Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #finTech

Most recents (24)

1/ Are you curious about how regulators can foster innovation in industries like #blockchain and #cryptocurrency while ensuring compliance? Enter the world of regulatory sandboxes 🧵 Image
2/ Regulatory Sandboxes are an approach that empowers businesses to test their innovative products and services in real-world settings while being closely monitored by regulatory authorities.
3/ Unlike traditional regulation, regulatory sandboxes create an environment where regulators collaborate with innovators, ensuring that new ideas and business models adhere to #compliance requirements.
Read 7 tweets
.#IMPORTANTE: El Banco Central publicó el nuevo informe de Pagos Minoristas con datos a abril 2023.

¡¡¡Atención que trae algunos datos que son una bomba!!!

Va mini hilo🧵 Image

Vienen creciendo sin parar, la alerta al negocio de tarjetas es absoluta ahora también en Argentina

2/ ¿Y se acuerdan de ese "casi la mitad de los movimientos ya son con #Fintech"?

Bueno, cuando hablamos de transferencias el 60,3 % del total tuvo como origen y/o destino una CVU.

Es tremendo, 6 de 10 movimientos de guita en el país ya lo hacen las fintech😱 Image
Read 8 tweets

Navigating #Crypto #Regulation in the UK 🇬🇧💰🔍

A comprehensive summary of the UK House of Commons Treasury Committee report on government's approach to #cryptoassets & how they plan to balance the scales of innovation and risk. (1/16) #ShitcoinShutdown #DLT Thread on the UK Gov's plan...
2. Shoutout to @MatthewLINY for finding this document that was published May 10 2023. 🤝

In this thread, I am going to summarize some viewpoints of the UK Gov and I will post the document link at the end of the Thread! Lets dig in⏬ #Crypto #DLT #Blockchain Image
3. The Treasury Committee has called for the UK Gov to step up its efforts in regulating #cryptocurrency, amidst rising concerns about risks to consumers.

They advocate for a pragmatic and balanced approach to regulation, recognising the potential of #DLT in financial services. Image
Read 18 tweets
.#IMPORTANTE: La CEPAL (@cepal_onu) sacó su primer reporte sobre endeudamientos, géneros y cuidados en #Argentina.

Para esto se implementó una encuesta novedosa sobre Financiamientos y Medios de Pago, dónde se estudian fuentes formales e informales.

Va mini hilo! 🧵 Image
1/ Encuesta de Financiamientos y Medios de Pago (EFyMP), se ejecuto en hogares, de alcance nacional, durante los meses de octubre y noviembre de 2022, con más de 3.500 casos y representatividad en las principales regiones del país

Gran reporte con un tópico de estudio FASCINANTE ImageImage
2/ El 53,5% de los hogares solicitó financiamiento en el último mes.

De ellos, el 30,8% consigna haber contraído ambos tipos de financiamiento, el 14,1% solo registra financiamiento de carácter informal y el 8% solo en instituciones formales. Image
Read 15 tweets
🌍 Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wirbelt die EU-Wirtschaft kräftig durcheinander!

In diesem Thread werfen wir einen humorvollen Blick auf die Auswirkungen der KI auf die 10 größten EU-Länder #AI #EUWirtschaft
🇩🇪 #Deutschland:

KI hat hier eine echte Wunderwaffe gefunden - Industrie 4.0! 🏭

Roboter übernehmen fleißig monotone Aufgaben, während sich die Menschen zurücklehnen und sich auf Kreativität und Innovation konzentrieren können. Weiter so! #Industrie40
🇫🇷 #Frankreich:

Hier sorgt KI für den nächsten "grande révolution" in der Landwirtschaft! 🚜

Intelligente Drohnen und Sensoren helfen, den Boden und die Pflanzen optimal zu nutzen.

Die Bauern sind happy und der Wein schmeckt noch besser! 🍷 #AgricultureIntelligente
Read 13 tweets
.#IMPORTANTE: El Banco Central PROHIBE TAXATIVAMENTE a Billeteras Virtuales no bancarias (#Fintech con CVU) operar con #Cripto.

