
Grade #1 woman: transwomen with #ladydique
Grade #2 woman: biological female #unraped (of course)
Grade #3 woman: Biological female - rape survivors, it doesnt matter that they can't sleep or scared out of their wits. @Baroness_Nichol

"Hello I am a GP's daughter" "Oh which Med School did your father attend?" 😊😊😊 they fall for it EVERY time! @HelenRCGP @ClareGerada @RCSurgeons @gmcuk @TheLancet @bmj_latest
I smile sweetly 😊 & I maintain direct eye contact & with my best teacher voice say "I am a Rape SURVIVOR..." I say it very slowly & it is not spelled "v-i-c-t-i-m...😳 you can tell they were going to make that mistake!

@DebbieTaylorOs1 @SafeSchools_UK
Regularly punctuated with "Oooh i wish he'd rape me!"
With #StonewallUK missing the strongest argument in #AgeofConsent the rape of young vulnerable men. Oh & @PeterTatchell