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Sir, please note and respect: no lies were repeated. Questions were asked.
You gave answers which were not asked, and it seems you assert accusations which were not made. At the same time questions remain open, amongst other things, regarding Ivermectin. Please address.
You speak of liars. Is it @RealGeorgeWebb1 you are referring to? As far as I can see he did not accuse you, but ask you. And in the meantime he filed claims in a court. Justice will be served. I am hopeful.
.@RealGeorgeWebb1 started to question you for your enthusiastic endorsement of the #JordonWalker stinging operation which you called “great journalism”, even though many questions were flying in everybody’s face about Mr Walker’s past as #BCG consultant rather than executive.
Read 9 tweets
Fuck Fauci Friday

It's Friday May 26, 2023.

Millions around the world are dead from a panic created by a gain of function 🦠 released from a bioweapons lab doing research with U.S. government💰>
They are 💀 because of the disastrous pandemic response, directed by Fauci. He gave conflicting advice, censored life-saving early 💊 #3Tablets,
and mandated lethal 🏥 protocols, in order to push new mRNA 💉 technology for Big Pharma.


Fauci's NIH guidance pushed 🏥 "COVID Protocols."
The "Complete Lives System" euthanasia grift of #QUACK Ezekiel Emmanuel.
It was proposed under Obama Care, to ration health care for vulnerable and elderly, and to give it to the Hitlerjugend. >

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Dr. Vladimir Zelenko : #Covid_19
Ils sont partis d'un virus naturel et ils en ont fait une chimère qui s'attaque au poumon.
En 1999 le Dr #Barrett a modifié un coronavirus de chauve souris et une protéine de surface, afin qu'il affecte les être humains.
Puis cette recherche est devenue illégale aux 🇺🇸, elle a été ensuite envoyé à #Wuhan par #Fauci où cette recherche s'est poursuivie. Puis ils ont réussi à modifier le virus afin de le rendre bcp + agressif pour les 🫁et causer des caillots.
#Zelenko #Malonne #Yeadon #Montagnier
La protéine #Spyke responsable des caillots sanguins, 1e cause des décès à court terme. La 💉des jeunes qui provoque des #Cardites. Les fausses couches avec + de 80% après la 1e💉. Puis la fertilité causée sur le long terme
Read 11 tweets
Family member is in the ER with congestion and suspected stroke. Close family also in contact has congestion. No one wants to say the word “covid”. Honestly I am hoping for the best. I just can’t believe their denial to say the word “covid”.
Update: Covid+
I feel bad for this person bc they have Alzheimer’s and were unable to make choices for themselves. They got sick because of everyone else’s choices around them.
Read 8 tweets
So, COVID vax entering preschool programme is frowned upon by some...after all "kids are all infected anyway, and they don't get sick"...a 🧵

This excellent paper is often cited to support that protection from infection is equivalent to vaccines...…
Sure, protection from infection and hospitalisation appear better in the infected cohort...

BUT, what's sometimes missed is the actual numbers reflecting how we get to these pretty graphs...

193K infections, 309 hospitalised, 7 died
273k vaccinees, 15 hospitalised, 0 died
Other important points:

The vaccinated cohort included either one or two shots...we know from adults that three is best, so efficacy could theoretically be improved.

Vaccinating pre-infected kids improves protection, the authors recommend boosters for both vaxd & infected kids
Read 16 tweets
“Premeditated Manslaughter Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Part 2 -Psychopathic democide might be eligible for forgiveness in rare circumstances, but blanket amnesty is not in the cards for crimes against humanity - by @TraderStef #Nuremberg2 #Amnesty… Image
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? - “Plandemic 3” Trailer – Seeing Through The Propaganda…
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? #democide - Jr. covering for daddy, sooo late and behind the curve by a couple+ years, is pathetic - not humble
Read 99 tweets
1) A friend’s wife wrote me asking my opinion of #Remdesivir. I gave my scientific opinion of its misuse in the inflammatory phase of disease in hospitalized patients, and the damage that follows. I continued to say that with Omicron, there is no appropriate use at all!
2) she alarmingly wrote back, if he (her cousin) already had one dose, is it ok to stop? She proceeded to give me all of his labs and presentation history. I replied “yes, stop immediately”! Demand a z pack and medrol dosepak asap and AMA- discharge.
Well, she did.
3) he shouldn’t have ever been admitted. He merely had presentation of a head cold, normal Sats and a positive covid test. The doctor said, and I quote…. “He is in the minority of people who respond so positively and so quickly to Remdesivir, that I didn’t need to even give
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"The utilization of #midazolam, #propofol, #fentanyl, #ketamine, and #cisatracurium began trending up in mid- to late March [2020], with propofol and cisatracurium use peaking between April 3 and April 9." (… ; )
"Deaths in long-term care facilities accounted for more than a third of all COVID-19 deaths in the United States for much of the pandemic — at one point, rising to about 43 percent of all coronavirus deaths..." ( )
Read 25 tweets
Hopes for the new year: #LongCovid trials I'm excited about

