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May 29th 2023
Comparative study United States of America - Federal Republic of Germany.

#Epidemiology #Influenza #Covid19 #Mortality

🧵Validated data sources 2015 - 2021:
➡️ Image
The Influenza Epidemic was truly severe in 2018.

USA: >42.000 †
FRG: >25.000 †


Comparative mortality rates:
➡️ Image
The prevalence of Influenza B in 2018 was high,

but Influenza B (Yamagata) was recently eradicated:
Read 8 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
1) Welcome to Part 1 of a new #accredited #tweetorial in our series of educational programs on #hypertrophic #cardiomyopathy #HCM. Previous programs, still available for 🆓CE/#CME, are at
Now you can earn another 1.5hr credit by following ALL of this 🧵!
2) Our expert author is Sergio Kaiser MD PhD FACC FESC 🇧🇷🇮🇱 @pabeda1, cardiologist 🫀, Professor 🎓 of #InternalMedicine, Rio de Janeiro State University. He brings the general cardiologist's perspective to our #HCM discussions. Read and learn!
#FOAMed #CardioTwitter
3) This program is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Bristol Myers Squibb. Statement of accreditation and faculty disclosures at Credit for #physicians #nursepractitioners #physicianassociates #nurses #pharmacists from @academiccme.
Read 68 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
The social devastation caused by the pandemic response, which the WHO claims as further justification for increasing its power, resulted almost entirely from the ‘lockdown’ policies promoted by WHO, WEF, and their private sponsors. /1… @bell00david
From a global perspective, these harms are immense:

97 million more people live on less than $1.90 daily. /2…
1.6 billion students' learning was derailed as of February 2022. /3…
Read 11 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
#BoJo branded '#provenliar' as Met Police issue fines over Downing Street parties -2 hrs ago
- #ScotlandYard statement confirming twenty fixed penalty notices will be issued for breaches of Covid-19 rules following lockdown-busting parties in #SesameStreet
#SesameStreet's Awards, The Worst Actor Winner.
The #UK health secretary, #Hancock #CrocodileTears | Dec 09, 2020
- “It’s been such a tough year for so many people and there’s William #Shakespeare putting it simply for everybody...
Read 25 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
THREAD: #Virology: Unmasking a 100+ Year Old Lie

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong.

#vaccinegenocide #vaccines #vaccinedeath #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #thread…
We Need To Base Our Understanding of Reality Upon Reality, Not Manipulation.

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong....
In order to understand the world around us as the truth about it is emerging from a 100+ year slumber, it’s going to be important to challenge ideas that have absolutely zero basis in reality.

I will start off by saying that we have been duped - ALL OF US.
Read 266 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
Shorter #stride length is associated with higher incidence of life threatening clinical events in #olderadults
1. 14,000 people (Av age 75 yrs) were followed up for 33 months. 10% of them sustained #Falls. Stride length was shorter in fallers as compared to non-fallers. Image
2. In a sub-analysis based on gender, the stride length was longer and #walking speed slower in males compared to females.

#running #fitness #healthylifestyle
3. Major adverse events (MAEs) were 36% higher, physical disability 26% higher and #mortality 69% higher in older people with shorter stride length.
MAEs included physical disability, falls, dependency, institutionalization, and mortality.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
White coat #hypertension (WCH) can not be left alone

