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Over four years in government, the UCP have failed to lower surgery wait times and they’ve actually increased, according to data available from the Government of Alberta. 🧵

#ableg #abhealth #abvote #abelxn23 #cdnhealth
According to the Government’s own data:

More than 70,000 Albertans were waiting for surgeries in May 2019. That number has increased to 74,000 as of February 2023.
According to the Government’s own data:

From April 2019 to January 2023, median wait times have increased for hip replacements from 18.7 to 26.3 weeks and knee replacements have increased from 20.6 weeks to 36.9 weeks.
Read 11 tweets
"Many young people had suddenly-around 2013-embraced three great untruths..."

"Liberals embraced these beliefs more than conservatives. Young liberal women adopted them more than any other group..."


#cdnhealth #mentalhealth #psychology #polarization
"But in late 2013, Greg began to encounter new cases in which students were pushing to ban speakers, punish people for ordinary speech, or implement policies that would chill free speech...
"These students arrived on campus in the fall of 2013 already accepting the idea that books, words, and ideas could hurt them. Why did so many students in 2013 believe this, when there was little sign of such beliefs in 2011?"
Read 62 tweets
An Edmonton woman’s name was added to the list of thousands of Albertans who can’t find a family doctor after she was notified she lost hers through a lottery. 🧵

#ableg #abhealth #cdnhealth #yeg
Mona Koch has had the same family doctor for eight years, but in November she received an email informing her that due to changes in her practice, Koch’s doctor would no longer be able to continue providing medical care to her.
Koch, 62, learned that because other doctors left the clinic, her doctor would be taking on some of their patients, forcing her to drop some of her own patients.
Read 7 tweets
"[If] we cannot call out when the [Nuremberg Code] has been broken, then what was the point of it in the first place?"

#covid19on #onhealth #onpoli #covid19 #cdnhealth #cdnpoli
"I understand that some people were shocked by the fact that I was willing to point out how governments throughout history have broken the Nuremberg Code. Including right here in Canada."
"As an international lawyer, I look at the Nuremberg Code as an important legal document, and as a free Canadian, I believe it is my duty to speak up when we even come close to breaking any of the ten principles enshrined in it."
Read 6 tweets
The World Climate Declaration:

There is no climate emergency

"Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific."

Highlights 🧵

#covid19on #onhealth #onpoli #covid19 #cdnhealth #cdnpoli
"A global network of over 1100 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message... Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming..."
"Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming

The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850."
Read 13 tweets
"“Get on the f–k ground before I TASER you. Right now!” a Calgary Police officer is seen on cellphone video screaming at a 21-year-old who...were accused of violating social distancing rules."

Never forget, Canada

#covid19on #onhealth #onpoli #covid19 #cdnhealth #cdnpoli
"There were several kicks to the hockey player’s legs from the front and side as well as attempts to put him into a headlock."
"His skates were cut off while pinned to the ice for up to six minutes."
Read 10 tweets
The #FamilyDoctorShortage
Can we fix it with more walk-in clinics?

A 🧵 about access hours
for (episodic) primary care in BC
based on our recent pre-print paper

#Cdnhealth #primarycare #bcpoli #tweetorial
@ircoopy @LindsayKHedden @UBCISU @sarah_fletch…
1⃣ What's the difference
between seeing a family doctor at a walk-in clinic
a "regular" family doctor's office?

There are two typical kinds of "relationships" people have with a family doctor - EPISODIC + LONGITUDINAL #Cdnhealth #primarycare
A LONGITUDINAL relationship
with a doctor, NP, clinic,
ie you get to know each other

Research has shown that LONGITUDINAL primary care
improves the health of a community +
reduces overall costs of the system.

🪄Magic, right? #Cdnhealth #primarycare
Read 20 tweets
“[Klaus Schwab] outlines how his subversive WEF movement has, to use his word, “infiltrated” governments all over the world. He makes special note of Canada.”

Highlights 🧵

#HonkHonk #TruckersForFreedom2022 #covid19 #cdnhealth #cdnpoli #covid19on #onhealth #onpoli
“But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister (Justin) Trudeau … We penetrate the cabinet. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are actually…
“…Young Global Leaders.”
Read 21 tweets
Reality Honks Back

“For the Virtual elite, the most unforgiveable thing about the Physicals, and the physical world in general, is that they stubbornly refuse to yield to full, frictionless control.”

Highlights 🧵

#HonkHonk #TruckersForFreedom2022 #covid19 #cdnhealth #cdnpoli
“Like many, I have spent the last couple of weeks a bit entranced by the trucker protests happening in Canada (and now around the world, from Paris to Wellington). I initially tried to document here every twist and turn of the Freedom Convoy drama, but found it nearly impossible.
“…I want to try to distill a few more unique thoughts on why I find these protests so striking.

