dYdX and the pool represented by GMX? #DeFi

The first question, why do many people call GMX a gambling machine? Why didn't dydx break out with GMX in 2022? Why can only GMX break out in 2022 among the many on-chain protocols?

In the general environment of 2022, everyone knows that #BTC and #ETH have fallen by 75% from their highs, and SPX has fallen by a maximum of 27% from highs.
Read 25 tweets
📈ANSIA-RECAP POST CPI & FOMC 📉 in collaborazione con

Facciamo il nostro #ANSIARECAP post #CPI e #FOMC per capire cosa succede sui mercati.

Regolamentazioni, Dot-Plots, Binance Fud e tanto altro, ma prima godiamoci un @SBF_FTX canterino in manette⬇️ Image
Swat Christmas caro SBF 🎅🏻
1/ FOMC: I dati hanno scatenato un Sell the News importante sui mercati principali. Già da settimane il sentiment era positivo per i dati che sarebbero arrivati questi giorni e il risultato è stato uno spike al rialzo delle quotazioni seguito da forti scarichi di vendita. ImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Le banconote fanno parte della nostra economia, della nostra identità e della nostra cultura, e alla BCE abbiamo l’immensa responsabilità di preservare la fiducia dei cittadini nella nostra moneta.

Il contante è una parte importante della tua libertà di scegliere come

scegliere come pagare ed è essenziale per l’inclusione finanziaria di tutti i gruppi della società. 

Le banconote e le monete in euro hanno corso legale nell’area dell’euro e il contante è l’unica forma di denaro pubblico direttamente accessibile a tutti.
La BCE e le banche centrali nazionali, che insieme formano l’Eurosistema, hanno il compito fondamentale, assieme al settore bancario, di garantire la regolare distribuzione del contante e di facilitarne l’uso per i pagamenti di cittadini e imprese.
Read 7 tweets
Valà che con il #pos manco più il caffè ...

Plafonnement du prix du pétrole russe : La Russie cessera de livrer du pétrole aux pays européens… via @Réseau International

Quello che accadrà con questo price cap è molto, molto semplice: la Russia ha annunciato che non venderà più un grammo di petrolio ai paesi che hanno firmato questo accordo sul price cap. 
E allo stesso tempo la Russia ha acquistato un gran numero di petroliere

E allo stesso tempo la Russia ha acquistato un gran numero di petroliere registrate sotto bandiera di comodo (come del resto la maggior parte delle navi di tutti i paesi del mondo) per poter consegnare "con discrezione" ai paesi amici (India, Cina , ecc.).

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A #Metaverse Beyond #Gaming

Introducing #Exosama Network

• So, what is it?
• How big is it?
• What is the hype around it & @DonnieBigBags?

Get ready to "Expect Chaos" ⚡️


Let's begin with what is @ExosamaNFT Network

• Versatile L1 blockchain with a focus on #gaming, #music, #fashion, and #Metaverse

• High-performance #EVM capability (continuation of EWT tech)

• Ability to bridge to multiple #metaverses and ecosystems

Check out this talk where @DonnieBigBags admits to stumbling upon #NFTs 🤯 and accidentally building the biggest #blockchain game on @Polkadot

@RugRadio @farokh
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1) I lived under the regime of the #SEC for 25 years as an investment banker. So what I am about to tell you is nothing new to me. Every member of the securities industry can corroborate and every securities lawyer with integrity can back these statements.
2) DISCLAIMER: Before you proceed, you must know that I am not a #securities lawyer, and this is not legal advice. In addition, these are only my own opinions.
3) The SEC designs rules that makes them "operatively contagious", like a virus. If Im sick and I touch you, you get sick. To understand what this means one first MUST understand the term #Gatekeeper as it is has been commonly used in the regulatory community.
Read 24 tweets

An L1 blockchain that raised $300M in funding w/ 2B valuation @SuiNetwork

Here's EVERYTHING you need to qualify for the SUI #Airdrop👇🧵
@SuiNetwork 2/

TL;DR 🎙️

@SuiNetwork is an upcoming L1, with a #PoS model and horizontally scalable

Sui aims at greater scalability and dynamic NFT for metaverse apps integration
@SuiNetwork 3/

