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Estoy tonteando con las specs de Master System y lo mismo esto acaba en jueguito pequeño :-}
No he podido ponerme con esto hoy, pero ya tengo lo suficiente como para saber que me apetece terminarlo.

Estoy en uno de esos momentos en que necesito un respiro mental, y empezar un proyectito sencillo y ver que avanza sin demasiado esfuerzo siempre me hace bien...
Aclaro que sería un jueguito para PC con estética de Master System y no un juego para la máquina de Sega.

Sería neo-retro, como de costumbre. Si me estudio las specs es para acertar con el feeling. Aunque siendo mi primera consola, creo que lo tengo muy interiorizado :-}
Read 28 tweets
Bookmark this tweet for an amazing run of #GIJoe Art - Artist Profiles, both Fans & Pros, already on its way and ready to explode in 2023!🔥…
#GIJoeArt #GIJoeNation #Cobra @GIJoeOfficial @Hasbro ImageImageImageImage
G.I. Joe Art - Jen Broomall…
Check out ALL the #GIJoe Art by @JenBroomallArt in this profile! 🔥

#GIJoeNation #GIJoeArt #Cobra Image
G.I. Joe Art - John Giang…
Check out ALL the #GIJoe Art by @johngiang_art in this profile! 🔥 Image
Read 56 tweets
1/ Given the current state of AIP-183, .@Apecoin may be entering 2023 without an administrator which will cause unnecessary complications to $APE #DAO operations. I am proposing a solution that could perhaps solve the situation to everyone’s satisfaction under #AIP-1 rules
2/ The community deserves to be better informed, I believe it is absolutely necessary that Apecoin should never be without an administrator at any time because they are critical to keeping operations going for the DAO as described here…
3/ I propose approving @CartanGroup as outlined in AIP-183 so DAO operations are not paused. Though the proposal is for 1 year, a new proposal for DAO operations & admins can be submitted 3 months after the proposal passes per AIP-1, Guideline 6.…
Read 11 tweets
I'd like to share what this collage means to me.

starting from the top: u'uhig (birds)
birds are central to akimel o'otham culture especially song culture. in this collage i used the oriole, red-winged blackbird, house finch, and the blue-throated hummingbird. the birds are
positioned at the top as i see them emerging from the altar, the space below them that can represent a mountain or earth. on the altar, the dresser on which everything is placed on or above, to the left are depictions of my diné great grandmother's rug and my mom's hopi
Read 7 tweets
After a successful weekend with Biomass again, I figured I'd share a bit about its inception 🧵⬇️

HOW I MADE THIS: Visualizing the Biomass of Life #biomass #wip #process #art #science #datavisualization #dataviz #infographic #biodiversity Visualizing the Biomass of Life infographic pinned onto a co
The original paper that this graphic is based on was published by @yinonbaron @MiloLabWIS @WeizmannScience. It came across my desk working at Visual Capitalist and the crew wanted to see what I could do with it.…
There was already a graphic explaining the key findings in the paper, shown here. It's a really nice Treemap visualization using a #voronoi pattern (random Fun Fact: voronois are everywhere in biology: bone matrices, cell shapes, wing scales, etc.) A treemap in voronoi style showing the distribution of bioma
Read 23 tweets
Dive-in for a peek at my #process and #designthinking on how I made my latest science infographic: "Comparing How COVID-19 Vaccines and Antiviral Pills Work" ⬇️🧵#COVID #Pfizer #Merck #DIY #infographic #vaccines #WIP #development #Covid_19 #paxlovid A poster showing "How I Made This", and a reproduc
The original inspiration for this piece was the newly marketed antiviral pills by Pfizer and Merck for the treatment of COVID-19. I thought with hearing so much about vaccines this year, and with pills entering the arena, people might be curious about what each does in the body.
When I started researching, I quickly learned that there were many types of vaccines. Here's one chart I found that explains this (left; by Nikita Ramesh, made with @BioRender). My first idea (right) was to convey ALL these types of vaccines against antivirals. A chart showing 7 major types of vaccines technologies and hEarly sketch of research and my arrangement for the infograp
Read 20 tweets
Pure CSS content animation IS HERE 😱🎉💯

Safari TP 136 came out yesterday and brought some amazing updates. Lots of big wins for CSS… one in particular I'm super excited about and I think you will be too.

