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Pourquoi faire long quand on peut faire court ?

Ne dit on pas que "L' image est une force que la parole n'a pas forcément"?

Voici 15 images PUISSANTES qui vont te parler.

Inspiré par : @jackbutcher

D'ailleur si tu as manqué la PARTIE 1 voici le lien 😎👇🏾

1) Vaut mieux un peu de repos que d'abandonner.
Read 18 tweets
#Narcissism thread 🧵 15 (more) questions to ask yourself if you are questioning whether someone is a #narcissist
1. Do they devalue, diminish, demonise or harshly judge you or act as the righteous ‘authority’ figure with you regardless of their age, status or employment? 🚩
Are they #superior? For e.g. A non lawyer preaching to a lawyer about law. 2. Are they #defensive? Do they seem only interested in trying to prove that they are right & you are wrong, in a defensive mode? 🚩They are #competitive not co-operative. Co-operation is a must #healthy
3. Do they demand #attention from you? For e.g., insisting on having the conversation when it’s convenient for them only &/or use emotional #manipulation to ensure conversation happens on ‘their’ terms? They may not answer the question, go off topic, deflect, defensive, accuse 🚩
Read 23 tweets
#Civil and intelligent conversation That involves #criticalthinking skills,self-regulation, #reflection, mutual respect respectful debate, direct conversation are #socialskills all research based Scientific evidence is highly encouraged here. I encourage this on my
Twitter feed to engage in civil #discourse
To #question everything, to be self-aware and insightful,
to allow open #transparent #ooen conversations & discourse free of denial, not listening, talking over others, not letting them finish their sentences, being angry and rageful.
These #behaviors do nothing to advance any cause. #Safeguarders & mediators are very important to the well-being of children miners and disabled adults. when it comes to #childsafety anyone who mocks child safety needs to seriously reflect and/or take A child safety course.
Read 15 tweets
Even if a community of crows scatter let our community stay together

A simple ritual with a simple prayer - for family and community done the day after pongal

Adding to this an incident from the #raghuvamsam where dilipa was prepared to exchange his life for the life of
nandini the cow of vaSiSta

For millennia cattle have sustained us worked for us enriched us

A day to thank them and find ways to ensure that when they have outlived our need they don't have to visit the abattoir

From the go suktam
O Cows, ye fatten e’en the worn and wasted, and make the unlovely beautiful to look on.
Prosper my house, ye with auspicious voices. Your power is glorified in our assemblies.

Crop goodly pasturage and be prolific drink pure sweet water at good drinking places..

Read 4 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/02/2021…
‘Mini psyches’ give insights into mysterious metal-rich near-Earth asteroids…

#NearEarthAsteroids #SpaceMining #metals
Read 8 tweets
My favorite paper project bears fruit: Creating #leadership collectives for #sustainability transformations. Here is what we have to say: #openaccess 👇👇👇
We advocate for the creation of leadership collectives: groups of individuals from multiple organisations and sectors who lead transformational social change together through critical #reflection, #inclusivity and #care. Why these three values?
Leadership collectives require critical reflection to transform how collective leadership is defined; to challenge the existing structures in sustainability science and practice; and to respond to the complexity and uncertainty of sustainability transformations.
Read 18 tweets
#Reflection // Is the missile attack on the #Israeli cargo ship, part of the #Iranian negotiations for the nuclear agreement?! Why do you think it happened now? This is not the first attack, It is the 4th attack this week! 1/6
#Iran could sink the ship. It didn’t happen as the Iranians have a ladder of ranks, they are in a trap, if they raise flames they will snatch. Meanwhile they must say that their honor hasn’t been trampled in vain. They are facing the White House, it is part of negotiations. 2/6
#Iran spoke in an event English, not Hebrew. In the last week they attacked three #American bases in Iraq. The message to @POTUS is: If you do not be flexible, we will strengthen #terrorist acts. Go back to the previous deal then can we get the money & remove the sanctions. 3/6
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Was doing #Gochar #Transit analysis for a #Libra #Jaatak #Kundali when I stumbled upon a very powerful #Astro event taking place in ALL #Libra #Charts but also potentially quite damaging for the #Jaatak if their #Natal #Chart or #Lagnesh is weak...
#Mars would be around 25* in the 6th #Bhaav, looking into the #Lagan with 8th #Drishti where #Laganesh #Venus would also be placed with similar #Degrees. #Mars/#Venus are not just antiparties, they are also #Enemies to one another and hence this #Vedan is not the best
#Rahu, placed in the 8th #Bhaav of the #Chart would also be having similar 25*. In #Taurus, dispositor of #Rahu is #Venus. #Rahu and #Venus having similar strength, #Rahu becomes very powerful and #Malefic for the time being
Read 8 tweets
Time to say an enormous thank you 🙏 to our Helping Hands ( Peripatetic Nursing Team ) @BHR_hospitals formed at short notice to support patients and staff with increased acuity and dependency 👀7,500 recorded episodes of highly valuable patient interactions to date
Feedback from participants. 1. Being part of a mobile team helps with working in new ways and areas 2. Induction really counts 3. Time to focus on meeting patients needs gives positive outcomes and very high staff satisfaction
“ this I why I started nursing “ “ It’s been amazing to spend time focussing solely on patient need when helping ward staff “ “ can I stay in this team “ “ this has brought back my passion for nursing “ #reflection from team members
Read 3 tweets
Twitter Talk (thread): "I am not Your Savioress: Consistently Honoring the Intrinsic Value of Black Women’s Intellectual Labor & Cultural Capital in STEM" by @BerondaM from @profnicolej's "Understanding the Intersections of Race, Gender, & Gifted Education" Image
The chapter (abstract below) started as much of my #writing does in an active thinking/#reflection process in the midst of my doing GOOD work in a system in turmoil. Something that I wish was a less frequent occurrence for me as a Black woman in #highered Image
In this #reflection & strategizing mode, @profnicolej sent me a cc: tweet about her pending book "Understanding the Intersections of Race, Gender, & Gifted Education" & my first thought was that's nice but I'm not sure I have anything to say in that realm Image
Read 11 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Read 29 tweets
Tomm we start a journey at @ZuckerSoM w/ 3rd yr #MedicalStudents to enhance #Awareness #Education #Skills #Comfort #Hope re: #OpioidCrisis

13.5 hours - "#OpioidEpidemic" themed week (3rd iteration)

Follow/RT as Students, Colleagues, & I tweet - #OURcrisis

#MEDeD #RecoveryMonth
1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ MS3 #Students

6️⃣0️⃣ Faculty/Facilitators

3️⃣0️⃣ Clinical/Non-Clinical Depts

#OURcrisis @ZuckerSoM

@GIMaPreceptor @DrYili @MartinsWelchMD @JoeCMD @medicmin911 @ektrenchard @ethanfried @ginofarina @LindaWDeMasi @AFornari1 @joemd @DrAhuja @santhoshpaulus6 @TomMcGinn4
#Strategic Full Circle
1. from Health System (need)
2. to School of #Medicine (access)
3. to Health System (access/mission)

Our #OpioidEpidemic themed week is part of a 30+hour 4-yr longitudinal 'Addressing #SubstanceUse' curriculum
#OURcrisis #MEDeD
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