In this thread, I'll cover all the tasks to be eligible, step by step:

🔹Wallet creation
🔹Get faucet tokens
🔹Use dApps
🔹Mint NFTs
🔹Play Games

Buckle Up 💺 Let's get started 🫡
Read 22 tweets
Zapraszam do zapoznania się z wątkiem, gdzie przedstawiam moje prywatne podejście do tego jak najlepiej uporządkować i przygotować pozycje w #cosmos, zarządzać nimi, a także ustawić się pod liczne okazje na #airdrop.
No to zaczynamy! Image
2/🧵 Przygotowanie teoretyczne❗️
Ja swoją pracę zaczynam zawsze od rozpisania tego co chce finalnie osiągnąć. Pozwala to na spokojnie przeanalizować wszystkie opcje i utworzyć swoisty plan, do którego potem sukcesywnie dążymy.
Możemy go też potem kontrolować wraz z biegiem czasu
3/🧵 Mój arkusz!
Za pomocą dowolnego arkusza kalkulacyjnego (u Mnie Excel) tworzę tabelę, gdzie wprowadzam wszystkie interesujące Mnie dane. Każdy może to stworzyć inaczej w zależności od tego co go interesuje.
Zdjęcie ukazuje realny przykład wraz z projektami, które posiadam. Image
Read 23 tweets
first ever tweet of this #P2P #opensource initiative called #ReRe (regenerative resources) of the nascent #ReFI BR moviment \o/ it aims not only to empathically include everyone, but also establish a totally new #wealth generator based on #commonsship for #web3 at large ... Image
a totally new #web3 wealth generator ? how so ? today´s #blockchain web3 footprint is basically attached to fiat money as it´s main economic grounding and all coordination efforts are done by decentralized protocols that depends on generating through #PoW or/with #PoS consensus
that said #ReRe aims not only to treat all sorts of human #resources (tangigle / intangigle) that you, me and everyone can empathically share as it´s economic grounding - because it´s part of each one`s abundant or idle wealth - but also low cultural barriers for #web3 adoption
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Stepping into the first fully post-merge month got us reminiscing about all the special moments that took place in September.

Here’s our quick recap so we can soak it in one last time 👇
🧵1/15 Image
The community gathered around numerous live watch parties to take part in #Ethereum’s successful (& deliciously uneventful) #PoS switch🎉 

During Nethermind’s live Merge Watch, teams & guests from every corner of the ecosystem came together-

to watch the historic transition✨Merge data, #L2s and scalability, rollups and #StarkNet, #DeFi and mainstream blockchain adoption were just some of the analyses and insights we were spoiled with.

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#Cosmos 最近热度激增原因何在?我们就简单回顾一下现有几大问题:
1/价值捕获能力不足: $ATOM 做为 Costom Hub 的代币(不是Cosmos平台),没有太多应用场景
2/代币模型:当前 $ATOM 是无限增发的代币,质押代币获得近20%的APY,严重限制了其价格增长,对长期价值投资者不友好
3/缺乏统一安全设计:各个应用链必须自己承担如 #POS 质押等区块链基础安全工作,导致应用链营运成本和安全风险都很高
#Cosmos 2.0 基于这些问题引入一系列优化:
1/在Cosmos Hub 新增Interchain Security (跨链安全)组件,一方面解决可能的跨链安全问题,另一方面通过中央POS质押 $ATOM 即可获得其他应用链代币空投(中央POS共识)
Read 5 tweets
The #EthereumMerge made everyone an expert on the subject of the different consensus mechanisms.👑

But the discussion revolves more around proof of work (#PoS) and proof of stake (#PoW).🚀

Shining light on others like proof of burn (#PoB) and proof of activity (#PoA):⚡
A consensus mechanism is the set of rules under which the #blockchain operates.✨

These rules dictate who gets to mine new crypto and the conditions for it.💎

1. Proof of activity (#PoA):💸

Proof of activity is the hybrid of #PoW and #PoS.💰

This consensus mechanism is used by @EspersCoin and @decredproject.

In #PoA, the first step is mining the blockchain in a traditional PoW way.👇
Read 12 tweets

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