Com “A” 7759 a PSPCP: "No podrán realizar ni facilitar a sus clientes la realización de operaciones con activos digitales –incluidos los criptoactivos" Image
Acá el comunicado de prensa del BCRA sobre la prohibición de #Cripto en #Fintech:

"Por ofertar o facilitar se entiende la disponibilidad de botones de compra automatizados para el usuario. Las personas interesadas deberán realizar la operación por su cuenta". Image
Es MUY importante ver que el Comunicado de Prensa habla de que la norma equipara a los PSPCP a las Entidades Financieras, haciendo alusión a Mayo del 2022.

Bueno refiere a cuando el Banco Galicia ofreció #Cripto en su Home Banking, y 3 días después esto👇
Read 16 tweets
In theory, patents are for novel, nonobvious inventions. But as computers ate our society, grifters began to receive patents for "doing something we've done for centuries...with a computer." "With a computer": three words with the power to cloud patent examiners' minds.

1/ A stately, columnated bank ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

#PatentTrolls - who secure "with a computer" patents and then extract ransoms from people doing normal things on threat of a lawsuit - are an underappreciated form of "#TechExceptionalism."

Read 34 tweets
A la hora de invertir, muchos se centran únicamente en el #retorno y el #riesgo, pero hay un tercer factor que se debe tener en cuenta: el #impacto. Este trípode Retorno+Riesgo+Impacto es la nueva base del Análisis de Proyectos de Inversión en #Finanzas: #ImpactInvesting. Abro🧵 Image
¿Qué es la #inversion de #impacto? Es una forma de invertir que busca generar un impacto positivo en la sociedad y el medio ambiente, al tiempo que se obtiene un retorno financiero. Es una inversión consciente que combina beneficios sociales y financieros. Image
Según la Global Impact Investing Network (#GIIN), el mercado global de inversión de impacto alcanzó los $715 mil millones en 2020. Este número sigue creciendo y demuestra la importancia y el atractivo de este tipo de inversión. Image
Read 8 tweets
Was ist die politische Dimension von #FinTech ? Warum ist Geld ein öff. Gut? Warum brauchen wir Beides: von der Zentralbank garantiertes physisches cash und „digitales Bargeld“? Darüber habe ich in den letzten Monaten u.a bei @financefwd veröffentlicht…
Auch für die @fr habe ich einen Blick auf Afrika als Labor des Finanz- und Datenkapitalismus gelegt…
Die Beiträge sind auch Ergebnis einer umfangreicheren Studie auf Englisch für die @rosaluxstiftung @rosaluxglobal… Hier kostenfrei zu bestellen
Read 9 tweets
Eines hat #JanMarsalek frühzeitig verstanden. Eine zentrale Schlacht des 21. Jahrhundert ist die Kontrolle der "digitalen Zahlungsströme". #FinTech ist daher vielmehr als StartUp Talk. Es geht um Wirtschaftsmacht, um Datenmacht und Geopolitik: Ein kleiner Thread 1/n
Die ökonomische Dimension: Durch Mobiltelefonie und das Internet werden hunderte Millionen von Menschen aus der informellen Wirtschaft in den digitalen Geldkreislauf geholt, die aufgrund unsicherer Einkommen/fehlender Sicherheiten ohne Bankkonto nur in der cash economy 2/n
unterwegs waren. Die Mobiltelefonie und Internetnutzung verschafft den Konzernen ökonomische Verhaltensdaten (zB Häufigkeit der Nutzung von Prepaid-Guthaben, Tagesaktivität, soziales Netzwerk, bei Smartphones App-Nutzung, Shopping und Internetsuchverhalten u.v.m. Hierüber 3/n
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🧵Uniwersytet @Stanford opublikował wczoraj roczny raport (dane za 2022r.) o #AI.
Najważniejsze wnioski:
- Chiny vs USA, ekonomia, polityka, etyka
- Wykresy
Może zainteresować @LeszBuk @T_Smolarek @vxel @jciesz
1/23 👇 Image
Biznes wyprzedza środowiska akademickie. Do 2014r. większość znaczących modeli uczenia maszynowego była opublikowana przez środowiska akademickie. Od tego czasu otoczenie biznesowe przejeło pałeczkę.
W 2022 roku pojawiły się 32 znaczące modele uczenia maszynowego stworzone przez biznes w porównaniu do zaledwie trzech wyprodukowanych przez środowiska akademickie.
3/23 Image
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1/ Day 6 of #AllinAI 🧪 Introducing #SyntheticData - an incredibly powerful tool that's quickly becoming a must-have for AI teams. Synethic data can help companies overcome some of the key issues of AI & data collection, such as privacy, biases, and data scarcity.
2/ 💡 What is Synthetic Data? It's artificially generated data that mimics the characteristics of real-world data. It's created using algorithms, simulations, and generative models like GANs (which pit AI vs. AI to create and authenticate "fake" data).
3/ 📈 Why companies should consider Synthetic Data in their AI stack:

1. Reduces data privacy concerns
2. Helps overcome data scarcity
3. Enhances dataset diversity
4. Reduces biases in data
5. Facilitates edge cases testing
6. Speeds up model development
Read 9 tweets
Tuesday Top Crypto News.

Everything you need to know in one short thread…
According to the Wall Street Journal (#WSJ) Coinbase Global (#COIN) told clients on Monday it’s no longer supporting #Signet, the real-time payments network of failed #SignatureBank.
The #Crypto #Fear and #Greed Index has hit its highest index score this year, reaching levels not seen since #Bitcoin posted its all-time high in November 2021.
Read 10 tweets
We love what @jacksonfall has been doing with #HustleGPT so we’re doing our own crypto edition!

The lowdown: We’ve given #GPT4 a budget of $100. We’ve instructed it to make as much money as possible.

Can GPT-4 navigate the choppy crypto waters and stay green?

A thread 🧵 Image
To get it up to speed, we fed GPT all of our Markets News stories over 7 days, a selection of our most viewed stories over the same period, plus a round-up of 2021 and 2022. Here’s what #GPT4 thinks. Image
OK, it looks like #GPT4 is playing ball. We're a go! This is what it’s asking us to buy.

$50 to Bitcoin (#BTC)
$25 to Ethereum (#ETH)
$15 to Cosmos (#ATOM)
$10 to an NFT or Web3-related project 🤔 Image
Read 20 tweets
Major Banks Open to Serving Crypto Clients Despite Banking Failures

1/ Despite recent banking failures, major banks like Santander, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank are still open to serving crypto clients, according to a report by Digital Currency Group (DCG)
2/ The report highlights that some banks are now more willing to engage with the crypto industry due to increased demand from clients. Banks in Asia and the Middle East are said to be particularly friendly towards crypto.
3/ Banks are offering services such as custody, trading, and lending to crypto clients, which is a positive sign for the industry's growth and adoption.

However, banks are still cautious about regulatory risks and the potential for money laundering and fraud.
Read 5 tweets
With all the negativity in #crypto at the moment I’m glad I’m in $TEL & $DFX 🤝🏻 they are doing it the right way💯

$TEL $DFX $MATIC #Web3 #Staking #altcoin #polygon #GSMA #Fintech #Defi #Crypto #Stablecoins @telcoin @JTQuigley @P4Cap @DFXFinance @CotyKuhn @kevinzhangTO @0xNegi…
Appreciate your $TEL $DFX RT💯 @Lelaye_XRP. Hope your having a great Sunday 🤜🤛 My $TEL sis is on fire 🔥 today!!!!
@pZpWjd4dkw9ZGIG 🤝🏻 is on fire 🔥 appreciate your $DFX $TEL RT💯
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It’s Saturday night #crypto is supposedly done for & going to zero 😂 DB is unfazed why? I know what I #HODL 💪

$TEL $DFX $MATIC #Web3 #Staking #altcoins #AI #100xgem #polygon #GSMA #Fintech #Defi #Crypto #Stablecoins @telcoin @P4Cap @DFXFinance @CotyKuhn @kevinzhangTO @0xNegi
I know @magnifintech knows what they #HODL appreciate your $TEL $DFX RT💯 my friend 🤝
I know @EddieSuarez70 knows we #HODL’s appreciate your $TEL $DFX RT💯 my friend 🤝 those bad a$$ $DFX socks 🧦 will be on the way soon my friend 🔥
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@Telcoinomics keeps growing slowly but surely 165 members 💪 . We are ambassadors for @telcoin & #Telfam growth. If you 💙 #Telcoin, spread the word to grow & expand our community. We lead the way! Join👇🏻