Discrete animation of the `content` property. I'll explain…

🧵 (1/8)
So this has technically been around a while. I released a @CodePen example of this years back, but browser support was limited to Chrome. Firefox followed suit, & now the Safari folks at Apple have added it to TP ✨

Safari TP 136 notes 📒…

🧵 (2/8)
Here is my original tweet and CodePen example:

Safari TP 136 release notes here:…

HUGE shout out to @jensimmons for pushing this through for me and @oantoinehv for implementing it!

BUT WAIT… there's more 👀

🧵 (3/8)
Read 8 tweets
ChaosColony series 2: Exodus drop

#CNFTCommunity #CNFTs #nftcollector

more Chaotes coming soon:
💊 Head
PositionPrivilege 💸
SacredPump 🖤
TheFace 🗿
HeadShot 🤕
SporeTime 🍄
ColdEyeballs 👀
ExodusTraveller 🛸

Please retweet and what's your pick?

"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. ImageImageImage
This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done.
Read 14 tweets
Live pic of me getting back to wrestling after all that family stuff because I have a goddamn book to write
I was literally planning to start writing chapter 1 of my Vince McMahon bio on the day I got commissioned by NYMag to write what became “My Grandfather the Zionist.” I needed a break after it came out, but now it’s time to start writing what I’ve learned about Vince’s early yrs👀
Not to sound like a certain former WrestleMania performer and one(?)time president, but I really found some stuff in North Carolina 👀👀👀
Read 6 tweets
Weil es den Kern linguistischer Forschung berührt, steige ich mit einem Thema ein, das mir sehr am Herzen liegt. Ich bin froh, dass es mich und ich es gefunden habe: #Konstruktionsgrammatik. 1/
Ich hatte am Montag schon erwähnt, dass es mich vor allem mit Alexander Ziem (@HHU_de) zusammenschweißt: Vier der fünf konstruktionsgrammatischen Titel, an denen ich mitgearbeitet habe, sind zusammen mit ihm entstanden. Die Aufsätze nicht mitgezählt. 2/
Aber worum geht es in der Konstruktionsgrammatik? Es ist ein Sprachwissensmodell, das, wie andere auch, auf spezifischen (und nicht immer expliziten) Prämissen aufruht und den Gegenstand Sprache aus einer bestimmten Perspektive in den Blick nimmt. 3/
Read 21 tweets
CALL OUT: Social Media writers in residence wanted!

In light of our 7 day lockdown we are looking for 7 'writers in residence' to be resident on either our Instagram or Twitter

The writers will have ownership of one of our platforms to do whatever they like for one day
<THREAD> Image
You could tweet out a #wip, talk about process, create micro poems, sneak out a graphic novel, mini reviews of new Australian books - whatever!

You have ownership of the platform for a day and we will pay you $300

( All we ask is not a monologue about your lockdown )
We will pick a range of sections that reflects our city of literature

and we 'd love to sling some $ to people who will lose work over the next 7 days, so if thats you put your hand up
Read 5 tweets
What do the critical designer, the radical designer, the activist designer, the designer as researcher, the speculative designer have in common? They all manipulate their own content. From this perspective (from this persp. only) they're all variations of the designer as author.
back when i was a student: students found design texts boring
now: both students and teachers find design texts boring
Read 376 tweets
Meu processo de ilustração da Nezuko (fanart de Kimetsu no Yaiba)
#wip #desenho #ilustração #kimetsunoyaiba
Queria fazer uma fanart da Nezuko, então o foco aqui era aprender os elementos do design dela e experimentar poses.
Gosto de fazer meus rascunhos no papel mesmo, geralmente faço várias poses pequenininhas para escolher a melhor.
Fiz um rosto maior com mais detalhes!
Tirei foto com celular e mandei pro computador, onde encaixei o rosto no corpo e deformei para encontrar as proporções mais interessantes e naturais 🤔
Read 11 tweets
This text concludes a mini-trilogy on D&D, aka #designanddisillusion. As I plan to be busy with this theme in 2021, I take the chance to start a thread.…
“I kept hearing about ‘design-led’ and all that and it got me excited. I was pushing for it […] Years later now, I’m in a phase where I realize that [advocacy] was really important, but in reality, design is not that important.” John Maeda, 2019. Image
"This Papnek's (sic) claim that 'There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a very few of them' is well-intended but wrong: He gives too much credit to designers who are generally too low in the power structure to matter." Don Norman, 2020
Read 102 tweets
Work in progress. #wip #cryptoart

