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Nov 9th 2022
#USElection | US Midterm Elections LIVE Updates: Counting underway, close fight between Democrats and Republicans

Catch Live updates here👇…
#USElection | #ArunaMiller first Indian-American to win Maryland LG race, Republicans favoured to win polls

Catch Live updates of the #USMidtermElections here👇…
Democrat #PattyMurray wins reelection to US Senate from Washington.

Republican #JohnBoozman wins reelection from Arkansas, while Republican #SarahHuckabee Sanders wins election for governor in Arkansas.

Catch Live updates of the #USMidtermElections 👇…
Read 10 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
18) Jessica Rudd, Kevin's daughter, loves Bluey too. Again, what are the odds? K Rudd himself tweeted about family dog Abby dying recently, vlogged about "dog shots" etc. And there are those pooch-tweets from Labor *illuminaries*:… Image
19) Check out her profile. Very pro-#Biden. Like dad, hanging out for Trump to leave Whitehouse. She's Aussie, so having #USAElection themed profile significant. Check out shirt on one of the women in banner picture. 🧐 Hmm. Design looks familiar. 🤔 Image
20) And maybe the "Joe" in tweet from the dude who I thought was the *actual* creator of Bluey is an allusion to #JoeBiden?
Read 73 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
1/ There was a time when the #USElection winner would be projected based on the #electionresults we are looking at today. But the US has been taken hostage by a #manchild.
2/ The anchors and journalists at the US networks are doing a sterling job. That’s despite the anchors and reporters lacking sleep, not to mention the newsroom producers & field producers, camera crew etc
3/ I've been glued to @CNN since Tuesday evening. The team is explaining in clear language the why’ and how’s of #USElection2020. CNN and its #KeyRaceAlert (I will miss those) tell us why postal votes favour Biden whilst on the day #ballots favour Trump,
Read 11 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
Settling back in on couch with TV. It’s morning in America, day 5 in #USElection

Got a good feeling this will finish today.

@JoeBiden looks likely to win this election with a popular vote victory of close to 10 million votes. Margins in all states (sans AZ) solid & growing.
Questions for #USElection (& predictions):
- What lead is needed in PA for networks to make call? (50k)
- When a call is made how will @realDonaldTrump respond (not that it matters)? (Badly)
- Will pointless recounts proceed in GA, WI? (No)
- Will Trump catch up in AZ? (No) /1
More #USElection open questions (& answers):
- Will calm come if Trump/Fox keeps fueling fires among his base? (No)
- Will discussion about NC resume today? (Yes)
- Will @realDonaldTrump ever learn to count? (No)
- Will Trump go gracefully? (No)
Read 7 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
Ravish Kumar who makes EVM hacking an issue in India when BJP wins is laughing over Trump alleging fraud in US Presidential elections.

This explains how neutral & how much of a Journalist this #MagSaySay awardee is
Indian Media has started reporting on #USElectionFraud

Republicans unearth massive election fraud in US Prez polls, file class action suits demand annulment of polls - The News 21

@realDonaldTrump via @LawrenceSellin
They claimed to have gathered to #SaveDemocracy #SaveConstitution earlier

They've now ganged up against #CBI probing Corruption, Criminal & Anti-National conspiracies!

After #AndhraPradesh #WestBengal #Maharashtra & #Kerala Now #Jharkhand blocks #CBI to save skin, dynasties! ImageImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Nov 5th 2020
“Stop the count!”

Trump supporters protesting democracy!

Even if authorities DID stop counting - which they won’t - Biden would win BECAUSE HE’S AHEAD!

But logic was never important to Trump & his supporters! #Elections2020
#USElection2020 #USElection
These are not “pro-democracy protesters demonstrating after an election irregularlity"

They’re anti-democracy protesters attempting to derail an election

Fortunately they’re not armed, but we know there militias across the US that Trump put on “standby”.
It’s outrageous that people working on the count require police protection to do their jobs

This footage from Arizona shows police inside a counting centre ready to respond as the crowd outside grows

Disrupting a count is a federal offence #Elections2020
Read 4 tweets
Nov 4th 2020




Who's up for the learning?👇👇

@dmuthuk @shl
@SahilBloom @FinKrypt @FinMedium @Sanjay__Bakshi @DividendGrowth @vedantm_ Image