1) #CPCOV03

Host directed antiviral, induced autophagy

I wrote a thread about it here
2) #TVG489

Allogenic CAR T cells

These will hopefully be able to clear infected cells, if T cell evasion by SARS-CoV-2 (via MHC I downregulation) can be overcome…
Read 11 tweets
When did @GileadSciences decide that #GS441524 hypothesis was valid? Clues in patent history🔍

While Gilead bashed GS-441524 in 2020, they quietly worked on oral prodrugs

Could we have had an oral COVID pill in late '20/early '21? 💊

I think YES 🧵1/16…
Patent on oral GS-441524 prodrugs has 1st priority filing on AUGUST 27, 2020. So they did not think the '524 hypothesis was worthless in 2020. 2/16…
Context: @Muller_Lab & I published an Opinion in @statnews urging Gilead to pursue dev of #GS441524 in May 2020 (above)

On June 24, 2020, we first met w Gilead science leadership, who indicated they were not interested. 3/16…
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Thread 1/14) Pfizer Paxlovid Safety Study Adverse Events:
ONLY UNVACCINATED COULD PARTICIPATE. Out of only 2224 total participants, 1001 had adverse events.
Whatever was used as placebo, at LEAST 13 PEOPLE DIED (just wait, it gets crazier...)… ImageImageImage
2/14) The Paxlovid Safety Study "Placebo" was made for Pfizer by "Hetero Labs Limited", located in India. Guess what they make? #Remdesivir
The placebo ingredients are not listed anywhere. ImageImage
3/14) Although the study SUMMARY published on says 7 "placebo" people died, the detailed version shows 12 DIED.…
Let's look at SOME of the Paxlovid (NOT Placebo) adverse events... ImageImageImageImage
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IF you look at that picture of "Bill Gates" speaking...that is NOT "Bill Gates". Thank God.
THEY held this in Brussels, Belgium, NOT the U.S. WHY? Had we, the growing resistance, found out, it would have been disrupted.
What we have learned from Covid, as "Died Suddenly" happens
to friends, family, colleagues, others, DAILY, is that Big Pharma Medicine BETRAYED us. That Bill Gates and his ilk are MONSTERS of GENOCIDE. That the Government BETRAYED us. That MSM BETRAYED us. That the NGOs of the FDA, CDC and WHO BETRAYED us. That, indeed, a bioweaponized...
...Lab created "Virus" was unleashed on the world, KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY. That #BillGates, Johns-Hopkins, ad nauseum ran that very simulation in Oct.2019 in NY. That "Covid" had patents for many years. Yes, many of us did the research. I did. I found it all BEFORE it was
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One of the most disheartening 80 secs I have ever seen on Twitter (which says a lot) from our unelected #Alberta premier @ABDanielleSmith. Let's set the record straight about #COVID therapeutics in #AB. 1/
Alberta institutions and researchers played a large role in developing and testing COVID-19 therapeutics, as well as rapidly reviewing emerging evidence from around the world which continues to come out at incredible pace.
@AHS_Innovates @UAlberta_DoM @UCalgaryMed
Within weeks of the pandemic hitting #AB, we were enrolling patient volunteers into an international clinical trial (Solidarity) as part of the Canadian @CATCO consortium. In fact Alberta was the leading contributor to CATCO nationally. 3/
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L'UE conclue 1 contrat d’approvisionnement commun de 2 250 000 doses de #Remdesivir…


"Le #remdesivir altère le développement d'embryons préimplantatoires de souris à des concentrations thérapeutiques"
#Remdesivir - Toxicité Cardiaque & Toxicité Rénale

"nous avons identifié des effets indésirables du #remdesivir dans les cellules cardiaques et rénales à des concentrations cliniquement pertinentes"

"l'utilisation du #remdesivir significativement associée à un risque accru de signalement de bradycardie & de bradycardie grave versus utilisation de l'#hydroxychloroquine...du tocilizumab ou des glucocorticoïdes...en accord avec propriétés pharmacodynamiques du remdesivir"
Read 6 tweets
1/ Alla fine è arrivato. Dopo 26 mesi di isolamento, se non per le spese essenziali e passeggiate nei boschi. Un giorno della scorsa settimana il #SARSCoV2 ha raggiunto mio marito. Dopo la mamma 93enne, la badante, e il figlio, sono rimasta indenne solo io.
2/ Mio marito 67enne, oncologico, dializzato a forte rischio è POSITIVO. A riprova che in un mondo senza #mascherine proteggersi dal #COVID è impossibile. Dove si è contagiato non si sa
3/ In #dialisi? Dove tutti indossano maschera ma non è detto la indossino fuori (personale compreso), non è detto la indossino bene, e se convivi per 3 volte a settimana per ore finisce che se c’è un positivo lo prendi. Nasi fuori e finestre chiuse.
Read 24 tweets
Sur les #pénuries & blocages, quelle option choisir?
1) soit une #vraie pénurie avec des milliers de morts de faim (embêtant pour les dîners au Palais Vivienne)
2) soit une "#pseudo pénurie /famine" où on aura juste des rayons de biscottes vides filmées en gros plan? (suite⬇️)
Le #Covid a bien sûr malheureusement tué beaucoup de gens, mais le taux de mortalité était relativement bas.
Les protocoles (criminels), le non-traitement des gens fragiles et le #Remdesivir ont largement contribué aux décès. On a vu comme les médias ont juste contrôlé la trame⬇️
Alors si tout est faux par les médias, dans quelle proportion faut-il une "vraie" #pénurie pour avancer la suite? Faire fermer les rayons biscottes à Leclerc, puis envoyer les acteurs-manifestants-casseurs dans les rues, pour prétendre à une insurrection à mater par l'armée?
Read 7 tweets
I do await comments on @YouTube and for the algorithm to assess their worthiness to stay.

