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An #outbreak of 27 cases of unidentified viral #pneumonia in #China, including potential exposures at a local market, has drawn comparisons to the emergence of #SARS. But does the evidence support those concerns? #OutbreakThursday…
#Wuhan Update- Jan 3: 44 cases of viral #pneumonia, incl 11 "critically ill." Monitoring 121 contacts. Still no evidence of person-to-person transmission or HCW infections & no identified cause. Conducting genetic and culture tests. #SARS #Flu #China…
#Singapore has identified a #pneumonia patient with recent travel to #Wuhan. Preliminary tests are positive for #RespiratorySyncytialVirus (#RSV) & the patient is in isolation as a precaution. #China #SARS #Outbreak…
#Wuhan Update- Jan 5: 59 cases (7 critical) with symptom onset between Dec 12-Dec 29 & 163 contacts monitored. #Flu, #AvianFlu, #Adenovirus, #SARS & #MERS ruled out. Investigation ongoing to determine the pathogen. #China…
In response to the #Wuhan pneumonia outbreak, #HongKong adds "severe respiratory disease associated with a novel infectious agent" as a notifiable disease. Case criteria: fever & acute respiratory symptoms or pneumonia with travel to Wuhan in past 14 days.…
Scientists in #China discovered a novel #coronavirus in several #pneumonia patients in the #Wuhan outbreak via genetic sequencing. No determination on whether the new virus is the cause of the #outbreak. Still no evidence of human-to-human transmission.…
@statnews is reporting that @WHO has announced that the novel #coronavirus identified in several #pneumonia patients in #Wuhan may be responsible for the #outbreak. It does not appear to "transmit readily" in humans but can cause severe disease in some.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov posted a HAN message yesterday for #Wuhan #outbreak. Includes recommendation for healthcare providers: notify state health dept & #CDC; specimens to collect for lab tests; standard, contact & airborne #InfectionControl/#isolation precautions.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov NOTE: @CDCgov's #HAN msg does not appear to have any official updated info since the #Wuhan health commission and @WHO reports on January 5. Updated clinical and epi data is critical to understanding this #outbreak, especially considering the discovery of the novel #coronavirus.
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @WHO published a statement on the #Wuhan #outbreak this morning. It confirms the "preliminary determination" of the novel #coronavirus. No additional information regarding the patients or outbreak epi. No specific measures recommended for travelers.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov A patient in #SouthKorea has been isolated under suspicion that she may be linked to the #Wuhan #outbreak. She has a fever & traveled to Wuhan in mid-December. No exposure to animals or the seafood market. Tests are underway to identify the pathogen.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU published threat assessment for the #Wuhan #outbreak. Many unknowns remain. Paris, Rome & London have direct flights from Wuhan. #ChineseNewYear increases travel/importation risk, but overall risk is low, incl for travelers to #China. #coronavirus…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU The #Wuhan Municipal Health Commission has not posted an update on the #pneumonia/#coronavirus #outbreak since January 5. Even if there are no new identified cases, that is valuable information. If anyone has seen an official update, please let us know.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan Update- Jan 11: Genetic testing complete. 41 total patients, incl 7 severe & 1 death. 739 contacts monitored, incl 413 HCWs; no addtl cases identified. No new cases since January 3 & no cases in HCWs. No evidence of human-to-human transmission.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan Municipal Health Commission also posted Q&A that includes details about the death: 61 yo male with several comorbidities, incl abdominal tumors & chronic liver disease. Purchases goods from seafood market year-round. Positive for new #coronavirus.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU @WHO published a press release about a patient infected with the novel #coronavirus in #Thailand. Identified by airport fever screening. Clinical diagnosis of #pneumonia and genetic lab tests confirmed infection. No epi data provided. #Wuhan…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU The patient in Thailand is reportedly recovering (or recovered) and is expected to be discharged soon.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU @WHO credits #China for sharing the novel #coronavirus genetic sequence, which enabled health officials in #Thailand (and other countries) to identify the infection. This illustrates the critical role data sharing can play in #outbreak response. #Wuhan…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan Update- Jan 12:
-No new #pneumonia cases identified & no new deaths
-4 more patients recovered & were discharged from the hospital (6 total recovered)
-7 cases "severe" cases remain
-46 contacts ended monitoring period, 717 remain (763 total)…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan has posted daily updates since Jan 11.
