Many other variables are involved with #ClimateChange e.g.Sun

Say they are correct then what can be done?
Little, your #DeluxeLifestyle relies on using EnergyDense FossilFuels; not using FFs will cause many Deaths your aim?
They are responsible for deaths of large no.s of BirdsBats&Insects!

Some fellow scientist may promote this as it secures their jobs & makes them feel important - it's going to far

No,will keep going as long as it pays scientist these jollies; if so concerned Self-Fund!

Not many scientist truly understand the whole climatic system & we are learning all the time about all the variables, so when you hear or see the words SettledScience, be wary of who is promoting to try to end debate & secure funding

especially the most common use of #Strawman arguments/#AdHominen/#SlipperySlope

Ask why some new bread of #ClimateScientists & #newspapers side to Left or Right

Well yes us scientists are fallible & can make some real big CockUps such as MartianCrashingSpaceShips by not checking Metric vs. imperial with other groups. How do you know ClimateGate 1, 2 ,3 & 4 have stopped?

BlackHoles (neither black nor holes), #ClimateChange code for Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) as ClimateAlwaysChanges, GreenHouseEffect (Concept Simplification 'similar' to a glass GreenHouse)

Some scientists put fear in others try to compare Earth🌏 with Venus.
This is error as they are totally different planets.
#Venus Day is longer then its year & rotates slowly, nearer Sun, has 96%CO2 & atmosp. density 92 times Earth's (0.04%CO2)

If not for warming effect of “Greenhouse” gases, the EarthSurface would average below 0°F, which would prevent life as we know it; doesn’t matter whether 0.6°C or 0.8°C bc we are arguing ~0.2°C, which is less than 1% of the total warming due to Atmospheric “GHE
Understand concept that Coal, OIl, Petrol burning is polluting w/o technology, btw CO2 is not a pollutant, it's ParticulateMatter, NOx, SOx.
All FF's can through new technology be burnt much cleaner these days.
WeHaveToUse FF's COG&Nuke+HE but S&W are #EnergyWeak

Do you realise nature has been sequestering much of the CO2 that was in Earth's atmos. what we burn now is returning #CO2 back there in a CarbonCycles if you recall school?
You breath out 40,000ppm CO2 with each breath.
CO2 is used by #nature for #photosynthesis

In summary CO2 not a problem & part of natural cycles, Humans are part of Life not outside nature; we'll evolve/devolve in unknown ways, maybe some #AsteroidDay already on longtimescales will be our real extinction event as was for most large dinosaurs.BeWell🌏🌳

24. @ExtinctionR This video on #WindTurbines is worthAwatch:
NASA JamesHansen concerned that he was OneOfThose helping set this #ClimateCult #DominoEffect of #UNintendedConsequences maybe incase it backfires &HeGetsBlamed
Paul Q Mays tweets: 'I have worked in the emergency power field for about 30 years and Solar has a niche where it makes sense.. Off grid cabin, isolated village, inner solar system sat's and yard lights.. Grid Scale is Idiotic... Wind is idiotic on any scale...'