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Feb 10th 2021
A few of my takeaways from this important timeline of the "Stop the Steal" campaign from the @AtlanticCouncil's @DFRLab, published today on @just_security:…
1. The #StopTheSteaI hashtag and movement were being pushed and fueled by a broad spectrum of actors, in coordinated and uncoordinated ways.

Everyone from extremists/white supremacist groups to Trump campaign people/Trump family members/members of Congress.
Trump and members of Congress gave it legitimacy. They took the fever dream of conspiracy theories and disinformation and made it real for regular Americans.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 6th 2021
#StopTheSteaI protesters say a young woman was shot in the neck while inside the US Capitol. This appears to be her. They are amped up right now. (Sorry for sideways camera work)
He has blood on his hand and claims to have witnessed the shooting. All around calls for escalation.
He calls for an end to peaceful protest because of the young woman who was shot. I ask if he can understand why people in DC protest police brutality. No response.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 6th 2021
Rev. Warnock's victory is the first time a Democrat has won a Senate race in Georgia in 20 years and gives the Democrats the chance to regain control of the Senate for at least the first two years of the Biden presidency

Latest here:…
The Leader of the Senate Democrats Chuck Schumer has declared himself the new Senate Majority Leader, despite the fact that the race between Jon Ossoff and David Perdue has yet to be declared.…
The President is tweeting...

...and has reacted to Jon Ossoff's declaration of victory over David Perdue with typical good grace and decorum 👀

Read 17 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
Edmonton's own Win Nay is growing increasingly excited about the Trump rally in Washington this January 6.

He's also excited about the prospect of mass arrests of people opposed to Trump and/or civil war.

Because, you know, that's totally normal. 1/7 Image
Win is referring to what is being claimed as a 7 miles (or 11 km for the metrically inclined) convoy originating in California that is Washington DC bound in support of the outgoing president. 2/7 ImageImageImage
The same photo is being hared all over social media as irrefutable proof of the support that soon-to-be ex-president Trump really has and that these fine "patriots" will prevent Biden from assuming the office on January 20. 3/7 Image
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Jan 2nd 2021
2 January 2020 #MAGAanalysis #StopTheSteaI


Just 2 hours ago, our great @POTUS posted this link:…

This is the only fight that matters today.
2) You've heard the cynics psychoanalyze @realDonaldTrump since he and Melania came down the escalator. They'll tell you today that Trump knows he has lost, and is only manipulating us in order to raise money. Yeah, they've called everything so correctly, haven't they?
3) In case you're new to my analysis, I do employ sarcasm freely, and I hope you can hear my tone dripping with it above. There is no means of leadership Trump will leave on the table as he prosecutes his personal mission to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. Fundraising matters.
Read 69 tweets
Dec 28th 2020
A mob led by local Muslim clerics destroyed a Hindu temple in Southern Pakhtunkhawa Karak, Pakistan. #Hindus & #Christians persecuted in Pakistan & #JoeBiden gives money to #Pakistan

#MAGA #StopTheSteaI2020 #Trump #BeijingBiden #GOP #BidenCheated2020 #FightForTrump #Bhagavadgita
This temple burnt today was built in 1919. Closed by locals in 1947. Was restored in 2015 on orders of Supreme Court of Pakistan

Entire #Pakistan only has 30 functional #Temples

No place for #Hindus & #Christians

@HinduAmericans @BharadwajSpeaks @OpIndia_com #bhagavadgita4all
Read 60 tweets
Dec 28th 2020
1) A couple of thoughts on the bailout bill, and what it means. First, I am not paying much attention to it for this reason. Since the morning of November 4, there has, for me, been only 1 story, that of the stolen election. When pointed in other directions, I continue to resist.
2) Second, although not following closely at all, I did predict he'd sign it for the following reason. He has been abandoned by the entire power apparatus in DC. They have all doomed him to defeat and are dancing on his political grave. For all I know, they may be right.
3) Third, right? We may be watching the greatest political heist in world history, and we, his supporters, may not be able to #StopTheSteal, as he may not be able to stand for us as @POTUS facing the united power of those who hate us and love The Swamp.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
This is the REAL, Constitutional Pence Card

“It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All”

