I dove into the FEC data, and it's pretty clear:
Grassroots health professional donors far prefer Sanders and Warren to Biden and Buttigieg. 1/
Buttigieg received a substantial portion.
Biden received very little.
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter

Sanders overwhelmingly received the most donations, unsurprisingly given his endorsement by @NationalNurses and nursing support for #MedicareForAll.
#NurseTwitter #Nurses #Nursing #Nurse 4/

Social workers 2nd most favored recipient is Warren.
These results were similar to those for nurses and for grassroots health professional donations overall.
#SocialWork #MacroSW #SocialWorkers 5/

Buttigieg and then Warren were the next most common recipients.
#Dentist #Dental 6/

#Psychology #Psychotherapy 7/

#Pharmacist #Pharmacists #PharmD 8/

This data includes nurses, doctors, dentists, social workers occupational/physical therapists, counselors, dieticians, EMTs, paramedics, midwives, and more. 9/

Here is what I used: fec.gov/data/receipts/…
The FEC page is great. You can play around with the filters.
Please adjust and let me know if there are major errors. 10/
There are twice as many health professional donations to these four candidates (~44,000) vs. Trump (~22,000).
And that doesn't include the whole rest of the Dem field, past and present.
#VoteBlue #VoteBlueNoMatterWho