Jan 13:
-No new cases or deaths
-1 more patient recovered & discharged (7 total)
-6 severe cases remain in treatment
-687 contact still under monitoring (763 total)
-41 total cases identified…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU The novel #coronavirus identified in the #Wuhan #outbreak has been named 2019-nCOV. @WHO published associated case definitions and surveillance recommendations.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU After 2 weeks of reports indicating there has been no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus, @WHO announced yesterday that it may be possible. Still no sustained transmission in humans. #Wuhan #outbreak #China…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU The 2019-nCOV patient in #Thailand did not visit the seafood market linked to the #Wuhan #outbreak but did visit other Wuhan markets. Additional epi data about the cases in Wuhan, including potential exposures, would be very helpful. #coronavirus #China…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan Update- Jan 14:
-No new cases, no cases discharged, no deaths
-576 contacts remain under monitoring (763 total)

We have still not seen detailed epi information on identified cases, including demographics and potential exposures. #China #coronavirus…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan Q&A:
-Cases mostly male and middle-aged or elderly
-1 family cluster (2 cases): 1 w/o reported exposure to market
-Most but not all cases reported exposure to market
-Some samples from market positive for 2019-nCOV
#coronavirus #China #outbreak…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU @WHO DON on #Thailand case:
-61 yo fem; stable condition
-Symptom onset Jan 5
-Flew to Thailand Jan 8
-Detected via fever screening @ airport
-Visited #Wuhan market but not seafood market
-RT-PCR positive for #coronavirus & genetic seq confirmed 2019-nCOV…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan Update- Jan 15:
-No new cases, no patients discharged & no deaths
-313 contacts remain under monitoring (763 total)
-No cases identified among close contacts…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU Based on updates by #Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, 763 contacts identified as of Jan 11. #Thailand case was reported Jan 13 & the Wuhan Q&A said they are monitoring all contacts. But the total is still 763.
Who is monitoring? Are any in Wuhan? Why did the total not increase?
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU Media report that a patient in #Japan is "confirmed" to have #pneumonia associated with the #Wuhan #outbreak. Not many details, but reported recent travel to Wuhan. No indication of laboratory confirmatory diagnosis. Have not yet found official report.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU Confirmation of the #Japan MOHLW:
-30 yo male
-Fever Jan 3, sought care Jan 6, hospitalized Jan 10, discharged Jan 15
-Recent travel to #Wuhan; potential exposure to #pneumonia cases but not seafood market
-Lab confirmation of 2019-nCOV infection on Jan 15…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan Update- Jan 16:
-No new cases, 5 patients discharged, 5 severe cases remain
-1 new death: 69 yo male; symptom start Dec 31, worsened Jan 4, died Jan 15; Addtl clinical info provided, incl potential TB infection
-Monitoring 119 contacts (763 total)…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Thailand MOPH confirmed 2nd imported case of #pneumonia linked to 2019-nCOV #outbreak in #Wuhan:
-74 yo female
-Identified at airport screening
-Admitted to hospital
-Addtl lab tests pending
Thailand has screened 13,624 passengers/crew across 4 airports…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU Researchers in #Germany have developed a diagnostic test for 2019-nCOV. Previous tests detected #coronavirus or utilized genetic sequencing, which required sophisticated labs. The new test will enable more healthcare facilities to test for the infection.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan Update- Jan 17:
-After review of clinical/epi/lab data, added 4 new 2019-nCOV #pneumonia cases (45 total); symptom onset btwn Jan 5-8; contact tracing underway
-3 patients discharged
-98 contacts remain under monitoring (763 total)…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU Addtl detail about the new cases:
-All 4 are male
-Symptom onset Jan 5-8, hospitalized Jan 8-13
-All in stable condition
-Contact investigations underway
-All transferred to same hospital in Wuhan, but unclear where they were identified/transferred from…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU @CDCgov just announced symptom screening for travelers arriving on direct or connecting flights from #Wuhan at 3 US airports: Los Angeles (LAX), San Francisco (SFO) & New York- Kennedy (JFK). Risk to the US public is low, but #CDC is being proactive.…
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU NOTE: @CDCgov says screening is "part of a layered approach" in concert with existing PH measures & aims "to slow and reduce [NOT prevent] the spread of any disease into the US."