1. Patient: My BP is high only in hospital, at home it is normal. So, I don't want to do anything about it.
Me: High BP (whether in hospital or at home) can lead to adverse outcomes, so, you should aim for a normal BP 24/7.
2. A study showed that in untreated cohorts, WCH was associated with a 38% and 20% increased risk of #Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and total #mortality (death) compared with normotension (normal BP), respectively.
3. However, in the treated patients (who received medications to keep BP normal at office as well as at home), neither the risk of CVD, nor total mortality was increased in WCH.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022
1a) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on the management of aFXa-DOAC-associated #hemorrhage and specifically the role of coag laboratory testing in these challenging cases.
1b) Our expert author is #pharmacist Craig Beavers, PharmD @beaverspharmd CV Clinical Pharmacy Specialist @UK_COP, and Immediate Past Chair of the @ACCinTouch #ACCCVT Section
2) This 🆓program is accredited for 0.5h CE/#CME for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nurespractitioners #pharmacists and is supported by a grant from AstraZeneca. See statement of accreditation and faculty disclosures at
Read 37 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
Nyt sitä saa. #Oulu #Kiuru-#Marin-#provisio-#piikittää kaikki, poliittisella päätöksellä.
- Ikää, lääkärilupia, #InformedConsent eikä myyntilupien perään kysellä.
- Virkavallalla on muuta kiireitä, #moporatsia't ja muutakin on.
- #Fimea ja @ValviraSoteValv vaiennettu.
@ValviraSoteValv Vietä ihana #Pharmageddon-#Joulu2022
#Oulu sai juuri lisää #krematorio -kapasiteettia, ei tarvitse röykkiöissä, lojua
#Joulu2022 koteihin ei tulekaan #Joulupukki -#Ivermectin -pakettien kaa, lapsiperheistä lähtee moni iskä ja äippä aikaisin #TaivaanKotiin
Read 6 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
Association of Muscle-Strengthening and Aerobic Physical Activity With Mortality in US Adults Aged 65 Years or Older…
#exercise #Longevity #mortality #elderly
1. As little as 10 min/wk of aerobic exercises caused lesser deaths in elderly as compared to <10 min.
2. Benefits of aerobic activity were seen up to 300 min or more per week.
3. 32% lower deaths occurred with >300 min/wk of aerobic exercises as compared to 17% in 10-150 min grp
4. For muscle strengthening activity (MSA), the effect on death rate was U shaped. Deaths were higher with <2 and >6 sessions of MSA. Lowest deaths occurred in elderly doing 2-6 sessions of MSA.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial which is Part 2 of a 2-part "highlights" program on new #SGLT2i & #DKD data presented at @ERAkidney #ERA22. #Physicians #nurses #pharmacists #PAs and #NPs can all earn 0.5h CE/#CME by following this 🧵!
2a) @ERAkidney #ERA22 is a primary international scientific symposium for interaction and exchange among basic scientists and clinicians working in #Nephrology. Our expert author is Dr. Clara García Carro (@ClaraGCarro) from San Carlos Clinical Hospital (Madrid, Spain).
2b) Be sure to check out the first half of this #ERA22 recap from my colleague @shbermejo, and get MORE 🆓CE/#CME at Join me in following @ckd_ce for the BEST in #cardiorenal education delivered entirely by #tweetorial!
Read 48 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
Join us tomorrow for the launch of a new #accredited #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia covering the relationship between #LDL_C & major #CV events, CV risk categories, recommended LDL-C treatment goals, & oral therapeutic options for lipid-lowering
1) Welcome to a new #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia. Our returning @cardiomet_CE expert author is dedicated #SoMe education advocate Kevin Fernando, FRCGP FRCP Edin, FAcadMEd MSc Diabetes @drkevinfernando
2a) This is the next instalment of @cardiomet_CE's 10-part #tweetorial foundational series on #lipid management! It is accredited for #CME/CE and intended for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
#FOAMed @MedTweetorials #cardiotwitter
Read 45 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
1/N "... 0.5% povidone iodine (PVP-I) #mouthrinse/gargle for 30 s can reduce #SARSCoV2 virus infectivity to below detectable levels. PVP-I can even interrupt SARS-CoV-2 attachment to #oral & nasopharyngeal tissues & lower the viral particles in the saliva & respiratory droplets."
3/N "[... we propose immediate use of PVP-I in healthcare workers & their patients as described to minimise risk of spread of disease as an addition to currently recommended PPE used during management of #COVID19 patients.]"

#SARSCoV2 #oral #hygiene…
Read 10 tweets
May 18th 2022
"The metaverse... besides being immersive and interoperable, it's meta-physical, that is, a realized illusion, an impossibility in the round, able to absorb an infinite number of contradictions and convert them into fuel for growth."--Martin Gurri @mgurri…
A fundamental limit to the search for the oldest fossils | Nature Ecology & Evolution…
#PaleontologicalResearch, #FossilAge, #LifeOrigins
Read 13 tweets
May 10th 2022
Exactly 7 years ago, I spent #StrokeAwarenessDay undergoing emergency #thrombectomy for #basilar artery occlusion. #BAO

Today, I'm still in awe and celebrating how #modern #medicine saved me from locked-in syndrome and enabled me to live a normal life, against all odds.

1/ 🧵
2/ So far, I have avoided sharing this information as part of my professional life, fearing it would somehow disqualify me as a credible clinician-scientist. Finally, I realize that the experience only strengthened my resolve to give future patients the second chance I was given.
3/ What happened in brief:

I was a healthy, 25yo medical student, all excited to have finished the first 10K run of my life not even 5 hours before my family reacted #FAST and called 911.
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Apr 5th 2022
9) Many risk factors modulate the propensity of LDL-C to traverse the endothelium and enter the arterial intima. See 🔓….
10) It now appears that the passage of #LDL into the #intima is not a merely passive process whereby the concentration in blood & the permeability of the endothelium determine LDL accumulation.
11) It’s #Transcytosis (an active process), through a vesicular pathway involving #caveolae, scavenger receptors (#SRB1) and activin like receptor kinase 1 (#ALK1). Hence for a given blood level of LDL-C the amount of atherosclerosis is variable.
Read 36 tweets
Jan 29th 2022
PLEASE do not use the @CDCgov data on deaths to compare #COVID19 #mortality per capita in #Florida to other states.