Specifically, why all this seems like such a perfect reflection of the Reality War.”
Read 57 tweets
“Universal innocence also gave rise to the universal failure to act. Maybe they won't take you? Maybe it will all blow over?”

The Gulag Archipelago

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


#HonkHonk #TruckersForFreedom2022 #covid19on #onhealth #onpoli #covid19 #cdnhealth #cdnpoli
“A. I. Ladyzhensky was the chief teacher in a school in remote Kologriv. In 1937 a peasant approached him in an open market and passed him a message from a third person: "Aleksandr Ivanich, get out of town, you are on the list!" But he stayed: After all, the whole school…
…rests on my shoulders, and their own children are pupils here. How can they arrest me? (Several days later he was arrested.)

Not everyone was so fortunate as to understand at the age of fourteen, as did Vanya Levitsky: "Every honest man is sure to go to prison. Right now…
Read 5 tweets
Alberta could have had 25 million more rapid tests for public distribution during the current Omicron-driven fifth wave had the UCP responded to federal procurement offers last fall. 🧵

#ableg #abhealth #covid19ab #cdnhealth
When Ottawa offered provinces a chance to purchase additional rapid tests last fall—when COVID-19 rapid-antigen tests were readily available—no additional tests were ordered for Albertans.
Saskatchewan, meanwhile, leveraged the federal offer, securing a provincial stockpile of 10 million tests before the New Year despite having a population of only one million people.
Read 11 tweets
We heard nothing today about how our overburdened healthcare system is going to deal with a potential surge of Omicron cases in hospital. 🧵

#ableg #abpoli #cdnhealth #covid19ab
Our hospitals are far from recovered from the Premier’s massive failures in the fourth wave. There are tens of thousands of Albertans still waiting on delayed surgeries.
There are tens of thousands of Albertans without access to a family physician and we continue to see emergency room closures in various rural communities and ambulance shortages that are leading to waits of up to an hour for emergency care.
Read 8 tweets
A few thoughts on #Omicron and our healthcare system:

1️⃣ Our system is ALREADY overwhelmed- hundreds of thousands of people have been denied care and are waiting for critical procedures- the existing backlog will take YEARS to clear.
2️⃣ Triage IS occurring NOW - people are dying who have been unable to access care because the acute care systems is overwhelmed with #Covid. Thousands, yes thousands, of 🇨🇦’s have lost their lives for this reason.
3️⃣ Cancer screening has dropped by 25-35%- these people will show up eventually - they will be much sicker and will need more resources to treat them and their outcomes will be worse than they could have been.
Read 7 tweets
New documents released through a Freedom of Information Act request show that Premier Jason Kenney and Health Minister Tyler Shandro were both on holiday as the deadly fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic crashed into Alberta. 🧵

#ableg #abpoli #abhealth #covid19ab #cdnhealth
Kenney was away, presumably in Europe, from August 11 through August 30, and no-one in the UCP cabinet will admit to having been given executive authority in his absence.
We have requested the Auditor General investigate who was legally in charge of the Government of Alberta during that period.
Read 8 tweets
An Airdrie man has suffered severe complications after his surgery was delayed and his follow-up care cancelled due to the UCP’s mishandling of the COVID pandemic and its impact on the Alberta healthcare system.

#ableg #abhealth #cdnhealth #covid19ab
Scott Whynott, 56, required heart bypass surgery in 2020, but his operation was repeatedly delayed by the second wave of the pandemic.

“Three times I was scheduled and three times my surgery was postponed because we were in the second wave of COVID,” Whynott said.
After he eventually got into surgery, Whynott was isolated from his family due to visitor restrictions, and then wasn’t able to receive the usual post-surgical care.
Read 9 tweets
1/ With #Vaccines approved for 👧🏽👦🏾 5-11 yo parents have a decision to make. #Omicron reminds us we aren’t through this yet.

As a #Pediatrician I have spent my career helping parents make health care decisions about their kids. This🧵is about #risk and the decision to #Vaccinate
2/ The decision to #Vaccinate means you believe the benefit outweighs the risk - so let’s break it down starting with- what #risk does #Covid19 pose to our #kids?
3/ Acute risk in 5-11 yo from 🇨🇦 data:

Hospitalizations 🏥 in 0.2%
Death in 0.002%
#LongCovid in 2-5% (still learning)
#MIS-C 1/3500 cases (most common in 5-11 age group)