LAX, SFO & JFK cover most of the travelers arriving from #Wuhan, but not all of them.
@statnews @WHO @CDCgov @ECDC_EU #Wuhan Update- Jan 18:
-Retrospective investigations identified 17 addtl 2019-nCOV #pneumonia cases (3 severe)
-12 males/5 females; 30-79 yrs
-Symptom onset for all cases before Jan 13
-Contact investigations/monitoring underway…
Based on the latest @WHO tweets, #China added more than 100 new cases of 2019-nCOV in #Wuhan, #Shenzen & #Beijing. That's a concerning jump, especially considering those are major cities. #coronavirus #outbreak
@WHO Confirmed cases of 2019-nCOV in patients with recent travel to #Wuhan in #Daxing District, where #Beijing is located. #China…
@WHO Confirmed case of 2019-nCOV in #Shenzhen:
-66 yo male in stable condition
-Recent travel to #Wuhan
-Symptom onset Jan 3, return to Shenzhen Jan 4…
@WHO Reports that human-to-human transmission of 2019-nCOV confirmed, incl 14 healthcare workers. 95% cases reportedly linked in some way to #Wuhan. We are still looking for official-official confirmation and additional details. #coronavirus #China #HCW…
@WHO #China has established 61 dedicated fever clinics and 9 treatment hospitals across the country to handle 2019-nCOV patients. #pneumonia #Wuhan #coronavirus #outbreak…
@WHO #Wuhan Update- Jan 20:
-No new cases, no discharged patients
-1 death: 89 yo male, multiple comorbidities (incl hypertension and coronary heart disease)
-198 total cases in Wuhan; 169 still in treatment, including either 9 or 35 critically ill
@WHO #Wuhan Update- Jan 21:
-60 new cases: 33 male/27female, 15-88 yrs old, 17 or 3 critically ill (*auto-translation issue making this difficult to determine)
-2 deaths: 48 yo female w/ comorbidities (diabetes, cerebral infarction); no info on other death…
@WHO Unofficial reports are emerging that the first case of 2019-nCOV has been detected in the #UnitedStates. According to the reports, @CDCgov is expected to make an official announcement this afternoon. #USA #Wuhan #coronavirus #nCOV2019…
@WHO @CDCgov @WHO published the proposed members of the #IHR Emergency Committee, scheduled to meet tomorrow. They will determine whether the #nCOV2019 #outbreak should be designated as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. #PHEIC #coronavirus #Wuhan #WHO…
@WHO @CDCgov @cdc confirmed first #US case of #n2019COV:
-Male in his 30s
-Isolated "out of caution"
-Recent travel to #Wuhan but no exposure to markets
-Contact investigation underway
@WHO @CDCgov @cdc @CDCgov also announced that airport screening will expand to Atlanta (ATL) and Chicago O'Hare (ORD) airports.
#coronavirus #Wuhan #nCOV2019…
@WHO @CDCgov @cdc #Washington state health department announcement on the first #nCOV2019 case in the #UnitedStates.…
@WHO @CDCgov @cdc @CDCgov updated travel guidance for #Wuhan as a result of the #nCoV2019 outbreak to Alert/Level 2:
-Avoid contact with sick people, animals/animal markets
-Use proper hand hygiene
-Older travelers & those with underlying health issues may be at higher risk…
@WHO @CDCgov @cdc The #Hubei provincial govt declared a Grade II public health emergency in response to the #Wuhan outbreak. It appears that response activities and reporting for the province will be managed by the Hubei Provincial Health Commission. #nCoV2019 #coronavirus…
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