#Web3 #altcoin #polygon #Fintech #Defi #Crypto
@bitlars appreciate your $TEL @Telcoinomics RT💯 Thanks for your support 🤝🏻
@pZpWjd4dkw9ZGIG @ede_jeffry appreciate your $TEL @Telcoinomics RT💯 thanks for the support 🤝🏻
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The big elephant in the room that hardly anyone is addressing: the cost of borrowing versus its availability. Up to this point, the Fed has only influenced the former, not the latter. And the former has not been enough to arrest end demand. 1/N
People and businesses are still borrowing to fund current consumption and investment even if at a higher cost. Even if banks are pulling back loan books and tightening standards, the slack is being picked up in private lending (read shadow banking). 2/N…
The Bbg article applies to LBOs funded by institutional investors via private credit and CLOs, but consumer lending also prevalent throughout #fintech such as BNPL. Asset securitization has played a huge role in expanding borrowing capacity. 3/N
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In 1998, two Stanford students published "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine," in which they wrote, "Advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of consumers." 1/ A modified version of Hiero...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The co-authors were Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin, and the "large-scale hypertextual web search-engine" they were describing was their new project, which they called "#Google." They were 100% correct - prescient, even! 3/
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Following the right founders in #crypto is key

Prof. Dawn Song of @OasisLabs / @OasisProtocol has a background you simply can’t ignore

This is one you need to read⬇️

Mega Thread 🧵

#OasisNetwork $ROSE #BigData #AI #privacy Image
2) Dawn is a world renowned Professor of Computer Science from @UCBerkeley in the US

She has dedicated her career to #blockchain , cyber security, #DataPrivacy and #AI, amongst many other fields

Many believe @dawnsongtweets to be one of the greatest minds in #web3

Here is why
3) To start, Dawn’s educational background:

B.S. from @Tsinghua_Uni - Rank 1 in China
M.S. from @CarnegieMellon
Ph.D from @UCBerkeley - Top 10 in the world

These institutions educated the likes of @stevewoz , @ericschmidt, Xi Jinping and many more

#OasisNetwork $ROSE Image
Read 17 tweets
🧵Идеолог @Rev_Populi свою позицию по оказанию помощи Украине озвучил еще в начале первого срока @POTUS45.
"Мы (США) должны убедиться, что в основном злые люди боятся в основном хороших. Это политика США с 1945 года, в основном, для всех президентов... 1/3
2/4 "...Я говорю, продолжайте идти по этому пути, помогая сделать мир немного безопаснее и свободнее каждый раз, когда мы можем".
Эти слова, адресованные President Donald Trump были опубликованы в журнале Atlantic…
3/3 Хорошие парни, о которых идёт речь - курды и украинцы. Гелернтер еще 6 лет назад призвал поставить им необходимое вооружение. Чтобы zлые парни, аятоллы и путинская сволочь - боялись.
Агенда не изменилась, и главные тренды в Евразии #RussiaIsANaziState #WomanLifeFreedom
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In 2022, India became the 3rd largest economy and crossed 100 unicorn status.🦄

A 🧵on India Unicorns & Exits Tech Report 2022 by Orion Venture Partners.

1/n) Image
After a record-breaking 2021, startup funding declined ⬇️ by 30% in 2022

(2/n) Image
While 2021 saw the highest number of unicorns 🚀 in history with 47 unicorns, 2022 followed 🥈with 24 unicorns.

(3/n) Image
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El expresidente Horacio Cartes, transfirió la totalidad de sus acciones en la firma #Fintech, que opera para las marcas de redes de pago (Pago Express) y (Aquí Pago) a su hermana, Sarah Cartes. Image
Señalan que la transacción ha sido realizada conforme a valoraciones técnicas independientes permisibles bajo las reglas de OFAC.

El actual titular de la ANR, Horacio Cartes ha sido incluido en esta lista de sanción de EE.UU. acusado de corrupción y pago de sobornos. Image
Sarah Cartes, hermana del presidente del Partido Colorado, aparece en informes de inteligencia de #Seprelad sobre los llamativos préstamos que su hermano Horacio le otorgó y cuyo valor son similares al valor total de sus acciones en entidades bancarias. Image
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