Considers China a "foe" and "adversary". Trump's attitude towards the Chinese government may help India if things turn sour between New Delhi and Beijing

#USAElections2020 #USElection #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpCollapse @GabbbarSingh Image

Considers China to only be a fierce competitor. and strives to bring down unnecessary tension between the governments

#Biden #Biden2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #Michigan
Read 18 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
Donald Trump or Joe Biden - who will win the #USPresidentialElections2020? Find the latest updates on the 2020 US Presidential Elections on BOOM's LIVE blog. #USElection2020 #Election2020 #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden…
As of Wednesday morning, Biden is ahead of Trump in electoral votes, while Trump takes lead in popular vote.

This morning, CNN projected the victory of Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene on her race to represent the north-west Georgia seat in the House. Taylor's win comes despite criticism of her promotion of a conspiracy theory QAnon. #USElections2020…
Read 19 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
#Trump is currently beating #Biden - “the scrappy guy from Scranton” - in Scranton, Pennsylvania, @JoeBiden’s hometown. Ouch! #Election2020 #ElectionDay #ElectionNight #USAElections2020 #USElection #Trump2020 #Biden2020
“How they laughed at Hitler in 1923 when he marched on a Munich beer hall with his comedic moustache

Many were still laughing in 1932 when the Nazi Party became the biggest in Germany

But the blazing Reichstag & rule by decree in 1933 weren’t so funny anymore.”
(Emerson Warner)
Read 12 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
We're following every step of #ElectionDay today as the US enters its final day of voting in the 2020 Presidential Election. | @NWWhigham #Election2020…
@NWWhigham Election officials in St. Louis Missouri wearing full PPE hand ballots to a person who tested positive for COVID-19 during curbside voting on Election Day. #Election2020 #USAElections2020
@NWWhigham Typically it only takes a few hours after polls in each state close to get a picture of how the election will play out. It may take much longer to get a result this year. | @NWWhigham #ElectionDay #USAElections2020…
Read 5 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
This Tuesday will see the culmination of a US presidential campaign like no other, but what will decide who spends the next four years in The White House and when will we know who has become the next Commander in Chief?
Usually, the result of the #USelection is known by 4am UK time - but this year, things may be different…
There has been a lot of concern recently about postal voting and Mr Trump has already said he has concerns that there could be voter fraud as a result. But critics of the president have claimed he is falsely stoking concerns…
Read 6 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
1) Just had a look thru Malcolm Turnbull's Twitter feed. Noticed that he retweeted a post related to the toon dog Bluey by its creator Daley Peterson. He's an Aussie cartoonist and the show is on Disney. #Auspol #dogcomms Image
2) Nothing unusual about that but I found it interesting because Julia Gillard tweeted about the show recently also. She even read from one of Daley Pearson's books. It was one of several canine-themed tweets from Labor pollies.… #symbolism #Auspol Image
3) What are the odds two globalist former PMs would promote same #Disney kids' canine cartoon character weeks apart? Dinkum fans, or is something else at play? Gotta ask, esp since globalist former PM Kevin Rudd's been vlogging about "dogshots".
Read 164 tweets
Oct 31st 2020
Half of all US Presidents (22 out of 44) have made claims of Irish ancestry. Like a lot of things in history, the evidence is stronger for some than it is for others, but here's a rundown of which Presidents come from where... #VOTE #USElection #USElections2020 #Biden #Trump
With ten Presidents - from #7, Andrew Jackson to #43, George W. Bush - Antrim is the county boasting the most presidential ancestry. In each case, the ancestors were themselves descended from settlers from the Ulster Plantation in the 17th century.
Many people in Ulster are very proud of this part of their heritage. There are a number of sites in Antrim related to their famous descendants, including Andrew Jackson's parents' cottage in Boneybefore.
Read 15 tweets
Oct 29th 2020
Follow live: Trump is reported to be 'rattled' by Obama’s campaigning ahead of the election

#USElection2020 #USElection #Elections2020…
Supreme Court approves North Carolina’s mail-in vote count extension

#SupremeCourt #USElection2020…
EXCLUSIVE POLLING: Majority of Americans support a national mask mandate

#coronavirus #MaskUp…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 27th 2020
"Once an autocrat gets into office, it is very hard to get them out. They will disregard term limits, they will purge the agencies that enforce accountability, they will rewrite the law so that they are no longer breaking it." @sarahkendzior

Sound familiar?
"The most sophisticated tyrannies are ones that have a showman as their frontman. Clown or blowhard. Jester or villain. The type of showman doesn’t matter. Their audience will love them just the same."
(Emerson Warner, 1949)
Via @mdsharpe2
“I think that people are going to get hurt. People are going to get killed.”