Please see full thread &
RT far & wide.
“On January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate.  His power will be plenary and unappealable.”
“His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. “
Read 19 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
1/ #Infiltration is when Democrats like @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @PatrickByrne @GenFlynn package phrases like #kracken or #StopTheSteaI and use frauds like @Millie__Weaver, registered Democrat Tore to push disinformation designed to embarrass Trump supporters. Here is the proof..
2/ @LLinWood setup a $$$ rally to tell Georgians not to be "fooled twice" and to not vote. Turns out @WashPo exposed @SidneyPowell1's #Kracken secret weapon as fraudster Tore, also featured in @Millie__Weaver's #ShadowGate garbage, designed to embarrass.👇
3/ Remember, Sidney in 2014 praised Judge Emmet Sullivan! Nothing ever came from Obama & Hillary supporter @PatrickByrne who worked the Maria Butina angles to no avail. Now he wants to "help" get Trump re-elected working with Democrat @GenFlynn & the rest of the infiltrators.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
24 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

Twas the Day Before Christmas And...

It's not easy to ascertain where we are in the election. All the guidance we've received indicates massive voter fraud on a scale never seen before. Equally massive coverup efforts are extraordinary.
2) It's not only the guidance we have received from @GenFlynn, @SidneyPowell1, @realDonaldTrump in public, it is also the analysis of brilliant and dear friends like @JohnBasham and @shestokas. Consider:

3) I don't mind admitting that sometimes I too have my doubts in the face of the media onslaught and most especially the betrayal of the Republican Party. I'll opine on FOX again in a moment. But first I have to share more about @shestokas.
Read 53 tweets
Dec 17th 2020
FLASH: Georgia To Conduct Statewide ‘Signature Match Review’ Of Absentee Ballots after weeks of pressure from @realDonaldTrump and his campaign

#BidenWillNeverBePresident #MAGA #SteveBannon #StopTheSteaI2020 #WarRoomPandemic #Trump2020 #HunterBiden #CCP…
GEORGIA:The @GaSecofState said in the press release announcing the signature match audit that they’re working to “secure the vote in the Peach State”

#BidenCheatedAndGotCaught #HunterBiden #Trump2020 #MAGA #SteveBannon #WarRoomPandemic #StopTheSteaI2020… ImageImageImage
Justice Caught Admitting Why He Really Refused Election Fraud Case

#SCOTUS scared of riots

"Truth is God and God is Truth - #Bhagavadgita".

Can anybody defeat God

#BidenWillNeverBePresident #MAGA #SteveBannon #StopTheSteaI2020 #WarRoomPandemic #Trump2020 #HunterBiden #CCP
Read 32 tweets
Dec 14th 2020
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Garaysar Fear 116 Semi-Auto Tactical Shotgun. Sporting a 3" 12 gauge chamber, 20" barrel, adjustable cheek weld stock, 2 5 rnd mags & set of flip sights & more #Trump2020 #MAGA2020 #MondayMotivation #2A #KAG…
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield Compact Pistol. Chambered in 40 S&W with a 3.125" barrel, 3 Dot Sights, No Manual Safety and 2 mags. A great conceal carry option with excellent reliability #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG #2A…
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the very popular IWI Masada. An Excellent made in Israel pistol, it's chambered in 9mm, 4.1" barrel, Optics ready with 4 plates, 3 Backstraps & 2x 17 rnd mags. A superb deal! #Trump2020 #ThursdayMorning #MAGA2020 #2A…
Read 120 tweets
Dec 13th 2020
🇺🇸 1- Ceci est la récap de l’épisode 39 et les Proud Boys sont de retour. J’avais prévu de revenir en détail sur la nouvelle défaite de Trump devant les tribunaux. Sa 58è. Au Wisconsin. Devant un magistrat qu’il a lui même nommé. Qui, en écho à la stratégie de communication de la
2-campagne Trump reprochant à SCOTUS de n’avoir pas jugé que le fond, a justement précisé que lui le faisant. Avant d’éparpiller la plainte façon Trump. Mais l’épisode 39 avait commencé par ce tweet et il était impossible de l’ignorer.
3- Dans la récap d’hier, concluant déjà sur les propos combattifs de Trump, je me demandais quelle serait la nature de ce nouveau combat. Les GE lundi ? Le Congrès le 6 janvier ?En fait, nous avons eu un début de réponse samedi dans les rues de Washington. Plusieurs milliers de
Read 16 tweets
Dec 12th 2020
#Olympia Police are following left wing protesters through downtown. About 200 to 300 protesters
Confrontation underway
Smoke grenades thrown back and forth. Right winger went for smoke and was hit with paint. Bear spray and pole dudes go at eachother
Read 29 tweets
Dec 4th 2020
Resisting the urge to publish a vague, wide-ranging article accusing Donald Trump, Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani of widespread election fraud that garnered 70 million+ votes and then demand they provide evidence to prove they're innocent
I mean, think about it. Donald Trump got 74 million votes, more than Ronald Reagan or Abe Lincoln! That seems statistically impossible
Did anyone notice that all of Donald Trump's votes came in on election day, when we were told most people were going to vote by mail???


