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@WHO launches – a home of #HealthData for all. Together with partners we are making health data easier to find, browse, and use.

Learn more 🔽…

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Datadot is the go-to place to track and drive progress towards health-related SDGs and #TripleBillion targets – like how the world is off track to reach the #UHC billion target and efforts need to be re-doubled.

Track SDGs:

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Datadot is:

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Explore a range of data assets 🔽

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So let’s talk about where things got up to with your #HealthData, before Rishi Sunak started talking about the need to generate trust in Government with “#integrity” and “#accountability”…… I will unite our country, not with words, but with action.
Earlier today we got a bunch of detail out of @NHSDigital’s Board papers and services performance pack - what of that will continue post-#merger?

N.B. The chair of NHS Digital announced today’s meeting would be the last public meeting of the Board...
With the news that the Government is rushing through @NHSEngland’s takeover of the statutory safe haven (@NHSDigital) with about the level of planning that went into the 'fiscal event', where exactly *are* things as the former/new Sec State starts work?

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Vaccination data is shared equally between UNDP, BMGF, eGov - That all 3 is funded by @BillGates is connecting thread. #CoWIN #VaccinationCertificate #HealthData loot. -- Also #Modi photo to appease the political head of state to keep the loot silent.
$ 3.9 M - That is how much was 'donated' by GAVI to UNDP for hosting #CoWIN system. Don't be a fool to think that data hasn't gone back to funders. Image
Another $3M Image
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@WHO @UNDESA #COVID19 excess mortality estimates reveal that the 5.4 million reported deaths from Jan 2020-Dec 2021 are a significant undercount. Let’s dive deeper into the findings. #HealthData…

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Excess mortality is the diff. between the number of reported #COVID19 deaths and the number expected based on historical data & statistical modelling.


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These estimates show that just 10 countries accounted for 68% of excess deaths. Deaths were concentrated in 3 regions:

1️⃣ South-East Asia: 40%
2️⃣ Europe: 22%
3️⃣ Americas: 22%

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The total number of deaths associated with #COVID19 worldwide from 2020-2021 may be closer to 14.9 million: New estimates by WHO & @UNDESA.

That’s 9.5 million more deaths than reported #HealthData
Excess mortality is calculated as the difference between the number of deaths that have occurred & the number that would be expected in the absence of the #COVID19 pandemic #HealthData
Excess mortality includes:
1️⃣ deaths due to #COVID19 itself
2️⃣ deaths due to the pandemic’s impact – attributable to other health conditions for which people were unable to access prevention & treatment because health systems were overburdened by the pandemic
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🆕 The latest update for the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) is now online!
#ICD11 is a 'common language' for health professionals to share standardized health information around the world.
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The 11th International Classification of Diseases is now fully digital & multilingual with a new user-friendly format & smart coding to reduce the chance of error.
This update reflects input from over 90 countries & unprecedented involvement of health-care providers. Image
The #ICD11 update includes:
🔹New chapters on addictive disorders
🔹Updated diagnostic recommendations for mental health conditions & digital documentation of #COVID19 certificates
🔹More specific coding for the location & extent of conditions like cancers & fractures
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New paper co-authored by myself & my @WHO colleagues. It covers data gaps in 47 low- and middle-income countries & their effect on achieving our health-related #SDGs & #TripleBillion targets.

Full paper 🔽…
Country’s progress to reach the #TripleBillion targets & health-related SDGs are tracked through 46 indicators. For many low-income countries, international surveys are the only way to monitor them and we found #HealthData gaps exist in all 47 countries. (2/5)
Some key recommendations:
🔹 Collaboration between surveys to ensure data is comparable & close data gaps
🔹 Shorter cycles between surveys to ensure policies are informed by most recent data
🔹 Use of mobile technology & network services for surveys
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The latest WHO World #HealthData find that #COVID19 is responsible for at least 3️⃣ million excess deaths in 2020 👉

Some countries only report #COVID19 deaths occurring in hospitals or of people who have tested positive. Many countries cannot accurately measure or report cause of death due to inadequate or under-resourced health information systems.

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The #COVID19 pandemic has produced large amounts of #HealthData & accelerated the trend towards digitalization in health. It has also exposed long-standing data governance issues such as intellectual property rights & data sharing, storage & reuse.

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LIVE NOW: @DrTedros' opening remarks at the #WHA74 ⬇️…
"Lucy Nyambura is a health promotion officer in Mombasa City, 🇰🇪. When #COVID19 arrived last year, a strict lockdown was introduced, but it was met with strong resistance by the local community, who refused to be tested, isolated or treated"-@DrTedros #WHA74
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🆕 The latest World Health Statistics report finds that #COVID19 is responsible for at least 3 million excess deaths in 2020 👉

As of 31 Dec 2020, #COVID19 had infected over 82 million people & killed over 1.8 million. But preliminary estimates suggest the total number of global “excess deaths” directly & indirectly attributable to COVID-19 in 2020 is 1.2 million higher than the official figures reported.
The term “excess deaths” describes deaths beyond what would have been expected under “normal” conditions. It captures not only confirmed deaths, but also #COVID19 deaths that were not correctly diagnosed & reported, as well as deaths attributable to the overall crisis conditions.
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I get inspired by real world problems that I feel are solvable with data, because then it becomes within my scope to tackle. If I look at #glioblastoma I see room for #blockchain to provide clarity on #patientconsent for uses to enable monetization, ideally to help offset costs.
To unpack these things further, I mean leveraging smart contracts for dynamic consent or 'prosent' as presented here:…
This would allow for the patient to opt into selling their data to researches, insurance or pharmaceutical companies
Another resource I've found is this one on how the Malta Biobank is using dynamic consent via hyperledger fabric...
"a more robust model could lay the foundation for a closer collaboration between biobank managers, researchers, and research partners"…
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On #WorldBrainDay, the Neuronet programme is celebrating @IMI_JU's public-private partnerships in #neurodegeneration research; from fundamental science to clinical studies, data analysis to knowledge mining & beyond.