Trying to combine several techniques. #aiart, #handrawn and more. This animation would be 7 seconds long. I started to draw today. I think there is five more days of work
refining lines #wip #cryptoart
Read 7 tweets
ngl i'm a little peeved at myself for spending my 20s not drawing because i wasn't instantly amazing. letting go of that this year has been the best thing i've done for myself in a while, and i'm learning to just enjoy the process again Image
uh #wip i guess, that left eye is gonna be the death of me
u ppl piss me off enough and I will put Sandor here, I’m just saying
Read 3 tweets
1/ Haven't posted in a while about my #WIP. Turns out I'm going to self-publish one, perhaps two, of my previous works before I complete it. The first is called Miles Peak, and is an "embellished memoir" I wrote of my travels through Europe and the U.S. in my early 20s.
2/ The second, which I haven't decided whether I will publish or not, is called Moon Phase Angels. This is a mostly observational piece written during my time in Boston in 2002, discussing things like technology and politics. Not sure if it's a coherent narrative, so on the fence
3/ The one I'm working on now is called "Anti-Hero." It covers my experiences in the anti-war/anti-globalization movement between the years 2000-2005, and the complicated feelings I had about it then and now.
Read 5 tweets
So here is my #OHBM2020Posters 'thread' for #OHBM2020

eCOBIDAS: a webapp checklist to improve neuroimaging methods & results reporting.

The app:
Video chat:…

OK so here is the rest of the thread but before we dive in here are the places where a lot of this information is centralized.…

OK now let’s do this...
Have you ever been in one of the following situations?

1) Writing your first neuroimaging paper but unsure what level of detail to put in your methods section.

2) Reviewing a paper and being unsure what information is missing in that paper.
Read 33 tweets
An index to various #threads from my TL — recommended light reading material for those enduring the varying side effects of #lockdown & #quarantine 😀
Stay Safe ! #COVID19
Secrets from The Vitruvian Man - Da Vinci Study

Began as an experiment one day AND days turned into weeks, months — to conclude that none can come close to portraying Indian women like #RajaRaviVarma

ALERT : A monster thread (150+ tweets)
Take with a dollop of salt.,not a PhD thesis. #ART #THREAD
Read 42 tweets
Titan Master Tough Luck Chuck ! Original creation inspirated by Rescue bots, Titan return and Crash Dummies toyline ! #transformers #3D #WIP ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
it's funny. no matter how many programming projects I work on, when I get into refactoring and things break (from namespace changes, etc) i always feel awful until everything is in working order again. like ashamed...
i know there are tools to help with this phase. and i know if i were more diligent about writing tests, they’d catch things every step of the way

but sometimes when i’m working on an mvp, i forget about those things. so like, it’s a mess of my own making
and i could go through my commit history, and do diffs to identify breaking changes

but i always wind up doing this loop of like: test. fix error. test. fix error. and it’s probably more time consuming and inefficient than it needs to be
Read 10 tweets
Work in progress. #WIP #procrate Image
I’ve been out all afternoon and evening but this drawing keeps nagging my brain. I just want to get back to it. #artistlife
I hurt my leg pretty bad so I have to spend a lot of time resting it.

So what do I do while sitting on the couch a lot?

Draw something complex. #workinprogress Image
Read 5 tweets
We're LIVE with Martyn and Dess to learn 3 actionable steps toward transformation and culture! #TeVE #TeVirtualEvents #Leadership #Tranformation #Culture Join now! Image
"Staying in the creative space and asking great questions - amazing things happen". - Martyn Williams #TeVE #TeVirtualEvents
Transformation and culture come from an internal space. Creative brain - great day! Survival brain - hard day. #TeVE #TeVirtualEvents #leadership #virtualevent
Read 13 tweets
Work in progress. #DDay #Omaha
Attention to detail is what creates realism. My wrist and my eyes hate my obsession, but it's all for a good cause. #wip
I've been doing this for 4 years and I still see every photo as an opportunity to develop my skills. I'm v. grateful for all the kind messages that I receive but I'll never allow myself to believe that "I'm the best". This is crucial and so important.
Read 3 tweets

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