Everyone is welcome to write to the Ministry of Health of the Israeli government. They might even read the comments from my channel since it links to their site.
What Israel's Ministry of Health says about Robert Malone.

I'll just put this here. Because someone mentioned #Remdesivir as if she got some information from heaven.😊…
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As relevant today as when we wrote it in May 2020.

“As two people who have lived with Chronic Lyme for many years, we are well-acquainted with the potential of a rampant, misunderstood infection to alter reality.”…
“We also know what can happen when authorities are unclear about precautions and treatment. In fact, we have watched the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic unfurl with weary familiarity.”
“Worse, by the time results arrive, the infection may have disseminated, causing potentially life-long symptoms that could have been eliminated if appropriately treated early.” (SOUND FAMILIAR??)
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La gente en #Venezuela anda comprando #Molnupiravir y #Remdesivir como si fuera Acetaminofen. Muchas veces sin prescripción médica, solo porque el familiar, el amigo o la vecina se lo recomendo.

Aquí les explico cuál es su uso correcto

Tenemos 4 #antivirales disponibles para #COVID19  hasta el momento.

#Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir) (oral)
#Sotrovimab (endovenoso)
#Remdesivir (endovenoso)
#Molnupiravir (oral)

De las cuáles, solo tenemos disponibles en Venezuela los 2 últimos.
¿Cuando usarlos?

Se recomienda el uso de #antivirales orales en pacientes NO hospitalizados con enfermedad leve/moderada (Saturación mayor o igual a 94%) que tienen ALTO RIESGO DE PROGRESIÓN.

Ese riesgo será definido por su médico, pero les voy a aclarar a que se refiere eso.
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Should we use #remdesivir (RDV) to treat high-risk outpatients with #SARSCoV2 #COVID19?

Here's #HowIReadThisPaper on the PINETREE trial by Gottleib et al in @NEJM

High-quality evidence suggests RDV shortens time to clinical improvement in hospitalized patients with #COVID19 and hypoxemia (ACTT-1).

Based on this, @NIH recommends RDV in hypoxemic inpatients:…

However, its role in treating outpatients is unknown.
What was studied?

Patients were randomized (double-blind) to receive IV RDV or placebo x 3 days

The primary outcome was the composite of COVID-related hospitalization or death from any cause by day 28.
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Pièce par pièce, le récit officiel et le narratif #COVIDー19 se désintègrent rapidement.

Alors que le récit entourant l'opération psychologique mondiale #COVIDー19 continue de se désagréger, voici cinq choses que vous devez savoir.

1/ Même l'Organisation mondiale de la santé met en garde contre les piqûres de rappel dit #Booster du #COVID19 .
Pour certains, il était logique de se laisser faire lorsqu'il ne s'agissait que d'une ou deux doses.
Mais maintenant que les gouvernements veulent que les gens fassent une troisième, voire une quatrième injection pour la grippe de #Fauci, beaucoup disent que trop c'est trop.…
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#Remdesivir new trial just published

Here are the clinical implications:
Canadian trial (CATCO) in hospitalized patients with #COVID19
Compared to ACTT-1 trial in patients on supplemental O2 as recommended by guidelines
ACTT-1 Highly Significant Mortality Reduction in Patients on Supplemental Oxygen:
Both CATCO and ACTT-1 trials showed
-No liver or renal toxicity with remdesivir, and
-No safety differences between remdesivir and controls in over 2300 patients

Thus, both trials show that remdesivir is safe, prevents intubation, and reduces mortality
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If you test yourself 50 times a day, you're bound to have a positive(eeeks!) one which means nothing, but it means TO YOU you're "positive". People should stop this insane onanism.
w/o realizing it ,this is his way out of vicious cycle of having to get a "booster" every few months for eternity: just indefinitely delay taking the next "booster" until the following "booster" comes around ,then repeat.
Read 382 tweets

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