Let’s remember kids rarely die so this is on par with other diseases we prevent with #vaccination
Read 8 tweets
I’m a Pediatrician = ❤️👶🏽🧑🏻👩🏾. I have worked in Children’s Hospitals, on medivac teams and now in the North. These are my thoughts on what we are facing with #Delta going into the fall
1. Wave 4 of #COVID will be a pandemic of #misinformation, under-vaccination and inadequate mitigating public health interventions (removing mask mandate, not addressing school ventilation, etc). We have reached the limits of what “encouraging people to get vaccinated” can do.
2. Who will pay the price? #Children, esp children < 12 who can’t be #VaxXed. It is misleading to say “not that many kids die”. #Mortality is a pretty crude outcome measure in #Pediatrics. What about disability, medical trauma, impact on families, mental health?
Read 8 tweets
This slanderous attack by the @PMPRB_CEPMB is an outrage. We will be sending a letter to the @OAG_BVG demanding immediate action and exploring every legal recourse in responding to @DougPMPRB's team. @JustinTrudeau and @PattyHajdu, you have let this 1/6…
charade go on for too long and need to restore confidence in Canada's ability to secure life-saving medicines. This rogue action by a government agency must be stopped. We have never engaged in "disinformation". This Trump-style attack on organizations that 2/6
try to hold the @PMPRB_CEPMB accountable is unacceptable We fight hard for access to life-saving medications for #cysticfibrosis patients. We challenge insurance, big pharma and government alike. Right now, our primary focus is on holding governments to account. 3/6
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Coming up, key highlights from todays’ federal budget as the government plans more than $101B in net new spending over the next three fiscal years (2021-2024), representing 4.2% of Canada’s GDP. #cdnpoli #cdnecon #budget2021
Budget 2021 and fiscal guardrails for new spending: “A comprehensive range of indicators show that the Canadian economy is still far from seeing a strong labour market with broadly shared benefits.” #cdnpoli #cdnecon #budget2021
Budget 2021: last year’s deficit now projected at $354.2B. For 2021-22: a projected $154.7B shortfall, but a warning that third-wave slowdowns could add $15B to deficit. #cdnpoli #cdnecon #budget2021
Read 44 tweets
🧵1. Since there’s so much disinformation (ie from @jaketapper), let’s breakdown the real problems in #COVID19CA.
Mulroney sold off 70 yrs of publicly owned domestic vaccine production capacity in 🇨🇦.… #cdnpoli
2. Chrétien/Martin increased R&D funding but selling off Connaught was a body blow.

Then Harper made things worse.

Not only did Harper’s #CPC gov’t cut PHAC funding by 23% (… )

Harper drastically cut funding to research councils. #cdnpoli #Covid19CA
3. Enter other issues, like cronyism between #Conservatives & pharma companies.
In 2011 Harper gave a 10 yr $425.9M contract to GSK (formerly GlaxoSmithKline). It required GSK to supply at least 15 million doses a month in a pandemic once its vaccine is ready #cdnpoli #COVID19CA
Read 11 tweets
Today, Jason Kenney admitted that he has COVID-19 pandemic modelling that he has withheld from Albertans. This modeling indicates that if this UCP government stays on the current path, more Albertans will get be infected, more will go to hospital, and more will die. 🧵

And yet, inexplicably, Jason Kenney is choosing to stay on that very path.

This defies common sense, let alone professional public health advice.

His failure to respond to the rising danger, just as he failed to respond in November, is a sign of his weak and ineffective leadership.

Albertans must see Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s written recommendations immediately.

#covid19ab #cdnhealth
Read 3 tweets
The number of Albertans dying of a toxic drug overdose has skyrocketed throughout 2020, while Premier Jason Kenney has removed several services proven to save lives.

#cdnhealth #abhealth #ableg #cdnpoli
"I’m truly heartbroken to see how many Alberta families will be grieving a loved one this Christmas, and I’m angry that Jason Kenney has taken away services that could have meant the difference for them."
- @heathersweetab, NDP Opposition Critic for Mental Health and Addictions
We have seen throughout the COVID-19 pandemic that Jason Kenney puts his personal ideology ahead of professional public health advice. He has taken the same approach to the toxic overdose crisis, and it’s led to unnecessary deaths.
Read 7 tweets
Today Dr. Hinshaw said AHS & the Canadian Red Cross are setting up a field hospital in Edmonton despite repeated claims from Premier Kenney & his cabinet ministers that field hospitals were only a contingency plan for “a potential extreme scenario."

#covid19ab #ableg #cdnhealth
“AHS is also working with the Canadian Red Cross to set up an alternate care centre at the Butterdome on the University of Alberta’s campus,” Hinshaw said during her daily briefing.
“Once again, Jason Kenney has been caught withholding the truth from Albertans.”
- @DShepYEG, NDP Opposition Critic for Health
Read 8 tweets
The UCP’s mishandling of the pandemic will make the economic crisis deeper and the recovery longer.

#ableg #covid19ab #cdnhealth
Hundreds of thousands of Albertans have lost their jobs.
Businesses have had to close their doors — many forever.
Even before the pandemic, Jason Kenney’s plan to hand over $4.7 Billion to profitable corporations failed. Investment fell, the economy stalled, and 50,000 jobs were lost.

Read 6 tweets

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