Keep your eyes peeled! #WeAreNeuronet
2/20 @bwfalcon, now a group leader at @MRC_LMB, worked on the structure of Tau filaments @imprind, showing how they are misfolded in the brains of people with #neurodegenerative diseases.

Read about his work here: #WorldBrainDay
3/20 #WorldBrainDay 2020 is dedicated to raising awareness of #Parkinsons disease. There are currently no disease-modifying treatments for mild cognitive impairment in PD; the #PD-MIND project aims to test a new drug to treat this condition. Find out
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A couple of things I noted in today's GDPR review report published by the European Commission that I find interesting:
1) The One Stop Shop mechanism came out of it stronger than I would have expected; technically, ~it needs more time to become effective~…
2) There are two potential legislative updates mentioned on the long run, both of them very narrow: harmonizing the age of consent for children for online services and record keeping by SMEs. COM is giving the GDPR more time to settle in before considering any serious reviews.
3) There seems to be a preoccupation for clarifying rules related to processing of personal data for research and for the public good, particularly in relation to health - this being mentioned a couple of times in the report.
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#Doctors and #Medicine need an #AI update.
Bold and convincing book.

#ArtificialIntelligence has the ability to bring the fourth industrial revolution. Healthcare is deemed to be an industry which can get transformed the most.

@EricTopol is a #cardiologist, historian of the present and a #MedicalFuturist.
He believes that the way we practice medicine now ( #ShallowMedicine ) relies too heavily on human inputs and is thus plagued by human biases and imperfections.

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1. just want to remind you what *5Eyes* means in these days #5Eyes hit the headlines due to #Trump blaming #China and suggesting #COVID leaked from a #Wuhan lab. The #Snowden files contributed to shed light on #5Eyes
2. #5Eyes is an alliance between US,UK,Canada,Australia,New Zealand to share SIGINT=intelligence collected by the US,UK,Canada,Australia,New Zealand agencies specialised in intercepting signals(communications between people+electronic signals). NSA (US),GCHQ(UK),etc
3. countries like #France or #Germany or #Italy are NOT #5Eyes, but rather #14Eyes, an alliance called "SIGINT Seniors", including: #5Eyes+Sweden,Norway,Denmark,France,Belgium,Netherland, Germany,Italy,Spain
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1. from the very beginning of this tragedy, #COVID, I have tried to alert you on how #COVID will be used to build a #MassSurveillance #Leviathan which will make the 9/11 #massSurveillance programs appear modest, if compared to this new Leviathan
2. never before #HealthData were integrated into #massSurveillance: not even the #NSA had tried it, as far as we know. BUT now with this huge tragedy, #COVID, we risk such #massSurveillance Leviathan.But there is further huge risk: the future of our #PUBLIC #NationalHealthSystems
3.if you are lucky(as I am)to live in a country with a PUBLIC #NationalHealthSystem,you have to wonder what is going to happen with these new "APPs" tracing #COVID and in some cases acquiring your #HealthData.Will #Amazon,#Google,#Palantir seize our PUBLIC #NationalHealthSystems?
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1. I feel the duty to help you to understand the debate on extremely intrusive #digitalSurveillance to fight #COVID. I don't feel comfortable to exclude such tracking in these days when thousands die, at the same time I have very serious concerns
2. we are now going through a situation we experienced after the 9/11 when politicians felt immense pressure. Interests to establish an #OrwellianSurveillance were also huge.Politicians opted for it (most shielded by secrecy) and that #OrwellianSurveillance is still here
3. It's very likely we will follow the same path:if we establish a new layer of extremely pervasive surveillance by putting together #HealthData,#localisation,#CreditCards,#phonecameras, it's very unlikely we will go back to the "old system".
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You going to Health Datapalooza next month? YOU WANT TO, you do! It's never just a nerd herd, and this year you'll get #cyberwoke. Settle in, I'll spin the tale. #HDPalooza #epatient #datarights
First, you need to know that as awesome as social media is for #epatients, #research teams, #healthpolicy wonks, #datascience peeps, and other members of the #HDPalooza tribe, there IS a dark side. #cyberwoke #dataprivacy #HumanRights
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For the #ACO wonks out there, we applied lessons from other existing or previous #ACO models to inform our approach for #BluePremier. Let’s go into a deep dive into the methodology here. [THREAD] /1
We’ll use risk adjusted, trended, historical baseline to determine shared savings/losses for the attributed population. In two-sided risk, we’ll apply a discount to ensure the plan and its ASO customers have savings even as we pass back higher amounts of savings. #HealthData /2
This fits our first lesson: meet providers where they are—try to move too fast and lose opportunity. Given this is our first broad scale total cost of care model with many of these organizations, need to start gradually. /3
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OK. So there's a piece (no paywall) on @JAMA_current today by Freddy Abnousi (head of #healthcare @facebook), @hmkyale, +@DrJRums "Social Determinants of Health in the Digital Age: Determining the Source Code for Nurture."… #cyberwoke /1
Before you think this is any kind of good news, remember that @Facebook has successfully incinerated democracy in several places, in the process turning all of us into meat puppet data cash machines (we don't get the cash) and now ... #cyberwoke /2
In addition to knowing where we are, who we're with, what we like, and what we think, they want our health data? How big of a FUCK NO, NO WAY, OMFG HAVE YOU LOST YOUR EVERLOVIN' MIND will we have to raise to kill this? #cyberwoke /3
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