Below, I created a viz from the CDC COVID Tracker to compare 5 states. Florida is the green line and the red arrow shows a recent decrease.

Despite that suggested DECREASE in FL...

I just tweeted this out highlighting the recent INCREASE (almost a doubling) is reported COVID-19 deaths this week.

What gives?

The way in which states report mortality data to @CDCgov is not the same. Almost all report based on date reported.

FL reports by date of death

That is NOT a criticism - I like the way FL reports it so I can calc both types of curves - but it is a caution for comparison.

Read 5 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/15/2021…
Well-Structured German Study Shows No Deaths among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11 ⋆ Brownstone Institute…

#MedicalStudy, #germany, #COVID19, #mortality, #children, #SchoolClosures
Fast superhighway through the Solar System discovered - Big Think…

#ArchesOfChaos, #SpaceTravel, #SolarSystem, ScientificDiscovery
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Dec 8th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/08/2021…
As Bradford pears remain a nuisance in South Carolina, methods of attack range from bounties to bans…

#InvasiveSpecies #landscaping #BradfordPearTrees #EcosystemDamage #mitigation
Build Back Better’s Insulin Pricing Benefit Isn't Enough…

#pharmaceuticals #insulin #PriceCaps #legislation #consequences
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Nov 26th 2021
🇬🇧Let's have a look at GRO deaths figures for #England & #Wales.
No bias, no manipulation, just a division into semesters.
Thanks to vaccination, excess #mortality was expected to disappear or at least collapse, but…🧐
And yes, because there are spectacular peaks, forgetting the depressions that follow (harvest effect) and then the excesses that accumulate week after week and which hurt the population, silently…
What about other UK nations?
#Scotland #NorthIreland
The excess is quadrupled!
Src: @HMDatabase
@JamesMelville @scojw @jburnmurdoch
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Nov 18th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/18/2021…
Family spared trial over mummified remains of woman found on mattress…

#MentalCondition #JusticeSystem #UnitedKingdom
Where will the next pandemic begin? The Amazon rainforest offers troubling clues…

#pandemic #viruses #zoonosis #ClimateChange #deforestation #GlobalWarming
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Oct 13th 2021
The number of children infected with #Covid-19 is less among all other age group in the global population. How about the #psychological, #social impact in on #children? Researches suggests social and psychological impact in this group were mostly severe.
To find some answer and have idea let's take a closer look at the researches and figures provided by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), which shows the magnitude of the pandemic’s #impact on #children. Image
As families lose their sources of #income and home environments are turned upside down due to the socioeconomic impacts of Covid-19, #children find themselves more vulnerable to #poverty and likely to be deprived of their basic needs. Image
Read 26 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
I’m a Pediatrician = ❤️👶🏽🧑🏻👩🏾. I have worked in Children’s Hospitals, on medivac teams and now in the North. These are my thoughts on what we are facing with #Delta going into the fall
1. Wave 4 of #COVID will be a pandemic of #misinformation, under-vaccination and inadequate mitigating public health interventions (removing mask mandate, not addressing school ventilation, etc). We have reached the limits of what “encouraging people to get vaccinated” can do.
2. Who will pay the price? #Children, esp children < 12 who can’t be #VaxXed. It is misleading to say “not that many kids die”. #Mortality is a pretty crude outcome measure in #Pediatrics. What about disability, medical trauma, impact on families, mental health?
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Jul 8th 2021
What if you or your doctor could accurately predict how long you had to live upon a new diagnosis of aggressive cancer (e.g. lung cancer or sarcoma)? I've faced that question both as a doctor and with a dearly beloved. On the one hand I know I would 1/ #ML #AI #mortality
do the utmost to beat the odds… and a gloomy prediction would be just another hurdle to overcome. On the other hand, a very accurate predictor of mortality upon diagnosis would be very useful: we might dispense w control arms in trials [at our peril] 2/
families and society might allocate resources/support accordingly, research might focus on why exceptional patients deviate markedly from the prediction… . Therefore a recent study by colleagues @HarvardDBMI @HarvardChanSPH @harvardmed on this prediction 3/
Read 8 tweets

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