Across the US, far-right militias are preparing for the #USElection & for post-election civil unrest

@60Minutes@LaurieSegall reports on one of the largest, in rural Michigan.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
1/10: A win for #JoeBiden in the #USElection next week would be good for the overall interests of #UK but problematic for the #BorisJohnson government. How would the arrival of a Biden administration affect British #foreignpolicy? A thread..
2/10: As the song says, it ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it. Not all #Trump foreign policy was bad (though much was). He made an important call on #China. But he has no idea of the common good, squandered American leadership & damaged alliances & institutions.
3/10: #Biden would be a reversion toward the norm. Unexciting perhaps, but needed & welcome. But he would not mean wholesale change in #US foreign policy. The pressures of #COVID19, political polarisation & economic dislocation remain. As will the tough geopolitical environment.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
1. I’m gunna go mad obsessively Twitter-following the election = anxiety and apocalyptic theories in why Trump will win.

I am now Panicked by the entry of energy policy in the mix. Our nightmare on climate change ensures that.

2. @TimAlberta is a political journo steeped in GOP politics. A must follow, but jeez, writing Biden’s victory analysis before the election makes my Irish bones ache. Lovely piece of writing, and interesting.

3. LOVE IT! Ivanka & Jared work for the Trump Swamp Family. Fine for the boss to maliciously throw baseless mud that Biden is head of a crime family & must be indicted. But tie THEM to Trump’s anti-NY invective & they’ll SUE!!! (Trump can’t be sued for defo while in office.)
Read 165 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
#WATCH: @JoeBiden tells the US #Election2020 #PresidentialDebate that anyone responsible for so many #COVID19 deaths should not be president
#WATCH: @JoeBiden tells US #Election2020 #PresidentialDebate that Iran will pay the price for interfering with American sovereignty
#WATCH: @JoeBiden tells US #Election2020 #PresidentialDebate that @realDonaldTrump is one of the most racist presidents the US has had in modern history
Read 10 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
.@realDonaldTrump and @Nigel_Farage share a fervour, a following and a friendship.

Ahead of the #USElection, the Brexit Party leader gives us the inside track - does his friend have the winning hand or are the odds stacked against him?

"He has a remarkable way of dealing with people individually."

In the first episode of our new three-part podcast #TheTrumpCard, @Nigel_Farage tells @christopherhope how he secured a direct line to the White House.

🎧 Listen here:…
"He was treated as a joke when he announced in 2015 he would run for president. But who’s laughing now? He’s beaten the pollsters, defied the media, taken over the Republican Party and united it"…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 21st 2020
Thank You, @CarterCenter

Carter Centre To Launch First-Ever US Election Initiative, Citing ‘Erosion’ Of Democracy In US

Exclusive: Democracy Promotion Group Founded By Jimmy Carter Will Launch US-Focused Initiative For First Time In Its History…
"The democracy promotion organisation founded by former president #JimmyCarter 💙 is to launch its first-ever #UnitedStates #election initiative this year, citing an “erosion” of democracy in the country. The @CarterCenter has monitored more than 110 #elections in the...
... #MiddleEast, #EastAfrica, #LatinAmerica, and #Asia since 1989 as part of #democracy promotion efforts around the world. Although there are no plans yet to monitor #polls in the #US, this will be the first time it has engaged in a US #election at all."
Read 9 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
In the days that social life is more in the digital realm than physical, Do we forget about those who are offline? Those that are not covered by the news?

A country's internet is shut down, 82 million people's access to the outside world is denied, their work, their families, all separated.

I browsed the news on @AppleNews, 54 hours after the shutdown has started:

Spoiler alert: "No coverage of #IranianProtests".
Read 7 tweets

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