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Oct 29th 2022
🌟 Is your #RESUME #jobsearch ready?

✅includes industry relevant language

✅ Simple format and clear of text boxes and filler images

✅ Clearly defined roles, skills and relevant experience Image
🌟Some software you can use to test your resume compatibility


✅ @ResumeWorded

✅ @Zipjob_com

✅ @SkillSyncer

✅ @ResumeGo Image
Read 8 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
As a housewife and mother of three, Rekha Kumari from Hathua in Bihar had her hands full for years until her children grew up and left home for further education. Image
Not the one to sit idle, she decided to use the time she now had to explore farming and entrepreneurship together through a mushroom business.
Along with this, Rekha also sells mushroom-based products like powder, pickles, biscuits, samosas, namkeen, and laddoos and has trained thousands in mushroom farming through her learnings over the years.

Read more through this link :…
Read 4 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
More Emotional Intelligence Typically Means More Money -…

#EmotionalIntelligence #careertips #career #EmploymentJapan
Think You Deserve that Promotion? “The Peter Principle” could Lead to a Career Pitfall – And Here’s How to Avoid it -…

#career #careertips #PeterPrinciple #EmploymentJapan
Read 3 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
Set a reminder for 01.22.22 @ 2 PM Negotiating your Worth: Salary & Benefits #careerfireside hosted by @akin_oluseun and I. Come get practical tips & strategies to effectively negotiate your next offer! #TechIsHiring #blackinfinance #blacktechtwitter #womenintech #negotiation Image
(1/7) Here is a thread of reasons why you should #negotiate your WORTH:

#didyouknow women in the U.S. who work full time, year round are paid $0.82 for every dollar paid to men? ( @EqualPayToday )

#womenintech #womeninbusiness #techishiring #careerfireside #diversityintech
Read 7 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
This makes me so 🤢

The idea that women are automatically “safe” is exactly what creates this “opportunity” for some women to exploit children & monetize their “optics” of “trustworthy” on behalf of predators.

Gender does not predict ethics, integrity, safety.
Why does #GhislaineMaxwellTrial matter to #womeninSTEM?
⬇️federal funding
➡️private donors (Epstein)

“Socialites” open doors to elite spaces, including #academia #science #STEM
Women=“optics” & “reputation management” for these wealthy predator men…
These same connected women, often daughters of powerful businessmen

are on boards of #WomeninSTEM “empowerment” organizations or on #MeToo (TimesUp scandal)

the very women who are predators of young women are given access to women’s “safe spaces”? (!!!)…
Read 33 tweets
Feb 2nd 2021
Those of us who affirmed our own agency and power by learning from and with our moms. My mom’s stories are her own but she and I together have unpacked many cultural myths to learn better self compassion, willingness to identify racism, less perfectionism.
💪🏽💪🏻💪🏿 @DrvanTilburg
This is a type of trauma many WOC/POC experience. My mom’s hair is extremely thick, textured. I recall her being very fixated on making sure her own hair & our hair was always incredibly neat.

More recently I’ve come to understand this matches an experience of having black hair.
The so-called “model minority “is taught to align with white culture, to suppress oneself in order to layer under & serve white supremacy.

I have worked to remove internalized racism, colorism, self hate & learned from #blackexcellence on:…
Read 20 tweets
Nov 15th 2020
As a physician, can say this about doctor culture in the U.S.: we are a socially stunted puerile bunch easily manipulated by sales & marketing ppl or by metrics of competition, obsessed with status, prestige, ego..

...not my doctor friends...but we hang out at the margins.
The high school level drama that plays out in hospitals, then the replica, amplified, on #MedTwitter is 😱 No wonder our profession kills so many patients when we are so busy policing on pettiness & ignoring standards of quality, safety, population health…
There are many reasons why I am hanging up the stethoscope, one of which is that I cannot in good faith go into any clinical setting and feel confident about “first do no harm” - The system is too misaligned, not driving quality, safe results

Then, the human dynamics are
Read 30 tweets
Oct 17th 2020 have to say, the most misogyny I have encountered is on #MedTwitter mostly from anon account doctors or anti-vaxx.

& tho I repost "The Female Lead" I have rare to no trolls or harassers. I have found @LinkedIn pretty female-friendly, in fact. Rarely get a weird message
My first run in was an all male group of doctors discussing IVF and ridiculing acupuncture as not evidence based but they had fragility to any aspect of IVF itself at all questioned or perceiving even tolerance of acupuncture as "quackery"
My point then was more a people in glass houses should not throw stones. There is a difference between clinical trials existing and #EBM as I know from having been on the payer side where business-minded clinicians' narrative advances ahead of science:…
Read 33 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
I am grateful I had mentors who did not do this, rather used words like “brilliant.”

Later in career, my having the confidence I did from early nurturing caused some people to feel I was “full of myself”...but was that cuz

...we expect women to apologize for taking up space?
Now add the experience of being a minority. For Black women there is either the “mammy” or the “angry Black woman” tropes. Where is the space to be authentically oneself and confidently so? #MedTwitter #PROWD #WomenInMedicine #WomenInSTEM…
“Asian” encompasses many things and while there is some overlap between cultures and stereotypes of us, there are also differences. From the @APAPsychiatric
#MedTwitter #PROWD #WomenInSTEM #WomenInMedicine #womeninbusiness…
Read 8 tweets
May 26th 2020
If you are a woman who is not making others uncomfortable, if you are not pushing or disregarding boundaries, if you are waiting for permission, you are perpetuating status quo. Instead, be the change that is needed. Speak up. Be messy. @techreview…
"Battling workplace bias requires deliberate strategies, including learning to say no, getting comfortable talking about uncomfortable topics, and helping others behind you." @techreview @MITSloan #womeninSTEM #womeninleadership #WomeninBusiness #womenintech #womenentrepreneurs
This week I heard that some do not ask for "consent" prior to tweeting

Having worked in insurance, am curious, where do I submit this prior authorization form in order to tweet?

Who is the decision maker? What is standard used for permission granted?…
Read 9 tweets
May 5th 2020
Umbereen S Nehal MD MPH: who is this person? Several people have been asking

A thread

Where am I from? Hooboy.
Let’s say, citizen of the world, human ping pong ball. Third culture kid. Genetic mutt

Born: 🇺🇸
🇵🇰 parents - when my parents born colonial rule, pre-Pakistan
To thoroughly annoy my Twitter bestie, @DrvanTilburg

Am an ENFP - a cross between Snoopy, Robin Willians, Ellen Degeneres, Dr. Seuss, Charles Dickens, Upton Sinclair

I border on ENTP - love new info and love to challenge in order to break through barriers or limitations
My great-grandfather was given title "Khan Bahadur" (brave). As a judge, a brown man under Colonial rule, he threw the book at a British attorney. "Learn the law" if in his courtroom. Hence my stiff moral backbone

My mom & me:

(She loves this song)
Read 52 tweets
Aug 15th 2019
#TrueValuesChallenge Day 4

To add complexity, I'm offering three values today.

💕Choose the ONE you value most, in yourself and in others.

📲Reply with why.

👉🏻Tag a colleague you think will make a difference choice (so fun!)

#medtwitter #hcsm #WomenInSTEM
Read 3 tweets

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