Read 20 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
As the hearing begins on the latest Trump legal challenge, the state GOP, with Assemblyman @Wheeler4Nevada leading the way, held a #StopTheSteaI rally in front of the courthouse in carson City. Take a look at this Mensa convention.
@Wheeler4Nevada Here is the livestream of the court hearing on the Trump challenge to the election:

Follow @RileySnyder for live-tweets of this hearing.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 29th 2020
An interesting section in the Georgia @SidneyPowell1 case mentions a watermark. @LegendaryEnergy @sav_anon @Timcast @SharissaBurnett
2/3 CISA supplied a rumor check that says watermarks are used, still on their website, as shown:
#watermarks #MailInBallots @scrowder @ANTHONYBLOGAN @tatum_report247 @LegendaryEnergy @TheOfficerTatum @HowleyReporter @ElijahSchaffer @SlightlyOffens
3/3 They also provided this handy infographic that confirms watermarked ballots were used as a safeguard this election, and specific weight of paper. #StopTheSteaI #watermark #conspiracytheory……
@RobbersonJon did you see this
Read 9 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
Analisando a "transição" Americana:
1°- CALMA!
2°- Vejo esse aceno de Trump como uma estratégia, tendo em vista que ao mesmo tempo que ele diz que iniciará uma transição, ele continua com mil ações judiciais e recontagens em curso.
#Elections #BidenWasNotElected
3°- Em 2000, Al Gore também fez transição mas não assumiu!
4°- É uma questão protocolar!
5°- Emily Murphy tem sido constantemente ameaçada por "terroristas" democratas, e esse passo de Trump pode acalmar (aparentemente) os ânimos. Segue...
#Elections #StopTheSteaI
Esse sinal é muito dúbio! Pode ser um sinal de que Trump está vendo que a máquina está mais difícil de vencer do que pensava, ou uma tática de enrolar mais ainda Biden nos esquemas, já que ao início da transição ele fará juramento, e lá mentir em juramento é algo bem sério!
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Nov 22nd 2020
A good take by someone you should know.#StopTheSteaI #SundayMotivation
1 Image
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Nov 21st 2020
NEW 🚨 Trump’s unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud inspired online movements and protests under #StopTheSteaI
But viral disinformation and conspiracies paved the way for doubts about election integrity months before.

Listen here! Online soon.…
Presented by my brilliant editor @mwendling produced by the excellent @_kRaay - and featuring top disinfo expert @O_Rob1nson 🧐

I interviewed dozens running big Stop the Steal Facebook groups - like Candy - victims of false, viral claims before and after voting night.
Catch my report on @BBCNews at Ten all about the Stop the Steal protests!

Experts fear that viral disinformation and conspiracies spread over months could have undermined democracy for millions.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
Trump tractor parades, boat parades, 30-mile-long highway caravans, parties galore - people came out like never before to celebrate Trump.

There was a 30 percent enthusiasm gap between President @realDonaldTrump and #Biden. 1/6
Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan all won re-election, even though only about 45 percent of the country felt better off than when their presidencies begun.

Pres @realDonaldTrump had 52 percent approval on Election Day, and according to the media, still lost. 2/6
The Trump Campaign ended up winning 10 million more votes than during his first election in 2016. @realDonaldTrump shattered the record for most votes received by a sitting president.

(If you add the stolen votes, he hits 78 to 80 million.) 3/6
Read 6 tweets

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